Biterness Towards Women


Apr 26, 2006
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Northeast Florida, USA
People closest to me have been telling me lately "You are really bitter towards women". My response is always "I'm not bitter. It's just that statistically in my life there have been more women take actions that have had significant negative impact on my life than men have". Translated that means "Yeah I am bitter". I AM.

My first wife divorced me immediately after we had been trying to have a baby, and finally had one. Then as soon as the baby was born she got post pardum depression and left me for another guy.

The next woman I was in a LTR with and fell in love with after that ended up leaving me for another woman! (by that time I had learned enough about women that I went ahead and asked her if I could 3 some with her and her new girl after she left me, but she wasn't amused with the offer)

Then my "second wife" was not my wife at all in that she ended up being a bigamist married to two other men so our marriage was annuled, instead of divorced. She also cheated on me with at least 3 men and got me arrested and made me loose my job as a cop. During this time I needed a place to stay for 3 weeks while the ex had an OP on me. After my sister had said "come stay with me, I am family and will always have your back", she ended up booting me out on the street because she was "tired of seeing me so depressed".

When I was a police officer, I arrested far more women for domestic violance than men and saw more women wrecking men's lives in any way you can think of than vise versa.

Now at work the Director of our department is sociopathic cvnt who likes to pick on me and several other MEN. Not males but MEN, if you catch my drift. She is a man hater and sense she is boss, she uses her power in whatever way she pleases, which is to get revenge on her MEN who work for her. Everyday I am constantly having to cover my a$$ and prove myself right with her on things that happened in the past.

The only woman I trust 100% is my mother. I have a GF now but I don't trust her anymore than about 70%. While I do love her, she could walk on me today and I really wouldn't give a rat's ass. BYE. :wave:

So, yeah, I am one bitter SOB towards women, and I don't know if I will ever change.

Any input?


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
It's your choice to be bitter. What can we say about it...


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
There will always be reasons to be bitter toward women. But it sounds like you have made some bad judgements and some bad decisions in there too, maybe you should take ownership of that. Learn from your mistakes and look to do better.


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
Thanks guys. Oh yeah I made mistakes; trusting women.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
I get the whole bitterness thing and it's totally justified. Women really do suck when compared to other living creatures that breath.

First of all I do believe there are exceptions to the sucky women rule...

Second, in my case at least... I see the way women are as a result them basically being dependent on us, and their own lack of initiative and self sufficiency. I mean seriously they are mostly idiots that think they are entitled to have someone take care of them. Their decision making ability is that of a child in most cases being completely an emotional process alone. What is considered a normal woman can essentially be a borderline retarded male yet nobody will consider her that way.

Their value is dictated by their appearance, in most cases they never ever really apply themselves to learn a real trade well. And so even an educated woman needs to also rely on her appearance most of the time. And even if she didn't need to rely on her appearance she still will try to do so just to see if she can be manipulative.... gratz.

And mixed into all this somehow is the idea that she is a better human being than most people around her men and women combined. In itself... not a bad thing. But one should not compare themselves against other people using imaginary standards. For example men pursue awards more and are awarded more professionally. Men see real value, not your leather wallet, or gorgeous pant shoe combo.

I call it like it is cuz... Once again I do feel there are exceptions. Not all women are a hypergamous waste of designer labels. ALL of the really pretty ones are though. You just have to find your place in this world, many have done so before you just fine. This is it man, sink or swim dude. A fish in the ocean that doesn't eat fish is a dead fish man and a failure. Do you want to be a failed fish? Women suck, get over it and keep on trucking.

To me the game is all about leveraging a woman's flaws vs. her hypergamy. I don't think I have ever seen a HB10 I would really want to be married with. I am an intellectual guy. I like to talk about physics, philosophy and astronomy. I NEED to have a mate that can talk about things like that. And any HB10 is too busy blowing dudes to have any conversational skills at all. And after the first couple lays, and you start to deal with her HB10 problems... it's just pu$$y dude...


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
you have to own up to some of your decisions bro.

i've had girls treat me like absolute ****, as have most guys here. I've had agirl cheat on me by getting gangbanged, i've had girls hurt me emotionally, financially and physically.

but my life as far as women took a drastic turn once i started being more selective about who i opened up to / let in my life. I went through a bitter stage no doubt but eventually i dropped it and just started not opening up so quickly.

10 out of 10 times, the signs are there, you are just so ***** starved you are willing to over look them.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Dear Logical,
Very interesting post...But are you really bitter or just cynical like so many of us?...Seems to me that your justifiable attitude to the "gentler"svex will make an excellent Don Juan of you...Just do your Job and inevitably this Femi Nazi will get hers,promise!They always do.

