as life experiences cumulate - do women become less special to you?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
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Hawaiian Jungles
What does sex mean to you? what do women mean to you?

So recently, I had sex with my 200th girl since turning 22 and breaking up with my LTR.

Granted, I do count the prostitutes, which constitutes about 20 of them.

Anyway, as time goes on, as I hone my game, things tend to just turn into more or less of a routine. I have sex with them not because I really feel much attachment to them, but because that is just what I do now.

It's like I feel myself and I am on autopilot.

I see girls come and go. I see girls get attached, I see girls who just want a good time leave and tell me not to call. I've had sex with girls with boyfriends.
I have given pleasure and caused agony.

When I was in the lower range, maybe below 30, I would feel something for the girls I slept with. Maybe have the urge to girlfriend them. But now, I feel that I have lost that gift. I havent loved anyone since my last girlfriend, who I broke up with over a year ago, and am still not over. Since then I have slept with many many women, but no matter the quality, I just cannot get emotionally attached to them.

Call me crazy, but I talked with my mom about it. She said it will cause major problems when I feel its time to get married.

What do you guys think? Have you ever been here? If so, how did you get the gift of emotion back?


Senior Don Juan
May 15, 2010
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powpow said:
What does sex mean to you? what do women mean to you?

So recently, I had sex with my 200th girl since turning 22 and breaking up with my LTR.
Pics or it didn't happen.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 25, 2012
Reaction score
200 by the age of 22.....mmmmmmmm

I have slept around a lot, but even by the age of 47
I would struggle to hit 3 figures.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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if u had sex with a new girl every 3 days, that would most likely put u in the top 3 or 4 people in the world for banging new girls frequency.

So personally, I am really happy to have you on these boards. Please do share your wisdom. :D


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Dear PowPow,
Yes I see where you are coming from....George Simenon the famous Belgian Author claimed 10,000 at about sixty,his wife when asked about this said....Naah only 3,500....some accounts say 1,700....that's still a lot of Pvssy...Your two a week for a couple of years is quite pedestrian by these standards,not hard for a dedicated philanderer in a Tourist Town...Me a miserable fifty something over 68 years....But the difference is I still love the little darlings,still get one,sometimes two a year....Wouldn't indulge in paying for it though!

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
For me, sleeping around taught me that I was simply satisfying my lust for power and significance.

Now I satisfy that on this board (j/k!)

It's odd how now that I have learned how to game and how to attract women, I have become much less desirous of running around trying to score. I have found that doing that is an exercise in dissipation.

I don't want to dissipate myself into some random used up slvt, which most women above 40 are these days. No longer would this give me a sense of power and significance. In fact, quite the opposite... It would give me a definite sense of dissipation, of having lost something.

I also believe that there is a spiritual component at work (something we never talk about because it is invisible and only evident after years of dissipation), and a spiritual transference occurs in the act, hence it contributes to a man's (and even more so a woman's) declination internally.

Think of what it really is... a woman opening up her body and receiving his DNA, his life-force and absorbing it into her body. That man has become a part of her FOREVER, which is why the very thought of a woman sleeping with multiple men disgusts us on a core level. There exists no more intimate connection in human experience, yet for so many it's just another Saturday night activity.

Every used up slvt carries around with her Bob, and Henry, and Charlie, and every other guy who she absorbed for all eternity, and I don't just mean the physical. She carries these men around on a spiritual plane, too.

Some of you might think, well, Atom Smasher is older than us, so his sex drive is less. Not so at all. Your beloved Atom is as horny as he was when he was 20. It's just that the meaning of sex has changed. I don't need it anymore for validation. I know I can get it anytime I want it, but I only want it from someone I want to commit to, someone who is worthy of me.

As I was typing this I was thinking of my Summer exploits and how surprised you guys would be to see what I do. I chuckle to myself as I write this. On any given Saturday or Sunday you will likely see me floating around in one of the pools of some of my 30-something female friends, ordering them to pull me around on my float, get me drinks, show me their pedicures (I tell them that I want to inspect them and they gladly comply and compete for my approval). You guys should see this! It's pretty hilarious.

But it's easier to be a king when you become more mature. You just act with "assumed authority", as I like to call it. It helps to be in shape and to project a leadership mentality, which again is easier as you get older.

