Cali-Fornication: an approach journal


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
New year, new life: just moved to Santa Monica, newly single after a 2.5 yrs relationship (my longest one to date), and starting a one year specialization program at a new school.

Since a big chunk of my last relationship was spent long distance, I still hooked up with a dozen chicks while dating my ex. However, I rarely went out of my way to approach a girl. Most importantly, I didn't do ANY cold approaches during the day, something I used to be really good at.

Time to change all that and get out of my comfort zone. My ultimate goal is to find myself a few steady plates. Most importantly, I just wanna have fun!


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
Day 1

This was one of the funniest situations I've ever found myself in... After a morning surf session, I drove up to my school a day before the start of classes to take care of some administrative issues and to make sure that my computer can connect to their network.

As I approach the IT desk in the library, my heart skips a beat: where I was expecting to find two nerdy betas chatting about the latest CoD update, I find two stunning blondes. HB1 has an awesome body and an ok face, HB2 has the prettiest doll face and a nice body to compliment it.

"Is this the IT desk?" I ask with a look of perplexion
"yes! what can we do for you?"
"well bla bla bla Internet connection bla bla. Are you sure you can help me? I was expecting to see some nerds here, I'm confused"
[HBs chuckle] "just take out your computer, we ll take it from there"
"you two are the hottest IT team I've ever seen, I m impressed"
both of them laughing "thanks! there are some guys too, you just got lucky"

this is where the situation got out of control! I take out the laptop, with the back of the screen facing them so they could not see it and to my horror a bunch of naked pictures of an ex-fvck buddy are all over my screen! I was looking at those the night before but totally forgot about them. I'm trying to keep up the small talk while frantically clicking to close them all, but there are so many...

HB1: [with a smile] do you want to do this or not?
me: [with a grin] hold on, you don't wanna see these pics...
they both start cracking up.

then, as they get started on the instalation, HB2 asks me where my accent is from. I make her guess (my easiest game tactic), of course she can't, I tease her a little and then finally tell her.

both HBs: do you know so-and-so? She's also from [home country], we gotta introduce you to her!

we keep on chatting until their manager comes over the table (he was on his lunch break), when I exit. Both girls are all smiles and waving at me. Could have asked for numbers, but thought it might be awkward with their boss around, plus I know where they work so i ll get to see them around throughout the semester.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
Day 2

Not much action, approached an HB7 after the end of class because she expressed an interest in kickboxing while introducing herself to the class. I also used to box and do muay thai so we talked about that for a little bit and left it off that we would let each other know if we can find a gym where to train in the Santa Monica/Malibu area.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
Day 3

Finally got some digits!

Last week, I noticed a really cute waitress at a japanese restaurant where I ate. So I went back there today around 2pm, just to make sure it was not too busy. We chatted up a little while she was serving me, then at the end when getting the check I opened her.

me: hey where are you from?
her: Japan...
me: haha ya, I know THAT! But where in Japan?
her: [she laughs too] I m from a little town close to Osaka, do you know where that is?
me: ya, I've been there! also [listed a bunch of towns in the area I visited]
her: [seems impressed] oh, you know a lot bout japan!
me: I used to live in Tokyo!
her: [now genuinely impressd} oh! where in Tokyo?
me: Shibuya [really trendy district] and [another district]
her: wow, Shibuya is so cool! I always wanted to live there!

we continue with a little small talk, then I ask her what is she doing in Cali.
her: I'm studying English
me: that's cool. I m also studying Japanese, we should get together some time; you'll speak to me in English and I speak to you in Japanese!
her: [laughs] ok
me: I'm not in town this weekend, but give me your number and I ll hit you up next week.

Got the digits, then exited. Not a bad approach...


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
Day 4

too busy in the field to get to write any reports...

Went down to San Diego on a thursday night to hit up one of my favorite asian parties (I was probably one of 10 non-asians there). Showed up with two buddies who know the bouncer, so cut in front of a huge line (first DMV right there). But I was dead sober walking in, and this is more of a college crowd, bunch of rowdy girls running around. With huge lines at all the bars, it couldn't even get a buzz going.

Meet this 2 chicks at the bar, we can't order a drink for the life of us so I suggest moving to the another bar inside the club. They follow me and on the way I find it's one of them's birthday. Here is where I make my big mistake: thinking she's down to go crazy, I propose buying her shots. She gladly accepts, even goes dancing with her after while ditching her friend. I think I'm money at this point! But no, she leaves me to "get her friend." I forget about here at this point, talk to other girls (not going anywhere) then run into here a couple more times. She always acts nice to me, but at the end when I ask her for her number ("hey we should hang out, I'm visiting town for the weekend") she won't give it up! Can't remember last time a girl didn't give me her number, I wanna get my shots money back bytch!


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
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Day 4 Part 2

After the asian club closed, my buddies and I are wondering the streets, which at 2am are roaming with drunk, hot girls. To all the guys who tell me I'm not gonna pick up a chick on the street, better go home: read this!

A gorgeous chick in an absurdly tiny dress walks by, looks me in the eye and says: "hey beautiful!" Jackpot! I grab her by the arm "you don't look to shabby yourself". Mind you, this chick is at least a 9, and by the looks of her dress, she knows it. She starts laughing, we engage in conversation and it perspires that she's with her sister (a solid 8) and 3 other friends whom they have lost. We proceed to locate her friends, get some mexican food and bring them all to my buddy's house where I was staying.

Once there, I first isolate her in the kitchen ("you want a glass of water?" "here, come with me"), start making out with her. Then once her friends follow us (the c0ckblocking starts), I propose "do you want a tour of the house?" And she says yes! So I take her in my friend's room, she jumps on the bed and we start cuddling/making out. But one of her friends is intent on c0ckblocking. She's banging on the door "I'm not leaving here without you! I won't stop banging until you come out!" Just a pathetic bytch, so my girl ends up taking off and I'm left with a serious case of blue balls :mad:


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
Day 5

First lay!

For my friend's birthday, we got a table at the hottest club in San Diego, right on the dancefloor. This place is literally packed with HB8+, I don't even think they let ugly girls through the door...

Killing fish in a barrel is the only expression that can describe our situation. We're just standing around the table while hot chick after hot chick walks by, smiles, some of the boldest ones even come up to us to ask for a drink. My rule of thumb is never to give out drinks to random girls. If we're making out on the dancefloor, and then I walk her over to the table, that's a different situation.

The whole night I'm either dancing with chicks in front of our table, or walking around the club with a glass of whiskey in hand, cheering with every attractive woman I see and stopping by for a bit of convo when I get a positive response. I end up making out with 5 different girls, one of them a French exchange student. Since I speak the language we hit it off right away, start dancing, groping, making out. I then lose track of her for the next hour or so and only find her again at the end of the night, as I was heading out with my friends and another, less hot, chick.

French HB is talking to some douche, I just grab her by the arm, leave the other girl, and start walking her towards my hotel (it helps when it's 3 blocks from the club!)

me: let's go in the jacuzzi, the front desk lady gave us a key that opens it even at night!
her: haha ok! but I don't have my bathing suit...
me: no problem, you can borrow some board shorts from me
her: [laughing]

Once we get to the hotel, turns out the key to the jacuzzi I had didn't actually open any doors, so we started making out on the couches in front of the spa. I proposed to her to go back up to the room, which was on the top floor, for "an amazing view of San Diego by night."

She agreed and... you guys know how this story ends! :yes: let's just say she really, really, really enjoyed the view!