Change comes from within, you morons!


Master Don Juan
Sep 5, 2001
Reaction score
A simple fact that DJ’s – even some of the best DJ’s – don’t seem to realize: Changing yourself is not about hitting on girls. Changing yourself is not about working out hard on a gym, or losing weight if you’re fat. I get totally PISSED OFF sometimes when I read the DJ Bible, because there’s just something missing there. For some reason I get the feeling that some people who have written there haven’t really gone through any kind of a big change in their life.

Have you been here for months, reading the Bible and believing that it’ll get your life in order? Well, let me tell you something – let me tell all of you something. The change does not happen in our ability to hit on women, but instead, in our character. Only a few people here talk about how important is your CHARACTER if you want to be a DJ. Actually, your CHARACTER is the ONLY important thing. And your character does not change by first boosting your ego with Pook’s writings and then getting a phone number from some hottie. Your character does not ask YOU, what you want it to be! That’s why reading the texts in the DJ Bible won’t really change you in the end; they will make you feel good about yourself for a while, but it disappears.

So, what am I talking about? I’m talking about how the change comes from within. Not from the DJ Bible, not from Booook of Pooook, but from your CHARACTER. If this hasn’t happened, if you belong to that big DJ group who always have to return to the DJ Bible to get a boost-up or to get a reminder about the right techniques – then in the end, you’re still no better than a dumb and pathetic AFC. Your character hasn’t changed.

How does your character work? It includes your self-image and the way you view the world. And those, my friends, are hard to change, since they are in automatic part of your brains. They’re in the “limbic system”, in the very centre of your brains, if someone is interested in the psychological shyte. It’s in the sub-consciousness, and therefore, it’s hard to change it simply by being conscious about the fact that you want to change yourself and your life. Psychological tests show us that the character doesn’t want to be changed – it won’t give in, when you demand it to be different.

It’s hard to change it, and yet, it is VITAL. Why? Because if there is a conflict between your character and your life, then it’s a shallow and uncomplete life. Same goes for DJ’ing – and I’m telling you, there are MANY DJ’s who would turn into complete AFC’s if they spent a year away from this site! You need TIME to change your character - You cannot learn and adopt life-changing things in a month or two.

What, you still haven’t got a clue of what I’m talking about? Maybe you’d like some examples? All right, I’ll give you some examples:

When I found the DJ site two years ago, I was a huge fatazz. Immediately I wanted to start losing weight. But every time I managed to drop my weight, I would gain it all back. A year ago I completely changed my eating customs into healthier direction. Now I’m not fat at all anymore. The reason why I first failed: it made me HAPPY to lose weight. Therefore, I lost more and faster. That made me happier. Then, when I’d stop losing weight, I would realize that I wasn’t eating what I wanted to and returned to my old eating habits. Puff! I was all fat again. Then I realized, that it SHOULDN’T make me that happy to lose weight. Instead of taking it as a competition, instead of respecting slimness and good shapes, I started respecting myself as I was. Quess what happened? I started to lose my weight SLOWLY. You see, as I started to respect myself, healthiness automatically became a way of life to me. I didn’t care anymore was I fat or not. I had a huge revelation (I still don’t now where it came from) that I should respect myself. It took me 6 months to get into normal figures – but none of the fat came back, and it’s never coming back, since I live a healthy life now. Calculating calories just isn’t the way to do it – no offence to you, whoever write the weight-losing program in the health-section, but it simply won’t work. You get obsessed, and your character doesn’t have time to adopt your “new self”. Self image, you see, changes too slowly.

Another story: Lot of weight lifters here? I bench-press. I realized that if you work hard and take extremely heavy weights with only a couple of lifts, then you can really, really fast improve the amount of weight you can lift. But if you spent two months away from the gym, you can’t lift sh*t, you basically have to start all over again. However, if you take many lifts at once with less weight, your strength will increase very slowly but efficiently. If you don’t try to get good results too fast, you can make this thing too more as a way of life than as a thing you must be the best at. And then if you spent a month away from the gym, you realize that you are still just as strong as you were before leaving!

Point of the story: Quick approach and quick studying will leave your skills on the issue quite shallow. Many of the DJ’s take their life as a competition; goal is to always be better than other men, because “that is what makes man a DJ!” And still, many wise DJ’s have said that “you are not good because you are better than others, you are good simply because you are good!”