Where the heck am I going with this? Oh yes, I'm saying that I constantly have the option to pull the trigger with these women but I simply don't want to. Meaningless sex has no place in my life, because I don't allow anything meaningless to be there. The old meaning is gone, and the new meaning is commitment and companionship in the best case, and remaining single but being satisfied with what I've made of myself in the worst case. Either way it's a win.
Jul 12, 2012
Reaction score
Atom Smasher said:
For me, sleeping around taught me that I was simply satisfying my lust for power and significance.

Now I satisfy that on this board (j/k!)

It's odd how now that I have learned how to game and how to attract women, I have become much less desirous of running around trying to score. I have found that doing that is an exercise in dissipation.

I don't want to dissipate myself into some random used up slvt, which most women above 40 are these days. No longer would this give me a sense of power and significance. In fact, quite the opposite... It would give me a definite sense of dissipation, of having lost something.

I also believe that there is a spiritual component at work (something we never talk about because it is invisible and only evident after years of dissipation), and a spiritual transference occurs in the act, hence it contributes to a man's (and even more so a woman's) declination internally.

Think of what it really is... a woman opening up her body and receiving his DNA, his life-force and absorbing it into her body. That man has become a part of her FOREVER, which is why the very thought of a woman sleeping with multiple men disgusts us on a core level. There exists no more intimate connection in human experience, yet for so many it's just another Saturday night activity.

Every used up slvt carries around with her Bob, and Henry, and Charlie, and every other guy who she absorbed for all eternity, and I don't just mean the physical. She carries these men around on a spiritual plane, too.

Some of you might think, well, Atom Smasher is older than us, so his sex drive is less. Not so at all. Your beloved Atom is as horny as he was when he was 20. It's just that the meaning of sex has changed. I don't need it anymore for validation. I know I can get it anytime I want it, but I only want it from someone I want to commit to, someone who is worthy of me.

As I was typing this I was thinking of my Summer exploits and how surprised you guys would be to see what I do. I chuckle to myself as I write this. On any given Saturday or Sunday you will likely see me floating around in one of the pools of some of my 30-something female friends, ordering them to pull me around on my float, get me drinks, show me their pedicures (I tell them that I want to inspect them and they gladly comply and compete for my approval). You guys should see this! It's pretty hilarious.

But it's easier to be a king when you become more mature. You just act with "assumed authority", as I like to call it. It helps to be in shape and to project a leadership mentality, which again is easier as you get older.

Where the heck am I going with this? Oh yes, I'm saying that I constantly have the option to pull the trigger with these women but I simply don't want to. Meaningless sex has no place in my life, because I don't allow anything meaningless to be there. The old meaning is gone, and the new meaning is commitment and companionship in the best case, and remaining single but being satisfied with what I've made of myself in the worst case. Either way it's a win.
This is very good!

To add to it I think its all about balance, people are too far on either one side of the line or the other.

It is not about being a jerk or being a pushover its about being a man.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
Atom Smasher said:
For me, sleeping around taught me that I was simply satisfying my lust for power and significance.

Now I satisfy that on this board (j/k!)

It's odd how now that I have learned how to game and how to attract women, I have become much less desirous of running around trying to score. I have found that doing that is an exercise in dissipation.

I don't want to dissipate myself into some random used up slvt, which most women above 40 are these days. No longer would this give me a sense of power and significance. In fact, quite the opposite... It would give me a definite sense of dissipation, of having lost something.

I also believe that there is a spiritual component at work (something we never talk about because it is invisible and only evident after years of dissipation), and a spiritual transference occurs in the act, hence it contributes to a man's (and even more so a woman's) declination internally.

Think of what it really is... a woman opening up her body and receiving his DNA, his life-force and absorbing it into her body. That man has become a part of her FOREVER, which is why the very thought of a woman sleeping with multiple men disgusts us on a core level. There exists no more intimate connection in human experience, yet for so many it's just another Saturday night activity.

Every used up slvt carries around with her Bob, and Henry, and Charlie, and every other guy who she absorbed for all eternity, and I don't just mean the physical. She carries these men around on a spiritual plane, too.

