Awesome site! Need some general advice

Someone Much cooler

Senior Don Juan
Mar 8, 2007
Reaction score
East Coast
I was searching around actually on, I am doing a research paper on the dating scene and how it is differant for men than it is for women! I stumbled across this site and started to read, its great I just registered, so many things were enlightnening that i never thought about. Some of the people on here should seriously be in the field of Psyc, The philosophy of society and other forms of literary knowledge. Anyways I have a little situation of my own, maybe yall can help me out.

I'll be back to give you the DL about me and her.


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
make sure you get the DJ bible. Download it on the bottom of this page,
that will help


Someone Much cooler

Senior Don Juan
Mar 8, 2007
Reaction score
East Coast
what to do, what to do

Ok my about me:

I'm extremely confident. I will approach any attractive female almost anywhere. I'm so good in fact that my friends actually use me as the ice breaker.

Most women considered me attractive! I am a medium brown complexion, not dark or light just average, I have hazel/green eyes. I'm skinny tho (really) I run track, I weight about 120lbs, I'm about 5'9 so I'm not a big dude.

I tend to be really proper. I am black and native american, so I have a funny tone or accent.

I'm really friendly, usually not awkward and never shy.

I have alwasy been popular and if let uncheck I WILL become the life of the party.

On a saturday night I can easily get about 3-8 #'s and have been with a fair share of girls from all ethnic backgrounds, its all pink and wet on the inside right? Lately tho I never try and sleep with the girls I pick up anymore!
I'm a good dancer (I can dance with 2 girl at the same time an hold the beat)but not so whats my problem you say? ok here goes

Lately I haven't had the desire to sleep with any women, until I met her. All the other girls seemd so boring and more of the same! So grey while she is an violet or fuscha! I like this girl, she likes me also. I met her a while ago (I knew her big sis from college) and started calling her. She has a really strict mom. She is decently attractive(iv'e seen better, but she has other redeemin qualities, my momma would like her!).

She kinda likes this other guy she knew before me but for some reason isn't with him. (he lives 4 hours away) I came along and kinda got her attention.

She claims she doesn't want a man right now, she says that even though she likes me she thinks mom-dukes might be to big of an obstical to over come. She likes hanging out with the girls but I know for a fact she isn't a hoe! She also complained that guys don't seem to be in for the long haul, and after they unload their "gravey" they dont want to stick around. One of her best friends hates me, she thinks I'm a boushy white, black boy.

After all of this I still am intrigued. She tells me that she could see herself with me but just not right now?! What ever that means I guess like a law-away plan dunno. Usually I make most of the moves and pursuit her. She openly admits to being confused and told me she didn' want me to move on yet?!!

Last week it was her home girls birthday, so I made a call to my friend who has a night club and he let me throw her home girls birthday party there free of charge! We danced and grinded and stuff. I bought mad drinks and stuff.

We all drove back later that night and her frioends werea sking me questions like "would you treat her good and **** like that" I was like yeah I could do that! we all spent the night at her friends crib, she was pissy drunk, I was pretty tipsey! She keep trippin and **** I cought her, She fell off the couch I helped her ass back on, she ended up sleeping with me(not fvckin but sleepin) and I didn't push up on her. We did kiss, but since we were both drunk I didn't men much.

Technically I'm not losing anything physcially by sticking around. I don't want to get my feelings attached tho for nothing.

Every so often I bring up the option of an US but since shes an introvert, got plenty game and is pretty smart! She don't say a whole lot, she lets me talk and then she responds with an ohhhh or an ahhhhh type of reply. She's sending me mixed signals. She told me that she is scared that she will fall for me, she doesn't really hang out with me, but she will pick up the phone when ever I call and let me woe her for hours, or until my phone dies!

If I leave then I'm might lose the opportunity to have someone I like if only I had patience...

hit me back, scream at me and tell me What yall think?

Jay Jay

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
You wanna know what I think?

I think your ****ed!

Joking, joking...

Lemme ask a question, have you tried busting a move? You know, tried getting physical. Sometimes you just gotta take the lead and make things happen.


From reading your description I'd say the problem is that this girl knows she's got ya wrapped around her finger. She knows you will keep chasing her so she doesn't feel any pressing need to get with you. Girls love being chased so why should she give that up?

Thats how I see it, from what you've written anyway.

