Christmas Gifts for your gal....


Senior Don Juan
Aug 26, 2009
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I'm so lost as to what to get my lady for Christmas....she never ask for anything and when I ask she says 'I don't want anything,let's just hang out'.....She's a pretty laid back gal who likes to just stay in and watch movies,not into all that flashy stuff,if that helps make a decision.

(I just got word that my dog might need surgery so blowing high amounts of $$$ are out of the question)


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
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i was broke one year for christmas and i could only afford about $30 for my ex's gift. She used to be in JROTC which was part of the airforce so i bought her a toy airplane, wrote her a long christmas card, and gave her my favorite swim goggles and a swim cap. For girls it's sometimes the thought that counts. As long as it looks like you put some time and effort into it, it will move them past the point of not having a luis vutton bag.


Master Don Juan
Jun 30, 2008
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AAAgent said:
i was broke one year for christmas and i could only afford about $30 for my ex's gift. She used to be in JROTC which was part of the airforce so i bought her a toy airplane, wrote her a long christmas card, and gave her my favorite swim goggles and a swim cap. For girls it's sometimes the thought that counts. As long as it looks like you put some time and effort into it, it will move them past the point of not having a luis vutton bag.
Smart man.

Generic extravagant gifts do little. And it also has a slightly negative effect: 'Why are you trying so hard to please me? Is your own personality not strong enough?'

It truly is the thought that counts. You have to *personalize* the gift. Make the gift personal to her.

To the OP: don't bother asking her 'What do you want?' Just think back to all the times you spent together and be *observant.* What does she like? What interests her?

The key to a gift is that a gift is supposed to signal: 'I know you so well, that this gift fits you.'

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
You can't go wrong with a vacuum cleaner.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 26, 2009
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Give her your c0ck.

Why are you even contemplating buying your girl a gift? You display lower value and you lose money from your pocket. Therefore the logical thing would be to buy her nothing. Leave that sh1t to the AFCs.

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
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katatonia said:
Give her your c0ck.

Why are you even contemplating buying your girl a gift? You display lower value and you lose money from your pocket. Therefore the logical thing would be to buy her nothing. Leave that sh1t to the AFCs.
jesus christ, its just ONE godamn present out of the whole damn year! And it was already mentioned that you don't have to necessarily spend a fortune. I highly doubt that getting your girl a simple present during the holidays is going to make her think less of you...


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
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katatonia said:
Give her your c0ck.

Why are you even contemplating buying your girl a gift? You display lower value and you lose money from your pocket. Therefore the logical thing would be to buy her nothing. Leave that sh1t to the AFCs.

See this is the retarded interpretation of DJ material that so many guys on this forum fall into. Try that for your next relationship. Put your d!ck in a box for every holiday and special occasion and let me know how that works out for you.

There are minimums you need to retain in a relationship. Showing that you care is not AFC. Making her your meaning to live is AFC. There isn't anything wrong with one day out of the year getting her something special and thoughtful but that doesn't mean you have to be thoughtful every single day. Things need to be done either at the right time or in moderation so that they stay special and have meaning.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
I second that one. "Only AFCs buy xmas presents." retards.

The best way to get you GF a birthday, or x-mas gift is to actually go out with her one day, and do a lot of window shopping. This can be fun in itself, if you try, guys. Then, secretly take mental notes of everything she likes. Go back another day, and pick up whatever you think she wanted the most thats in your price range. Its a double whammy in your favor, cuz not only did you get her something she wants, but.... "OMG you remembered!" This works EXTRA good if you arent ever AFC with her.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
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I dont know about some of these other guys. But, I do not see any problem buying a gf a gift on certin occasions. Such as her birthday or as the Holiday coming up.. Christmas.

It doesnt have to be exspensive cause its that thought that counts. If she doesnt realize that then, she is probably a gold digger.

1. Jewerly box. One of my ex girlfriends has alot of jewerly. I got her one and she loved it.

2. CD(s) Pretty much everyone likes music and if you know what she likes....

3. Clothing? If she is a sports fan.. You could get her a shirt with her team logo on it. Or maybe, buy her some Lingerie.

