Creating the Alpha-Nurturing Environment


Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
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THERE was a really great article I had read a few months ago, about What Makes An Alpha. To summarize, An Alpha supports that behavior alpha ness in himself by the jobs, environment....basically his self-image is self-created but he makes a positive effect on his self-image by the overall way he handles his lifestyle, for exmaple. he wouldn't put himself in a situation where he would become a beta. etc. I wondering if anyone had a link to that article, Anyway I summarize below the basics from what I remember:

0)by the way you nurture "inner self'...that ****iness frame and inner frame where does it come from? How do you generate such inner confidence and self -esteem? .by the environment that you keep. by the way you live your life, by the people you keep in your life.( maybe your proven successful business man , that lifestyle of being the 'owner' or 'boss' feeds your alpha) Next, You need people that support your alpha.

1) living at home with your parents, no matter what, living at home with your parents, doesn't create that environment for you be the 'one who can lead the tribe'.. it makes you feel powerless when you have to depend on someone else. The idea is you work hard, you support yourself, you have no one to report but yourself... that aspect of living sgive your internal state that much more of a boost.

2) By avoid people or cutting lose those who put you down, who aren't constructive, or continually negative . If they are, tell them to f*** off,. and tell thm their face is f***ked up with a smile.

3) Don't put yourself in situation, where you de-alpha yourself. E.g. if you know if you help someone, your going to get *****ed at. Then dont help them. Period. don't put yourself in situation where you de-alpha. If you dont know something or can't afford something, don't be a beta and try to scrib and get by, be honest and tell it that you can't afford it . If you have to walk, do it, but dont do or put yourself in bad situation, that can affect your self-esteem or your potential with girls in the future.

4) The habits, and life that you create now are for the long time, for the rest of your life you hold these beliefs and attitudes. Pick up is not like reading a book and taking a test. Its generated from the efforts of months and years of effort.


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2008
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I'm surprised no one has commented on this yet..... Excellent post. I've noticed dramatic changes in friends and people I know, just because of a change environment.
Oct 22, 2008
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Luminescence said:
I'm surprised no one has commented on this yet..... Excellent post. I've noticed dramatic changes in friends and people I know, just because of a change environment.
Exactly! This happened to after to listened to Real Social Dynamics. its all about having a high state with a dose of fun and naughtiness to it. :up:


Don Juan
Jan 4, 2003
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I like reading about evolutionary pscyhology, and thats the alpha male syndrome too.

Change of behavior really is the most influential thing of it all, if your in a situation where the the head of a household or your own house(single). The feeling of control is something that you become use too. Just like those monkeys that take over the tribe when the leader dies, instead of fighting for it while he is alive. They were submissive before. But because of a change of enviroment. They are now the Alpha Male of the group.

However I think that this is limited in the dating world. The Alpha Male in todays human world needs to do little more than make enough money to provide, since providing is what Alpha Males do in the animal kingdom.

Even though it sounds all good when you read it, I think that the Alpha Male concept has few uses in the attraction game, for us anyway. Theres just not really any way to apply it for any initial result, except money or possesions. But thats JMO.

Good read though.


Don Juan
Aug 21, 2008
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ABout the de-alphaing. Some of the guys I hang out always had my back and helped me out all the time. I was the newb of the group and oh have I grown. Anyways, my point is, when their alpha-ness is being tested or they need to be in control, I always de-alpha myself for them. They gave me life and are my buds but is this actually hurting me??