Bad boys are a joke


Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2005
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Сиби́рь Sub-ArtiC
I read all these posts about how guys want to become bad boys. In your teens and early 20's it sounds like a good idea because you see all these wanna-bes acting hard and being d!ckheads to girls but the truth is these losers are going to be working at McDonalds or Walmart in a couple of years while the guys that focused on school and their careers are driving around in their brand new Mercedes and pulling 100K a year. I'm 22 years old, about the time people start to graduate college, and I'm already seeing it, the bad boys are becoming weeded out and less popular while the girls go for the guys with futures ahead of them. As long as you have your shyt together (school and career) and aren't a doormat, you will be able to get any girl you want once you get to your mid 20's. Some food for thought...


Senior Don Juan
Sep 16, 2006
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You are on the right track. Power is always influx. Those loser bad boys, jocks and frat boys get weeded out eventually.

Distant Light

Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
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New York
It's funny because who really cares we all die eventually so who cares. It comes down to this...Do you really want that car? Or do you really want to get that job? Are you actually living your life?

Why do you let society dictate what is considred a successful life? What if you died right now...would it matter? It shouldn't if your actually living your life.

What your posting is what you think is a successful life...going to college, getting a high paid job and driving in a wonderful car. You my friend are most likely trying to live up to societies standards. Want to know how you can really find out...

Ask anyone what they would do if they were given a check for 1 million dollars. Majority of the people would say House/Car/Cloth/Jewlery its rarely anything that has to do with there passion. I personally would most likely not even waste my money on such things because there are far better things I can do with my money.

In a specific culture there are people who party 5-6 days a week for there whole life and it gets to the point where there being paid to come to parties. Most of these guys don't even work, but you could say being at a party and dancing is there job. These guys are living there life how they want and they are loving it. There not behind a desk trying to get a new house because really when there dead that house is no longer yours and the work and money put into it was basically a waste. Instead there having fun and doing what they want.

But the standards of a good life is different but the only common one is when people try to live up to societies standards. (The majority tries for that)

I don't want too get too deep into that so I'll leave it at that.

The whole thing about bad boys and guys who are successful in life doesn't mean sh!t. The damn manager working at dominoes could live with his parents and still pull all the chicks that works for him. Same with the office worker. It all comes down to the person. Saying bad boys are being less popular and weeded out is retarded because that has nothing to do with why you got the girl. You got the girl because she liked you for you not because you was some acting like some bad boy or some guy trying to work his way up the corporate ladder.


Don Juan
Apr 16, 2007
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PlasticSurgeon said:
Are you kidding? Being successful has nothing to do with what society says. I want the money so I can do whatever I want, whether it be going to see the band 'Tool' in Europe for one night, chilling in Ibiza the next night, and hitting up the hottest LA clubs the next night. No dude working at dominoes is going to be able to do any of that. In fact, talk to these guys, get to know them, they're actually pretty miserable. Why? They lack the finances to have the life they want.

Indeed...also bear in mind some of these alpha bady boy types that pounded everything in sight and partied a ton mellow out and realize to continue living the good life they get their crap together and transition from a drunken frat boy to a successful lawyer/doctor at a top school. I was in a fraternity with many a drunken idiot and yeah a lot of them made some bad choices and won't be able to have the kind of life they want to from here on out. Others made the necessary adjustments and are going to elite top 10 law schools. Agree that you should do what you want in life but also live in the moment. Just don't lose sight of the bigger picture and what you want out of your whole life as well and just today. No law that says you can't be the meathead fratboy partier in college and the successful lawyer/doctor/business man later in life.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
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To quote the great Pook, you might say that these bad boyz spent their youth away instead of investing it. Hence, their power vanishes and they become less attractive.

For this reason, being a bad boy and being alpha are not the same. The president of a country is an alpha, for example, rather than the leader of a gang (who can mainly attract poverty-ridden hors).


Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
New York
Money isn't necessary for happiness. But it sure helps a hell of a lot...

Distant Light

Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
New York
PlasticSurgeon said:
Are you kidding? Being successful has nothing to do with what society says.

Do you know what social conditiong is?

I don't know about you but society has standards that majority of the people live up to. If everyone was to live there life how they really wanted to, then there would be chaos and its actually sort of good that people are trying to live up to society standards meanwhile all the guys who are actually living there life are doing what they want.

I made a mistake and was trying to bring world views here but I realized this site isn't ready for this other forums have went deep into this and while I don't consider this advanced others believe so...So I'm just going to leave it at this, you'll find out what I'm talking about later on.

