Are women rejecting feminism?


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
The edge of destiny
Well I just got back from a drink and extended chat with a pretty girl (smokes so not really interested). Here is yet another girl who just wants to stay home and be looked after. Many women I meet these days seem to be rejecting the whole feminist, “I don’t need a man to make me happy, I just need a job” idea.

It seems some women are rejecting feminism, perhaps when it suites them I guess. We know that most women do not want to lead, but some girls now seem to be actually willing to up front admit it, it’s kind of a feminist blowback.

I am sure you guys, like me, are meeting up with many deep down unhappy working girls. The funny thing is due to feminism I guess my attitude is why on earth would I want to look after you? What do I look like, a provider? When feminism changed them, it also changed us too.

Anyone else finding this with 25 – 35 year old women?



Nov 4, 2010
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women bought into this for a while, it suits a few but basic programming kicks in with most and the desire to stay at home is overwhelming, a man to take responsibility for the finances and a roof over their head, the provider role.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I had a conversation with a random girl the other day, I'm guessing she was about 26. She said she was very old fashioned, she thought that men should pay for dates, should open doors for women, etc. She had a low paying job and was raising several children.

My guess is that the depth to which women embrace feminism depends on what their current needs and wants are. They want independence until they are in need of a provider, then they will revert to a more traditional role.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
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Dear Countermart,
You are right on the money here....Feminism has been a two edged sword for Ladies....For the Educated,wealthy and VOCAL elite,yeah they have improved job opportunities,which in terms of power and wealth have been very advantageous,in their personal life they are generally lonely,those challenging eyes and down turned lips never know a virile Mans touch....For the great under rump of poor and disadvantaged Girls,it has been a crock of Shvit,find the most drab and demeaning job and there is some poor lass chained to the wheel...There is the same resistance to commitment from their Men,but no bickies in exchange... My home is surrounded by disgustingly wealthy plutocrats,drones and parasites all....The Bvitch next door,who weeks before,when I sang from my bedroom window,had shouted to her whimp of a husband,"quick darling get the Children in,crazy Harry is on a bender"...decided in a fit of egalitarian Christmas Bon Homie,to invite the Poor old svod next door in with all her snotty mates for drinkies....Pity to say I disgraced the Family escutchion....midst the endless Idle chatter,about the environment,Social Justice,racialism,they started on the injustice of the Public Service Superannuation,how it discriminated against Women....As things heated up I asked the loudest termagent,about the Superannuation she gave her Phillipino baby sitter,house all the rest of them,she pays cash in hand,which together with their Social Security makes a wage to scrape by on...No reply in fact none of them wanted to pursue this line of discussion,they all have Students,migrants,trailer Trash doing the same menial tasks,for maybe a sixth of the wage her Professional Mistress takes home...Well probably no invite next year,OK they can take their Christmas pudding,and stick it up their Jacksies....Never one to miss an opportunity,during the Chatter,I put my arm on the back of the chair of the Lady next to me,at one point I let my hand slip onto her shoulder,left it there for five seconds,she never moved!....A fifty year Old Husband working 10 hours a Day six days a week,might not be enough for this shapely Lass who works out in the Gym three or so times a week.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
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Look, everybody will embrace those things that empower them, and reject those things that disempower them.

All these discussions about "feminism," "women are this" "women are that these days" etc etc miss the point. They're written by a bunch of powerless men fretting about their lack of power rather than taking charge of their own lives.

There are no "-isms" other than the "-ism" that you bring to each interaction. I can't for the life of me understand why men sit around typing out diatribes against any "-ism." These dudes are buying into some frame that someone else has created.

Create your own "ism" with each situation you're in. As far as you're concerned from now on, there is no "feminism." You want women to behave in whatever way---you set that frame from the beginning. It's not that difficult, it just takes some balls and some consistency.

I'm a huge fan of Freud, but NOT when he famously asked, "What do women want?" I don't give a rat's ass what they want, I care about what I want and how best to get it. Same goes with feminism, I'm not a woman so I don't give a **** about it. Or I love it. Who cares? If it means that chicks bone down and pay half the bill, I'm all for it. I set my own frames going into each interaction, feminism is only relevant as sort of a distant vibe that fades when they're in my sphere.

Strange discussions we have here. I cannot fathom them.


I think I'm starting to understand though. There are guys who don't have very strong wills. They live in frames created by those who do. Then there are guys who have strong wills and tend to push those frames out into their surroundings and onto others. If you care about feminism, you're living in someone else's frame, pure and simple. Work on creating your own frames and then feminism or whatever else other people are doing will become irrelevant as you push your own "ism" into the world. That's the best I can explain it, and I think I'm finally beginning to understand all the talk about feminism here.


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
The edge of destiny
All I think is that feminism may be dying on the vine. I was watching a TV show the other day and they were saying how “sad” it was that a survey of school girls showed that only 30% are feminists. I just keep running into good looking, professional girls that are deep down very sad. They bought into an idea and it did not leave them satisfied.

Yet I think many men changed as well, they do not want to assume the sole provider role. Not with the legal system the way it is. So these girls are realising what they were told would make them happy, did not, but now they also keep coming up against guys that are reluctant to be providers for them. Many men now expect women to be equal contributors.

Fine in theory, but effectively saying to a girl, “Look you need to go out and hunt mammoths as well, don’t expect me to do all the heavy lifting, that’s after all the way you want it.” But they are simply not, not in the majority at least, built for it. It is the equivalent of saying to a guy you have to read romance novels for half the day. I will if I have to, but I don’t want to.

Yes, it is partly picking and choosing what suites, but there is more to it than that because feminism was not something that suited all women at all. In effect it was against their nature. If it was in line with their nature we would now be meeting up with happy go getting professional girls all over the place. Heck they would be like guys!

I just think that many women deep down do not want what feminists are pushing. It’s made many of them very unhappy.

All this has nothing to do with frame bs, it simply has to do with the fact that I am not happy that many girls I meet are not deep down happy. Why should I care? Well because the whole girl guy thing should be a “pursuit of happiness”.