Some of you might think, well, Atom Smasher is older than us, so his sex drive is less. Not so at all. Your beloved Atom is as horny as he was when he was 20. It's just that the meaning of sex has changed. I don't need it anymore for validation. I know I can get it anytime I want it, but I only want it from someone I want to commit to, someone who is worthy of me.

As I was typing this I was thinking of my Summer exploits and how surprised you guys would be to see what I do. I chuckle to myself as I write this. On any given Saturday or Sunday you will likely see me floating around in one of the pools of some of my 30-something female friends, ordering them to pull me around on my float, get me drinks, show me their pedicures (I tell them that I want to inspect them and they gladly comply and compete for my approval). You guys should see this! It's pretty hilarious.

But it's easier to be a king when you become more mature. You just act with "assumed authority", as I like to call it. It helps to be in shape and to project a leadership mentality, which again is easier as you get older.

Where the heck am I going with this? Oh yes, I'm saying that I constantly have the option to pull the trigger with these women but I simply don't want to. Meaningless sex has no place in my life, because I don't allow anything meaningless to be there. The old meaning is gone, and the new meaning is commitment and companionship in the best case, and remaining single but being satisfied with what I've made of myself in the worst case. Either way it's a win.
Great post.


Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
Reaction score
Yes there is desensitization and it becomes more difficult to pair-bond with a woman. The further you go the more you realize how they're pretty much all the same, which is fine until you come to the following dilemma:

'This girl is great, but this other one is just as good and I haven't defiled her yet.'

So you go and bang it out with another chick.

Or we're all just horny bastards. There's always that.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
the problem is that we here, are by nature extremist.

what I mean is, I mean look we all came here beucase we weren't getting enough *****. it's pretty much that simple. maybe it was general lack of *****, or lack of ***** from a girl that you wanted to get it from, or whatever, but we are pretty much here for the same reason.

so of course this has taken up a lot of your thought, a lot of your dreams, people who succeed in life who had it really tough by nature overcompensate in the area that was once a problem, for instance, every last bill I have is pre paid a year in advance give or take and my house is paid for in full, beucase of the times I had earlier starting my company and being so broke i had to live out a car. I told myself that I would never be homeless again, and I'll be damned I don't care how inconvenient it is, it's for my personal piece of mind.

The same thing with women. You go months, years without getting laid and you finally start to learn some tools, you aren't going to just become avg joe blow.. you are going to overcompesnate beucase to you this is the one thing that was missing in your life, access to constant *****.

But even this, after a few years as the OP is finding out you will eventually get back to "normal"... you got to get it out your system but there comes a point once you realize.. okay i can do this now.. when i want, how i want for the most part, it doesn't have to consume me

this site provides an extremely valuable tool, in that it allows men to not live their lives revolved around the access of women/easy *****. If you know how to talk to and deal with women you are going to be less inclined to make decisions based on the access of women and more inclined to do what you want to do and you will just pick up and find women on they way beucase you now can.


Master Don Juan
Mar 15, 2008
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Atom Smasher said:
I know I can get it anytime I want it, but I only want it from someone I want to commit to, someone who is worthy of me.
You sound like a chick dude. Pretty creepy. :down:


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
C-quenced said:
You sound like a chick dude. Pretty creepy. :down:
I wouldn't go so far as to say that sex = commitment, but I have to agree with Atom Smasher overall.

I mean, when I was younger and just started really having sex on a regular basis I'd fvck a fish if it looked at me right. But I mean, I'm not gonna say if i were single I would only have sex with girls I see myself being in a relationship with.. I think I would still enjoy casual sex, but I wouldn't spend as much of my free time dating as I did before I met my wife and I would probably have a higher threshold of what it would take for me to have sex with a woman.

I mean when I was spinning plates, fvcking what just what you did after X dates regardless of how I really felt about the girl or how hot /unhot she was. if i went on a date dammit i was going all the way beucase that's what guys do. we want sex. But I really don't care to spend all that much free time now entertaining women who are just hopeless and fvcking girls I have literally zero interest in other than they have nice legs or something. I.. i just have better/more interesting **** to do.

not saying I would be out on casual sex but that woudl be reserved for the grade 1 level babes.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
Atom Smasher said:
For me, sleeping around taught me that I was simply satisfying my lust for power and significance.

