Dating is exactly like sales


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
So i am in the middle of a career change. I essentially have to start over in my 30's because my first career feel through. It sucks but its all good. I started my own business and I am trying to get clients and I noticed something. Dating is exactly like sales.

When a client turns you down there is no point over analyzing what went wrong. Its never really personal. Some people make good decisions and some dont. Some recognize the value of your product and some wont. Like Ohrein said in a previous post, people are chaos. I have found that if you keep advertising and going from prospect to prospect, you eventually do get clients. I was shocked when I got my frist, and then my second client. Life is nothing but one big numbers game. The secret is do you have the balls and motivation to keep playing the numbers.

I have gone on dates with about 7 girls in the last 8 months. I slept with 3. All of 3 ghosted me when I did everything right. The explanations for them fizzling out were ridiculous. It was frustrating. I kept playing the numbers game and recently meet a girl that is totally compatible with me ( so far). Everything is going really well and we click like crazy. The point is that I used the same game on this girl as the other previous 6. I didnt give up and played the numbers game and I ended up coming across a cute girl that likes me.

My point is that most of our problems is that we dont wanna put ourselves out there to get what we want. Every sales man can be a millionaire if they had no dignitiy and approached millions of people. Same with dating. You could be a ***** millioinaire if you played the numbers hard. Its easier said than done though.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
Reaction score
If you don't get in the batter's box you'll never hit a home run.

If you never swing, if you are afraid of striking'll never hit a home run.

If you take enough swings you WILL get hits. You will get your home run.

And that home run makes all the strike outs worth it.

Never stop going up to bat. Never quit on yourself.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
If you don't get in the batter's box you'll never hit a home run.

If you never swing, if you are afraid of striking'll never hit a home run.

If you take enough swings you WILL get hits. You will get your home run.

And that home run makes all the strike outs worth it.

Never stop going up to bat. Never quit on yourself.
hell yeh. Every morning we should wake up and remind ourselves of this lol.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
Well, yea, you are selling yourself to another person. I.E. Sales.
I was basically saying that do you obsess about some one turning down your product? Do sales men go on forums complaining about how this one particular lead didnt want their product? But we do. Its ok becuase i do too. But when we look at it like sales it becomes much less hurtful and confusing.


Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2018
Reaction score
I was basically saying that do you obsess about some one turning down your product? Do sales men go on forums complaining about how this one particular lead didnt want their product? But we do. Its ok becuase i do too. But when we look at it like sales it becomes much less hurtful and confusing.
Well, the problem is, we're human. When you are interested in turns you down, it will hurt.. When we sell ourselves, it's much different than selling a product. Women, can be much harsher than men. Thus, it hurts when someone doesn't what the product we're selling (I.E. yourself). With business, it's (usually) nothing personal. This, is not business (well, until you are married). Hence, it hurts most people. Over time, the rejection does fade. Even people who say IDGAF, deep in side, it stings... Well, unless they are a sociopath.


Master Don Juan
Mar 30, 2016
Reaction score
So i am in the middle of a career change. I essentially have to start over in my 30's because my first career feel through. It sucks but its all good. I started my own business and I am trying to get clients and I noticed something. Dating is exactly like sales.

When a client turns you down there is no point over analyzing what went wrong. Its never really personal. Some people make good decisions and some dont. Some recognize the value of your product and some wont. Like Ohrein said in a previous post, people are chaos. I have found that if you keep advertising and going from prospect to prospect, you eventually do get clients. I was shocked when I got my frist, and then my second client. Life is nothing but one big numbers game. The secret is do you have the balls and motivation to keep playing the numbers.
Think about the things in life you value and compare them to what other people do. Wildly different. What people want, and in particular women, is emotional experience, and that is really hard to quantify. The most important lesson this idea can teach is that you reap what you sow. If you are the bad boy alpha, you will get the women chasing that emotional experience. If you are the LMS obsessed, you will attract the women chasing that emotional experience. If you're the beta provider, you'll attract the women chasing that emotional experience. Have you ever heard the saying "You're the average of the five people you spend the most time with"? Same thing. That's why you make yourself the person you want to be first, then find a woman that you want.

