Born-again virgins; is it always alpha fux/beta bux?


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
I made the mistake of going on reddit again and I saw this:
So here we have a drugged out ***** who was so ****ty that she actually had a failed engagement and let herself be used as a meat sack. She even said that she only looked at men as meat, which as we all know is just projection on her end. She found the simpiest of the simps and just ‘knew’ he was the one. After that, she put on a good girl act to get him to like her. Funny how all women intrinsically know what it is that men want in women. And of course, he’s so cucked in the head that he doesn’t even know how cucked he is. He has no experience with women at all (virgin an everything), but it’s perfectly fine because his woman has so much experience that she makes up for the both of them lol. He still does everything he supposed to while they cuddle and he listens to her problems and rubs her back and feet like a ‘good boy’. They’re still in the honeymoon phase of the relationship by the looks of it. Methinks she’s overglorifying it bc of that and after the feelgood chemicals wear off, it’ll be a standard relationship where he gets cucked even more at the end. They probably don’t have sex much at all tbh so she’s feeling “our relationship isn’t even about sex” even though the dude wants more even but is so cucked to where he thinks he doesn’t.

But this is just what I’m thinking. I want to know your thoughts. I made this post because it’s just one of those things where even though I hate it, I’m just fascinated at the amount of sheer faggotry and cuckoldry on behalf of the man. I still can’t believe that something like this even exists. I do feel sorry for him though, I think he deserves better, she really doesn’t deserve to have him after her past. Dunno why this triggered me so much lol but it at least does serve as a reminder for everyone that being a woman is playing life on easy mode, and that you should never ever feel sorry for a woman because there’ll always be some poor chump to pick up the pieces of her mistakes. Thoughts?


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2017
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women in the UK dispatch of dad whilst they're pregnant and hit the dating scene right away, its an ever growing epedemic

Fortunately , it never works out to well for them.

But still imagine having that much solipsism and lack of remorse, your carrying another mans seed (but its "Beautiful" in her mind)


Nov 2, 2011
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She used to give and it didn't work, now she's not giving in hopes that it will work, not realizing that in the back of her mind she is killing her attraction. At this point, women that are 'virgins again' are damaged beyond repair, are low value, are not pretty, have hit and past the wall, have several kids, have a large debt, are pretty much off the market.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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I made the mistake of going on reddit again and I saw this:
So here we have a drugged out ***** who was so ****ty that she actually had a failed engagement and let herself be used as a meat sack. She even said that she only looked at men as meat, which as we all know is just projection on her end. She found the simpiest of the simps and just ‘knew’ he was the one. After that, she put on a good girl act to get him to like her. Funny how all women intrinsically know what it is that men want in women. And of course, he’s so cucked in the head that he doesn’t even know how cucked he is. He has no experience with women at all (virgin an everything), but it’s perfectly fine because his woman has so much experience that she makes up for the both of them lol. He still does everything he supposed to while they cuddle and he listens to her problems and rubs her back and feet like a ‘good boy’. They’re still in the honeymoon phase of the relationship by the looks of it. Methinks she’s overglorifying it bc of that and after the feelgood chemicals wear off, it’ll be a standard relationship where he gets cucked even more at the end. They probably don’t have sex much at all tbh so she’s feeling “our relationship isn’t even about sex” even though the dude wants more even but is so cucked to where he thinks he doesn’t.

