Being the man in High School


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2007
Reaction score
New York
Ok, I'm sure quite a few of people out there have this problem. So maybe you find yourself stuck with nothing but dead ends. You have been in the same school for your entire life. You're not what people see as popular and have had pretty much no luck with women except maybe by chance. You don't have the option of changing schools and see no other way out. Well my friend, it's time to make a change. First things first, you need to remember that it's school, you're not there forever and what you do there, shouldn't be the only sense of living. However, school does have an effect on what you do outside as well. One thing is that if you have many friends inside of school, it opens doors to new ones on the outside. Alright, but enough of that, now onto the good stuff. The first step is observation. You must observe the way your typical "popular" guy. Most likely you'll see that they are jocks who play by their own rules in life. And you'll also see that they have women galore. So what separates you from them? Nothing really. Anyone can achieve this. First, you need to separate yourself from the rest of the crowd. Now, don't take this too far, after all it's a double-edged sword. There is a kid in my Bio who's definitely "different", but this kid's way out there. Try following the rest of the pack but be a little different at the same time. IF someone says something about you, stick to your guns. For one, depending on the person, they'll go spread the word about you. And two, it shows people that you aren't going to fall in line with the rest of the crowd. Think of it this way, you're in a club, everyone looks pretty much the same. But you, you have something a bit different (try a fedora :D ). So, the hot chick in the corner, who's she going to notice first? The same applies to school. Stand out a bit. Now, for the next step, I suggest you go out somewhere and make a few friends outside of school. After being a little different and living by your own ideas and rules, people will start to notice. Once this happens, they'll want to hang out with you, maybe a few girls have given you a number or two :up: . So now what? Well, if you've made a few friends outside of school, nows the time to put them into full effect. Fill up your schedule with the people on the outside. It makes you seemingly "unavailable", which makes women want you more, and others will take notice too. Ok, so now you've got your schedule full and people looking to hang with you. Now what? Well, you could keep riding the "full schedule" train, but people will eventually be turned off by this. After all, who wants to wait forever for something? So, it's time to start opening a few spots for your newfound crew. When you're chillin with the ladies, be aware that you don't pour yourself out to them. Apply the same "reserved" concept as before with a few flirts here and there and you'll make out with your intended catch. Keep both the "stick to your guns" and the "reserved" attitude with you. And finally, remember, YOU are the only thing that matters. If someone rejects you, they just missed out on the best opportunity of their life. Congrats my friend, you are now a certified alpha male.

Any more questions hit me up on AIM: popwarskater9182


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2007
Reaction score
Next time try to use peragraphs, it looks much better.
The same thing exactly happend to me, i now some of the popular chiks have there eye on me and even though i decide to go to the more mature girls and that makes me even more attractive.

art of

Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
Maybe this would work, then again comunism sounds like a good idea too right?

If being alpha was as easy as you make it seem, then the highschool forum probly wouldn't exist. Becoming a true alpha male takes more than gimicky clothing, and making out of town friends isnt as easy as dropping into your local walmart to shop for companions.

The ideas your presenting are much more in depth than anyone can cover in one single post. This is more of a preface than a set way how to be popular.


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2007
Reaction score
art of said:
Maybe this would work, then again comunism sounds like a good idea too right?

If being alpha was as easy as you make it seem, then the highschool forum probly wouldn't exist. Becoming a true alpha male takes more than gimicky clothing, and making out of town friends isnt as easy as dropping into your local walmart to shop for companions.

The ideas your presenting are much more in depth than anyone can cover in one single post. This is more of a preface than a set way how to be popular.
Some people were born alpha and some weren't.
And popular and alpha aren't the same thing (for me).
When you start acting alpha then it will only become easier.