But don't think that your value is universal. Low quality people or people with different perceptions of value will not see your worth at all and that's a good thing. Find the people who do and keep them close and you will not only live a life worth living, but you'll progress even more.

So yes, there is a numbers game and quality people can sometimes feel like a rarity. But the more you tie into your social circle, the more that come in. Like attracts like, you reap what you sow.

All the best with your new pursuits, Pandora. Difficult change is when the most growth happens and you sound like you're ready for it.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
All the best with your new pursuits, Pandora. Difficult change is when the most growth happens and you sound like you're ready for it.
Thanks for the support brotha. Appreciate it


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score
My point is that most of our problems is that we dont wanna put ourselves out there to get what we want. Every sales man can be a millionaire if they had no dignitiy and approached millions of people. Same with dating. You could be a ***** millioinaire if you played the numbers hard. Its easier said than done though.
My story is similar to yours though, I was not DEEZED. I was beta as ****. Learned game, got DEEZED, pulled girls, and 7yrs later, pickup is whatever. I now sift through content much better. As in, if the marketing of the title "GET ALL GIRLS NO REJECTION" I do not even acknowledge it. In my youth, I was a entrepreneur cutting grass or doing snow removal. I had a paper route as a pre teen. I hand a lemonade stand before then. In my late teens, I was among the top sellers in the country. What was the secret?

Abundance. Similarly in pickup, after 7yrs, I've fine tuned my process, I approach indirectly, no routines or tactics. Casual acquisition of digits. SNL. I never bring up exclusivity talk. Its always casual hang. I never do anything but casual encounters. I never do dates. If we go out, its for coffee, and in terms of paying, even for starbucks or a nice spot downtown, its pretty cheap. Most times, girls pay for me to show how progressive they are lol

TS, what is the cause of your career change? If at all possible, look at pivoting elsewhere. A buddy recommended I that a business economics/finance guy goes say marketing or accounting rather then returning to school to do a brand new career path entirely unless of course, it is not possible. A buddy began taking roles that were more his niche but, he pursued a variety of diversified projects that included other aspects such as marketing. He was also a top seller in his teens and is a maniac at pulling babes especially off online game. Not so much cold approach.

Good luck with your endeavors. Mate, read Managing Oneself by Peter Drucker. It would be great food for thought. Likely, aid you in your transitioning period; whatever that maybe. Feel free to inbox me.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
My story is similar to yours though, I was not DEEZED. I was beta as ****. Learned game, got DEEZED, pulled girls, and 7yrs later, pickup is whatever. I now sift through content much better. As in, if the marketing of the title "GET ALL GIRLS NO REJECTION" I do not even acknowledge it. In my youth, I was a entrepreneur cutting grass or doing snow removal. I had a paper route as a pre teen. I hand a lemonade stand before then. In my late teens, I was among the top sellers in the country. What was the secret?

Abundance. Similarly in pickup, after 7yrs, I've fine tuned my process, I approach indirectly, no routines or tactics. Casual acquisition of digits. SNL. I never bring up exclusivity talk. Its always casual hang. I never do anything but casual encounters. I never do dates. If we go out, its for coffee, and in terms of paying, even for starbucks or a nice spot downtown, its pretty cheap. Most times, girls pay for me to show how progressive they are lol

TS, what is the cause of your career change? If at all possible, look at pivoting elsewhere. A buddy recommended I that a business economics/finance guy goes say marketing or accounting rather then returning to school to do a brand new career path entirely unless of course, it is not possible. A buddy began taking roles that were more his niche but, he pursued a variety of diversified projects that included other aspects such as marketing. He was also a top seller in his teens and is a maniac at pulling babes especially off online game. Not so much cold approach.

Good luck with your endeavors. Mate, read Managing Oneself by Peter Drucker. It would be great food for thought. Likely, aid you in your transitioning period; whatever that maybe. Feel free to inbox me.
Hey man thank you so much for the words of encouragement bro. Ima pick ur brain for some business advice.