Changing You Mentality When Living In Hell

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The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
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Trying to find my path
TonyWongButOhSoRite said:
Is this kid back crying again? You are the biggest b!tch Ive ever seen. All you want is smypathy. You've made this type of post loads of times before and you've been given the same replys over and over again. Take the advice or fcuk off. You're a joke. Simple As. My life was about a million times thougher than yours. Still is. I can't belive you even mentioned you're dog fallen ill and then go on about a tragic life. Dude you're not a man and you don't have any bravery or courage. You're a girl. People sould just stop replying to this ****. Really. I can garentee he wouldnt even dream of killing himself. Hes just an attention seeker.
Makes me laugh when I see people like you who have no knowledge of what Ive been through, then you have the cheek to open your mouth and talk ****.
Why would I want sympathy, is it going to put things right?
The fact im still here alive today shows the courage I have.
You dont know me and you know **** all of what you are talking about.
So go on tell me again how am I a attention seeker.

And to Stephane, calling me a loser? You really dont have a ****ing clue, ive got more fight in my left toe than you probably have your whole body

The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
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Trying to find my path
oakraiderz2 said:
Actually you can. If anything were the case about that scenario, i would think the converse would be more appropriate. The human mind isnt comparable to your position in the economy, its much more flexible. You CAN control your thoughts, however it just takes some work to do so. So you can pick, do you wanna keep sounding like a little girl who scrapped her knee, or do you want to actually put forth some effort and change your life?
I appreciate the advice its better than the ****e that Stephane and the other **** Tony Wong whateverhisname is but the things that have happened to me are a lot more than a kneescrape.
Even if things did turn out okay as people have said I cant turn back the last 8 years of my life, so I will always be overshadowed by bad memories.
Ive known people to have bad periods in their lives, but for the people Ive known its lastest a couple of weeks or months, but mine has went on for years.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
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And it feels right this time
On his crash course with the big time
Pay no mind to the distant thunder
New day fills his head with wonder, boy

Says it feels right this time
Turned it 'round and found the right line
“Good day to be alive, sir
Good day to be alive,” he says

Then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel
Was just a freight train coming your way
Then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel
Was just a freight train coming your way

Don't it feel right like this?
All the pieces fall to his wish
“Sucker for that quick reward, boy
Sucker for that quick reward,” they say

Then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel
Was just a freight train coming your way
Then it comes to be that the soothing light at the end of your tunnel
Was just a freight train coming your way
It's coming your way
It's coming your way
Here it comes


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Go to the hospital for clinical depression, I dare you. If your depressed they will help you, and if your not you will realise how the f*** your lucky.

The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
Trying to find my path
Stéphane said:
Go to the hospital for clinical depression, I dare you. If your depressed they will help you, and if your not you will realise how the f*** your lucky.
I just think its pathetic how you can brand someone with a tag despite knowing nothing of them. I wouldnt do it to anyone as I know I dont know anything about them so I dont see what gives you the right to do so.

The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
Trying to find my path
spiff said:
dude now you're just looking like a troll.

We can't help you if you can't help yourself.

you lazy git

booo fing hooo
Now thats just ****ing lame and you know it is.

Tell you what Ill just brush everything under the carpet and pretend all is good that will work eh? Live in some sort of fantasy world


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
The Damned said:
I just think its pathetic how you can brand someone with a tag despite knowing nothing of them. I wouldnt do it to anyone as I know I dont know anything about them so I dont see what gives you the right to do so.
Dude, your either depressed or miserable, if you don't want to seek help there's nothing I can do. I felt like I had a ****ty life, and I voluntered to get hospitalized, and it helped me more then anything. It made me realise a lot of things, sure I didn't like it, but you realise a lot of things.

It's not my fault that your not a man who takes action.

The Deacon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
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Oh great, another internet argument.

Cmon people, are we seriously trying to prove that our life was tougher than the other guy's? Who cares? The ultimate panacea for all problems that hits you is to just pick up your balls and roll with the punches, no matter what it is. That's what Beethoven, Martin Luther King, Tupac, Aron Ralston, and Abraham Lincoln did.

The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
Trying to find my path
Stéphane said:
Dude, your either depressed or miserable, if you don't want to seek help there's nothing I can do. I felt like I had a ****ty life, and I voluntered to get hospitalized, and it helped me more then anything. It made me realise a lot of things, sure I didn't like it, but you realise a lot of things.

