Breakup Text from GF


Don Juan
Feb 29, 2012
Reaction score
Weve been dating 7 months. Its been totally crazy for the begininng. She's BPD to the core. I've known that though and have just been riding the rollercoaster, ejoying the insane sex followed by her meltdowns and temper tantrums. Haha.

It's sad to see a person in such anguish, but long story short, I don't give a **** about her and I'm not trying to save her. Ive been that guy before, believe me.

She's so bad shell tell me to "get the **** out" and then try to block the door when I say **** you, my pleasure.

She always gets me to swing by and fVck her. One time she even said she was having a miscarriage with twins! Still think its bull****.
Then I'm back in it, kinda- not really. Emotionally I'm not there. I kind of feel like a sociopath at this point myself.

So she sends me a breakup text that went on forever about how weve hurt each other. Ive had to restrain her on multiple occasions during her rages.

After her page long breakup text, I reply, "I don't want you. Stop contacting me."

Was even that too much of a reply?

She of course replies, "Ok, honey. But know I love you" or something very similar...

I'm not replying. Waiting for the hovering attempts to ensue. It's crazy cause shes really bad for me, but that pvssy is SOOOOOO good. It's only been a couple days so I am jonesing, not gonna lie. Maybe I should take some salt-peter or something so I dont want to **** for like a month- :cheer:

I'd like to add, the push pull thing has been very dramatic. Pedestal/gutter, pedestal, gutter. Breakup. Volitile on both sides. Every single time SHE is the one who reinitiates. Also, she acts like nothing happened at all. She greets me with a HUGE smile. "Awwww, I misssed your energy, honey!!" At times I've abused her back to give her a taste of her own medicince. Calling her garbage, telling her to look for me around town. I'll be the guy fvcking your friends..That seemed to be very effective...


Senior Don Juan
Apr 4, 2013
Reaction score
sounds like my ex. are you in California?


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
and why are u wasting your time with her??? toxic relationships are bad for your soul and mental health...if you have any sense never contact her again...this is a test of willpower...
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Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2007
Reaction score
I think i would rather jerk off then deal with that just sayin.