Balance Between C&F and Straight Talk


Don Juan
Jun 15, 2005
Reaction score
What is the best way for me to maintain a C&F frame while also presenting myself as a reasonably successful young man? I want to present C&F but I also do have a lot of the "traditional" attractive traits going for me such as a good job, education, a nice place, a nice car, good salary, and so forth.

A lot of women, especially the young, educated professional types that I shoot for, do look for this sort of stuff (education, decent job, intellect, etc.), at least on some level, and I don't want to come across as a complete clown to them, but I don't want to be a boring schmo either. I've read articles and field reports where more professional and educated women blew guys out in set because of too much C&F for this reason. My most recent LTR wouldn't have likely given me or any other pure C&F guy the time of day, to give one example of this type. Then again, I know these women also blow out boring braggarts too.

Whats the best way to balance and still stay congruent? Would something like this fly well?

HBrandom: "What do you do?"
Hero: "Well, I am a (blank) by day... but my real passion is my stunt work. Have you ever seen it in a movie when a hot actor has to reveal his naked ass? That's my night job."

Would this earn points for both C&F and having a real career, in this case?



Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
See, great part of the c&f is making up your own stuff not just following Dave's material to the t. The one i made up for your case is this one, I think its better too.
her: so wut do u do/ wuts your dream?
me: I'm a proffesional wrestler/ would like to be a professional wrestler.
of course this isnt that funny when you actually look like a prof. wrestler


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2005
Reaction score
Great Lakes
Originally posted by HereToImprove
HBrandom: "What do you do?"
Hero: "Well, I am a (blank) by day... but my real passion is my stunt work. Have you ever seen it in a movie when a hot actor has to reveal his naked ass? That's my night job."

Would this earn points for both C&F and having a real career, in this case?
Not all chicks have a sense of humor. and even less - a goofy sense of humor.
What do you do - goes when you still dont know each other, and an imagine of "hot actor's ass - my night job" is not going to win.

Modify it:

"Have you ever seen it in a movie when a hot actor has to kiss a hot actress? That's my night job."