4. Like Justin Timberlake... a D!ck in a box!

5. If you really dont know what to get her. You could give her 50 bucks and tell her to go get her nails done.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 26, 2009
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Rebound Material said:
jesus christ, its just ONE godamn present out of the whole damn year! And it was already mentioned that you don't have to necessarily spend a fortune. I highly doubt that getting your girl a simple present during the holidays is going to make her think less of you...
It may not make her think less of you, but who cares? You're losing money so it's not worth it. Girls would probably love you more from the drama of it all: "oh maii gawd he didn't buy me a present this year WTF am I not good enough?", etc.

One present? And what about birthdays? Valentine's day? That sh1t's retarded.

[quote="AAAgent]See this is the retarded interpretation of DJ material that so many guys on this forum fall into. Try that for your next relationship. Put your d!ck in a box for every holiday and special occasion and let me know how that works out for you.

There are minimums you need to retain in a relationship. Showing that you care is not AFC. Making her your meaning to live is AFC. There isn't anything wrong with one day out of the year getting her something special and thoughtful but that doesn't mean you have to be thoughtful every single day. Things need to be done either at the right time or in moderation so that they stay special and have meaning.[/quote]

Girl's are obsessively in love with guys that don't seem to really care about them. Realise that then what I said might make more sense to your dumb ass.

The lack of logic in this thread is simply staggering.

You DO NOT GAIN ATTRACTION by buying a girl a gift. You LOSE MONEY from buying a girl a gift. So tell me again what is the logical reason would you buy a girl a gift? I would only consider it if I was married to a girl. But marriage is for chumps so yeah, not gonna happen.

If you're willing to spend just $20 on something then go ahead, I'm not going to stop you. Any more than that then you're just plain stupid imo. By the way if she doesn't give you a gift back, then LOL you got played son.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Horaholic's idea is good. Also tickets to a show or game if she likes sports. If she has a favorite movie maybe get the poster and frame it and get the DVD if she doesn't have it.


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
You DO NOT GAIN ATTRACTION by buying a girl a gift.

Who said anything about gaining attraction?

By the way if she doesn't give you a gift back, then LOL you got played son.

You're an idiot. Here is the defination of a gift.

something given voluntarily without payment in return, as to show favor toward someone, honor an occasion, or make a gesture of assistance; present.

Girl's are obsessively in love with guys that don't seem to really care about them. Realise that then what I said might make more sense to your dumb ass.

That maybe somewhat true but can you find one couple where the boyfriend doesn't care about his girlfriend.....Ya i didn't think so, that's why it's called a relationship.

If you really do act that way the only girl i can see loving you is your mother. Good luck with that.


Master Don Juan
Jun 30, 2008
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katatonia said:
Girl's are obsessively in love with guys that don't seem to really care about them. Realise that then what I said might make more sense to your dumb ass.

The lack of logic in this thread is simply staggering.

You DO NOT GAIN ATTRACTION by buying a girl a gift. You LOSE MONEY from buying a girl a gift. So tell me again what is the logical reason would you buy a girl a gift? I would only consider it if I was married to a girl. But marriage is for chumps so yeah, not gonna happen.

If you're willing to spend just $20 on something then go ahead, I'm not going to stop you. Any more than that then you're just plain stupid imo. By the way if she doesn't give you a gift back, then LOL you got played son.
You are long on theory, short on practical experience.

You say girls like guys who don't care about them. That's a bit off - it's more like: 'Girls are attracted to guys who don't NEED them.' This is a big difference.

Showing that you are thoughtful and observant about her little tastes is highly seductive. It shows that you are not taking her for granted, that you *appreciate* her.

What is anti-seductive is giving big presents (which are not personalized to her) or giving presents all the time in an effort to *win* her - which is what AFCs do. This reeks of insecurity.

Giving thoughtful gifts during Christmas time if played right can increase her attraction towards you.

If you know anything about girls, you would realize that even an Alpha Male will lose a girl if she feels neglected and taken for granted. A girl with a wounded ego, well you know the saying: 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.'


