Basic Begginer's Boxing Routine


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2005
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A guy posted this on my boxing forum,, so I thought I'd pass it on. Thanks to lunas and hope he doesn't mind.

If you're exerpeinced, the bag/shadowboxing routines are a bit too "basic", but it's all pretty useful.

"I noticed a lot of people are looking for the same things here, so here is a beginner's boxing routine that will basically cover everything someone needs to do to get involved in the sport from training to nutrition. It's a lot, so I'm going to be as brief as possible, but I also want to be semi-complete. I question the value of one line answers to a lot of the questions I've seen.

First, realize that if you ever want to compete and be good at it, you are going to have to have a real coach/trainer impart their incredible wisdom. You can't learn everything from books and the internet, although with video coaching and innovative ideas, it is easier to get feedback when you are training by yourself. At any rate, at some point, plan on spending some of your paper route dollars to invest in yourselves.

Okay, on to the good stuff.

First, an overview:

1. Conditioning - is the be all and end all. If you can't last 3 minutes in the ring and can't recover in 1 minute afterwards, you have no business being there. Boxing is the ultimate workout as it covers everything - strength training, agility, aerobic capacity, anaerobic capacity, speed, and power. As such you have to train everything in a logical and well planned way - and believe it or not, it means getting enough rest as well.

Needless to say, it is a lifestyle (I learned that from Dr. Phil )

2. Boxing skills - you have to develop the necessary skills to carry with you into the ring and that means practicising drills and perfecting them. It means understanding why you are throwing a jab before a right cross or why you slip to the outside. You have to learn the proper mechanics and the proper defense. In combat, your brain will shut down and your body will rely on what it has been taught in those drill sessions. Battle inoculation is the term - you come prepared with a game plan and rely on your training to take you to the finish.

3. Nutrition - all the exercise in the world is not going to get you in peak physical shape. The fuel you put in your body is going to be directly related to the results you get from your training. Everytime you raise your hand to your mouth you are making a choice - ensure it is the right one.

I've seen a lot of advice given in this forum about eating 5-6 times a day, eating a tonne of protein, eating a tonne of carbs, no carbs, no protein, yadda yadda yadda. The truth is, human bodies are not all that different. If you are eating more calories than you are using for energy, you put on weight. If you are eating less, you lose weight. How those extra calories are stored (as fat or muscle) depends on other factors. Basically though, one can predict how much of each nutrient - vitamins, proteins, carbs, and fat (yes FAT) one should be eating.

4. Planning - Implementing a complete boxing routine requires some serious thought on your part. You have to plan numerous workouts, devise an efficient meal plan, ensure you are getting plenty of rest, learning the trade, and fit a life in there. Time management is crucial. If self discipline is not your strong point, do not think for a second you can dream your way to the Contender. You have to make a lot of sacrifices that I feel are well worth it in the long run.

Here is a very basic beginner program. It is suitable for someone who has no boxing experience and no exercise experience. As for equipment, if you want to learn to box - you need (at minimum) - heavy bag, bag gloves, hand wraps, and a skipping rope. You can start everything else with your bodyweight.

Strength Training
Frequency: 5 times per week - eg... Workout A (M, W, F), Workout B (T, Th)
Sets: As indicated
Reps: Indicated
Weight: Bodyweight

Workout A:
Pushups - 25, 25, 25
Pullups - 10, 10, 10
Diamond Pushups - 15, 15, 15
Wide Pushups - 15, 15, 15
Chinups - 10, 10, 10
Mountain Climbers - 20 each leg

Workout B:
Squats - 100, 75, 65
Lunges - 100 each leg
Standing Calf Raises - to failure, to failure, to failure (could take a while)
Wall Sit (back against a wall, legs at 90 degrees) to failure, to failure, to failure
Burpees - 20, 20, 20

For Speed and Explosiveness
Plyometrics (Very Basic Routine)
Frequency: twice a week (not on same days as Workout B - Strength Training)

Squat Jumps - 10, 10, 10
Bounding - 50metres, 50 metres
One legged hops - 20 metres frontwards, 20 metres backwards (both legs)
Clap Pushups - to fail, to fail, to fail
Step Jumps - 30, 20, 10 (get something about calf height and jump sideways over it)

Anaerobic Conditioning

Interval Training
Frequency: 3 times per week (eg. M, W, F)

Pick a start line and mark off increments of 25 metres up to 400 metres. If you have a road with telephone poles on it, it works well as the poles are usually spaced 25 metres apart.