See the difference? When you live your life as a DJ, you stop comparing yourself with others! You stop asking other people, what they think about you – because you are alone with your character. And still, there are and there will always be Don Juans who ask: “What clothes would look good on me?” What’s the matter, my fellow DJ’s? Are you afraid to know what is within you? If not, then why are you taking all this as a competition, and thus, end up in a situation when you want as much as possible as fast as possible (compare this to my weight losing)!

This is not a competition. This is a way of life. And still some people want to decrease the number of newbies coming here in fear of competition!

This is not a competition. This is a way of life. Because the change comes from within.

I had forgotten the perfect and unconditional respect towards myself and my environment. That’s why it didn’t became a way of life, but a competition: winning the competition made me feel good, and I wanted to feel good all the time, that’s why I didn’t lose weight as slowly as it should happen in order to be permanent. Then I realized that I was doing the same mistake in adopting the DJ stuff into my life! My DJ’ing didn’t end up in a catastrophe, but I didn’t find any kind of permanent happiness, either. I couldn’t make DJ’ing a way of life for me, I couldn’t adopt it as a part of my character. I had forgotten respect. You feeling good must not come from you getting a phone number of a hottie or losing weight fast. It must come from somewhere else – it mus come from your CHARACTER, which you must build and modify ALL THE TIME. That’s when you can truly talk about self-respect; that’s when you can truly adopt new things into your ways of life.

But look at the people at this forum! The RESPECT is missing from so many people… too many, if you ask me! People have adopted the aggressive aspects of being a DJ. And why not, that is the easy part. But every time I see someone b!tching how “every woman is a b!tch”, I think to myself: That DJ wouldn’t say that if the AFC within still wouldn’t remember all the humiliations. That AFC lives in the character of a DJ… and the character, apparently, still remains the same no matter how much the DJ has tried to change himself. Sure, some might say that this DJ just has “the right attitude”. But then again, many great DJ’s have said that a real DJ respects not only himself but also women. “The right attitude” is good to learn, but it must be learned with RESPECT. It must be adopted as a way of life!

So, how exactly do we alter out character, and our ways of life? Well, why don’t you start by accepting the fact that you are not perfect – for heaven’s sakes, there is nothing more boring than perfect people! Accept the fact, that the universe doesn’t run around you, so you can start truly exploring – not only the world outside, but also what is inside of you! Instead of blindly following the DJ techniques, learn some other techniques too and see for yourself what works for the best – because that is the only way to truly learn and adopt these techniques deeply. Explore everything with curiosity, including what is within you, and thus give yourself the character you need and deserve, make the change that has to be done in order to truly be a DJ. Then, if you still believe in the sayings of this site, it will become your way of living. As long as the change within you has happened. It must be adopted into your CHARACTER! AND THE DJ BIBLE SAYS NOTHING ABOUT THIS!!!

This is not a competition. This is a way of life.

Life is not a competition, Living is a way of life. This is not as simple as it sounds (it took me years to accept this fact). It is a long journey. But the journey can also be fun as hell.


Don Juan
Mar 19, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Anson This is not a competition.
I like this one. This is one of the things that is easy to know and difficult to accept. Well, for me, anyway... ;)

So, it's good to be reminded once in a while.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio USA
Ok.. I've changed out of my pants, now I'm siting here at work, pantless... am I missing something here... change, within????


Bungo Pony

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2001
Reaction score
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Couldn't have said it better myself. Excellent post Anson!

You're one of the truly intelligent ones that has discovered this at an early age. I discovered this on my own when I was around 16. Change to your characterf will result in the gaining of wisdom and willpower.


Master Don Juan
Sep 5, 2001
Reaction score
lol are we being a bit sarcastic here, InLawsHateMe?

Yes, I know it's a clichee. But it's also true - and it's also something people really don't get. The fact that our character is something to be changed is something people don't understand!

Anyway, there are two posts that have recently caught my attention, that have something to do with the issue of changing our lives - TRULY changing it.

In case there are still people wondering what excatly should be changed.

"Get your life together!" by Syncmaster

"The truth about confidence" by Noctural

Seriously, these threads should be in the Dj Bible! Since there really is no information about how EXCATLY should we change our lives... It's all about boost-ups and differences of Nice guys and jerks, but this one thing is totally missing!