But this is just what I’m thinking. I want to know your thoughts. I made this post because it’s just one of those things where even though I hate it, I’m just fascinated at the amount of sheer faggotry and cuckoldry on behalf of the man. I still can’t believe that something like this even exists. I do feel sorry for him though, I think he deserves better, she really doesn’t deserve to have him after her past. Dunno why this triggered me so much lol but it at least does serve as a reminder for everyone that being a woman is playing life on easy mode, and that you should never ever feel sorry for a woman because there’ll always be some poor chump to pick up the pieces of her mistakes. Thoughts?
Lets see if that type of relationship lasts more than 9 months. (Honeymoon phase should be over by this time). She will have some hangups where he will notice something is off with her. Maybe its the way she looksnat or flirts with a Chad while he is next to her in public or something else while he feels she forgot about him at that moment.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2015
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I'm going to play devil's advocate right here. Isn't it hypocritical to judge a woman for getting ****ed while we are some promiscuous sons of bitches ourselves? I mean obviously this guy ****ed up because his past is literally squeaky clean and hers is well, not so clean. We have to realize that they don't make women like they made 'em in the 60s anymore. If she actually treats him like a king and ****s him very regularly and KEEPS doing this then there's nothing wrong with him giving her his time and attention. I still think he should go out and live the lifestyle himself but ultimately if he feels true happiness who are we to tell him "your girls a filthy slut bro"? Maybe she really changed, maybe her demons will play up sometime in the coming months/years (likely), nobody knows but at least he's gaining experience and he's taking a shot at life opposed to sitting there being an incel. And if he gets his heartbroken he will most likely end up learning about the red pill. I mean he does sound like a lil ***** because all the qualities she's given him make him sound like a huge dork instead of a man she's really attracted to but whatever. In the end all we need is a ***** who drools over us because aside from all the "game" and **** that is still the most important quality there is, if she thinks you look like a Greek God she'll do everything you want and more.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2014
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The land of improvement
I do know where this is going . I had a similar plate recently telling me about her ex bf . This story feels exactly like she’s the one writing it . The similarities are unreal. Fast forward, she felt that this wasn’t her world and returned back to her old slutty phase were she would party everyday and hook up with different guys everyday . Shyt she was also the same age lol.
Since she’s 24 she got long time left till she reach 28 and start hearing the marriage clock ticking loud.

Other than that i do hope that this is a happy ending story but I’ve seen and been through so many experiences that nothing like that exists outside of our fantasies.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2017
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I'm going to play devil's advocate right here. Isn't it hypocritical to judge a woman for getting ****ed while we are some promiscuous sons of bitches ourselves?
we don't have baby gravy shot in orifices during sex

we don't get conquered during sex

and our fertility isn't our negotiating tool for life


Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2015
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women oooze "take me as i am"
My girl once said that to me when I spoke on her clingy and needy behaviour. She quickly changed her tone when I said she got to contain it or it's not going to work. Take me as I am is something I hate hearing and you are right a lot of women will play that card but any confident man will poke holes through that and counter it with a "willing to walk" card. I'm willing to accept someone's flaws if they make a conscious effort to improve on them and if she can accept my flaws.


Master Don Juan
Jan 14, 2020
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Cant say if these women really believe the bs they say or write but in my experience this is just empty talk. There are so many girls in my city i know them since my schoolyears and many of them had this phase when they met this one guy ( in their 20s ) who allegedly was the one they would marry.
But it rarely had a good ending and they decided to ride the CC when they saw things didnt work out or they felt unhappy.

They try to find a guy like this poor one who doesnt knows anything about their past and convince him that they are angels. This '' good guys '' are just blue pill af and ignore all the red flags.
I was like this unexperienced guy and my ex was similar to her. She was able to play her new virgin role for some time but only when she was really into me and things were going well.
When things were going worse she turned more and more into her old self and ended up being the person she always was.

Currently shes having her fun again but im sure one day she will find another guy and convince him how good she is. He will fall for that. Those guys are poor bastards in my eyes.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2017
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Currently shes having her fun again but im sure one day she will find another guy and convince him how good she is. He will fall for that. Those guys are poor bastards in my eyes.
i think the word we are looking for is "insufferable"