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
Agree with Backbreaker. One of the many things I've learned on this site is the importance of screening.
Don't let any woman into your life who doesn't complement it fully. Anything less and you're opening yourself up to the crazy, fvcked up shyt the OP described.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
One thing that has helped me overcome any bitterness is this.

A. I choose to be happy in my life with or without women. I put my happiness and my family's well being first.

B. I choose to have people and women in my life who help with A. Not helping? Not gonna be around. I am very quick to fire someone from my life. Especially if it's early in the relationship.

C. I never discuss women and gender imbalances/differences with men who will not get it. That mean's there are probably 2 men in the real world that I can talk openly and honestly with about women. And like me, they love women,but they know and accept what women are like and what they are capable of being. The rest are blue pill as hell and will use your "bitter" statements to throw you under the bus just to look good.

D. I never talk about women to women.

E. It's hard to be bitter when you are on your mission and focused on your goals. Unless women are your goal, you just won't have time to care. If one starts acting up, cut her and stay on mission.

That being said, I'm pretty damn single, but it's okay because I'm pretty damn busy.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
Personally after turning my situation around the last 18 months I feel fortunate with women, relative to the vast majority of men so no bitterness now.


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
Thanks for the replies, everyone.

@SgtSplacker - Outstanding summary.

@backbreaker - Yes, the signs were there, especially on the bigamist one. My best man at the "wedding" tried to talk me out of it on the wedding day, but I didn't listen. I was a cop when I married her, had been for several years at the time, and I still had no idea that a human being could be such low quality POS as she ended up being.

@Scaramouche - Others tell me I am bitter. I think I am. The only thing I can argue back on that is the fact that I still do give women a chance when they earn it. But I assume that each one is a POS unless they do something to prove to me otherwise. But even then, a woman and a man could do the exact same thing in front of me, something positive, anything. And I will always trust the man more just because he is not a woman.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
Warrior74 said:
One thing that has helped me overcome any bitterness is this.

A. I choose to be happy in my life with or without women. I put my happiness and my family's well being first.

B. I choose to have people and women in my life who help with A. Not helping? Not gonna be around. I am very quick to fire someone from my life. Especially if it's early in the relationship.

C. I never discuss women and gender imbalances/differences with men who will not get it. That mean's there are probably 2 men in the real world that I can talk openly and honestly with about women. And like me, they love women,but they know and accept what women are like and what they are capable of being. The rest are blue pill as hell and will use your "bitter" statements to throw you under the bus just to look good.

D. I never talk about women to women.

E. It's hard to be bitter when you are on your mission and focused on your goals. Unless women are your goal, you just won't have time to care. If one starts acting up, cut her and stay on mission.

That being said, I'm pretty damn single, but it's okay because I'm pretty damn busy.

Fantastic post! Article C is what everyone should understand waaaaay before swallowing the red pill!!


Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
North America, probably an airport
The entire point of 'red pill' thinking is to understand women for what they are rather than what we'd like them to be, think they should be (whatever that is/was) or what we were taught they were like.

Once you 'get it', there is nothing to be angry about. It's just the way women are. And once you know, you know better how to handle them. More importantly, you know how to better handle yourself. That doesn't make it easy, it just makes things understandable.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
Reaction score
I agree with SgtSplacker and Warrior. Even today I sometimes get too comfortable and try to talk to other guys openly about my views on women. <5% get it. The rest label me bitter or just look at me like I'm some kind of extremist. Women--forget it. The only one I talk to about women in general is my girlfriend. She never takes it personally which still blows me away to this day.

With regards to bitterness, I don't blame the OP...but he made some horrible choices. You can't be mad that you stepped in sh!t when you walked into a pigpen.

Like Splacker said you can't hate them for their nature really. You have to make your way and find your place in this world like every other man. You don't owe women sh!t. Drop them and keep dropping them until you find your exception. They DO exist, but you need experience and some teaching to recognize them, as well as not lose one by going all blue pill.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
In review...

Wait what?!

Your second wife was married to TWO other dudes?!

How the f^ck!?


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
SgtSplacker said:
In review...

Wait what?!

Your second wife was married to TWO other dudes?!

How the f^ck!?
That's right. I filed for divorce on her for cheating. Then one of her ex BFs from the past called me and gave me a tip to check marriage records in three other States. I did and found she had unterminated marriages in two of the three states. My lawyer and I took the evidence to court and challenged her to pony up some documents to prove us wrong. She couldn't, and in open court, she cofessed to being already married when she married me. The Judge said "This is a doozie, I have never seen anything like this". I was granted an annulment instead of divorce, retro active our wedding day 2.5 years prior to that.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Post #3,100!!! Yipee!

