Best self defence course?


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
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The world is a scary place, I already got heavilly beat up twice what's the best self defence course in order to defend myself. I guess guys want to fight with me, because i'm a threat.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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A self defense course that teaches you in a reality based fashion.
That includes multiple opponents,and weapons. And teaches avoidance , de escalation, and the law regarding self defense, and lethal force scenarios.

Have you been researching self defense schools in your area? Have you looked in the phone book?


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
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Brazilian jiu-jitsu especially if your a smaller guy. Its been proven to be the best martial art time and time again. If you don't believe me google it on youtube and see how bjj stacks up against other arts.

If you have the time your best bet is too take mma and be efficient in bjj,wrestling,muythai,and boxing.


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
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Brazilian jiu-jitsu especially if your a smaller guy. Its been proven to be the best martial art time and time again. If you don't believe me google it on youtube and see how bjj stacks up against other arts.

If you have the time your best bet is too take mma and be efficient in bjj,wrestling,muythai,and boxing.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
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the trick is to find someone thats going to teach you techniques and not put you in a line of 50 and 9 year olds punching at the air for yellow and brown belts. and then play fighting after with rules that don't exist in the streets. This would be a good start and even that has become a little hokey because they want everybodys money now too and are trying to cater to everybody and make it about fitness as well. it started out raw though


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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Why do you keep getting into fights? The answer isn't to spend the next decade training like a UFC fighter. That's very childish thinking.

The kind of people who feel so powerless in life that they resort to fighting are not worth worrying about. They live in trailors, watch wrestling all day, and take it up the poop shoot in prisons. Unless you plan on living in a trailor park this shouldn't even be coming up. I laugh when I run into these kind of people because it's just so funny how insecure and powerless they really are. While everyone else is driving around in new cars, hot chicks, nice vacations, and such, these jokers are stewing with envy over cheap pizza, some 400lb toothless chic, and beer.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
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everywomanshero said:
Why do you keep getting into fights? The answer isn't to spend the next decade training like a UFC fighter. That's very childish thinking.

The kind of people who feel so powerless in life that they resort to fighting are not worth worrying about. They live in trailors, watch wrestling all day, and take it up the poop shoot in prisons. Unless you plan on living in a trailor park this shouldn't even be coming up. I laugh when I run into these kind of people because it's just so funny how insecure and powerless they really are. While everyone else is driving around in new cars, hot chicks, nice vacations, and such, these jokers are stewing with envy over cheap pizza, some 400lb toothless chic, and beer.
I hear you but sometimes you do need to know how to defend yourself....there are some haters out there. Although I would like to know how this guy brings on getting beat up so much. And I hope he doesn't try sayin because i nail other dudes chicks. because half my crew does that. unless he's from bensonhurst. then he needs to raise the bar and get out of the gutter.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
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Well the first time was because I hooked up with a chick this other guy wanted, he waitted that I stepped outside to beat the f*ck out of me. The other time was really messed up, my friend had a drug dealer past, and I didn't really think much of it.

He got a call from his brother, saying that someone rated him out to the cops, and they were at his door steps. He said yeah yeah, if I end up in jail you come visit me brother. He closed his cell phone, and tried to kill me.

The 3rd time was even scarier. This chick had a drug dealer boyfriend in prison, and she was telling me all her issues. After a while I just wanted to get rid of her, but she kept coming back. She even added me on msn, stupid me added her. She was like you saw that other guy that hooked up with me he's getting murdered, I was like what? She was like yeah murdered, I was like I don't want to talk to you anymore your crazy.

I deleted, blocked, and stopped all contact.

Be careful with who you associate with.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
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everywomanshero said:
Why do you keep getting into fights? The answer isn't to spend the next decade training like a UFC fighter. That's very childish thinking.

The kind of people who feel so powerless in life that they resort to fighting are not worth worrying about. They live in trailors, watch wrestling all day, and take it up the poop shoot in prisons. Unless you plan on living in a trailor park this shouldn't even be coming up. I laugh when I run into these kind of people because it's just so funny how insecure and powerless they really are. While everyone else is driving around in new cars, hot chicks, nice vacations, and such, these jokers are stewing with envy over cheap pizza, some 400lb toothless chic, and beer.
Its important to be able to defend yourself and those you love, training in stuff like bjj should be part of everyones lifestyle imo. This doesn't mean to go out and be some idiot getting into fights, basically its just training for when all the avoidance stuff doesn't work.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
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Stéphane said:
Well the first time was because I hooked up with a chick this other guy wanted, he waitted that I stepped outside to beat the f*ck out of me. The other time was really messed up, my friend had a drug dealer past, and I didn't really think much of it.

