BLM, Racism, riots, entitlement's etc

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Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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Tyler Perry, famous Black director, shares his thoughts on CNN. Interesting points.
He does not want the police defunded but reformed.
He doesn't care about taking down statues.
He is troubled by the above issues, and the fact that the BLM protests is getting hijacked by other groups and is giving the right-wing ammunition against the movement.

Thought about @zekko's arguements with his points raised.
Defunding the police is exactly the same as reforming the police. Only difference is defund has become a right wing attack slogan, causing many pro-reformers to disassociate themselves from it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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I can think of two examples where football players were subjected to police violence. In a city near Toronto, Canada, a black man was beaten up by a couple cops and he had to quit football and end his career because of how badly he got beaten up.
Sterling Brown, Milwaukee Bucks.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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To be the devil's advocate. The country looks like its really going far into the left and its scaring younger people. This is coming from Russia Today news. Or is this fake news from a Russian owned news organization designed to sow further seeds of division on American society? Is Russia framing a narrative that is discrediting modern social movements?


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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To be the devil's advocate. The country looks like its really going far into the left and its scaring younger people. This is coming from Russia Today news. Or is this fake news from a Russian owned news organization designed to sow further seeds of division on American society? Is Russia framing a narrative that is discrediting modern social movements?
RT is a far-right propaganda outlet. No American should get their news from the Kremlin.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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RT is a far-right propaganda outlet. No American should get their news from the Kremlin.
Maybe recently, but when I was watching them, say in 2011-2012 extensively they were quite leftist. I don't know what year they shifted.
I also used to listen to Info Wars extensively around the same time-period. I wouldn't have categorized them as right-wing either, but at some point later Info Wars with Alex Jones, became too toxic for me to even keep tuning in. He kept promoting these health products too. I guess everything went downhill after Trump came on the scene with both of these news channels. I still officially subscribe to RT because I feel its a mixed bag. They still interview Jesse Ventura and he's cool.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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This is 100% objectively wrong. MLK was very much involved with organized labor and the dismantling of both white supremacy and capitalism. You are choosing to whitewash his history to fit your narrative.

John Lewis was the last remnant of his allies, and was very much supporter of BLM. MLK would be as well.
I'm not whitewashing anyone, all I said was that he was a great man, referring specifically to his dedication to nonviolent protest. I also liked his major theme that people should be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. I never said I agreed with everything he ever said.

I wouldn't presume to put words in his mouth, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if MLK would be supporting BLM if he was alive today. But John Lewis condemned the violence that the current protesters have engaged in, and I would expect MLK to have done the same.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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I'm not whitewashing anyone, all I said was that he was a great man, referring specifically to his dedication to nonviolent protest. I also liked his major theme that people should be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. I never said I agreed with everything he ever said.

I wouldn't presume to put words in his mouth, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if MLK would be supporting BLM if he was alive today. But John Lewis condemned the violence that the current protesters have engaged in, and I would expect MLK to have done the same.
Yes. I also condemn the violence. The point is; you’re making a strawman argument. BLM =/= the outside agitators. The “violent protester” rhetoric is just anti-black red meat.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Yes. I also condemn the violence. The point is; you’re making a strawman argument. BLM =/= the outside agitators. The “violent protester” rhetoric is just anti-black red meat.
There are most certainly violent protesters, and many of their activities are planned, as you can see when they are handing out bricks and frozen water bottles to the crowd to throw at police. Where you see the violence, you see BLM spray painted all over the buildings or monuments. Whether or not they are part of BLM, they are at the very least using the BLM protests as cover to carry out their tactics. Antifa considers themselves allied with BLM, whether or not BLM considers themselves allied with Antifa. MLK had his protests in the daytime, because he knew violence is more likely to break out late at night.

My guess is many BLM protesters would like to keep it peaceful, but there are others who think violence is useful or necessary to bring about the change that they want.

