Confusing woman


New Member
May 26, 2014
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Ok, so i've met this woman recently through my friends, i used to see her sometimes from far away but she never caught my attention, until one day she approached me and started talking to me, she wasnt all bad, said she wanted to see me again and i agreed, (i still didnt care for her that much but i was lonely and saw how hard she was trying to get to know me)

We started seeing each other several times a week, she asked me personal questions from the start, anything you can imagine she asked me. and after a while i really started to like her, she was smart, good looking, and fun to be around. but i still thought of her as a friend at the time and didnt want to go into any relationship or anything at all.

Then the days passed and we started getting more closer to one another and seeing each other almost everyday, she was just so forward with me and literally told me everything, i dont mean daily stuff gibberish, i mean personal things, and i did the same. and so i was actually starting to fall for her, which was something i didnt expect at all, days passed and every time i saw her i started having feelings for her even more. but the problem was is that i was not looking for any relationship and commitment at the time,

so one day i decided to open up my feelings for her, because i couldn't hold them inside any longer. so i told her and she just acted weird, said that she wasnt thinking of that at all. and said that we were just friends, now keep in mind, i havent told her anything til i was certain that we got know each other pretty good, and like i said she was so open with me, and flirty, like over the top flirty, her eyes would just follow me all over the room, i couldnt do anything without her commenting on it, she would always lean close to me whenever i spoke. she came to my house everyday, and would say things like ''will you think of me today?'' and whenever im doing any sort of activity, like working on something or using my phone, so would say i love when you do that!. which were things that none of my female friends (who i knew had no crush on me at all) ever said to me. this wasnt a "oh i do hope this girl likes me because i do" situation.

i wasnt afraid of that at all, i was more afraid of the commitment issue as im not very good at those and many woman left me because i couldn't commit. so like i said her face turned blank when i told her that. and so i told her:

"no pressure i just got so used to you and was really starting to have feelings for you." then i told her that its best that we dont see each other any longer, as my feelings would probably grow more that way. she said "Okay" but i could feel like she got really sad, her face expression when i told her goodbye was like i just killed her dog or something. i felt really bad, (but confused) generally if i dont have feelings for a woman then i wouldnt be like that if she said she said she didnt wanna see me. so a few days later, i thought about it, i wasnt ready for a relationship, and me and this girl were really having a good time. maybe being friends with her isnt a bad idea.

So i called her and told her that i had no problems being friends with her, and would like to see her again. and so its been a few months now since we've been friends. but man those were some terrible months.

Whenever we were speaking and i spoke about a girl i used to know or just met, so would go crazy, she would ask me literally everything about this girl. one day i saw her female friend (they were pretty close) and so i started to talk to her, then she came and saw us together and went crazy again, its like she didnt want me to talk to her or something. then later when we sat down together, she kept asking me what i think about her friend, and saying things "oh shes more beautiful than me" with a moaning tone. whenever a girl topic pops up (whether someone i just met or know or one of her friends) she would go into this jealous-mode. which to me just felt childish. like you said you didnt want us to have any relationship, and i agreed that we stay friends. why the heck are you acting like that?

Other things she used to do was nag me about everything, my habits, my friends, the way i behave. she would always say the weirdest things, like "i always wanna be with you" "think of me" and all that jazz. she was acting as my girlfriend even though we were not together. then i asked her again do you have feelings for me? maybe you didnt have those before but now you do. and she would always say no, i just think of you as a friend.

Now keep in mind, if this was a 16-17 chick i would have said, she was just confused, playing around or wasnt sure of her feelings. but she is 23, and overall she was a mature person in public from what i've seen. but why she acts like that baffles me.

Anyone had a similar situation? what is this girl's deal? does she wants the D? is she secretly attracted to me, is it the men and women cant be friends thing? or does she have issues and is insecure? and should i keep in contact with her?

Edit: one thing i failed to mention, is that in all the time i've known her, she does show genuine concern for me, always nice to me, when shes not going crazy jealous. which was a good sign for me and why i didnt say goodbye to her a long time ago. i tried to fix her, but that just seems impossible, never had any luck in changing a woman's ways before.

Edit 2: im writing this at 3AM and im tired sorry. last time it got heated and i told her that shes making it harder for us to be buddies if she keeps acting like that. and she went puppy-face again, not the manipulative face (trust me i know that one) the sad one. like im the love of her life and suddenly i told her i wanna break off with her and broke her heart face. which again confused me. but yeah, thought id mention this.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
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South Dakota
Well, if she want's to be jealous like a girlfriend, she'd better start F&cking you or back the he11 off when you meet other women... and YES, I would tell her that....


Don Juan
Apr 16, 2014
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I've had experience with this. The story that brought me to these forums in the first place was so fking similar to your own that I became suspicious. You've written your narrative in a feminine voice which made me even more suspicious. To be fair, you did state you'd written your post at 3 AM so I'm going with "emotionally exhausted" on your part and paranoia on my part.

You failed to mention her husband/ boyfriend(s)/ lovers. If you're as close as you've stated, she's talked about them. In detail. Every dirty little fking detail. You are not part of those details, nor will you ever be.

Jealousy on her part is not a sign of interest. I've had woman friends who've pushed me down, made out with me, and put my hands on their boobs because they were jealous that a non-friend woman had my attention. The second my hand touched a zipper or bra strap the game was over.

Why do women do this to men they supposedly care about? Even love? Who the fk knows. The female mind is a maddening labyrinth and I'm too busy with my life and with women who will actually fk me to bother figuring it out.

