"BPD" control is all in your head


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
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Alright, I'm not even arguing that these chicks aren't BPD at this moment. That's another argument for another day. However, there is something I've been noticing that is far more concerning for men, especially us DJs.

A lot of you guys who said to have experienced BPD relationships, constantly ignore one thing that's constant In the relationship. And that's YOU.

-YOU chose to date the woman.
-YOU chose to remain in the relationship.
-YOU can chose to remove her from your life.

BPD chicks do not force you to keep them in their lives. They also did not force you to date them. They do not hide the fact that they are BPD. YOU chose to ignore it and view her through rose colored lenses. It was there from the start.

They do not control you, you are not a child. They do not say and you obey. You have to remember, you are a grown man. YOU have control over YOUR OWN life. Not her.

Stop with the 'BPD ruined my life!' speak. YOU ruined your life. And you can just as easily fix it.

And before you say 'Smoove, your not holding women accountable!'

That's true, because you can only be held accountable for something you control. And A human cannot control another human.

A thread I read today said that "Once a BPD Witch(seriously? wtf??) gets control over you, you can never fully regain control..."

This is mentality that no man should have. And especially not preached here on SS.

That's my rant-

Get control of your life and stop blaming everything but yourself



Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2015
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Yes its an easy trick they push your buttons. I mean its an easy trick for a gorgeous woman to pull on chumps.

First they put you in some no win situations where you must act in way that is not you in order to save and help the little victim usually, they do it to implant their own personalty faults in your head and then they make you correct them, which twists your brain so bad its not even funny, there are the WTF moments of clarity, but rarely, and this brainwash creates a conflict which can only be resolved by cutting that person off your life. Booze\drugs are temporal solutions.

Of course, responsibility is all yours, but understanding can come only through experience. And its very helpful as an experience couse it makes you understand control better.

And what is control? Control is when you are made to believe something that is not OK is actually OK. For example, music videos with naked chicks at 5 PM when all the kids are awake. Its not OK, but since its on national TV at 5, it must be OK. Same thing.

After that you become immune to BS.


Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2014
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Los Angeles
SmooveMooves said:
BPD chicks do not force you to keep them in their lives. They also did not force you to date them. They do not hide the fact that they are BPD. YOU chose to ignore it and view her through rose colored lenses. It was there from the start.

That third sentence is where you fail to make your point because as any guy that has expirienced a real BPD will tell you, they do hide who they are. The fact that you don't know that they are manipulators and decievers shows you haven't done your research on the topic enough to know what you are talking about. So keep preaching but you aren't going to sound credible until you stop trying to say that the red flags are there. Serial killers can hide that they are serial killers so what makes you think a BPD woman can't hide the red flags that you think are there?

You make a good point about taking responsibility for your own life and moving on but stop trying to tell everyone that we ignored the signs. That's where you just sound like a hater that doesn't know what he's talking about.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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A guy picks up a slvt off the street and is SHOCKED when he finds out she is BPD.

Plus if you couldn't tell within the first 10 minutes of meeting her you're probably just plain retarded. I spot that ****t from mile away.

Once men take responsibility for their actions, they will be happier. Putting the blame on the woman for "ruining their life" is a cop out.

Zapp Brannigan

Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2014
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skinnyguy said:

A guy picks up a slvt off the street and is SHOCKED when he finds out she is BPD.

Plus if you couldn't tell within the first 10 minutes of meeting her you're probably just plain retarded. I spot that ****t from mile away. QUOTE]

That's so true. BPD women go places slutting around looking for their next victim, and it can be anywhere, the street, mall, park, Walmart, etc. They seek out anyone who they believe is an easy target. They'll become "best friends" in a day with chicks who are in a lonely place, and with guys they'll pretty much cat call all of them until they can reel one in.

Usually in the first conversation you can spot what they are. They'll be overly forward and direct, will bring up "evil" ex's and chaotic relationships with family/former friends to rally sympathy, and they'll typically bring up something about sex too. Anything like that brought up early on isn't good, but all of it combined is a clear recipe for disaster. More men need to stick to their intuition and common sense, and stay away from these types.


Don Juan
Mar 27, 2015
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Mine was sweet, adorable and showed no signs for the first 6 weeks until the mask came off when she got stressed at work. Then she raged by text at me from nowhere.

Being an HB 8.8 I forgave her and things went well for two months until the tales of sexual abuse,rape and ****ed up father came out.

I had no knowledge of PD or BPD then and felt sorry for her. I was a bit of a white knight then and pandered to her needs.

The closer she got the worse it became until one day she withheld sex and became passive aggressive. I got suspicious at her weird impulsive nature and googled "impulsive woman."

Luckily I discovered BPD and the forums including SS. I backed off emotionally and realised that all the **** tests, jealousy, control, passive aggression etc etc were all on the menu.

Then she ran back to her husband after saying " you think I'm crazy."

Her nickname is now "bat****."

I got lucky. Never ever again will I be fooled.


Don Juan
Mar 27, 2015
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I will add that before our brief relationship I always felt something was not quite right but she was soooooooooo tempting I just had to dip in.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
skinnyguy said:

A guy picks up a slvt off the street and is SHOCKED when he finds out she is BPD.

Plus if you couldn't tell within the first 10 minutes of meeting her you're probably just plain retarded. I spot that ****t from mile away.

Once men take responsibility for their actions, they will be happier. Putting the blame on the woman for "ruining their life" is a cop out.
Glad I'm not the only guy here with sense.