Cure for BPD?


Master Don Juan
May 12, 2011
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It never is, they learn coping mechanisims. If they go and seek help and want to / realize something is wrong.


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
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Standing At The Crossroads
Some say therapy can do it but, it can never be cured.....period!

This cluster b disorder can only be managed, and that's if you are lucky. The damage has already been done. It's like an old combat would that will never fully heal. Hopefully, the wound can be made painless, but it will always be there with the potential to flair up at any time.


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2009
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U.S. East
I heard a Nobel Prize scientist speak on this topic and how to treat psychiatric illnesses 2 weeks ago.

He (Eric Kandel) said the reason why psychiatric science is a bit behind a lot of other biological sciences is because up until now, companies have been looking to treat these illnesses the wrong way. Most drugs are tailored to treat a general population of people and try to treat the "core" of the problem.

The problem lies in the fact that diseases such as BPD affect individuals very differently and manifest in different symptoms at times. So future research is going into identifying all of the various symptoms that these diseases cause and then basically making a drug for each major symptom and treating individuals on a case by case basis.

So right now there is no cure for BPD, in the far future, it is possible.


ArcBound said:
I heard a Nobel Prize scientist speak on this topic and how to treat psychiatric illnesses 2 weeks ago.

He (Eric Kandel) said the reason why psychiatric science is a bit behind a lot of other biological sciences is because up until now, companies have been looking to treat these illnesses the wrong way. Most drugs are tailored to treat a general population of people and try to treat the "core" of the problem.

The problem lies in the fact that diseases such as BPD affect individuals very differently and manifest in different symptoms at times. So future research is going into identifying all of the various symptoms that these diseases cause and then basically making a drug for each major symptom and treating individuals on a case by case basis.

So right now there is no cure for BPD, in the far future, it is possible.
The only thing I will disagree with here is the 2nd to last sentence. Most pharmaceutical companies, most scientists for that matter, fail to understand relevant biological dose response curves. Most professionals assume that dose response curves are either linear or some derivative of the inverse of x, with the corresponding asymptote occurring at ligand saturation (basically, the more you take, the more results you get until you reach a saturation point of the drug and stop getting results).

Neither of these is usually accurate. The dose response curves of most drugs is actually more similar to a bell curve or a bimodal curve, and what really screws things up is that the dose response curves can vary from person to person. This is why the average person sees a reduction in their depression symptoms 1/3 of the time the first time they are given an SSRI. By their 3rd SSRI, if their symptoms have not been reduced, they have an 8% chance in future treatment success.

ArcBound is right on the money that the pharmaceutical industry is geared towards providing solutions to the masses, and for some things (like anti-biotics), this works because the bacteria the drugs are designed to destroy is generally the same. When you start treating psychiatric and behavioral problems though, it becomes a different story because we do not all have the same brains, nervous systems, or bodies. And drugs are going to respond to our systems in different ways (usually subtle enough not to make a difference, but in some cases like SSRIs, the difference is not trivial).

But the OP asked about treatment options. And we can fantasize about what is to come in the future, particularly when it becomes cheaper to analyze a person's genome and develop personalized drug therapy regimens (this should make all of those who deride the pharm industry as an ineffective and evil organization because of it's profit driven nature. This individualized treatment philosophy would ultimately be most effective and if "done right" more profit producing for the pharm companies because each treatment would be individually specific, most likely with a general template to work off of).

But I digress. This is what we currently have available to us:

Lithium is a fairly effective treatment for the general population. A good psychiatrist should be able to at least partially resolve most BPD symptoms if he knows how the dose response curve for this drug works and monitors blood levels monthly (which, ANY practitioner who prescribes this drug should be doing). The theoretical mechanism for its treatment also makes sense. For further information, I will defer to Wikipedia.

Anticonvulsants (Depakote, for example) are also popular first line treatments and adjunct treatments.