Master Don Juan
Feb 3, 2001
Reaction score
Nottingham, England.
Anson : True, True.

You have to be willing to change your life by changing your habits, if you hate eating healthy and exercising then you had better start to like it else you are not gonna lose a pound of fat.

"The RESPECT is missing from so many people… too many, if you ask me! People have adopted the aggressive aspects of being a DJ."

I hate the aggressive attitudes of some of the n00bies, and even some of the more established DJ's can be overly aggressive, I believe that if you go 'too DJ' it will leave you emotionally devoid and cold.

"end up in a situation when you want as much as possible as fast as possible"
I am naturally impatient, I want everything yesterday.
This canbe both a good thing and a bad thing.

"It must come from somewhere else – it must come from your CHARACTER, which you must build and modify ALL THE TIME."

Absolutely, it gives me great satisfaction to overcome obstacles and lay to rest bad aspects of my character.
It can give you great satisfaction that you know you are becoming a better man!

"This is not a competition. This is a way of life"
Yes, the Radiohead quote in my sig is for me a great way to sum up self-improvement, such a good quote.

Great Stuff.
Probably DJ bible material, you can be a counterbalance as you mentioned there is something missing.



Senior Don Juan
Jan 17, 2003
Reaction score
I agree to Anson.
I also discovered that, dont know when exactly, but this site helped a lot.
By my understanding, this site should ENCOURAGE you to change your personality, or character.

And the newbies probably think that they are very special for finding this site with all the hiden info.

Well, anyways, this is a bump written in a lot of words :D


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2002
Reaction score
I love this thread title. Hehe.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Originally posted by Sisko
I agree to Anson.
I also discovered that, dont know when exactly, but this site helped a lot.
By my understanding, this site should ENCOURAGE you to change your personality, or character.

And the newbies probably think that they are very special for finding this site with all the hiden info.

Well, anyways, this is a bump written in a lot of words :D
Anson is one of the smartest people on this board. What should draw you to this board is the fact that you want to get better with women. After a while you should stay because you want to become a better person, because that is the only way you can get better at anything, by improving yourself.

That's why 95 percent of these posts are wortheless, and I never waste my time posting.

There is no reason why everyone on this board can't be a sucess story.

Let me put it this way.

I am pretty good friends with a couple of NBA players, mainly because I grew up playing them across the country in different tounrments, etc. One player I know pretty well is Amare Stoudmire. Thoose of you who know him know that he is tall and athletic and figured he was given a gift. I knew him when he honestly couldnt' dribble down court without getting the ball stolen from him, or better yet, get a rebound without getting the ball knocked away from him, he was too weak.

Why is he so good now?

Everyone at the tournments we played at were good, there was no doubting that, and everyone had dreams of getting to the NBA, but when it came to actually working to get the job done, or in your case, Improving your self for the better, he was the one who would work better, longer, harder than anyone. There were times when we would be partying and he would say " I got to go to the gym" or " I got to go to the court". We laughed then, when I was in the 11th grade, he was in the 10th, but by the time I graduated high school, he went to being a 6-6 kid that is skinny that can jump to a 6-10 Manchild that was easily the best high school player in the country. He wasn't any more talented than anyone there, he just wanted it more.

That is the case in most situtations.

It's not if you can loose weight, it' s how bad do you want to do it?
Until people realize this, you come to this fourm looking for schemes to get women, asking questions like "Am I being cheated on" or " How do I get this girl to like me". When you should be asking yourself "Am I doing everything I need to be the best person I am".

You are the only person who you need to please. If you can please yourself, all of these nit-pick questions will answer themselves.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2002
Reaction score
Great post Anson!!!

Bungo Pony

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2001
Reaction score
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Originally posted by Anson
Changing yourself is not about working out hard on a gym, or losing weight if you’re fat.

And still, there are and there will always be Don Juans who ask: “What clothes would look good on me?”
I wrote a post not so long ago that goes well with this:

A change of appearance is a step to creating a new life for one's self. After a harsh ending to a LTR, I think it's a good idea to start with this. It gives you a sense of the beginning of a new journey. However, this journey is going to be useless unless you make more changes beyond the weight loss, the new clothes, hairstyle, etc.

