Dating a 21 years old


Senior Don Juan
Mar 5, 2012
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Hello brothers,

Few weeks ago i went out with a friend i didn't see for couple of months. he came with two girls. one of the girl he brought looked good and we liked each other. so i took her number and started talking with her. yesterday it was the second time we dated.

Couple of things:

1. she's 21 years old .
2. she was religious or this is what she claim. what it means she was quite strict with kissing , touching at all.
3. She looks good but then again she's 21 .


Although she's young she quite mature for he age , i was surprised. the issue is i am 32 and its a huge age difference but then again she's cool and i don't mind fooling around with her. thing is we didn't kiss yet. WTF?

Should i continue with this or just move on.



Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
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So what's the problem because I'm not seeing one. (Excluding you being unsure of yourself and projecting it onto the age difference being a potential problem. Clue, it isn't) and this uncertainty probably hamstringing your seduction skills (hence the "strict" on touching.)

So again, what's the problem.
Apr 23, 2015
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zorg198 said:
Hello brothers,

Few weeks ago i went out with a friend i didn't see for couple of months. he came with two girls. one of the girl he brought looked good and we liked each other. so i took her number and started talking with her. yesterday it was the second time we dated.

Couple of things:

1. she's 21 years old .
2. she was religious or this is what she claim. what it means she was quite strict with kissing , touching at all.
3. She looks good but then again she's 21 .


Although she's young she quite mature for he age , i was surprised. the issue is i am 32 and its a huge age difference but then again she's cool and i don't mind fooling around with her. thing is we didn't kiss yet. WTF?

Should i continue with this or just move on.


10 year age gaps happen. 20% of marriages are 10 year age gaps or greater.

You guys are from different generations. Duh.

They always say "shes mature for her age", maybe she is.

She's at a age where she will be making lots of drastic changes ( from 21-25 and from 25-30 ) So what you start out with will probably not be what you end up with.

There are still wholesome and stable women in this world, but among the extremely attractive that is rare. They will chase the same things others in that peer group do.

Most people will tell you to have fun with her, lay back off her and let her come to you.

That's good advice.

You could marry her, pound her nightly for years and years to come, and she grows up into a loyal and dependable woman who never cheats on you. Who puts into the relationship more than she takes and is forever happy to have a more experieienced man and to let him feel like a man.

However many of the guys will tell you, it's a very hard feat to pull off because you have the entire world around you being the apple to her eye. Offering her a chance to cheat on you, to betray you, to lie to you, etc...

First thing is first, and hit it if you can, it identifies interest.

And let her come to you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
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I think thinking about "long term prospects" with a girl like this is the best way to guarantee there won't be any, tbh
Apr 23, 2015
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Infern0 said:
I think thinking about "long term prospects" with a girl like this is the best way to guarantee there won't be any, tbh
Your long term prospect is making sure that you give her some quality "D", and that she has fun when she is with you.

That's all you need to do. They will be more prone to bonding and if your sex is that good, you can "hook" her.

Just hit it if you can and hit it as often as you can. She can be a good gf if she choose to be.

It's up to what you want to deal with.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 5, 2012
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I dont't look that far , i don't mind going out with her and have fun.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2003
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Why not play the game and see where it goes with her?

Just don't make her your only option until you're happy with what you're getting.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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zorg198 said:
Although she's young she quite mature for he age , i was surprised. the issue is i am 32 and its a huge age difference but then again she's cool and i don't mind fooling around with her. thing is we didn't kiss yet. WTF?
I am 37. I fvcked a 21 year old last week.

Your age is only a problem if YOU let it be one.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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Desdinova said:
I am 37. I fvcked a 21 year old last week.

Your age is only a problem if YOU let it be one.
Pretty much this. To add to this, some 21 year old women are more respectful, mature, hardworking, than some 41 year old women. Don't let age fool you. Who would be a better quality women - the 21 year old who worked through college to get into medical school, or the 41 year old has been who divorced twice and is living off their ex husbands.

In my personal life, I will always try and date younger. The larger the age gap, the better. I do prefer over 21 and some level of maturity though. I am not going out to party on a tuesday night. ;)


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2014
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It's truly just a "mind over matter" situation. If she doesn't mind then your age doesn't matter!

However, date 2 and no kissing?? Ask her what bible she's reading. I've never seen a verse that says "thou shalt not kiss."

And I hope you didn't pay for either of these dates! Paying to have dinner with a religious 21yr old who doesn't put out, doesn't sound so fun!


Oct 20, 2006
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I'm dating a 21 year old and a 22 year old, and I'm almost 45.

I told the younger one the other day that beautiful, 21-year-old women are the most selfish creatures on Earth, but it's ok. They have this brief heyday where they rule the world, and why shouldn't they? They control the future of the population. They decide who reproduces. They are at peak beauty and fertility. She only has a few years (if that) to be on the top. By the time she's 30 she'll be over the hill (sad but true for women). Men are just hitting their stride at 30 and peak at age 50 in total Power (their top asset).

Enjoy every minute with her, spoil her and show her the finer things in life, but give her too much space and never try to restrict her. Be forward and go for the kiss when you say goodbye, but take things SLOW. Let them go for the tongue first. Let them ask you to get in bed. Welcome her dating younger men, and be dating other women. And most importantly: STAY IN TOP SHAPE.

Remember: NEVER limit yourself by thinking you are too old. It's only the women your age who will try to get you to believe that.


1) They'll say "21 year olds are children" (they wish - they are trying to pretend 40 is still young for women to conveniently make room for themselves).
2) They'll say "People will think you look like a child molester". Sorry, children are 16-17, not 21. By law 18 is an adult.
3) They'll say "You're old enough to be her dad". Remind the old lady that you weren't having unprotected sex at age 15 like she was.
4) They'll pose as men on this forum and spew out Feminist drivel about how young women "think 26 is old" and "prefer to date their contemporaries".
5) They'll say "I've never known a young woman to love an older man". That part is sort of true, but only because they block out memories that are too painful.
6) They'll say "In 20 years you'll be 60 and she'll be 39". As if it will last that long! As if you wouldn't be in heaven if it did!
7) Worst of all, they'll say "You're taking advantage of that poor girl" - AS IF THE GUY GETS TO CHOOSE! The guy must be chosen and they know it. Bragging rights!

I tell the older women "I'm the monster you created."

Men start later. Much later. Let the young women tell you when you are too old, not the old women.


New Member
May 27, 2015
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bigneil said:
I tell the older women "I'm the monster you created."
I might have to steal that. 32 myself and it's been a while since I have dated anyone over 26. The older *****es are bitter because they realize under it all they are not sweet. The younger girls still think they are, and that's a bit more attractive.
Once they realize that they are not as sweet as they think, well let's just say it's hard to love someone who hates themselves. Even worse when they pretend like they do still love themselves and that they are a deserving princess(but you can see right through it).


Oct 20, 2006
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nugama said:
(I'm) 32 myself and it's been a while since I have dated anyone over 26. The older *****es are bitter because they realize under it all they are not sweet.
I've been there. I thought I was too old when I was 32, but only because the women my age pretended I was (while they were becoming Cougars at that age). I now expect to pull off a 30 year age difference some day.

Women grow up truly believing they are special independently of their beauty. Facebook allows them to prolong this by only showing younger, thinner photos of themselves, and maintaining their high school status with high school colleagues (a circle jerk). But reality sets in eventually.