Now I satisfy that on this board (j/k!)

It's odd how now that I have learned how to game and how to attract women, I have become much less desirous of running around trying to score. I have found that doing that is an exercise in dissipation.

I don't want to dissipate myself into some random used up slvt, which most women above 40 are these days. No longer would this give me a sense of power and significance. In fact, quite the opposite... It would give me a definite sense of dissipation, of having lost something. I also believe that there is a spiritual component at work (something we never talk about because it is invisible and only evident after years of dissipation), and a spiritual transference occurs in the act, hence it contributes to a man's (and even more so a woman's) declination internally.

Think of what it really is... a woman opening up her body and receiving his DNA, his life-force and absorbing it into her body. That man has become a part of her FOREVER, which is why the very thought of a woman sleeping with multiple men disgusts us on a core level. There exists no more intimate connection in human experience, yet for so many it's just another Saturday night activity.

Every used up slvt carries around with her Bob, and Henry, and Charlie, and every other guy who she absorbed for all eternity, and I don't just mean the physical. She carries these men around on a spiritual plane, too.

Some of you might think, well, Atom Smasher is older than us, so his sex drive is less. Not so at all. Your beloved Atom is as horny as he was when he was 20. It's just that the meaning of sex has changed. I don't need it anymore for validation. I know I can get it anytime I want it, but I only want it from someone I want to commit to, someone who is worthy of me.

As I was typing this I was thinking of my Summer exploits and how surprised you guys would be to see what I do. I chuckle to myself as I write this. On any given Saturday or Sunday you will likely see me floating around in one of the pools of some of my 30-something female friends, ordering them to pull me around on my float, get me drinks, show me their pedicures (I tell them that I want to inspect them and they gladly comply and compete for my approval). You guys should see this! It's pretty hilarious.

But it's easier to be a king when you become more mature. You just act with "assumed authority", as I like to call it. It helps to be in shape and to project a leadership mentality, which again is easier as you get older.

Where the heck am I going with this? Oh yes, I'm saying that I constantly have the option to pull the trigger with these women but I simply don't want to. Meaningless sex has no place in my life, because I don't allow anything meaningless to be there. The old meaning is gone, and the new meaning is commitment and companionship in the best case, and remaining single but being satisfied with what I've made of myself in the worst case. Either way it's a win.
Very interesting perspective, well written. You remind me of Uncle Jophil (of me and Jitterbug).


I don't buy it.

"Meaningless sex" is an oxymoron; for sex is never meaningful anyway, unless you want a child. Sex is always and has always been for the sake of itself. Then, I am sensing there's something else you are pulling back from here. I don't know that thing is, but to me, it's just another buffer for you to stay in your comfort zone. I am not your age, but due to special reasons I have known a lot of men around your age, and when they have the social power and the "assumed authority" they use it to the fullest.

My understanding is, there can be many things that can go wrong to make a man stay "committed", heck, a Jaguar like Rollo Tomassi is caged in an iron cell in his raging prime. But that doesn't mean our very nature is monogamous. That just isn't true. And no amount of existential, spiritual talk can take that away.

Much respect to AS.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Hawaiian Jungles
Thank you guys for your time and positive insight.

Atom Smasher said:
For me, sleeping around taught me that I was simply satisfying my lust for power and significance.
I do agree this could be what I am/was doing with my time.

Guys who were questioning, Im 25, and I was working in Japan as what is called a host for about a year and a half. During that time I was trained to pretty much make girls fall in love with me so they would come back to my bar and spend money.

Of course I would sleep with them, almost as a reward for coming to see me, giving me gifts, being in love with me. I see the girls love... I just have a tough time reciprocating.

And I muscleman... bro you landed it. I see girls, and I think to myself, "yeah I would girlfriend her" but then I go to the gym and see a couple of other hot girls that I have yet to bang, and it ruins it for me.

I think girls have a sense that pick up on this kind of stuff. Its like an innate, evolutionized trait to keep them from having babies and then no one to feed it.

I want to live my life free of women, like backbreaker says. I still just have not reached the point where I can do that. I thought that having such power over women would free me to do my other passions, cars, mma, videogames, clothing design, philosophy... but really just the opposite, I have become apathetic to just about everything.

