Boot Camp journal


Don Juan
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
OK, I won't bore you with too much BS about my background so I'll get this over with:

I found this site a year ago and have made some major improvements since. If you met me on the street I might not seem like much of a DJ but when I compare myself now with what I was a year ago I am doing pretty good. I work out and maintain good hygeine, and I've developed hobbies and interests that don't involve sitting on my ass in front of a screen.

My biggest problem is social interaction. I still get that nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach every time I go into a place full of strangers. Basically, the main problem of isolated horny young men everywhere. I did a half assed effort with previous bootcamps (just read my other posts). I've finally decided to put in the effort and work hard at this, but I need a way to keep me on track. I've decided to do this by making a journal. I'll try to post daily, and hopefully I'll finally stop ****ing around and get this done. I really need a good kick in the ass.

(BTW, I started Week 1 yesterday, so I'm posting this a day late)

Thursday, day 1-

A pretty good day for the beggining of BC. I take a biology class at a community college, and used my time there to work on the E/C and Hi's. At first I was a little nevous but after doing it a few times I got more confident. My biggest problem was not getting any responses from people! A lot of people, even big guys 5 years older than me, will not look me in the eye! I guess some people just aren't very aware of their surrounding (I know I'm not most of the time). I went to a supermarket to apply for a job and tried some DJing there but with mixed results. I only practiced the E/C (I think it would be kind of weird to approch someone in the aisles and just say "HI!"), and found myself looking away instead of maintaining it. I had lost most of my focus so I went home. In the evening I went for a run in a park. The exercise brought me back into focus, and I got 5 hi's, including one from an HB.

E/C- 7
Hi's- 8

Friday, day 2-

Today wasn't as good as yesterday. I only got about 5 people to lock E/C with me, and 2 hi's. I didn't get much sleep last night and was pretty sore from yesterday's running, so I wasn't feeling great from the start. I went home right after school and didn't go out. :(

I'm gonna go to get plenty of sleep tonight cuz need to step it up tomorrow. I want to get at least 8 hi's each day, and more E/C.

Hi's- 10
E/C- 12

Edit: This is fine here
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Don Juan
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
I need to post more often.

OK, over the weekened I was busy cleaning the house and helping with repairs (we're trying to sell our house) so I wasn't able to get much done. On Monday I was lazy and unmotivated and didn't get anything done. :p I only got 2 hi's and E/C fromt hose 2 people.

Today (Tuesday) I turned things around. I went job hunting, and applied for jobs at Starbuck's and Roths. While I was there I made E/C with 8 people, and greeted 10 people, half of them guys. I only got E/C with 1 HB, even though I passed several of them. I could have said Hi but I choked :( . I also used a nod instead of "Hi" with all the guys. It seems more "appropriate", if that makes sense. I had a problem with holding E/C while greeting people. I would say "Hi', and then kind of flinch and look away when they made E/C with me. It was almost automatic, and I'll try to stop but I'm not sure how. Anybody have some ideas on how to stop these kind of habits?

I also have a problem with choking in front of hot girls. I think its cuz I'm afraid of success. This will sound really weird, but I keep thinking that if I look at them, then I'm obligated to try and get their number. I don't know what to do about this either, but the fact that I'm recognizing this is the first step. I'm going to try and get at least half of my E/C and Hi's from HBs.

I have only two days left, so I''m really going to have to work hard to get in my remaining Hi's. If I don't then I'll take a break on Friday and then finish on the weekend. I'm thinking about doing it in a mall, but I don't know how greeting random people in a mall will work. It sounds too awkward. Maybe a park would be better? I'm open to suggestions.
E/C- 22


Don Juan
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Well, my plans for this weekend have been derailed. On Saturday I had to stay home and work on our house and today I woke up with a cold and have felt like **** all day. I did go to church and got 4 hi's and made E/C with 3 people at a store while I was getting a job application but thats it. :(

Jesus ****, this is the *****iest post I've ever written. I've really hit the bottom here. Every night for the past month I end up sitting in front of a ****ing computer screen while other people go out and have fun and enjoy their lives.