He got a call from his brother, saying that someone rated him out to the cops, and they were at his door steps. He said yeah yeah, if I end up in jail you come visit me brother. He closed his cell phone, and tried to kill me.

The 3rd time was even scarier. This chick had a drug dealer boyfriend in prison, and she was telling me all her issues. After a while I just wanted to get rid of her, but she kept coming back. She even added me on msn, stupid me added her. She was like you saw that other guy that hooked up with me he's getting murdered, I was like what? She was like yeah murdered, I was like I don't want to talk to you anymore your crazy.

I deleted, blocked, and stopped all contact.

Be careful with who you associate with.
you need to stop being associated with drug dealers

Hair stylist

Apr 4, 2008
Reaction score
Stéphane said:
The world is a scary place, I already got heavilly beat up twice what's the best self defence course in order to defend myself. I guess guys want to fight with me, because i'm a threat.


To be honest, whatever it is you do choose, you HAVE to stick with it so it becomes second nature. In years of boxing i saw a million kids who came for 6 months and got pretty good pretty fast, and because of that thought theyd be badasses on the street, but forgot when you get in a fight and the adreneline is pumping, you will forget everything the defense class has taught you in the heat of the moment if you do not practice it for a sufficient amount of time to make it second nature. Boxing has become such a second nature to me that on occasions where someone approaches me with a nasty demeanor ive already adopted a distancing stance (with my feet of course i dont put my hands in the air everytime someone says a nasty word:p) and make myself ready for what might happen. This is purley second nature from yeeeears of repitition, and thats what you need if you want it to become instinct so in the heat of the moment you dont lose your cool.

But, to answer your question, surprisingly i am not going to recommend boxing for your sole defense. If you are dead serious about this i will recommed boxing as a base to be able to develop mental toughness and a solid foundation from which you can throw good punches that do damage whilst learning the technique suitable to minimize you breaking your hand or just not hurting the guy, and it will teach you to move and be able to anticipate what might come. And yes, this means a lot of sparring, because i dont care HOW hard you hit or fast you move, youre going to break down your first few sparring sessions and revert to primal instinct wild haymakers. For your FOUNDATION, i put my life down nothing on this planet is better than developing a solid boxing routine. BUT you must SUPPLEMENT that with another form of combat that involves realistic scenarios like being outnumbered or taken down, which happens in a lot of fights. You have to take a course that teaches you how to avoid being put on the ground and if put on the ground how to escape or defend so someone doesnt stomp or strangle you or break a limb. Again, something you MUST practice. Learn to be evasive, you have to be quick on your feet and be able to move in and away from someone. Im a hypocrite for saying this, because in my younger days i was always the guy who when challenged to fight would never walk away, but do as i say and not as i do, and learn to run. I know that sounds silly, but trust me, discretion is a lot better than glory. IF youre hoplessly outnumbered or the guy pulls out a knife and you have the option to run and you STAY and fight, then you are probably mentally unstable. Learn when to run, dont fight unless youre back into a corner.

I cannot stress enough how important it is to train in these disciplines as frequently as possible. And remember, practice does NOT make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect. You have to have coaches to make sure you dont develop bad habits. Be careful out there buddy, i hope this helps!


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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Hate to hear that krav maga has gone that way. I wanted to take it up, but there is no one teaching it in a 200 mile radius. To the original poster, stop hanging out with drug dealers.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Dude he was an ex drug dealer, and girl had a drug dealer boyfriend, but I get your point..


Senior Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
honestly theres no real damned style that'll save your ass. Join something that looks interesting and do it for the benefits that i brings. All martial arts will bring with it a better neurological connection, faster synaptic response and confidence!

Nexus Polaris

Senior Don Juan
Feb 10, 2007
Reaction score
You need a better psycho radar, man.

My circle are all pretty big on Kook Sool Won. It's basically a giant clusterfück of a bunch of things all rolled into one.

A good friend / sparring partner / trainer of mine has devoted his life to it. Every time he touches me, he breaks something on me and it never heals right.

So it seems to be pretty effective. At least to me.


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2008
Reaction score
i didnt read thru all these but deff krav maga and or brazilian jiu jitsu. basically that teaches you to take a bigger stronger opponent to the ground and beat him there. krav maga is an israeli thing and im not 100% sure about it but ive heard its sick and teaches you to beat the crap outta multiple opponents :p