What I suggest is put the hard word on her and then subtly hint that you might be ready to move on if she can't make up her mind. Make your self scarce for a week and don't call. If she rings in the first couple of days don't pick up.

You don't sound like a game player so that may sound lame to you, but sometimes you gotta do it. You know the old clique you don't know what you've got til you lost it.

I think if she suddenly feels she doesn't have you when you come back she'll jump into your arms.

Good luck.


Someone Much cooler

Senior Don Juan
Mar 8, 2007
Reaction score
East Coast
Heres how it is, getting girls was never the problem, I'm the man! Getting girls that are WORTH ME is the problem. At this point I have had enough sex to hold me over for a bit, i'm not a hormone crazed teenage boy, I have had alot of girls.

This is a problem because it has raised my standards to an unreachable level. No longer am I attracted to the immature young college freshmen or the hot slvts. I'm so bored with them. I actually ONLY desire sophisticated ladies, I WILL wait for the woman that meets my standards, why should I settle? I want a lady that can wear heals instead of just air force one sneakers. Who can keep up with my wit, charm and intellegence with out being over-whelmed or it all going over their head. All of this is really hard to find at my age(21). I'm not trying to settle down yet, but why should I settle just to fvck and then not be forfilled in the other ways. I would just go for women a few years older, but I look really young, good looking, but young(like 18) and alot of the older women don't wanna young guy!


I don't wanna make myself too scarce, the guy she likes is coming back from spring break. I don't like playing second banana to any dude! I don't think she has me wrapped around her finger, I just like her so I was trying to be nice to her. I do like her alot but if I have to play severe head games to get her then I don't really want her, if thats the level she is on then shes not the mature woman that I thought she was. The making myself scarce idea sounds like a good idea, I'll try it.

cmon guys I needs mo advice mo mo mo mo mo


Nov 2, 2006
Reaction score
You sound like a hoser.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Someone Much cooler said:
She likes hanging out with the girls but I know for a fact she isn't a hoe!

She also complained that guys don't seem to be in for the long haul, and after they unload their "gravey" they dont want to stick around.
Yes, she is a Hor!!! She is not "special"!!!

After all of this I still am intrigued. She tells me that she could see herself with me but just not right now?!
She is getting sex from this other dude and if he finds about you then you may ruin it for her. She knows you long for her as a "girlfriend" -- you are pursuing her too much!

Last week it was her home girls birthday, so I made a call to my friend who has a night club and he let me throw her home girls birthday party there free of charge! We danced and grinded and stuff. I bought mad drinks and stuff.
You are trying to impress too much - this looks like you are trying to 'win' (buy) her favor!!! She is a grinding hoe - she is no one special!!! Does her pimp know she 'grinded' with you?

.. she was pissy drunk, I was pretty tipsey! She keep trippin and **** I cought her, She fell off the couch I helped her ass back on, she ended up sleeping with me(not fvckin but sleepin) and I didn't push up on her. We did kiss,
Where is her "b/f"???

This is a perfect example of how a girl is with one guy and then starts getting ravaved by another and soon will be with him IF things fall apart with her current pimp!!

She is a "monkey" HO kid - She is NOT special!!!

Whatever you do, you should keep it low key so that her pimp doen't find out what she is doing!

Someone Much cooler

Senior Don Juan
Mar 8, 2007
Reaction score
East Coast
mo mo mo mo mo mo

Last Man Standing-I agree she isn't as special as I was trying to make her. Shes not getting sex from this other guy. He goes to school 4-5 hours away and she doesn't drive. I agree I am pursing her too much though, I fell back and she has moved foward little. I didn't buy her anything, the party was free. I just wanted a good party. Everyone grinds, I was grinding with her friends right infront of her. I don't dance without grinding, I even grind with plotonic friends(chicks). She does definatly have the once brance to another thing goin on. insecurity huh? Fear of being alone maybe? If she does have a man, its not my fault, but even so what he gonna do? I wish you knew what was sitting on the other side of this screen =)
I'm not definding her, I'm just curious as to what I'm missing that you see. hit me back thanks 4 da mo mo mo mo mo mo
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
WHat happened? You figured out that she wasn't "special" - did the violet flower turn gray in your eyes?

If she is NOT on another dudes jock then she used him as an excuse to reject you! She doesn't want you!