I don't trust women. I WILL kick a woman to the curb with no letup if she flakes, stops answering her phone, gives a lame excuse, etc.

I do know that an interested woman will want to see you and get with you. Actions speak louder than words. Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see.

It's time men stop putting up with female bullsh*t.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
Here is the way you have to view things IMO. the bitterness, being Jaded, Emotionally closed and/or in extreme cases hatred for Women comes from some where. There is a source that leads up to those feelings. A Man who was married and dedicated to his wife and marriage that gets taken to the cleaners by his wife who was cheating on him for months will have a totally different feeling from a Man who was never married or has had a few regular meaningless relationships. The guy that was taken for a ride by his Wife/GF will never be the same and view women as evil witches who cannot be trusted and be emotionally closed off to them whereas the other guy will be upset but feel as if whatever dude to the ex Girls in his life not meaning too much to him.

In the dating realm its where many of these feelings come from with genuine guys trying to connect with a Women they are attracted to or would like to date or even start a LTR but when that Women begins playing "games", The guy gets frustrated from the Flakes, No text/calls back, The lies.. etc. Then later finds out she was playing him to hang out with other guys while leading him on by acting very interested. In addition to this is the flat out rejections many guys encounter when approaching Women. I have seen it so many times where a guy is looking at a girl and thinking "Wow shes sexy, Beautiful, Hot, Cute"..etc.. but is afraid/nervous to approach... When they guy finally musters up enough balls to finally introduce himself... The girl either turns away from him with a nasty look on her face, She blows him off by not even saying anything and pretend to be on her iphone or flat out just walks away from him. What do you expect for these men to feel when they get rejected like that over and over again?. Even if Guys are able to get a phone number from the girl in question and taking her out on a date, It can be a big time headache... Dealing with her responding, getting her to make definite plans and worse yet, even if the plans are definite... she could possibly flake out at the last minute while they guy is looking forward to seeing her and showing her a good time. That can really piss a Man off. Again..... when this happens repeatedly, How do you think its going to shape the Guy's mind in how he views Women.

Me personally, I admit I am damaged and have emotionally closed off issues because of what my previous 2 ex girlfriends did to me. The first one was such a complainer that it would make the most patient man on earth want to jump off the Empire State Building. I did everything i possibly could to make her happy and at the end.. She left me to be with another guy and tell me about how she fvcked him to push me away after everything i did for her. The guy she left me for tried to rape her and she came crying to me to take her back. I loved her deeply and i did.... A year later after living with her... the same sh!t began until i couldnt take it and broke up with her for good. The things i did for her took a big time toll on me but i did it out of love and care only to get the shaft.

I was extremely jaded and hurt by this and began treating women like pure garbage, The incredible thing about this is, The more i treated them like this, the more attracted they were to me. How the fvck is this possible. I was dating girls like a bag of skittles, one after the other without giving a sh!t until i met GF #2.

I still had a cold heart but when i met my second LTR GF. We both fell in love with each other hardcore. We were all about each other and did everything. She knew about my cold heart and she treated me so good i warmed up to her. She kept bringing up being together a.k.a (Marriage) and i genuinely wanted to Marry her because i loved her and trusted her 100% after 5 years. She wanted our Families to have a dinner together and why not i though,... We are headed towards getting Married anyway so i "Manned up" and began focusing on a life together. She was like a part of me and Me a part of her. Sure we had our fights here and there but we were tight knit close. Few months after her claiming that she Loved me more than anything and never wanted us to be apart.... I found out she was talking to other guys on a secret email exchanging sexual pictures and to top it off talking sh!t about me. I could not believe it. She ended up fvcking another guy behind my back and began saying the most disgusting things to me. How much she loved other guys Fvcking her in the azz and how she was having ONS with other guys cvmming on her face. Can you IMAGINE the pain i was feeling hearing all this from the Woman i trusted and love 100%? To put the icing on the cake... a Month later she got engaged to another man. Lets just say that experience has caused anxiety and a traumatic disorder that i fight with a random times till this day.

Since then, I fought deep depression and anxiety by making new friends and i got over it but the Anxiety and random depressed feeling still shows up from time to time. When im in a situation that reminds me of her... I feel anxiety, like a mental trauma and i have to go sit alone for a minute till it passes. I have dated VERY beautiful women since then and have no problems attracting them but when it comes to making an emotional connection to a Woman, I am completely dead inside from ever letting myself fall in love again.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
In2theGame said:
Here is the way you have to view things IMO. the bitterness, being Jaded, Emotionally closed and/or in extreme cases hatred for Women comes from some where. There is a source that leads up to those feelings. A Man who was married and dedicated to his wife and marriage that gets taken to the cleaners by his wife who was cheating on him for months will have a totally different feeling from a Man who was never married or has had a few regular meaningless relationships. The guy that was taken for a ride by his Wife/GF will never be the same and view women as evil witches who cannot be trusted and be emotionally closed off to them whereas the other guy will be upset but feel as if whatever dude to the ex Girls in his life not meaning too much to him.