Defunding the police is exactly the same as reforming the police.
I disagree with this statement. For instance, a nearby city has recently banned chokeholds and instituted more de-escalation training. Those are positive reform steps that have nothing to do with defunding. If anything, the extra training might cost more money, not less.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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I think it's very clear from the sustained protests that young White men and women are the primary instigators of our current uprising. They are inspired undoubtedly by police violence against Black people but I also think it shows the fractures in the White community, be it political, familial, or pharmacological. There is a lot more going on in their heads and families and community than just BLM.

What are they fighting against? Whatta ya got?


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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What are they fighting against? Whatta ya got?

They are in a sense paid actors who end up falling for the deception they are acting for.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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RT is a far-right propaganda outlet. No American should get their news from the Kremlin.
Lol, truth and reality are true and real no matter who reports them and its evidence that proves it.

The fact that Clinton News Network decides to omit certain facts doesnt mean that such facts do not exists.

You should see western european news, they keep saying from decades that illegal immigrants are a precious resource cause they will pay our salary in few years....too bad that data say otherwise.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Lol, truth and reality are true and real no matter who reports them and its evidence that proves it.

The fact that Clinton News Network decides to omit certain facts doesnt mean that such facts do not exists.

You should see western european news, they keep saying from decades that illegal immigrants are a precious resource cause they will pay our salary in few years....too bad that data say otherwise.
What is wrong with Western Europe? Western Europe is way better off than the USA. They don't have Covid resurgence problems or mass riots because they have crazy police that love posing on HD torture porn videos. Their dollar is not at risk of collapsing either and they don't have enemy nations on the same scale as the USA. They are in a better place.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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What is wrong with Western Europe? Western Europe is way better off than the USA. They don't have Covid resurgence problems or mass riots because they have crazy police that love posing on HD torture porn videos. Their dollar is not at risk of collapsing either and they don't have enemy nations on the same scale as the USA. They are in a better place.
Let me guess, you've never been to europe anywhere and get your infos from CNN?

Anyway that was not the point of my post, my post was about the press being completely unreliable and fake just like when they happen to willingly omit sharing details about the attackers.

We knew who the attackers were from russian today...even before than the local press, is it a coincidence?
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Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Let me guess, you've never been to europe anywhere and get your infos from CNN?

Anyway that was not the point of my post, my post was about the press being completely unreliable and fake just like when they happen to willingly omit sharing details about the attackers.

We knew who the attackers were from russian today...even before than the local press, is it a coincidence?
I think that you and other people on this thread who hold certain views are guilty of looking at biased news yourself. There is no "press" like you have in the 80s. Right-wingers tune into conspiracy news channels and Fox news, etc... and think everything else is fake news. I look at CNN/Young Turks/local Cable broadcasts and occasionally look at Black news channels highlighting all racist incidents that are happening and I'll think your news is biased. So, it's impossible to have a constructive dialogue about the issues because we can't come to a consensus of fact and you just end up with factions within threads with their own echo chambers and have a break-down.

This is the biggest thread on this section, with the most amount of replies, and most amount of views, and probably hasn't gone anywhere further than the first set of posts. So the solution I think is for people to look at other news channels that present a conflicting view to what they believe and be open-minded, and think, maybe this is what my set of news channel is omitting.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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I think that you and other people on this thread who hold certain views are guilty of looking at biased news yourself. There is no "press" like you have in the 80s. Right-wingers tune into conspiracy news channels and Fox news, etc... and think everything else is fake news. I look at CNN/Young Turks/local Cable broadcasts and occasionally look at Black news channels highlighting all racist incidents that are happening and I'll think your news is biased. So, it's impossible to have a constructive dialogue about the issues because we can't come to a consensus of fact and you just end up with factions within threads with their own echo chambers and have a break-down.

This is the biggest thread on this section, with the most amount of replies, and most amount of views, and probably hasn't gone anywhere further than the first set of posts. So the solution I think is for people to look at other news channels that present a conflicting view to what they believe and be open-minded, and think, maybe this is what my set of news channel is omitting.
Its not about conspiracies or ad hominem as usual, its just that if something relevant happens I want to be told about it while if something is not relevant I dont want it to be repeated day and night only cause it fits an agenda.

