Boyfriend Destroyer


Don Juan
Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Davis, CA
I've read briefly about certain techniques to get past the issue of a girl with a boyfriend. I'm not the type of guy to do this, as I've been cheated on before and it sucks. However, there's a girl I'm interested in who is in a bull**** relationship where she's pretty much being used. They fight all the time and all her friends want her to leave him. I'm not trying to get her to cheat on him, I'm trying to get her to leave him/see that I'm better. How do I go about doing this, dropping hints and all? Should I not talk/mention him at all?


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2007
Reaction score
Central US
You're not going to change her mind no matter what you do. She has to realize for herself how awful he is. Just let it go.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
Play her "Baby youre a star" (all about how a chic is too good for her current man and should get with the singer) by whats his face, and be afc as hell. It might work!!


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Have her friends help you out by having them get in her ear about you.

Chick friends regularly sabotage even the good relationships that a friend of theirs is in if they don't like the guy so you might as well use this unfortunate female trait to your benefit and make some good use of it for once in so doing.

After that all you can do is make her enjoy her time with you so much when you two get together that she comes to not wanting to be without it.

You can't verbalize you're the better guy and have the chick fall in your arms from that convincing you have to show it with action.

Other than this find some emotional hole of hers that he's not filling if possible so you can fill the hole you really wish to fill.

Good luck and godspeed sosuave soldier!


Don Juan
Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Davis, CA
Thanks guys. I like aussie's advice but all the rest too. I'm not looking to save a ho. I'm looking to get with a girl I like. This is just an obstacle in the way of that objective.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
TheMaestro87 said:
Thanks guys. I like aussie's advice but all the rest too. I'm not looking to save a ho. I'm looking to get with a girl I like. This is just an obstacle in the way of that objective.
I think that you misinterpreted Aussies advice in that he was telling you not to waste your time. The best advice that you can get is to be forwarded to the link for the DJ bible

Drop this girl and spend your time learning. To be relevant for your situation I will ask you this simple question. Why should she drop her current boyfriend to date you just because you think that she would be better off (btw not realistic) and what would make you think that some other guy wouldn't come along and ask them same thing well you were dating her?

I have spent the better part of my dating career surrounded by friends who will try to act like I am the ******* when it comes to women since I am upfront and honest about what I want. When I meet a girl and tell her before we even have a date that I am not interested and then end up sleeping with her I get my clueless guy friends trying to make me feel guilty about it. At the same time they are to shy to actually admit to a girl (or themselves) what they are looking for and wind up getting pushed aside. You seem like one of the guys that puts up fake barriers to deny rejection and needs to face the facts and address your own issues.

As much as you want to think that you are better for her than her current bf you probably would be much worse since you would pander to her every whim and be too scared to defend yourself.

Mad Manic

Aug 11, 2007
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
"Change Her Mood, Not Her Mind" - Tyler Durden


Don Juan
Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Davis, CA
belividere said:
I think that you misinterpreted Aussies advice in that he was telling you not to waste your time. The best advice that you can get is to be forwarded to the link for the DJ bible

Drop this girl and spend your time learning. To be relevant for your situation I will ask you this simple question. Why should she drop her current boyfriend to date you just because you think that she would be better off (btw not realistic) and what would make you think that some other guy wouldn't come along and ask them same thing well you were dating her?

I have spent the better part of my dating career surrounded by friends who will try to act like I am the ******* when it comes to women since I am upfront and honest about what I want. When I meet a girl and tell her before we even have a date that I am not interested and then end up sleeping with her I get my clueless guy friends trying to make me feel guilty about it. At the same time they are to shy to actually admit to a girl (or themselves) what they are looking for and wind up getting pushed aside. You seem like one of the guys that puts up fake barriers to deny rejection and needs to face the facts and address your own issues.

As much as you want to think that you are better for her than her current bf you probably would be much worse since you would pander to her every whim and be too scared to defend yourself.

belividere, thank you for your input. I know you weren't trying to flame me, just help, but I'm not some AFC. I know what I'm doing, it's just the first time I've had a boyfriend in the way because I back off if I find out a girl has one. Until now. I don't need a link to the DJ Bible other than for review. I currently have 8 girls who I'm seeing and have avoided being friend-zoned by in order to sleep with them in the future (already slept with 2 and have kissed 6 out of 8). I would be better than this girl's current boyfriend, no questions asked. It's possible to be a sweet, accomadating right (ie treating a girl right) while still staying in control and not bending to her every whim, like you said. I'm not some weak piece of **** whose going to let her, or anyone else, walk all over me. That being said, do you have any advice for me or are you just going to tell me to review my **** and game other girls, which I'll already do around the clock?


Don Juan
Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Davis, CA
KontrollerX said:
Have her friends help you out by having them get in her ear about you.

Chick friends regularly sabotage even the good relationships that a friend of theirs is in if they don't like the guy so you might as well use this unfortunate female trait to your benefit and make some good use of it for once in so doing.

After that all you can do is make her enjoy her time with you so much when you two get together that she comes to not wanting to be without it.

You can't verbalize you're the better guy and have the chick fall in your arms from that convincing you have to show it with action.

Other than this find some emotional hole of hers that he's not filling if possible so you can fill the hole you really wish to fill.

Good luck and godspeed sosuave soldier!

I think this may be a good idea, but recent experience has taught me it's best to keep my intentions a secret. Her friends might go and talk to her about it if I come forward to them and even if they're telling her that she'd be happy with me or just putting in a good word, it makes me look weak and needy and makes it too obvious I'm interested. I'm trying to convey that I'm there but don't need her.

My recent experience was one the pledges in my fraternity talking me up to some girl I k-closed at one of our parties. He was trying to help me out (and didn't tell me) and it just ended up making me look insecure in her eyes. That didn't go anywhere, obviously.