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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I'm going to play devil's advocate right here. Isn't it hypocritical to judge a woman for getting ****ed while we are some promiscuous sons of bitches ourselves? I mean obviously this guy ****ed up because his past is literally squeaky clean and hers is well, not so clean. We have to realize that they don't make women like they made 'em in the 60s anymore. If she actually treats him like a king and ****s him very regularly and KEEPS doing this then there's nothing wrong with him giving her his time and attention. I still think he should go out and live the lifestyle himself but ultimately if he feels true happiness who are we to tell him "your girls a filthy slut bro"? Maybe she really changed, maybe her demons will play up sometime in the coming months/years (likely), nobody knows but at least he's gaining experience and he's taking a shot at life opposed to sitting there being an incel. And if he gets his heartbroken he will most likely end up learning about the red pill. I mean he does sound like a lil ***** because all the qualities she's given him make him sound like a huge dork instead of a man she's really attracted to but whatever. In the end all we need is a ***** who drools over us because aside from all the "game" and **** that is still the most important quality there is, if she thinks you look like a Greek God she'll do everything you want and more.
Just because you gain experience does not mean you easily get another gf afterwards. While she can easily move on because of her SMV, he might be stuck in a hellish long dry spell afterwards. He may be more devestated than heartbroken and end think about her during a very long dry spell afterwards that this was the only girl who took him on. Its just terrible.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2015
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Just because you gain experience does not mean you easily get another gf afterwards. While she can easily move on because of her SMV, he might be stuck in a hellish long dry spell afterwards. He may be more devestated than heartbroken and end think about her during a very long dry spell afterwards that this was the only girl who took him on. Its just terrible.
Yeah but you lose, you learn. At least the smart ones do. If he doesn't learn then that's on him. I can't feel sorry for him because he knows what he got in to. If it somehow someway ends up working out then that's amazing, if it doesn't then at least he took a shot and it SHOULD be a lesson. Sometimes you just have to say **** it, I'm going to try this but you need to be ready and prepared for the consequences. If he didn't do that then that's on him. You know this dude will be ****ed up when she goes back to her own ways but in the end we all just care for ourselves, it's human nature, so can you blame her for trying to find a wimp that'll do whatever she wants?


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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My girl once said that to me when I spoke on her clingy and needy behaviour. She quickly changed her tone when I said she got to contain it or it's not going to work. Take me as I am is something I hate hearing and you are right a lot of women will play that card but any confident man will poke holes through that and counter it with a "willing to walk" card. I'm willing to accept someone's flaws if they make a conscious effort to improve on them and if she can accept my flaws.
someone flaws is not the same as being a gangbang *****, you still need to learn about diferences btw woman and men


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2018
Reaction score
I made the mistake of going on reddit again and I saw this:
So here we have a drugged out ***** who was so ****ty that she actually had a failed engagement and let herself be used as a meat sack. She even said that she only looked at men as meat, which as we all know is just projection on her end. She found the simpiest of the simps and just ‘knew’ he was the one. After that, she put on a good girl act to get him to like her. Funny how all women intrinsically know what it is that men want in women. And of course, he’s so cucked in the head that he doesn’t even know how cucked he is. He has no experience with women at all (virgin an everything), but it’s perfectly fine because his woman has so much experience that she makes up for the both of them lol. He still does everything he supposed to while they cuddle and he listens to her problems and rubs her back and feet like a ‘good boy’. They’re still in the honeymoon phase of the relationship by the looks of it. Methinks she’s overglorifying it bc of that and after the feelgood chemicals wear off, it’ll be a standard relationship where he gets cucked even more at the end. They probably don’t have sex much at all tbh so she’s feeling “our relationship isn’t even about sex” even though the dude wants more even but is so cucked to where he thinks he doesn’t.

But this is just what I’m thinking. I want to know your thoughts. I made this post because it’s just one of those things where even though I hate it, I’m just fascinated at the amount of sheer faggotry and cuckoldry on behalf of the man. I still can’t believe that something like this even exists. I do feel sorry for him though, I think he deserves better, she really doesn’t deserve to have him after her past. Dunno why this triggered me so much lol but it at least does serve as a reminder for everyone that being a woman is playing life on easy mode, and that you should never ever feel sorry for a woman because there’ll always be some poor chump to pick up the pieces of her mistakes. Thoughts?
There will be a clear power imbalance sooner than later, that guy dont know any better and will eat up her bs like its pure gold

imo its like starting a diet
She wants to be that kind of women but will end up eating junk again.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2015
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someone flaws is not the same as being a gangbang *****, you still need to learn about diferences btw woman and men
Read what I quoted. I was talking about flaws, not dealbreakers like being a *** dumpster. I wouldn't even give the woman a chance with me because she's low quality but you man are so angry that some dork does give her a chance. Let him make the mistake and watch it hopefully be life altering for him.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
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Kinda reminds me of gals that says "If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve to be with me at my best" type of crap. LOL
Flip it around on them. They didn’t want you in their best days, so why should you settle for them in their declining days?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 7, 2020
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Kinda reminds me of gals that says "If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve to be with me at my best" type of crap. LOL
I’m not a doctor, but I automatically diagnose any woman who says this with a cluster B personality disorder.