So **** this, I'm tired of being a DFC. Tomorrow I'm going to get up, go to school, come home and work out, and then I'm going to finish this week of boot camp. I don't care if I'm sick and should be in bed. I don't care where I do it, I'll go to a mall, a park, or I'll just get out of the house and go for a run. As long as there are people there I'll do it.


Don Juan
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Sorry about the delay guys, but I've got an exam on Friday and have been busy studying (well, sort of).

Anyways, on Tuesday I went to a mall to try and finish week 1. I got there late, but there were still a few people there. I didn't have much trouble with the E/C, but greeting other shoppers was very, very hard. It was incredibly awkward for me. Has anybody else had this problem? I got only 5 hi's, and E/C from 15 people. Not that great of an outing, but at least it was something.

On Wednesday I took a break to work on things I've been neglecting, like school. I also decided to move on with the boot camp to week 2, since I wasn't getting anywhere with week 1.

Today I had a field trip for my biology course that would take all day (5 AM- 7PM), with a 6 hour bus drive. I didn't know anybody in the class very well, so it was the perfect opportunity to get some conversations in. I was nervous atfirst but I began to open up a bit as I initiated more convos. I initiated 5 convos that would count for the BC, and 3 were with hot girls.

Now, as a guy who would normally **** his pants at the thought of approaching a hot girl, this is an accomplishment. The first one was 3 years older than me, and I had some trouble keeping it going. Lots of awkward pauses. But I did get her to laugh, and I got enough confidence to go to gril number 2, a cute Japanese chick. I did better with her, and began to work sme kino in, with good results. I was nervous about touching her (I was taught from a young age that "personal space" was very important and that you shouldn't touch people. What a load of bullsh!t) but she didn't move away so all was well. I was still a bit awkward, and after that I talked to guys. Later, while I was waiting for a ride home, I saw a cute Hispanic girl (with a HOT ass) waiting for her ride. My old DFC self began to resurface and told me too sit down and avoid E/C with her. I told him to f*ck off and then killed him with a rusty screwdriver. I wasn't going to pass this up. So I walked over, and started talking. She was friendly, and I used a lot of the techniques from the week 2 reading, such as letting her do most of the talking, with me leading the way. It was interesting, because I never thought I could do that with nyone, let alone an HB. My biggest mistake was not getting her name (I know, I know), but I see around campus all the time so I'll do that tomorrow.

Lessons learned:

1. While talking to people, I need to vary my tone of voice. Too often I talk in a whiny drone (and I'm getting over a bad cold, which hasn't helped), and I want to sound more energetic.

I just read Mr. Finger's post on voice exercises, and I'm going to start doing those for three 5 minute sessions, spread throughout the day.

2. I have a problem with not being able to hold a conversation. After about 30 sec. to 1 min. (I'm guessing here) I'll begin to lose the convo and those f*cking awkward pauses come in. This sounds silly, as there are plenty of things to talk about, but I only realize this after I have the convo. I guess I should just keep practicing, and this will go away.

Overall, I'm pretty happy about today. I didn't get any numbers or dates but I overcame my social barriers and got out of my hole. I just need to keep pushing


Don Juan
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Week 2 Day 7

Damn I'm tired so I'll make this quick. I slacked off over the weekend and on Monday & Tuesday, and didn't get a single convo in. Today I realized that if I didn't start working on this I'd blow it again. So I headed out to the mall to get my convos in. I had most of em with store employees, and I even talked to a couple HBs (way out of my age range but who gives a ****). I did manage to get 6 convos in (I got there late), so I've completed week 2. Week 3 tomorrow, time to approach some HBs :D


Don Juan
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Damn, I've been gone for a while. Anyways, I'm gonna keep this short as I have a big science paper due in 24 hours.