A lot of psychology books that I read state the one of the main driving forces of a man is to build himself up in order to get women. Well, once you feel like you are done building up, what is your motivation for anything anymore?

Chinese medicine says that when women and men have sex, a woman steals the mans yang energy. My yang renews pretty fast but seriously... it just feels like I have a shell and he is still sleeping with all these girls. no yin, no yang.

perhaps its just a rut Ive been in for a while. bipolar seems to do this a lot. but the manic/hypomanic states are becoming less frequent the more these girls suck out my life force.

I respect and cherish them, but in the same way you would respect and cherish a well crafted katana, or a well baked cake. I dont love them. I just... cherish them. I reeeeally want to feel that feeling of love again, but fear that maybe its just not going to come back.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
Boilermaker said:
Very interesting perspective, well written. You remind me of Uncle Jophil (of me and Jitterbug).


I don't buy it.

"Meaningless sex" is an oxymoron; for sex is never meaningful anyway, unless you want a child. Sex is always and has always been for the sake of itself. Then, I am sensing there's something else you are pulling back from here. I don't know that thing is, but to me, it's just another buffer for you to stay in your comfort zone. I am not your age, but due to special reasons I have known a lot of men around your age, and when they have the social power and the "assumed authority" they use it to the fullest.

My understanding is, there can be many things that can go wrong to make a man stay "committed", heck, a Jaguar like Rollo Tomassi is caged in an iron cell in his raging prime. But that doesn't mean our very nature is monogamous. That just isn't true. And no amount of existential, spiritual talk can take that away.

Much respect to AS.
I don't like the term "meaningless sex" either. "Every woman I fukked, I meant to," as RT says. But I'm sure you get what AS is saying here. Some types of sex are less gratifying than others. For me the ONS, and/or sex with women I wouldn't seriously consider dating, became the equivalent of a Filet-O-Fish and a bottle of Mad Dog 20/20 in lieu of pan-seared tuna and Chardonnay. Now that doesn't mean a sensible mature man can't visit the drive-thru on occasion. I suppose that as I got into my 30s (before I married) I enjoyed getting to know a woman, however superficially, before sex. In other words, 2-3 dates, including laughter, flirting, questions, answers, and all around sexual tension. If I were single that's how I'd be doing it still - a series of fun, intimate flings. I suppose a ONS is that in micro form but to me those were usually drunken and sloppy and left a bad taste in my mouth.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
samspade said:
I don't like the term "meaningless sex" either. "Every woman I fukked, I meant to," as RT says. But I'm sure you get what AS is saying here. Some types of sex are less gratifying than others. For me the ONS, and/or sex with women I wouldn't seriously consider dating, became the equivalent of a Filet-O-Fish and a bottle of Mad Dog 20/20 in lieu of pan-seared tuna and Chardonnay. Now that doesn't mean a sensible mature man can't visit the drive-thru on occasion. I suppose that as I got into my 30s (before I married) I enjoyed getting to know a woman, however superficially, before sex. In other words, 2-3 dates, including laughter, flirting, questions, answers, and all around sexual tension. If I were single that's how I'd be doing it still - a series of fun, intimate flings. I suppose a ONS is that in micro form but to me those were usually drunken and sloppy and left a bad taste in my mouth.
The way I see it is that sex is only gratifying when I don't have do things that would lower my personal self esteem to get it. Sex in itself does not raise your self esteem. Quite contrary, nothing can lower your self esteem faster than selling your soul and who you are just to get some play.

I mean, let's say I went out and i saw this smoking hot girl that wanted to get with me, but to do so I had to go and do some coke with her beucase that's how she liked to party. i woudl feel much worse after I had sex than I did before beucase I not only not use drugs, I have vowed that i will never touch a hard drug again in my life, so if I broke that vow, just to get laid, I would feel horrible about it, regardless of how good the sex was or how hot she was.