You wanting to be "just friends" with her is going to end up hurting you like nothing else you've fking felt in your life. Unfortunately, this is one of those things you have to figure out for yourself.

We'll be here if you decide to proceed. Because that b!tch is going to tear your heart out.

does she wants the D? is she secretly attracted to me, is it the men and women cant be friends thing? or does she have issues and is insecure? and should i keep in contact with her?
She does not want the "D." She is not secretly attracted to you. Who cares if she's insecure if she's twisting your guts up. And you should not contact her. Don't respond to her unless she says, "I'm coming over to fk your brains out."

When a woman wants a man she will not confuse him.

Oh, and I believe from your post above and your other post that you're reading into things that simply aren't there.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 2, 2014
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You are being played!

Oh boy does this sound familiar...:rolleyes:

She's not attracted to you & she never was. Your being played like a puppet on a string. She knows what she is doing and leading you on in the process. There are a couple of ways you can play this but you need to stay sharp and have a strong will. The first option is that you can continue being her "friend" and try to hook up with other women using her but by the looks of it you aren't attracting women but rather repelling them so that route might not work out too well. Plus if she introduces you as her "friend" to other women that's basically code that "you are a loser".

The feelings you have for her are what's messing you up but what you have to understand is that you will never be more than friends with this chick. She's hurting you and she has hurt you by leading you on like this ...hence the second option comes into play where you cut her off completely and let her know that you have no interest in being "friends" with her. It serves no purpose. If you can't get the first option to work good for you I would highly suggest you go along with the second option and go no contact. Cut her out of your life unless she is willing to get with you naked. Basically you have to bang her first before you even get into a relationship and evaluate whether or not she is worth your time.

It takes time to understand a lot of this stuff but once you become "that" guy who is a threat even to other men that's when things get very interesting. Once you get to a certain level of conduct another world opens up to you where women don't want to be friends with you and men despise you. That's the level you need to strive for. Read the Don Juan bible and grab your nuts!!!!:rockon:


New Member
May 26, 2014
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QuantumFool said:
I've had experience with this. The story that brought me to these forums in the first place was so fking similar to your own that I became suspicious. You've written your narrative in a feminine voice which made me even more suspicious. To be fair, you did state you'd written your post at 3 AM so I'm going with "emotionally exhausted" on your part and paranoia on my part.

You failed to mention her husband/ boyfriend(s)/ lovers. If you're as close as you've stated, she's talked about them. In detail. Every dirty little fking detail. You are not part of those details, nor will you ever be.

Jealousy on her part is not a sign of interest. I've had woman friends who've pushed me down, made out with me, and put my hands on their boobs because they were jealous that a non-friend woman had my attention. The second my hand touched a zipper or bra strap the game was over.

Why do women do this to men they supposedly care about? Even love? Who the fk knows. The female mind is a maddening labyrinth and I'm too busy with my life and with women who will actually fk me to bother figuring it out.

You wanting to be "just friends" with her is going to end up hurting you like nothing else you've fking felt in your life. Unfortunately, this is one of those things you have to figure out for yourself.

We'll be here if you decide to proceed. Because that b!tch is going to tear your heart out.

She does not want the "D." She is not secretly attracted to you. Who cares if she's insecure if she's twisting your guts up. And you should not contact her. Don't respond to her unless she says, "I'm coming over to fk your brains out."

When a woman wants a man she will not confuse him.

Oh, and I believe from your post above and your other post that you're reading into things that simply aren't there.
She had a boyfriend the first few weeks i knew her, they broke up because they would always fight, and she found out he's in love with another woman. according to her anyways.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Drop this mad woman and go and do some cold approaching to meet suitable women where you call the shots. Not the other way round.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
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South Dakota
One of the oldest sayings on this site "IF she's not f&cking you, you are her girlfriend"


New Member
May 26, 2014
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The problem here is not that im dying to f*ck her, im not, im satisfying my needs elsewhere. the problem here is why does she go all tears whenever something bad happens. for example a while ago, whenever we're sitting down, and i go do something (this could be anything), she goes crazy. starts to think im ignoring her, asks me why im not talking to her. what im doing could be meaningless. i could be busy, not in the mood to talk with her, but she still makes a big deal out of it and blames me for the simplest things. and then she goes with the classic " i always wanna be with you" lines.

Shes not ****ing me, im not rich, and im not buying her things. im not raining her with compliments every time i see her. im being very friendly and casual like with her all the time. and i dont let her call the shots, unless im okay with it. im not afraid that she might be using me, im just confused out of my f*cking mind in the way she behaves.

Writing everything down actually makes me see things better, she got issues and not worth my time. its worth the mention that she has arguments with everyone in her life, from family to friends. ill keep in touch with her to see where its going. yesterday i called her up on the phone but her chick friend answered instead, (as wacko was sleeping and gave her phone to her). and after a few minutes she gave me her number. so i guess having her as a way to meet more chicks works.

My initial point of starting this thread was to get some closure by writing it down/read other people's opinions. i guess things are more simple than they actually seem. women are just confusing.


Don Juan
Apr 16, 2014
Reaction score
OP, sounds like you've figured this out already. It's nice having a place to vent, rant, and just get stuff outta your head.

Tictac said:
Isn't saying 'confusing woman' like saying 'ink pen'?


Don Juan
Sep 6, 2014
Reaction score
Try these on yourself