From the start line, sprint as fast as you can to the 25 metre mark. Stop, turn around and walk back to the start line.
When you hit the start line, immediately sprint to the 50 metre mark. Stop, walk back.
Do the same for 100metres, 200 metres, and 400 metres

(if you have anything left and haven't puked all over yourself, good, then work your way back down)

The idea is to push your heart rate up fast as you sprint and then return it to normal during the walk back (or at least close to it). These will hurt, I guarantee it.

Aerobic Capacity:
Frequency: 2 x per week (eg. M and Saturday)
Take a long run and by long I mean more than 45 minutes. Pick a good pace that you can comfortably run and then increase that pace as often as you can. It takes at least 15 minutes of continuous running before your aerobic system kicks in, so the first 15 minutes are a write off, after that you will begin to develop your aerobic capacity.

Boxing Specific:
Frequency: Ideally 5 times per week (2 days with a trainer and 3 on your own).
On your own - a basic routine.

1. Warmup - Skipping - 5 rounds of 3 minutes/round, 1 minute rest in between

2. Shadowboxing - 3 rounds of 3 minutes/round, 1 minute rest in between.
1st round - focus on footwork
2nd round - add a jab to your footwork
3rd round - do 1-2 combinations for the entire round.

3. Heavy Bag: (all are 3 minute rounds, with 1 minute rest)
Round 1: Footwork - push the bag and move around it, get the feel for moving in a proper stance. Move with the bag, around it and against it. Become fleet footed.

Round 2: Jab to the head. Move, stick and jab. Move stick and double jab. Practice your jabs the entire round (good shoulder workout)

Round 3: 1-2 combinations - Move and jab/right cross (straight right). Make sure you move right after you throw. Think circles and angles. Switch directions.

Round 4: 1-2-3 combination - Move and jab, right cross, left hook combination (these are your basic punches).

Round 5: Free for all - hit away

Round 6: Sprints - 1 minute of continuous punching to the head. Think speed, not power - let your hands fly as fast as you can.

If you want, add another Round but this time focus on 1 minute of power punches rather than speed. (If you are beginning, you are going to be wasted by now...)

4. Ab Work: 3 minutes - do as many reps as you can and switch exercises every 30 seconds. Repeat for another round if you can.

Basic crunches - 30 seconds
Basic situps - 30 seconds
Leg raises - 30 seconds
Bicycle - 30 seconds
Left side crunch (oblique crunches) - 30 seconds
Right side crunch (oblique crunches) - 30 seconds

5. Neck Exercises - Yes's and No's to failure
Yes's - lie on your back and bring your chin to chest and then back to the floor.
No's - lie on your back, lift your head about 45 degrees and then look as far left as you can, then as far right as you can, repeat until you can do no more.


I can't possibly prescribe a meal plan that is generic enough for everyone out there - even a beginner, but understand that you need protein, you need carbs, you need some fat, and you need to eat regularly. Do not cut any of that out and make sure you are keeping hydrated.

To come up with a meal plan, you have to determine your basic metabolic rate, adjust it for your activity level and then adjust it again to reach your goals. Then you determine what balance of nutrients that number requires and then pick the foods that will give you that. - Sounds complicated and it is, but luckily there are calculators that do most of the work.

Track Your Progress

You should really keep a log of your progress so you can visually see the differences in your body and abilities. This will not only motivate you to keep going, but will provide concrete evidence that all of the hard work you are putting in is leading somewhere.


This was long and I apologize for that, but I question the value of one line answers to a lot of the questions showing up here. If you want more information, it can be found at including all of the nutrition calculators I made reference to. Boxing is a great sport and I applaud anyone interested in getting started. Stick with it and you will reap great rewards. Evangelize the sport - boxing needs you."


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2006
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Omaha, Nebraska
This makes me respect boxers even more. That seems like an ass load of conditioning and sh*t.


Master Don Juan
Jun 1, 2005
Reaction score
That takes me back.

Some great tips in there.

Boxers are arguably the most well conditioned athletes in the world. People who deny this are usually people who've never boxed.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2005
Reaction score
Welcome to my world!