That's a very extreme case, but the same thing still applies. I have **** I have to do, I'm a workaholic. If me going on a date to get laid meant i had to put off some clients or put off a proposal or like today is a perfect example, bunch of good fcking races tonight in Australia that i will defiantly be playing, but to get with a girl i had to not play the races i want to play, whatever, I would feel horrible afterwards, I don't care how hot she is or how good the sex was. I am selling a piece of what I stand for/belief in to get laid. I would do that at 22. at 29 I can't do that anymore. What if I met a girl that would fvck me silly but I couldn't watch horse racing beucase she is very religious and doesn't believe in gambling.. am i willing to m ake that compromise just to get laid? hell no I'm not ***** bye lol.

even to lesser extremes, the girl who doesn't want anything in particular but is just freaking clingy and always is caling and always wants to be around you, she will do anything you want but for her to do that, you hae to always be around and have to give up a lot of your time to comfort her. I can't do that today.

sex, i can only speak for me i can't speak for anyone else here, is only gratifying tom e when i don't have to make any compromises. when i start having to make compromises, it defeats the purpose.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Have you guys ever discovered a new ice cream, say, and for the next 2 or 3 weeks you HAVE to have it every night because you just can't do without that gratification?

Then , like a light switch, you find the craving suddenly turns off and you can't stand the thought of eating it because it has been so abundant.

I've had my share of ice cream. I'm hungry for a nice steak.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
I haven't.

I hope I never will. :) ,

Have a nice weekend guys.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
Reaction score
Atom Smasher said:
For me, sleeping around taught me that I was simply satisfying my lust for power and significance.

Now I satisfy that on this board (j/k!)

It's odd how now that I have learned how to game and how to attract women, I have become much less desirous of running around trying to score. I have found that doing that is an exercise in dissipation.

I don't want to dissipate myself into some random used up slvt, which most women above 40 are these days. No longer would this give me a sense of power and significance. In fact, quite the opposite... It would give me a definite sense of dissipation, of having lost something.

I also believe that there is a spiritual component at work (something we never talk about because it is invisible and only evident after years of dissipation), and a spiritual transference occurs in the act, hence it contributes to a man's (and even more so a woman's) declination internally.

Think of what it really is... a woman opening up her body and receiving his DNA, his life-force and absorbing it into her body. That man has become a part of her FOREVER, which is why the very thought of a woman sleeping with multiple men disgusts us on a core level. There exists no more intimate connection in human experience, yet for so many it's just another Saturday night activity.

Every used up slvt carries around with her Bob, and Henry, and Charlie, and every other guy who she absorbed for all eternity, and I don't just mean the physical. She carries these men around on a spiritual plane, too.

Some of you might think, well, Atom Smasher is older than us, so his sex drive is less. Not so at all. Your beloved Atom is as horny as he was when he was 20. It's just that the meaning of sex has changed. I don't need it anymore for validation. I know I can get it anytime I want it, but I only want it from someone I want to commit to, someone who is worthy of me.

As I was typing this I was thinking of my Summer exploits and how surprised you guys would be to see what I do. I chuckle to myself as I write this. On any given Saturday or Sunday you will likely see me floating around in one of the pools of some of my 30-something female friends, ordering them to pull me around on my float, get me drinks, show me their pedicures (I tell them that I want to inspect them and they gladly comply and compete for my approval). You guys should see this! It's pretty hilarious.

But it's easier to be a king when you become more mature. You just act with "assumed authority", as I like to call it. It helps to be in shape and to project a leadership mentality, which again is easier as you get older.

Where the heck am I going with this? Oh yes, I'm saying that I constantly have the option to pull the trigger with these women but I simply don't want to. Meaningless sex has no place in my life, because I don't allow anything meaningless to be there. The old meaning is gone, and the new meaning is commitment and companionship in the best case, and remaining single but being satisfied with what I've made of myself in the worst case. Either way it's a win.
Great insight. Blew my mind.

I personally hit a point right around 29 where I was just OVER it. This has only grown. It's not that I dont think about or desire sex, but I truly have no desire to give my seed to some unknown random slvtty girl just for the sake of it. And she may not even be slvtty, but it's the cheapness of just laying wood to some girl I have no real knowledge of or interest in committing to that doesn't float my boat anymore. Sex is somewhat overrated. It can be awesome in the moment, but on the whole it's really a small component to life and doesn't deserve the hype or effort it's often given.