Why cant you understand such basic things?

Why any goddam tv service needs to remind us that "women are mistreated" when we all know its not true while in 20 years I never heard them say that marriages are falling down and divorces are initiated from women 70% of the time?

Why if an immigrant returns a wallet its main news for a day while if a group of immigrants backstab an oldie to steal their money its not even mentioned?

So the second FACT becomes a fake news cause russia today is reporting it?

Truth is that you like most of this leftist mob have no sense of justice, fairness or honor its really that simple, just like women you decide whats right or wrong according to a political cult called political correctness.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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Turn off the news and read a book. You'll learn a lot more about the world, yes even the world in 2020.


Jan 14, 2018
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To the guys here who keeps on harping abt racism.

Explain this to me,

1. Why aren't black kids graduating from high-school?

2. Why do 70% of black women end up as single mom's ?

3. Why are cases of black kids shooting each other significantly higher then other races?

4. Why are 13% of the population responsible for 50% of the murders in America?

5. Finally, do explain why are the number of black kids in prison so high? (Don't even bother lying that they're all innocent).

Now if you guys can't come up with an answer, then it's best you just admit, that ur black culture sucks.

And since it sucks, don't bother trying to whitewash it with racism because you'll never change ur mindset and things will continue to suck.

If you want to see improvements in ur black community, 1st change ur culture.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Its not about conspiracies or ad hominem as usual, its just that if something relevant happens I want to be told about it while if something is not relevant I dont want it to be repeated day and night only cause it fits an agenda.

Why cant you understand such basic things?

Why any goddam tv service needs to remind us that "women are mistreated" when we all know its not true while in 20 years I never heard them say that marriages are falling down and divorces are initiated from women 70% of the time?
This is not a thread about women. If you want to look at the Handmaid's Tale, then you are free to watch that and you'll see what could happen with women under a crazy right-wing government.

The rest of your post sounds too triggering. At the end of the day you are not interested in any mutually respectful discourse and I'm not interested in wasting my time.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
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To the guys here who keeps on harping abt racism.

Explain this to me,
Sure, I'll indulge.

1. Why aren't black kids graduating from high-school?
That is a lie. Black kids are graduating from school.

2. Why do 70% of black women end up as single mom's ?
Because cops are murdering black men.

3. Why are cases of black kids shooting each other significantly higher then other races?

4. Why are 13% of the population responsible for 50% of the murders in America?
Poverty begets crime. Black people are disproportionately poor living in disproportionately poor neighborhoods.

5. Finally, do explain why are the number of black kids in prison so high? (Don't even bother lying that they're all innocent).
Racism. Black kids are treated as adults. Why else would police murder a 12 year old boy for playing with a toy gun?

Now if you guys can't come up with an answer, then it's best you just admit, that ur black culture sucks.
Black culture is American culture. Where do you think Rock and Roll came from?

And since it sucks, don't bother trying to whitewash it with racism because you'll never change ur mindset and things will continue to suck.
Everyone already knows you hate black people.

If you want to see improvements in ur black community, 1st change ur culture.
Human rights are non-negotiable. Police violence is simply unacceptable.


Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2019
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People flying the Antifa and BLM flags are now openly extorting businesses in Louisville KY. They are threatening repercussions if their insane social justice demands are not met. One business has already been threatened for failing to comply. I salute that brave man.

This movement has always been about seizing power. And now it has become properly evil. These "activisits" just use Social Justice and feel-good causes to mobilize all the Useful Idiots. These activists don't give two craps about ethics.

The victim of this particular extorsion is a cuban immigrant who escaped Castro. He is calling them out their stupid f%cking movement for the trojan horse for socialism that it is. He has already watched this happen before.

If you stand up for BLM at this point, you are complicit in extortion as a valid tactic to achieve goals. They will eventually come to your door if you don't stand up for yourself.
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