Atypical anti-psychotics have also proven to be effective, either as mono-therapy, an adjunct to lithium, or as an alternative to lithium when it is not efficacious in certain individuals.

Some psychiatrists also use a select number of SSRI's and TCA's as second/third line treatment, but at this point, medication probably isn't going to make a substantive impact (note that many SSRI's have mania and hypomania listed as a potential side effect).

Psychotherapy has also proven to be effective, particularly when used in concert with a pharmacological approach.

Management of acute mania or hypomania may include the use of Benzos and sedating atypical anti-psychotics (Seroquel).

Finally, Electroconvulsive Therapy, while seeming very crude, is a very effective treatment. I personally know someone who has BDP co-morbidly with autism and ECT has been a godsend for him.

And of course, exercise, proper diet (maybe a ketogenic diet), Omega 3 supplmentation, and all of the other good things we should be doing for our health will also help someone with BPD :)

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
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Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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I banged a Borderline last year, it was fun, whatever. She is good looking also but being that i am older and wiser I was on to her condition and so never really took it personally when she got evil. This wasn't me being an arm chair psychologist but a full blow no question bpd. They sure are nuts! haha.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
It's like the Chistmas fruit cake. Legend has it that there really exists just one single fruit cake that goes around and around year after year.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2008
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bradd80 said:
damn all these stories are so similar sometimes i think we were all banging the same crazy b1tch
Never banged one but lived with a roommate that had a BPD gf. I shortly moved out when he wanted her to move in. They are Satan's children and I wanted nothing to do with her in case she claimed I raped her or some ****.

Shortly after I moved out however she claimed her bf beat the hell out of her when in his words he left to hang out with a few friends at a bar. I don't doubt he beat her since when I lived with him she was such a ***** but they had no evidence so they let him go.

They are evil however so I learned to treat them as non-humans.


Oct 20, 2006
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Big Pharma wrote: "Most drugs are tailored to treat a general population of people and try to treat the "core" of the problem." Exactly. The problem being independent thought.

Regarding the OP: BPD is the equivalent of a hydrolocked motor. The cure is a new motor.

@bradd80 - of course! BPD women have lots of FB ex's. It's accomplished by virtue of her insanity.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2008
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bradd80 said:
but by going back to banging the crazy ex, isn't there a real risk of getting sucked back into the insanity of the borderline's world? How do you eliminate/minimize this risk? For example, is there a minimum period of NC that you would suggest is required before going back? This is for purely hypothetical purposes of course..
Rule 0 - Don't do it. Now if you read the rest of my post you ignored Rule 0. Good luck to you if you do that:

1) For one don't ever bring her back to your place. If you do that she'll find ways to "be in the area" or "I left something at your place and I'm on the way to get it teehee" as a way to get into your house to leave more stuff and pretty much take over your house until its too late. Avoid this at all costs.
2) Remember that she's nuts: I hope this goes without saying but honestly by all the threads asking about it I have to wonder why everyone thinks "It will be different for me" or in the case of people that broke away already "She changed." Seriously men its a gamble.
3) You're playing with fire. Give it time but she'll try something like having a white knight friend she tells all the "bad things you do to her" (And I can guaranteed 90% of the bad things "you did" either never happened or get blown out of proportion for dramatic purposes) until one day he starts "standing up for her." Maybe not today and maybe not tomorrow but it'll happen eventually.
4) And my last bit: She loves drama especially when she is the victim. Even if she rips out your soul for no reason in her mind she'll make you the bad guy and convince others that you are the bad guy. Just look at this scene and even though its not a woman its not far from the truth of what a BPD girl will do to be "the victim":

Seriously guys stay away from them.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
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Not only that, but they are masters of convincing you that they are 'better now.' My ex contacted me a few months ago, and pulled that one on me. And, like a dumbass, I fell for it for a while. I've been doing this with her for so long, I'm basically immune to her heartbreak.

