DANGER Rhabdomyolysis from over exercise DANGER, please sticky.


Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
The Wacky Races
so I have been having something called Rhabdomyolysis from pushing myself hard at the gym. I thought I was having heart problems the last few months because of a poor diet and crap potassium intake but I found out that actually my intense work outs have been bringing this on. Apparently this can kill you quite easily. Basically its over excursion of your muscles which causes cell death. Once the cells die they leak protein into your blood stream, your kidney can't process it and shuts down and then it can leak into your heart.

So guys, don't work to hard in the gym, it could be your life on the line... I've been hospitalized quite a few times for this but the doctors figured it was my heart or diet (my potassium drops). I have a problem where I push the sh1t out of myself, and my body looks great and I've radically restructured my body in a year but I may have done some serious damage in the process.

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Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
I think you may have a point. For the first half of 2015 I was pushing hard in the gym:

20 minutes on the stairmaster
10 minutes jumping rope
3 sets of 10 wide grip pullups
5 sets of 1 minute planks

followed by either chest, legs, back, or arms (depending on the day)...

At first I looked and felt great. then after about 3 months my hair starting excessively falling out. I was fatigued and my sex drive diminished...

Not sure if it was rhabdomyolysis, but pushing yourself too damn hard couldn't possibly be a good thing.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
A common problem with new gym goers.

They have the "if some is good, more must be better" mentality.

It's far from the truth...the body needs rest. All you succeed in doing after a period of time is overtrain leading to the body being in a constantly stressed state and the eventual breakdown of muscle due to massive amounts of cortisol being released.

Lot of work for less muscle than when you started. Makes no sense.