It's not my fault that your not a man who takes action.
Its not that im not taking action just getting hospitalized wont change anything thats happened, it wont put anything right.
It might give me a few different ways at looking at things but thats about it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
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The Damned said:
Its not that im not taking action just getting hospitalized wont change anything thats happened, it wont put anything right.
It might give me a few different ways at looking at things but thats about it.
whatever i dont care anymore your obviously not here for advice just attention.


Oct 22, 2006
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I went thru some **** too...almost the same as you. Except a little worse. Lets just say that...but yeah what I realized is that i'm going to be a winner.

Plain and simple I'm going to be a WINNER! No matter what. I'm going to ****in WIN. At life I will WIN! NO MATTER WHAT! believe me I've been where you were at and completely turned my life around when I started thinking this and believing this. I use to truly hate people, but instead of turning the hate inward I thought positive and constently told myself " They will be dying to be my friend and get into my life, once i'm on top " and I said to myself i'm going to take a long look at myself and figure out how to get on top no matter what. IM NOT GOING TO DIE A LOSER! and believe it or not people won't be as sad as you want, them to when you die. The only people that will care is the people that you are forgetting about. LIKE your mother for instance, imagine if your mother would have died...Thats the same way she will feel if you died. And every other motherfu cker that made you sad all your life won't ****ing care. THats the sad truth. SO DYING IS NOT A WAY TO GET BACK AT PEOPLE, CUZ UNLESS THEY ARE YOUR LOVED ONES THEY WON'T **** ING CARE! SO yeah dying right now is out the door, you need to ask yourself, do i have what every other man has? do I have two legs two arms and a working brain? YEAH, so why can't I have happiness like every other man? BEcause unlike them your a quitter. You need to not quit study yourself until you freaking find out what is so unattractive and change it. THen take sweet revenge on you antagonist once you get to the top. ( not physicall, but mentally) But yeah for me, what I finally figured out that made me unattractive, was my downess and self hate. Since I was so down, I walked with my head tilted down and I never smiled. I changed this and got laid like a rockstar. The truth is that most pick up artist were afc's right up till the day they figured out what was holding them back. U don't have to change a whole bunch of sh it to become the man, normally its that one little thing that your blind too...

This is how you figure it you listen to what others have to say to about you and you fix it. Most people tell you not to listen to what others say but **** them. How else are you suppose to know, you can't watch yourself. People use to ****ing tell me for years that I always llooked unhappy and theyd even tell me why and i wouldn't ****ing listen to them. But once I did I was revolutionized my game! So if you hear people saying **** that you can change other than the fact that they think your gay, then listen to them and try and fix it. Or ask a love one to help you fix it cuz they will tell you the truth.

p.s.s he successfully picks up these girls later go to video Bachlerette set 2 and 3

p.s.s.s this is how you can take revenge on society if you quit being a b itch and get your sh it together

Keep me posted, cuz I truly care to get you to the next level. lol


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
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Interceptor, if you wrote a book titled "how to live" - i would buy it


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
I'm working on it right now.
But you won't have to buy it.


Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
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Stéphane said:
Why do you guys even bother giving him useful advice it ain't the first time he camed asking for help, and what have he done to change his life? Nothing! He's pathetic, and a loser with that atitude.

Also, to whoever said that a poor man can take small steps in becoming a millionaire doesn't know what he's talking. He's obviously not a millionaire. You need to think big, and take big steps, like changing your whole life completly. Same thing for anything you want in life, if you want to get that greek body you always dreamed about you need to change your diet, your habits, and your routine.

If your taking small steps, sorry. You won't get anywhere, you need to take life changing decisions.

I have a dedicated my life in becoming rich, not to get more women, but it's just my personal goal in life, and I have sacraficed many things for it.
That was me. My point was that changing your diet, you habits etc are the smaller steps on the way to a big goal. I was saying that even if he could not envisage himself as the proverbial millionaire, with the perfect body now, these smaller steps would take him there. We are saying the same thing, just with different definitions of "smaller steps".