Changes to your inner self will help you develope into a new person to compliment the changes to your physical appearance. It can even get to the point where people you run into from way back realize that you are a COMPLETELY different person. Anyone can change the way they look in a matter of hours. A great person can change his attitude, his beliefs, his habits, and the list keeps going on.


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2003
Reaction score

Anson great post

I am not one of these super DJs, but i making my way. This what I have picked up:

My one point that I would point out is that self-improvement is a stage one goes through in their DJ development. probably the most important. Although their are posts on self improvement in the bible, most people when they come here are interested in a how to guide to be better with women. People will begin to use the tips purely for these purposes and look for quick short term solutions. Over time people start to relaize that Djing isnt about how many women you sleep with, its about self-knowledge and self-improvement in making yourself happy.

I dont think you can skip a stage nor do I think that it si a good thing to skip a stage. By going through the more superficial stages you expand your skills which will allow you to self-improve later on. Also, realizing that self-improvement is key, is alot better to understnad coming form your own experience, then from someone else post. So realize we all go through these stages and as fellow DJs we only wish to help each other eventually reach a path to happiness.

I do agree that long term results are related to self-improvment not techniques. Although they do yield temproary successes that boost your experience

I think Anson makes a great point about the imporatnce of the goal of self-improvement being one fo the most improtant things of the DJ life. That and an appreciation for beautiful women



Don Juan
Feb 27, 2003
Reaction score
Anson is da' man...

Anson, you're almost as smart as me, bro!

"I have a really high IQ even though I think IQ tests are full of shyte."


Oct 12, 2002
Reaction score
The baddest country on earth: Land of the Free, Ho
Originally posted by backbreaker
Until people realize this, you come to this fourm looking for schemes to get women, asking questions like "Am I being cheated on" or " How do I get this girl to like me". When you should be asking yourself "Am I doing everything I need to be the best person I am".

You are the only person who you need to please. If you can please yourself, all of these nit-pick questions will answer themselves.

I think this is the best summary of Anson's overall idea. Great thread.


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2000
Reaction score
Originally posted by Anson
Then, if you still believe in the sayings of this site, it will become your way of living. As long as the change within you has happened. It must be adopted into your CHARACTER! AND THE DJ BIBLE SAYS NOTHING ABOUT THIS!!!
Actually Anson, it does.

I wrote a tip about self-respect and character a few years ago.

Click here .

"Personality is indicated by one’s communication skills, or by what a person says and does in public. Character is indicated by one’s behavior independent of any interpersonal relationships. More simply, Character is what you do when no one else is watching. ...The best solution we have is to take time to develop a Self-Improvement program that develops both our Character and Personality...And one doesn’t improve in order to get self-respect. One improves because of self-respect. Self-Respect isn’t attained or developed. It is already inside you."

Overall I agree with you, Anson. Character is not necessary to be to be successful with women, but it is needed to be successful in life....AND with women.

This is also why I think the "DJ Bible" needs to be renamed. The term "Bible" has religious connotations to it and makes readers think that its a complete work devoid of any contradictions, when in reality that isn't the case at all.

Good post.


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2001
Reaction score
Good to see you posting again Anson.

For those who don't know Anson has been around since the days of peak, adonis, chrisFL, pook, don the legend and others.

I'm gonna stick this on the board for a few days then it's off to the 'tips' forum. Very helpful info about growth in this post Anson. Thanks for the contribution.


Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Survivor:
This is also why I think the "DJ Bible" needs to be renamed. The term "Bible" has religious connotations to it and makes readers think that its a complete work devoid of any contradictions, when in reality that isn't the case at all.
Actually, the "DJ Bible" is a very fitting name. It is almost spooky on how it matches the "Holy Bible".

Both are used by people that are "down in the dumps", both bring people up when they have hit "rock bottom".

Both are looked at as a "set of rules", something that should be followed to obtain a specific goal.

Both will enhance your life for the better, however, both can be taken "too far".

Both leave the person to the realization that he must do everything himself, no one will help him if he does not help himself. Both have reached thier goal when the person stops following every 'rule' written in the Bible (DJ or Holy) and starts living life based on his own thoughts.

The catch is, however, that the new thoughts of the person are now strong enough to live by.

The Bibles act as a crutch for a wounded person to walk on while they heal.

We are all born with the talent and knowledge to make our own world as we see fit.