In the dating realm its where many of these feelings come from with genuine guys trying to connect with a Women they are attracted to or would like to date or even start a LTR but when that Women begins playing "games", The guy gets frustrated from the Flakes, No text/calls back, The lies.. etc. Then later finds out she was playing him to hang out with other guys while leading him on by acting very interested. In addition to this is the flat out rejections many guys encounter when approaching Women. I have seen it so many times where a guy is looking at a girl and thinking "Wow shes sexy, Beautiful, Hot, Cute"..etc.. but is afraid/nervous to approach... When they guy finally musters up enough balls to finally introduce himself... The girl either turns away from him with a nasty look on her face, She blows him off by not even saying anything and pretend to be on her iphone or flat out just walks away from him. What do you expect for these men to feel when they get rejected like that over and over again?. Even if Guys are able to get a phone number from the girl in question and taking her out on a date, It can be a big time headache... Dealing with her responding, getting her to make definite plans and worse yet, even if the plans are definite... she could possibly flake out at the last minute while they guy is looking forward to seeing her and showing her a good time. That can really piss a Man off. Again..... when this happens repeatedly, How do you think its going to shape the Guy's mind in how he views Women.

Me personally, I admit I am damaged and have emotionally closed off issues because of what my previous 2 ex girlfriends did to me. The first one was such a complainer that it would make the most patient man on earth want to jump off the Empire State Building. I did everything i possibly could to make her happy and at the end.. She left me to be with another guy and tell me about how she fvcked him to push me away after everything i did for her. The guy she left me for tried to rape her and she came crying to me to take her back. I loved her deeply and i did.... A year later after living with her... the same sh!t began until i couldnt take it and broke up with her for good. The things i did for her took a big time toll on me but i did it out of love and care only to get the shaft.

I was extremely jaded and hurt by this and began treating women like pure garbage, The incredible thing about this is, The more i treated them like this, the more attracted they were to me. How the fvck is this possible. I was dating girls like a bag of skittles, one after the other without giving a sh!t until i met GF #2.

I still had a cold heart but when i met my second LTR GF. We both fell in love with each other hardcore. We were all about each other and did everything. She knew about my cold heart and she treated me so good i warmed up to her. She kept bringing up being together a.k.a (Marriage) and i genuinely wanted to Marry her because i loved her and trusted her 100% after 5 years. She wanted our Families to have a dinner together and why not i though,... We are headed towards getting Married anyway so i "Manned up" and began focusing on a life together. She was like a part of me and Me a part of her. Sure we had our fights here and there but we were tight knit close. Few months after her claiming that she Loved me more than anything and never wanted us to be apart.... I found out she was talking to other guys on a secret email exchanging sexual pictures and to top it off talking sh!t about me. I could not believe it. She ended up fvcking another guy behind my back and began saying the most disgusting things to me. How much she loved other guys Fvcking her in the azz and how she was having ONS with other guys cvmming on her face. Can you IMAGINE the pain i was feeling hearing all this from the Woman i trusted and love 100%? To put the icing on the cake... a Month later she got engaged to another man. Lets just say that experience has caused anxiety and a traumatic disorder that i fight with a random times till this day.

Since then, I fought deep depression and anxiety by making new friends and i got over it but the Anxiety and random depressed feeling still shows up from time to time. When im in a situation that reminds me of her... I feel anxiety, like a mental trauma and i have to go sit alone for a minute till it passes. I have dated VERY beautiful women since then and have no problems attracting Women but when it comes to making an emotional connection to a Woman, I am completely dead inside from ever letting myself fall in love again.
Dude gratz!

Women are the worst things to base happiness off of. Find happiness in things you can control (astronomy, mechanics, hobbies, sports). A woman can't be led to feel she is the source of your happiness anyway.

When I meet women it's not like I invest anything in her. I just stop worrying about being alone and not finding the right person. I do care about her, but I know there are more women out there that can also make me happy because I have placed less emphasis on them so it's easier to like them. If you're not into cars, you can just own a nice car and not really care you have it, and still enjoy it very much out on drives. Take it home, put it int he garage and not think about it again until you need to go somewhere.

Do I hate my car? no.

Do I appreciate my car? yes.

Do I love my car? yes.

Is it irreplaceable? nope.

Would I miss it if I got something better? probably not.