dating a foreigner


New Member
Aug 4, 2003
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I am an new immigrant to Chicago and I'd like to date my classmate in college who is also an immigrant from Romania, but stayed here for 7 years already. At the end of the semester, our professor gave us the questions for the final exams. So being the smartest guy in the class, everyone wanted to be my groupmate. But I told this Romanian to answer the questions, and then compare her answers with me. So it's like a pleasure for her knowing that, I am the "smartest" guy. Then when we got together, she told me that she stayed up until 2 AM to finish the questions because, she remembered that we would get together the next day. I made some ****y but funny comments to her, like she had this very large eraser.. and I said.. "I bet you use that eraser for cheating, writing the answers in the eraser, pretty sneaky." She laughs and punched my arm. Then when she made mistakes.. I said.. "Oh no, not again!!, good for you, I'm here". She laughed and punched me everytime. There were 6 members in the group that I gathered. So there's another person who just dictates the answers for every number to see if we all have the same answer. What I noticed is, the Romanian kept looking at my answer sheet to see if we have the same answer. I wonder why? she didn't have to, for if I had a different answer, I always speak it out. And everytime I approached the teacher, she followed me to the teacher. So after the gathering, we were the only two left. We talked for 5 minutes, and I asked for her number. She gave it to me then I went away. Now, I want to ask her for a date by next week, any ideas where's a good place to bring her? Any ideas how to date this Romanian, coz im not sure how is the Romanian style of dating. And were these signs shows her high interest level in me?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2002
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You might want to post this question in the discusion forum.

And were these signs shows her high interest level in me?

She could be using you bc your smart, and giving you her number is probably for further studying purposes.


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2003
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New Zealand
I dated a Russian girl once, though that didn't work out. She seemed to like going out to nice eastern restaurants.... just a thought


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
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I'm sick of westernized women, seriously. All the girls from Europe, and Australia, are so much more down to earth.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
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Los Angeles
Originally posted by R3N3GAD3
I'm sick of westernized women, seriously. All the girls from Europe, and Australia, are so much more down to earth.
Wow, and you're just 14; talk about a ton of experience you must have with "women". I hope you're not bitter by the time you are 15.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Gangster Of Love
Wow, and you're just 14; talk about a ton of experience you must have with "women". I hope you're not bitter by the time you are 15.
Age is not a factor in the maturity of the mind, it only plays a role in your perception of someone when you first meet them. It also creates biases. Have you not ever lied to someone and told them you were younger or older then you really were?

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Originally posted by R3N3GAD3
Age is not a factor in the maturity of the mind, it only plays a role in your perception of someone when you first meet them. It also creates biases. Have you not ever lied to someone and told them you were younger or older then you really were?
I have never had to lie about my age. Not yet at least, maybe now as I near 30; no, not really. But I get your point. Are you saying you are lyin' about being 14?

If you are 14, then more power to you. I wish I was as mature at that age, or even now, as you are. Its good to get good at man/woman dynamics while you are young. I am barely seeing what's up in the game; glad I figured it out now and not 10 years later.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
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Originally posted by Gangster Of Love
I have never had to lie about my age. Not yet at least, maybe now as I near 30; no, not really. But I get your point. Are you saying you are lyin' about being 14?

If you are 14, then more power to you. I wish I was as mature at that age, or even now, as you are. Its good to get good at man/woman dynamics while you are young. I am barely seeing what's up in the game; glad I figured it out now and not 10 years later.
Nah I'm just saying just because I'm 14 doesn't mean I don't have a share fare of the game ;) I don't ACTUALLY hit on girls in their 20's (Ok, I lied, the minister's daughter and other ones that crack on to me are exceptions :p), however if I'm on the subway or something, I love to watch people interact. Their body language, how they respond to each other, etc etc. Just from the vibes I've got, the media, even girls in my age group, I've found that westernized women (I've been in contact with both exchange students and students from Australia, which is where my moms side was born and still lives) are just this certain way, that they have huge ***** shields, completely ditzy, not that intellectual, the list goes on.

Yes, of course theres many exceptions as North America is highly populated, however I'm reffering to the majority. I plan to move to Europe, or Australia after I'm done University, and reside there the rest of my life while I travel the world. :)

So, on that note, I hope you can understand where I'm coming from , heh.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
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Here's my .02 on intelligence.

Before I start, let me add that I'm a mensa member and have photographic memory (tested).

When I was younger I thought girls liked guys who were intelligent, so I was the idiot who tried to show off my intelligence. I'd subtly or not so subtly give people a glimpse of the processing power in my cranium and, although some thought it was impressive, they unanimously agreed it was a most annoying trait of mine. Buddy, people don't like to be outsmarted or be in this clear position of mental inferiority, so keep your brains to yourself. Tryintg to get a chick by showing her you're smart is like trying to impress some HB at a bar by playing darts and loudly exclaiming your score every time you hit a bull's eye. It simply doesn't work, plus it sets you up in this position where people look at you differently and try to use you for your wits. I've learned my lesson and I these days I apply my gray matter to school and my passions, but I don't show it off.

Let people think what they will about your intelligence, instead, focus on bringing out your vibrant outgoing side. No girl will even want to date you because you have a knack for knowing strange facts and can ace an exam "only five minutes of studying, cram? puh-lease, pas pour moi!" What I've noticed about chicks' opinions on guys intelligence is that its usually along the lines of "he's so hot... but I guess he's smart too." Your brains can attract her in creating wit and understanding her, but not by bringing attention to the fact that you have an over-sized cranium.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 30, 2003
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Actually, girls do like smart guys, but not necessarily "bookish" guys. Good looking, confident, smart. If you have all three, you can name your price.


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2004
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I have dated girls from many different countries. Actually, "collecting nationalities" has became like a hobby for me. Yes, I know it might not really be a good thing.. but anyways I´m still young and it will be good experience, and I get to know different cultures.

Anyways, in my opinion, there is nothing really different in dating foreign girls. Actually I think it´s even easier, because "difference" is always fascinating.

It is also very easy to keep the conversation up by showing interest in the girl´s culture. Note this: emigrants are usually very proud about their culture, though they may not easily bring it up. It´s important, however, to be interested more in the person than her background. I don´t know how to explain it, but I´m sure you understand what I mean.

It´s good to know few things about the culture/homecountry of the girl you´re making a contact to. Not to impress her, but to make it more easy for yourself. I also think that having good knowledge on general history, geography and other arts and sciences is a good basis for meeting people from other nationalities. For instance, that way you can avoid subjects that they might find to be offensive.

One more thing: it´s very easy to become very "mysterious" in the eyes of foreign people if you´re a stranger. Make the girls think/talk/dream about you as...

"The wild and romantic Russian", "The passionate Italian" or "the cool and mysterious Vietnamese" etc.


(edited: typos)
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