After my last post I went into a bit of a slump. I just started choking in front of girls and things were going downhill fast. I decided to take a break, and focus on other areas of my life. I joined the high school wrestling team, and got into great shape after only a few weeks. Today was our first meet (I was on JV) and I didn't win, but I made the other guy bleed for the pin, so it was a win in my mind. Anyways, there were several girls from our school keeping score. We had a long bus ride up, and I was sitting right behind them. At first, I was scared ****less. OMG, THERE R HOT GIRLS! WHUT DO I DO!! Then I noticed something. No other guys were talking to them, or even attempting conversation. Even the older guys were talking only among themselves. I though "Out of all these guys, no one is approching these chicks? I guess I'm the only man here!". So I grabbed my balls (not literally, of course), and made my approach. By the end of the night, I'm getting a back rub from this HB8 and have her phone number. :D One thing I also used to great effect was kino. It started out with just a handshake, and then progressed to touching shoulders and arms, and then knee massages and the aforementioned back rubbing. I just realized that I LOVE touching girls during convos, and kino really is as powerful as they say. You just have to see it for yourself!

I never knew that rolling around with sweaty dudes was a way to meet chicks, but you never know what might happen! ;)


Don Juan
Oct 31, 2004
Reaction score
haha....nice job.

[heh, if only my AFC buddy could do the same, he's a wrestler]


Don Juan
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Here's a quick update on whats been going on with me (btw, thanks for the feedback guys, its nice to know somebody actually reads this stuff).

The girl whose number I got kinda flaked out on me. She said her phone was disconnected (which was true), so i waited a week and asked her again, she said it was still offline. Then she started going out with a freshman dumbass, and then dumped him (OMG HIGH SKOOL DRAMA) but I haven't talked to her since. Bah...I'm not even looking back. I got the digits from the hot ass latina from one of my previous posts. I just bumped into her in between classes, and after some small talk I just asked her. I'm glad I didn't try to figure out some kind of super witty way to do it (which usually results in me going totally static) and just went directly for it.

On another note, I've noticed something that may be at the root of my social problems with women. Everytime I see a woman thats somewhat attractive I have this weird idea that I'm somehow obligated to get her number, ask her out, **** her like an animal. I feel like less of a man if I don't charm her pants off. I know this sounds weird, but I set a totally unrealistic goal and when I don't reach it I'm dissapointed. I think I'm going to try and forget about numbers or pickups and just go for a conversation without any expectations. I'm not going to try and seduce every HB I meet, and I'm just going to be Zen-like in my interactions with women.

I think its a good time to start doing bootcamp again, so I'll post some more when I've got some more experience under my belt.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
Of course you'll want to her **** her. If you didn't i'd say you're gay. Anyways stop slacking off you can't self improve without trying. Stop being a lazy bastard. I did not fully understand about the hot latino girl: Did you ask her out? And was she talking about her guy problems with you. If so then don't let her go on about all her ****ing problems. Just ask her out on a date and if she's not interested then find more hot latino girls. (Latina girls are so hot man!) SO Get off your ass and start getting more his/ec now

(sorry about being mean i'm trying to get you motivated here. i'm going to start recording my self improvement i expect you to do the same thing)


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
i just read over the paragraph and realized you did get the latina girls phone # and it was the girl that gave you a massage that *****ed about her problems with guys.

OK well keep on doing better i'm expecting an update


Don Juan
Oct 28, 2004
Reaction score
nice job.....but can we see ur picture??


Don Juan
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Sorry about the lack of updates guys, but I've been sidelined with a really bad fever/cold, and today is the first time in several weeks that I haven't had snot tobagganing out of my nose. What really sucks is the day before I got sick, I was doing great with boot camp- I had talked to about 5 strangers and setup a date with the Latina girl. Well, I'll just try to pick up where I left off, so this week I'll finish week 2 of the boot camp. I talked to a friend about doing some sarging in a few weeks when wrestling is over, so things are looking good.