Article on how educated women are more faithful and stay in marriages longer........


Dec 17, 2009
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I have always been pro marriage. Marriage is a beautiful thing if done correctly. Especially if you want children. Every child deserves a two parent household. This article is interesting and states (maybe the obvious) that women who have higher education, tend to stay longer and marry more than uneducated women. I totally agree with this. You have no idea how many uneducated women I am surrounded with who are divorced, cheating, losers, etc. But, the more educated a woman is, the more she seems to understand how important the marriage is. And, she seems to see marriage as a part of her goal in life, like her studies. Uneducated women seem to see marriage as a way of tying a man, alimony, welfare, desire for a child, etc. For an educated woman, it seems as if it means "successful life" to her. That's my experience.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
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New Jersey
I've always seen women marry UPWARDS.

So, this would most likely answer the question as to why "educated" women are more faithful and stay in marriages longer.

Who do you think is going to get a higher value husband?

Lauren, the successful lawyer who has her last name headlined at a law firm... or... Melissa, the best damn cashier at Kroger?

I think that's the element that is missing here.
It's not that "education" gives them a higher understanding of marriage... it's just that the higher status women have, the higher status of a man they'll be able to cater to.

Women don't usually marry downwards their first time around. They'll always look up the ladder, not down.

Melissa, at Kroger, marrying upwards could very well be marrying that guy who manages Burger King. But that guy managing Burger King is at the risk of Melissa eventually falling for someone who is the regional manager for that Burger King.

It's just the way it seems to work.

I've never really seen it as an "understanding" of marriage, but more of an "understanding" that their higher value as a person is more likely to attract and ensure a future with a man who is just as well off or better than she is.

You are hard-pressed to find a female professional who is married to a guy with no future and who simply mooches off of her. Yet, it's more likely to happen the other way around as long as the female looks good enough.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Dear Falcon,
The reason for Educated Women seeming to enjoy their Marriages more,could be that they can find an outlet for their ambitions in a career which also gives the illusion of self actuallisation....When inevitably the Hormones start flying around they find an outlet for their aggression in the Work Place.


Dec 17, 2009
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I think there's a lot of women hating on this site. I believe that the more educated a woman is, the more educated people she meets. But it's her upbringing, motivation, hard work, and or parental help that got her there. I see, in my everyday experiences, more educated women in longer (maybe not happy, I don't know) marriages then uneducated ones. Let's stop the "women are evil". Women are evil only if you don't know how to control them. Gotta slap em around a little. I bet even Judge Judy gets a little bit of slapping around by her man every once in a while. haha

If I was a chick, I too would marry upward, and no succesful man should marry downward either. That's the problem, guys look for HB10's with no brains, instead of HB7 who could be a great wife. I see HB 9 or 10 as hooking up only. I would never marry one thinking it will last. I want an educated, humble, but pretty woman, not a ****ving supermodel. Unless I was a supermodel too, haha


Dec 17, 2009
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Scaramouche said:
Dear Falcon,
The reason for Educated Women seeming to enjoy their Marriages more,could be that they can find an outlet for their ambitions in a career which also gives the illusion of self actuallisation....When inevitably the Hormones start flying around they find an outlet for their aggression in the Work Place.
That's why you take her out of the work force as soon as possible (knock her ass up) :up:

haha, and you should also install fear in her that she is dead if she crosses that line. She should FEAR you as well as LOVE you. And yes, FEAR, and LOVE, should always be in the same sentence. That is how Emperors, Kings, and Sultans were made.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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Kailex said:
I've always seen women marry UPWARDS.

So, this would most likely answer the question as to why "educated" women are more faithful and stay in marriages longer.

Who do you think is going to get a higher value husband?
It sounds like you are saying that the lower intelligence woman first marries a rather low sexual market man, and thus has "clearance room" to be able to trade up, so to speak, to a higher sexual market value man, with the higher intelligence woman, already married to a high sexual market value man, not having much clearance room to trade up (i.e., since she's already got a very good man.) So the net effect is that the dearth of such clearance room in trading up to a higher sexual market value man makes the higher intelligence woman come to realize that so long as her man is doing his husbandly duties, she should not risk it since she might end up with something worse! The lower intelligence woman, who has a semi-loser husband, has a much better chance of trading up well, so it is worth the risk to her.