Back in the game...but seem to be on the bench.


Don Juan
Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Hey guys,

I have just come out of a 3 year relationship with my girlfriend after she moved to another city. If it weren't for everyone on this site and their advice, I would not have got her in the first place.

Now I call on my fellow brothers to help me in this new stage of my life.

Ever since the relationship ended, I feel like I have lost all inner confidence. I project outer confidence in the way I dress and carry myself, I smile all the time and have no problem talking to new people . I have a great job, am involved in sports, doing well at university but still feel quite empty. I have girls tell me that they or their friends find me attractive but I never feel the same level of attraction towards them, whether it be how they look or their personality. This last relationship seems to have skyrocketed my standards and I end up feeling disappointed every time I meet new women. If I do spot a girl who sparks an initial attraction, she ends up putting a cigarette in her mouth or having an undesirable character.

Would greatly appreciate your help on this matter.

Daddy The Pimp

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
You had deep connection with your ex .

Now that you dont have her , you're feeling empty .

You need to get over her . Try to keep your mind occupied with hobbies and other things . Also try to get as many girls as you can . This helped me .

Also , for deeper help , watch this . It may help

Hope you get over it quick . Have a nice sarge :D