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
i didnt read many of the responses to this thread, but i wanted to reply to your post.
life is full of many expected things.
there are things in life, that can not be expected at all.
one of those things is death.
some people rely on religion for comfort, while others find other ways to cope with situations.
the hardest part of death, is not for the person dying, it is for the people they leave behind. .. because after all, they are going to a far better place and this life will be the far behind them. it is the living that live with grief.

for some members on this board, they do not know what death is.
they have never had an unexpected death happen to their beloved family members or friends. they have never sat in a dark room and cried for a friend who is goneby accident . they have never nursed a sick mother with hair falling out to chemo, wondering why such a horrible fate has happened when she was so good and loving to all.( me either ) they have never laid in a hospital bed with a 53 year old brain dead father in a coma with a ventilator tube running down his throat keeping him alive for 72 hours until the doctors would then come in and tell you that you should make a choice to take it out since all hope is lost and they never sat in that same bed holding his hand waiting for the good lord to reach down and take his soul away, leaving an empty cold body to choke in your hands and die. all due to agent orange that he got from fighting for his country more than 25 years beforehand. (yes, that was me)
they never had the guilt set in with the worries of "why didn't i just..." "why wasn't i a better person" "why didn't i say i was sorry " "how do you get forgiven when the other person is dead and gone"

there comes a time and place to put your life in perspective, and it is here and now. you can not plan on things that will happen beyond your control. live each day as if it is your last, your moms last, etc.
be kinder, be braver, live with no regrets and do not put off things that you can do today for tomorrow.
make a leap into life to be the best man that you can be.
when you think of others , think "you deserve the best that i am."

there are many people on this board that will be your support system if you need it. talking about things can be very helpful.
Aug 28, 2007
Reaction score
The Damned said:
Makes me laugh when I see people like you who have no knowledge of what Ive been through, then you have the cheek to open your mouth and talk ****.
Why would I want sympathy, is it going to put things right?
The fact im still here alive today shows the courage I have.
You dont know me and you know **** all of what you are talking about.
So go on tell me again how am I a attention seeker.

And to Stephane, calling me a loser? You really dont have a ****ing clue, ive got more fight in my left toe than you probably have your whole body

Sorry dude you're a pu$$y. You ask why you would want sympathy from people off the internet? Probaly cause you can't get it in real life or any attention in general. Thats why you come on here looking for any type of attention at all good or bad. I do agree with you though about you saying getting sympathy off the people on this site wouldnt put things right in you're life. Kinda in the same way makeing this type post every few weeks saying the same things over and over again crying like a B!tch and then telling people who try there hardest to give you great advice that nothing will ever work for you and the rest of that nonsense and you saying ''The fact im still here alive today shows the courage I have.'' after listing the events of your so called ''tragic life'' is one of the funniest things Ive ever read. Really you're patheic. You're need for attention and pity is worse than any women. I really hate to say it but you are the definition of an afc and a ''loser''. I really wouldnt mind if you tryed and got stuck along the way but you don't really try to do anything to grow some balls and just ignore the advice you're given. First thing you sould do is go see a shrink and sort out that marytr complex you have.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
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The Damned said:
I appreciate the advice its better than the ****e that Stephane and the other **** Tony Wong whateverhisname is but the things that have happened to me are a lot more than a kneescrape.
Even if things did turn out okay as people have said I cant turn back the last 8 years of my life, so I will always be overshadowed by bad memories.
Ive known people to have bad periods in their lives, but for the people Ive known its lastest a couple of weeks or months, but mine has went on for years.
You have a choice...b*tch about the last 8 years or get over it and look forward. Youre have plenty of time to create happier memories. You choose to live in shut up and deal with it, unless you change something.

The Damned

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
Trying to find my path
TonyWongButOhSoRite said:
Sorry dude you're a pu$$y. You ask why you would want sympathy from people off the internet? Probaly cause you can't get it in real life or any attention in general. Thats why you come on here looking for any type of attention at all good or bad. I do agree with you though about you saying getting sympathy off the people on this site wouldnt put things right in you're life. Kinda in the same way makeing this type post every few weeks saying the same things over and over again crying like a B!tch and then telling people who try there hardest to give you great advice that nothing will ever work for you and the rest of that nonsense and you saying ''The fact im still here alive today shows the courage I have.'' after listing the events of your so called ''tragic life'' is one of the funniest things Ive ever read. Really you're patheic. You're need for attention and pity is worse than any women. I really hate to say it but you are the definition of an afc and a ''loser''. I really wouldnt mind if you tryed and got stuck along the way but you don't really try to do anything to grow some balls and just ignore the advice you're given. First thing you sould do is go see a shrink and sort out that marytr complex you have.
Err Nooo again you go on about this sympathy ****, ARE YOU REALLY THAT STUPID OR JUST PRETENDING? Again Sympathy wont help me, wont make the wrongs right will it?
So if you think Its funny? Do you think Cancer is funny? Do you think Death is funny? Do you think Disfigurement is funny?
Sorry but you really are a ****
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