Anyway, She calls me up. her head was cut very short, and going through Chemotherapy for a terminal brain tumor, and couldn't drink anymore because of it. She was also going to Buddhist retreats every other week, and seemed mentally normal. Well, it wasn't long before she was drinking just a little bit then more and more, and within a month she was back to her old nutso BPD self, so i walked away...again. I dont even know whethere to believe her about her brain tumor or not. Her neighbor is a friend of mine, and he has seen ambulances come get her several times, and I did find a chunk of her hair in my bed, and I've seen her bleed out of her ears, but I can't believe ANYTHING she says 100%. I'm pretty sure she's telling the truth this time, but She's convinced more than once she was dying, and it's been years. She convinced me she had two months to live four years ago. About once a year, I'll answer her call cuz Im horny, and it's great for a week or two, but I have to walk away within a month every time.

Stupid of me? Yes, but its my own decision, and I dont recommend it. She catches me at weak (horny) moments.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2008
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Learn from those that took the plunge and remember: "If you have a damaged fish that you caught that isn't 100% there you can throw it back into the sea and you can bet someone else will catch that fish and eat it. Its always better to mind your catch to avoid poisons since where that one fish came will always be another and another and another."

Remember men we are DJs. We are here to help improve ourselves and to impart knowledge to those that are here. We learned from others mistakes and this is one numerous people on this site warn about. Seriously men take our advice and skip this ponder moment: it really isn't worth it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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bradd80 said:
i think maybe we should consider posting pics of our ex BPD's so future DJ's here don't fall into the same trap that we did and waste time picking up women who are mentally ill
they all have tells. when you get a little older and smarter your mind says "something
is not quite right here"


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2011
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st_99 said:
they all have tells. when you get a little older and smarter your mind says "something
is not quite right here"
Not really. You always knew. Even if you were younger and less experienced. Your gut feeling told you something was wrong with this girl, yet you ignored it, because everything else seemed like a fairy tale. You learn to understand why your gut feeling is there and you realise it's protecting you.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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Here's how you cure BPD:

Delete her number

Delete her email and IM profile

Unfriend and block her from all your existing social media sites

Quit your job

Move to a different county or state

Change your car registration and license plate number

File for a restraining order

Post your own obituary and fake your own death

That's pretty much all there is to it.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2008
Reaction score
Rollo Tomassi said:
Here's how you cure BPD:

Delete her number

Delete her email and IM profile

Unfriend and block her from all your existing social media sites

Quit your job

Move to a different county or state

Change your car registration and license plate number

File for a restraining order

Post your own obituary and fake your own death

That's pretty much all there is to it.
The bold ones is the one that would get you away from them for a good amount of time along with the following:

- Delete your facebook - They'll make fake facebooks, myspaces, tract phones, etc... to prove its you then the nightmare begins AGAIN with her snaking her way into you social group so she can draw your female "friends" into her web of lies and your male friends into her bed as a payback to you in any effort to ruin you.
- Get an unlisted new number - From the get go. One slip up and they'll find a way to trace it back to you and you'll be seeing her on your door step.
- Change your name - Sounds like an extreme? This is one of the minor things you could do to get her off your back.
- Change your appearance - Lose/gain some weight or grow/shave a beard.
- Go to prison - You're safer there. The BPD woman cant get to you in a Mens prison.

bradd80 said:
i think maybe we should consider posting pics of our ex BPD's so future DJ's here don't fall into the same trap that we did and waste time picking up women who are mentally ill
That would be a great idea if it wasn't quasi-illegal. Posting that kind of info publicly is in that grey area of legality, that if used for the reason you described, the crazy hell-spawn like her could twist it to her favor in the feminist endorsing court system.

She'd play the drama card of "I was slandered and the site did nothing to rectify this injustice" as you "demeaned her, besmirched her and slandered her to the whole world" and while the court drama is sorted out all of SoSuave loses. (An extreme but this is what BPD women are and could be capable of.)