Just one thing though what you just said is something a guy working at dominoes can make. I'm not sure where you live but in NYC dominoes people make a good amount of tips plus there regular check. But regardless where you work if your actually living your life certain things you wouldn't buy because its a waste of money, but that comes with knowing exactly what you want out of life and what is essential.

As far as society goes they condition you to believe many things. If they didn't there wouldn't be a site like this.There wouldn't be guys thinking it takes a certain amount of dates to get girl. Even worst they actually think you have to go on a date to get a girl. They think they must ask girls out, etc. Majority of the people are getting this source of feedback from society. Look at certain people who buy houses when they live a lifestyle where there never in the house.

But like I said I won't get into this as I have on another forum and the people who really got me focusing on living my life all have done a drastic change which brought me to the conclusion that there lives were better than the average.

Just search "Where the hell is matt?" on youtube. If you have even more time listen to his interview. He quit his job and travelled to many different countries. I personally respect this guy for actually quiting something he didn't like and said "fuk it" and went out and traveled.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 16, 2006
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Remulak and PlasticSurgeon,

It's good to see people on this forum are mindful of the future. I heard that men drop out of school to go to mystery's bootcamps. CRAZY!! LOL!!!!
It's good to see other people on this board are not as foolish. So many times we lose sight of how important building a successful career is. Many of those ditsy sorority hoes and jocks are so enthralled in the present moment. They can't see past their noses. To them...the only thing that matters is the here and now.

Always remember: MONEY IS POWER.

The Shocker

Senior Don Juan
Dec 28, 2006
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With my parents
I'm glad so many people feel that money is not necessary for happiness. It makes it a lot easier for those who NEED it to go out and get what we want.

I NEED to have a millionaire lifestyle. There is nothing more important to me than to achieve that. And I will, because I am willing to sacrifice almost anything to achieve it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 13, 2005
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I travel
samueladams said:
Agree that you should do what you want in life but also live in the moment. Just don't lose sight of the bigger picture and what you want out of your whole life as well and just today. No law that says you can't be the meathead fratboy partier in college and the successful lawyer/doctor/business man later in life.
genius !!!
Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
***** palace
Remulak said:
I read all these posts about how guys want to become bad boys. In your teens and early 20's it sounds like a good idea because you see all these wanna-bes acting hard and being d!ckheads to girls but the truth is these losers are going to be working at McDonalds or Walmart in a couple of years while the guys that focused on school and their careers are driving around in their brand new Mercedes and pulling 100K a year. I'm 22 years old, about the time people start to graduate college, and I'm already seeing it, the bad boys are becoming weeded out and less popular while the girls go for the guys with futures ahead of them. As long as you have your shyt together (school and career) and aren't a doormat, you will be able to get any girl you want once you get to your mid 20's. Some food for thought...
I think replacing "bad boy" with "Jock" would be better. There's a differance between an athlete and jock. Jock abuses his/her powers and use it to take advantage of others, while the athlete just plays sports for fun. Most jocks play sports especially to be "cool." All the dumb jocks will eventually work blue collar jobs, since they spent all their time working out, even though they really don't have the passion to make it to the pros. They compensate by getting drunk every week and losing more brain cells. So when they graduate from highschool, they're too stupid to get into a decent college and end up screwing themselves.

Bad boy is a loose term, it could range from a criminal or a kid just gets into detentions cuz he skips class.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
What's a bad boy again?

Maybe you can give me an absolute definition.

Oh what's that? Its a relative term? Gee. Looks like its a pointless definition then.

Tha Realnezz

Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Girls that like that sh1t are skanks.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2005
Reaction score
Newmarket, Ontario
karma baby!

piss away your youth chasing tail and not focusing on building yourself up, and it'll come back in the end to bite you in the ass


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
does anyone want fries with that.........


Senior Don Juan
Nov 11, 2005
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Сиби́рь Sub-ArtiC
I'm finishing my bachelor's very soon, and I'll be working on my master's for the next few years. I will gladly sacrifice a few years of my life to live comfortably for the rest of it. I'm not doing it for women, I'm doing it for myself. I don't have to be filthy rich by any means but I definitely want to be making at least 80 to 100 when I'm done with my education in my mid 20's. I just see a lot of people around my age with absolutely no concept of the future or planning ahead. Hell, a couple years ago I was just like them just living for the moment but that mind set gets real old very quickly.
The average college student I've seen parties his or her four years away and gets some worthless business bachelors degree (not that there's anything wrong with business when you actually like business and aren't getting a degree in it just because you have no passion and everyone else is getting it) and gets some 31k a year cubicle job that they hate. Screw that