Being a hardgainer with a manual labor job (Input much appreciated)


Don Juan
Mar 21, 2001
Reaction score
It¡¯s not very often I post here, but currently I find myself in a dilemma that has taken much attention, focus, and energy in my life. This is a long post, but it is so only because I wish my readers to get a clear understanding of my situation as best as possible. So please bear with me and know that your response/input will be much appreciated.

I think it's only obvious from the subject header for readers to get a general understanding of what my concern is. Still, I need to provide some background information so my readers can more accurately understand my situation, so here goes: Till this present day, I've been training quite consistently for about close to two years. I've had a personal trainer train me when I first started out, and never had I had any injuries due to improper form, and I know I'm not cheating my workouts. I keep my reps low (8-10) and always train till muscle failure is achieved. Compared to when I first started out, I've had a huge improvement and increase in strength, but not much else.

Just so readers understand my general knowledge in regards to bodybuilding, I do know the basics of nutrition and how protien is needed to repair muscle tissue after an intense workout, and how a surplus of calories are needed by the body to put on weight. I understand that about 1 gram of protein is needed per pound of bodyweight, and in order to make gains the body needs an extra input of calories besides just the amount needed to support a person's current bodyweight. On top of this there are three different body types: The ectomorph being the skinny guy who, while sitting on his ass, can burn the same amount of calories equivalent to an endomorph doing a heavy cardio, the mesomorph being the very fortunate average joe, and endomorph being the fat dude.

From the above, I understand that the ectomorphs have to focus much more on eating to gain mass (six quality meals daily). While the mesomorphs need only worry about doing everything (the workout and nutrition) in moderation, and the endomorphs have to be more careful of intaking too much calories and focus more on cardios.

Now that the necessary info is out of the way, to finally start addressing my predicament: For the first 14 -16 months of training, I've been foolishly focussed primarily on just my workout, and have neglected my diet; sometimes eating as little as twice a day. (BTW, I'm as ectomorph as you can get. I'm 5'6" and weigh 115 lbs.) Yes, I have much greater muscle definition since I started, but I have hardly put on much mass.

Being very frustrated with my current circumstance, for the past two months I have put much more effort into eating and getting in more calories. Yet the best I could manage is only five meals per day, and usually only four. On top of this, I understand that each meal needs to be high quality in protiens and carbs, yet as far as I know, this isn't always a realistic option for me. Sometimes I don¡¯t even have anything to eat around the house except microwave foods. To compensate for this, I've recently started using some MRPs. (On a side note, I feel I should mention that I have very little appetite for actual food unless I'm hungry (a friend of mine once made a comment that I "eat like a bird"); I find supplements much easier and conveinient to take.)

Another great hurdle -- and my main concern -- in the way of my goal is my current occupation: I collect shopping carts at a grocery store. This job is like seven hours of intense cardio; it may seem easy at first, but your legs start to tire out after about three hours into the shift. For those of you who don't know exactly what I do, basically I'm required to constantly walk around the parking lots of the store and collect shopping carts that are scattered about, and using a rope, pull in as much shopping carts as I can gather (sometimes as much as twenty+). I normally do this for anywhere to 5-7 hours on a typical day, with only a 15 min. break and a half hour lunch break if I'm working 7 hours. I have no idea how much calories I burn off on a typical work day, but being an ectomorph, I'm sure the numbers must be unimaginably great.

Obviously, as many of you are thinking, I need to get myself a less physical job is I'm to make weight gain, and I have had the same thoughts myself. But at the moment, untill I find another job, I have to stick to this. What are your thoughts? My weight gain goal seems incredibly difficult to almost a point of impossibility. I truely want to get this part of my life worked out, but it seems I have a mountain of obstacles to overcome, and honestly I am becoming increasingly depressed and frustrated. A part of me wants to quit everything, but yet another part of me would feel cheated out if I were to quit.

For the reader that has read everything written till now, I give much thanks and hope to recieve your thoughts/comments/help. I'd love to hear what others have to say about the six quality meals per day. It sounds like a ridiculously tough chore, and how are some of you able to eat a quality meal so many times daily -- it boggles my mind. What are your experiences with MRPs? Also, I'd love to hear from other hard gainers as well. From reading the forums, I know that Pook is also a big advocate of working out , as well as a self-proclaimed ectomorph. If you are reading this, it¡¯d be very interesting to see your comments as well.


