Can You Be Don Juan While Making Minimum Wage?


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2010
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Let's say someone is 28 years old, living at home with his parents, and working a minimum wage job.

Can this person still be a Don Juan? Or is it really all about the job?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 12, 2008
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i wouldnt say that its ALL about the job, but it certinaly becomes a huge handicap. probably like being really ugly.


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2010
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da dynamically said:
You can be a Don Juan at any age. A Don Juan has a passion in life that is beyond women. Sometimes your passion does not equate into having a high paying career. A Don Juan has exciting hobbies that keeps him busy and makes him a natural challenge. A Don Juan is always improving himself. A Don Juan is a BECOMING. He is never the same. So start now. You will be amazed where you'll end up two years from now. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

Wow I didn't know Jesus was posting tonight.
Feb 20, 2011
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The Rock
I will be really blunt here and say yes, it matters. Unless you're (1) very, very good at saving the money you make and putting it to good use to benefit you (and only you), (2) at least decent looking at around an 8 1/2, and (3) Still have some kind of motivation left in you for accomplishing and conquering e.g. endeavors After your probably stressful work day. In a nutshell, but although I believe that what constitutes a "don juan" is an alpha male that will screw decent (or decent looking) chicks at will. You have my valid opinion.

p.s. The above stated are what make a don juan, someone in your.. circumstances couldn't afford to stumble on any one of the aforementioned points, mostly due in part that someone who makes more money carries more affluence/influence/ means of survival ect. and may therefore end up able to "ride above it" or not accomplish the above stated perfectly and still screw the chicks a person like you wants to screw. Also one in your situation may have to come to the realization of the common expectations of women around your age and what is expected from the average male in our society (remember, we live in the richest country in the world.) I am speaking in terms of being a don juan anyways, however else one chooses to live is them, to each his own or whatever.



Don Juan
Sep 16, 2010
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I enjoy how everyone assumes it is me. The fact of the matter is, I know someone who is 28 and lives at home. I was asking the question about the stereotype of "guy in mom's basement" loser.

What if this person knows how to smooth talk the ladies?


Don Juan
Sep 16, 2010
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insanewrestler123 said:
Is there really such a thing as smooth talking women? I think they're something sour in reality.:rolleyes:
You know what I mean: the neg hits, saying the right things, ****y/funny, etc etc etc.

Let's just say for the sake of this argument that the only negative is the low paying job. You're not a creep, stalker etc.
Feb 20, 2011
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The Rock
I would likely come down to the income level of the chick and what her level of sexual attraction she has for this fellow. If the former outweighs the latter then yes, she will allow herself to be seduced, or if the said fellow's confidence leaves him guilty (since he is destitute), she might smell it and reject. Also taking into account the amount of sexual energy the fellow has.

I can personally vouch for the validity of what I just said. I am not rich, I personally come from a poor family, we've done the whole welfare/homelessness/food pantry/move from family member to family member schpeale growing up. Anyways, I am very sly, take good care of my physical appearance, and a decent college athlete to make up for it, I will eventually attend law school (if that says anything at all about ambition, need for honor, interest, ect.) In any case, I have in the midst of my poverty hooked up with various wealthy women, one in particular and probably my best relationship was a current college of william and mary student, a painfully wealthy chick from the richest county in the u.s. (Loudoun). I have the numbers in women, yes, I will attest to that. Again, it came down to a matter of effort, confidence, personal maintenance, and not stumbling, I really worked the "destructive jock" persona well on certain points. At this point in my life anyways, it is just a matter of academics, athletics, and buying myself a replacement car soon, but once this is accomplished... well you know. Careful planning, tact, precision... you know.

Young Juan

Senior Don Juan
Jun 4, 2001
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Ahwatukee, AZ
Matters how many jobs you work, how many hours, the standard of living in your city/town/county, how you use your money, whether your upwardly mobile or not in your jobs, have ambition, are going to make a career out of your job, can live below your means, personality, intelligence, confidence, swag, etc.

Soooooooo many things that prevent this from being cut and dry. Details matter.