Senior Don Juan
Oct 26, 2009
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AAAgent said:
Who said anything about gaining attraction?
Umm, me? Losing attraction is usually the #1 reason for a girl to end a relationship. I'd prefer to keep the b1tch on her toes by not buying her a present. Oh, the drama! Do you how much women eat this type of sh1t up?

AAAgent said:
You're an idiot. Here is the defination of a gift.

something given voluntarily without payment in return, as to show favor toward someone, honor an occasion, or make a gesture of assistance; present.
Without payment? Admit it, you're only going to buy your girlfriend a present since you (wrongly) believe that you'll get more sex from it in the long term.

By the way I suggest you read this:

AAAgent said:
That maybe somewhat true but can you find one couple where the boyfriend doesn't care about his girlfriend.....Ya i didn't think so, that's why it's called a relationship.
You won't find many because almost the entire male population is AFC. Last time I checked, the most narcissistic people on the planet (NPDs and AsPDs) have no problem at all gaming women, and they do not give a fvck about anyone but themselves. Most women have an extremely hard time getting out of a relationship with one of these men, if they manage to at all.

Trader said:
If you know anything about girls, you would realize that even an Alpha Male will lose a girl if she feels neglected and taken for granted. A girl with a wounded ego, well you know the saying: 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.'
Not really. Since when was the only way to show appreciation by buying presents? Spending quality time with your girl should be enough.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
I asked my girl to write down 10 things she would like and i'd pick the ones from the list, that way she doesn't know which of those ten things she will get.

Works great.

Contrary to ppopular game theory, if you dont buy your gf a gift on her BD or Xmas, she will probably dump your tight as*

The buying a girl a gift, is for when your dating her, i.e turning up at her door with a present out of the blue. But missing out on special days, is asking for trouble.

My sister dumped a guy because he forgot her BD then didn't buy her anything for xmas, she forgive the first but slagged the guy off to all her friends because of it, the second time, she simply thought "this guy simply does not care for me" Hence she assumed because of the lack of thought into the special days, he didn't really care about her, hence she dumped him and never looked back - Her reasoning was to do with the present situation and when he forgot to buy her something on her birthday, she started to look for faults and caused him excess drama.

Dont be a chump and plaster your girl with gifts to win approval, but for fuc* sake at least treat her like you'd like to be treat, buy her a god dam present on the special days.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
Here's a good one:

Go to her and tell her you bought something really nice. On christmas give her this hint: It goes from 0 to 100 in a few seconds... You want you gift now? If she gets excited and says yes: Take her to the garage and show her the brand new weighing scale you bought her!! Normally this should make her super happy so if this doesn't wipe her off her feet... Then I don't know!

P.S.: Should you do this, please tell how it went, so I know what to expect with my gf :up:


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
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Desdinova said:
I'm giving her the instruction manual to my barbeque so maybe she'll finally cook me a fvcking meal for a change.
Looooool, nice one. Makes me think of this summer when my girl ask me to go somewhere new and i responded with: try the kitchen...

Good times :rockon:


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
The lack of logic in this thread is simply staggering.

You DO NOT GAIN ATTRACTION by buying a girl a gift. You LOSE MONEY from buying a girl a gift. So tell me again what is the logical reason would you buy a girl a gift? I would only consider it if I was married to a girl. But marriage is for chumps so yeah, not gonna happen.

If you're willing to spend just $20 on something then go ahead, I'm not going to stop you. Any more than that then you're just plain stupid imo. By the way if she doesn't give you a gift back, then LOL you got played son.
What's funnyis the fact that you can't give a simple gift without feeling like you're losing something makes you low value and you don't even realize it. That you're so stingy/poor you can't even part with $20 - yeah I'm sure that's real attractive to girls.

A normal guy wouldn't give a sht and just buy the damn gift

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
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ready123 said:
What's funnyis the fact that you can't give a simple gift without feeling like you're losing something makes you low value and you don't even realize it. That you're so stingy/poor you can't even part with $20 - yeah I'm sure that's real attractive to girls.

A normal guy wouldn't give a sht and just buy the damn gift