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
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I can believe this! I was in the same exact situation!

About two years ago I also began a job as a shopping cart attendent in a store with over 500 carts. After a couple of weeks I could not make any gains in my workouts, and even lost some mass and weight. My bodyfat was WAY down though. I also found myself too tired to get in workouts. There wasnt much that helped this situation, but here is how I managed to make some gains:

Take a snake with you to work, a protein bar would be a great idea and a tuna sandwich.

Take gluamine and creatine with TONS of water.Glutamine and other amino acids can act as muscle stablizers, and creatine will boost energy to get more workouts in.

Carry water with you everywhere.

Dont let yourself get hungry.

Take you breaks, and relax when you do.

Of course, when I swiched jobs this problem disappeared. I was 5'6" 140lbs., and went up to 168lbs. after I stopped working.If you start doing ab routines, you will have a six pack almost instantly, trust me.

It can be a rough job I know. The weather, getting hit by cars(twice), people throwing crap in the carts, I have been there man. Dont get deppressed its not that bad. Plus the nice weather is coming.

Do you have a machine? Where I worked we had a cart machine that you could drive and load up with carts, plus it had a remote! Pretty kewl actually! Took some of the strain of when it wasnt broken that is! Anyways good luck and I hope this helps!


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2002
Reaction score
Im a hard-building ectomorph too, and i got similar problem.. I can never get enough food! Im in school all day, and all im accessible to is fatty fried unappetizing crap...

What do you recommend to replace my meals with? Those shakes? Is there a particular brand thats good to use?

DJ Girevik

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2002
Reaction score
Vista, CA
I work a part time job as a grocery store utility clerk (this includes doing carts, which personally I find extremely easy). I've gained about 4 or 5 lbs of mass since I started the job, and lost about 10 pounds of bodyfat. My advice is to take supps that will suppress cortisol (like Vitamin C) to minimize muscle loss. And eats lots and lots of meat, drink lots of milk, etc. Eating more means you gain more.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2000
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Drinking milk will give you a lot of calories easily, but I wouldn't reccomend it. It adds a type of fat to you that you don't want.

Don't do anything that will make you depressed. Keeping yourself happy is more important.

I keep my reps low (8-10) and always train till muscle failure is achieved. Compared to when I first started out, I've had a huge improvement and increase in strength, but not much else.

Do you use HEAVY weights that you could only do 4-6 or 2-4 reps with? One thing I think is very helpful is using a weight that you can only do 7-8 reps and increase the weight so you can do only 6-8 to 4-6 to 1-2. Then go back to your first weight and superset to failure. Keep pushing yourself. If you can do one more rep, even if it goes beyond the 4-6 rule, DO IT. Readjust the weight next time.

If you come to a plateau, just change up your routine. Work out in the mornings rather than the evenings or vice versa. Put on less weight and do it many many many times.

For ectomorphs, I think the diet is probably more important than the workout. I've gained 20 lbs of mass without supplements (got 50 more lbs of mass I'm shooting for :) ). Somehow, you need to get in the HABIT of eating more. I find it difficult to eat 6 meals of high protein food everyday. I'm going to get some MPRs only to replace whatever I CAN'T do because of Time (such as waking up late before a class).

What you said that surprised me was that you 'still eat like a bird'. I ate very little ages ago. But when I started eating more, I started getting hungry much more often. If I don't eat within 3-4 hours, I'm hungry.

See if you can get in the habit of eating more 'real food' everyday. Your appetite should be increasing. Be sure that whatever you eat that you make it 'fun' somehow (depending on what you eat or what you're doing while you eat. You want it to become a habit).

Record what you are eating. What are the daily calories? Increase it as needed.

And good luck!


Don Juan
Mar 21, 2001
Reaction score
Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond.

To 2SLICK: It's great that you shared your experience; it's really nice to know that I'm not the only one who's been in this very same situation.