Best case scenario: Yes. Worst case scenario. No


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2011
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Hey, you're talking about me! Well I am 26 but in the same boat. I still get chicks... nothing to do with money at all. I live with my mother and still get girls even to come over and we do it on my bed. But I'd say it does hold you back from getting more girls than other guys. I don't really have much money to be taking girls out to dinner and all that crap but at least I'm saving my money because all the girls I've dated never lasted... would of been a waste right!? Besides, they usually paid for me haha. Oh yeah and I don't drive either.

The Pedantical

Don Juan
Oct 28, 2005
Reaction score
Don't feel bad. I'm 27 and never had a job in my life. I sent out like a hundred applications last summer and the only interview I had I was so anxious that they wanted to call paramedics because they thought I was having an asthma attack.

If you think it's a joke, then that makes me feel really good. My life is so ****ed up that people think I'm joking when I talk about it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
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Do you think that a woman of QUALITY will be ATTRACTED to you?

Do you think she will feel COMPELLED to meet you?

What will she tell her FRIENDS about you? What will THEY say about you? Even though you shouldn't care, their opinion of you will influence HER behavior and decisions, even if she likes you.

Women are attracted to AMBITION, and a minimum wage job while living with parents does not convey much ambition, unless you have something else going on.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2011
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The Pedantical said:
Don't feel bad. I'm 27 and never had a job in my life. I sent out like a hundred applications last summer and the only interview I had I was so anxious that they wanted to call paramedics because they thought I was having an asthma attack.

If you think it's a joke, then that makes me feel really good. My life is so ****ed up that people think I'm joking when I talk about it.
Wow, I thought I was the only one. I haven't really had a real job either lol. I'm surprised I can even get laid ;)

In a way it's good... at least you know the woman isn't with you for your money since you don't have any! Then you know she just likes you for you!


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
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South Africa
RockaRolla25 said:
Wow I didn't know Jesus was posting tonight.
Lmfao!! XD


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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RockaRolla25 said:
Let's say someone is 28 years old, living at home with his parents, and working a minimum wage job.

Can this person still be a Don Juan? Or is it really all about the job?
ha ha read my post in anything else. I am in your almost exact situation w/ nothing tangible going for me as of now, yet I still seem to be pulling women even better than a few years ago. Maybe not Don Juan deMarco in the truest sense, but I sure feel like it sometimes! My background has been a crutch, as have been life experiences.

I guess it can be done, but its much more ideal to focus on your goals, future, and execution of your plan.


Senior Don Juan
May 16, 2009
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I make $0 a year right now as a student and have been getting laid more than I have in my entire life in the past month.


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
While money is nice to have and beneficial in giving you more opportunities to get out of the house (bars, concerts, clubs, etc.), it is not a requirement. Hell, I've heard stories of guys who are technically homeless, but they always have a place to sleep for the night from the women they pick up.

With the economy the way it is right now, its not a big deal to be living at home. I was making rent every month even though my unemployment barely covered it and my landlord still got foreclosed on, I'm back home until spring. If they can't understand that sometimes you just have to regroup, then they're pieces of sh1t anyways.

What really matters is ambition. If they see you have that, nothing else really matters.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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da dynamically said:
A Don Juan has a passion in life that is beyond women.
I know a guy who is deep in debt, pays out a lot in child support, and is pretty much left penniless after he gets his check. But he pulls ass, and as far as I can see it's because his passion IS women. That's his focus, it's what drives him, that's what he's good at.

He certainly isn't a role model of mine in any way, but it shows you don't have to have money to get women. In fact, I know several guys who are broke and going nowhere but get a lot of women.

Nexus Polaris

Senior Don Juan
Feb 10, 2007
Reaction score
DJ isn't a job, an income level, a look, a house, a car, or anything else. That's all just social conditioning garbage you guys have been programmed to believe by your enviornment around you. DJ is an energy. Plain and simple. Nothing more. And once you figure out how to project it, you'll start to laugh at all the people who spend so much time fretting about being rich enough or tall enough or good looking enough or whatever. Because it's all so useless. If I had a dollar for every hot girl I've met that was banging some scrubby loser, I wouldn't need a job, myself. I'd be able to support myself based on just that income alone.

Women aren't logical. They're emotional. All you have to do is be able to stir up the right feelings inside of them, and you can be the hunchback of Notre Dame and they'll still be on your d1ck. Google Sean Stephenson if you don't believe me.

Once you fully pull yourself out of the matrix, your biggest problem will be finding the motivation not to just be a total scrub.