I do eat whenever I'm on break. Anyhow, I had no idea that there were such things as cart machines; it sounds like this thing would make work much easier and less physically draining. I have to do the work manually using a rope! Still, I've yet to get hit by a car -- though I've come close a few times -- so it hasn't been that bad. :D

To Pook: I didn't think you'd respond, so this was a nice surprise.

I think drinking milk for some extra calories isn't such a bad idea; it may add fat but I'm sure my body will burn it off like nothing.

I agree, for ectos the diet is far more important. Somehow I need to make eating six meals a day part of my lifestyle. At the moment, eating is a chore for me (as it always has). On a side note, that thing about me eating like a bird was actually a comment made to me by a friend when he saw how I was eating.

I just hope all my efforts will pay off...and hopefully gain more than a mere 10 lbs. by the end of the year. lol
Mar 22, 2002
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
Originally posted by Jackal

Obviously, as many of you are thinking, I need to get myself a less physical job is I'm to make weight gain, and I have had the same thoughts myself.
You already know the solution to your problem. In the mean time you really are fighting an uphill battle. I really don't see you turning into Mr Universe any time soon with so much cardio in your day but good luck to you. (If you can do it you're a better body builder than I, or anyone else for that matter).

But at the moment, untill I find another job, I have to stick to this.
True, without a job you won't be eating and that would be rather bad for your mass gaining plans. Never the less I think you should be full on looking out for another more sedentary job (It is very easy to let the inertia to carry you away and stay in the wrong job just because it is paying the bills). You probably need to be on the look out for some training oppurtunities too so you can increase your qualification base to help you move up the ladder - as most sedentary jobs (which is what you want if your serious about body building) require training of one sort or another. Security guard courses are usually affordable (comparitively speaking) and not too long - Here in Australia its just a weekend course - and it would be an excellent sedentary job at least much better than what you have now for body building.

(Ooops here I am giving you life advice, and telling you what job to do - sorry - they are linked though)


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
I've been in a similar situation. Ectomorph, been working out for over a year with few gains, no labor job though. 2 weeks ago I started on DESIEL's bulking plan. I calculated my caleries and what I would eat, write everything down etc. I do heavy, low-rep sets (8-10 is TOO HIGH btw - stick to 4-6) working different muscle groups every other day. So far I've gained 2 pounds of mass and I think I've lost a little fat even.

What you said that surprised me was that you 'still eat like a bird'. I ate very little ages ago. But when I started eating more, I started getting hungry much more often. If I don't eat within 3-4 hours, I'm hungry.
I've been exactly the same way recently. It's really odd actually. Before I started my new bulking diet I could go 10 hours without eating something and I'd feel fine. Now I can't go 3 hours without my appetite kicking me to the kitchen.

Here are some tips for you:
1) Precook some of your meals! Cook several servings of pasta and keep left overs in tupperwear, then microwave it when it's time to eat. Boil multiple chicken breasts and do the same thing. This will save you lots and lots of time and hassle.
2) Drink skim milk. Pook mentioned milk has bad fats, skim milk is virtually fat free and still has that same quick digesting protein.
3) Have a whey protein shake right after every workout.
4) Drink a gallon of water a day.
5) If you aren't already taking multivitamins, start now.
6) LOSE THAT JOB! Take action! Don't just sit around waiting for a new job to be handed to you! A job pushing shopping carts can't be paying that well anyway.
7) Read DESIEL's bulking guide and follow it!
8) Keep a food journal to keep yourself eating enough.
9) If you live by yourself, throw out all your junk food and stop buying it. When you shop, have a shopping list and don't go in hungry. If you live with parents who do all the grocery shopping, get them involved and tell them about your goals and that you need special food to achieve them.

Here are some sites that have helped me: - For planning meals - Every excersise you'll ever need demonstrated in video - This site has a huge database of useful articles

Good luck!


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
You probably need to be on the look out for some training oppurtunities too so you can increase your qualification base to help you move up the ladder - as most sedentary jobs (which is what you want if your serious about body building) require training of one sort or another
I'd rather OWN the ladder than move up it, but that's a topic for a different thread ;P