Are we (Red Pill) the bad guys?


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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his second marriage with a woman
Well, you started not so good in here, he now has a 50% chance of success, and second marriages are even higher in getting divorced.

When you say stuck in marriage, what do you mean? Are they being mistreated or abused or neglected and don’t have the resources to get divorced?
No sex, fat wife, lazy, negging, b!tchy, harpy, no attraction. Although some of those reasons have to do with the husband, but still.

We now have no-fault divorce. Anyone can divorce someone for any reason. So I don’t see anyone being trapped.
While that's true, there are lawyers that would help to divorce r4pe the husband, also emotional manipulation with the children fro the wife, using the kids as a weapon in court, you don't know man. I see it every day, people prefer to work their a$$es than going to their home in order to avoid their wives.

You don't need to get all defensive about it, we all would want a great long lasting marriage like yours, if you are one of the lucky who still likes your wife and she's great, then man congrats, this post is not specifically for your type of marriage.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Couched properly red pill ideology can be consumed by most as common sense
I haven't had that problem yet, but if someone tells you 'that is red pill', you can always reply, 'no, just common sense'.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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I haven't had that problem yet, but if someone tells you 'that is red pill', you can always reply, 'no, just common sense'.
Yeah now you say common sense, but not when you were married and you thought like 99.99% men, "Happy wife happy life". Cause remember? you were married, and it failed, so you either chose the wrong women or became a weak man, you should've had more common sense back then :rofl:

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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While that's true, there are lawyers that would help to divorce r4pe the husband, also emotional manipulation with the children fro the wife, using the kids as a weapon in court, you don't know man. I see it every day, people prefer to work their a$$es than going to their home in order to avoid their wives.
Yes I know all about it.
You don't need to get all defensive about it, we all would want a great long lasting marriage like yours, if you are one of the lucky who still likes your wife and she's great, then man congrats, this post is not specifically for your type of marriage.
I am not defensive or offended. As I’ve said elsewhere, I don’t get emotional over posts. I only discuss perspectives and ideas here. I don’t get personal. Which is why I try to not be unnecessarily offensive here. I don’t want e-drama or indoor matches. So i apologize if I came across the wrong way.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Yeah now you say common sense, but not when you were married and you thought like 99.99% men, "Happy wife happy life". Cause remember? you were married, and it failed, so you either chose the wrong women or became a weak man, you should've had more common sense back then :rofl:
Don't act like you know why my marriage 'failed'.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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Yes I know all about it.

I am not defensive or offended. As I’ve said elsewhere, I don’t get emotional over posts. I only discuss perspectives and ideas here. I don’t get personal. Which is why I try to not be unnecessarily offensive here. I don’t want e-drama or indoor matches. So i apologize if I came across the wrong way.
Nah you're good bro, we all want what a good marriage.

Don't act like you know why my marriage 'failed'.
There are only two options with marriages fail, the guy chose the wrong woman, or he became the b!tch in the marriage, then she gave him the "I love you but I'm not in love with you" and he/she filed for divorce.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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There are only two options with marriages fail, the guy chose the wrong woman, or he became the b!tch in the marriage, then she gave him the "I love you but I'm not in love with you" and he/she filed for divorce.
Neither. But I'm not going to discuss this further with you. Think what you want to think.

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
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Nah you're good bro, we all want what a good marriage.

There are only two options with marriages fail, the guy chose the wrong woman, or he became the b!tch in the marriage, then she gave him the "I love you but I'm not in love with you" and he/she filed for divorce.
The world simply is not so black and white. I have yet to hear either of those reasons mentioned from folks I know that have been divorced.

Everyone has different perspectives due to different experiences, try and see that. I will keep reminding you that you have many miles to see. ;-) I say this because I believe in you, not because I am trying to insult you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2023
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The world simply is not so black and white. I have yet to hear either of those reasons mentioned from folks I know that have been divorced.

Everyone has different perspectives due to different experiences, try and see that. I will keep reminding you that you have many miles to see. ;-) I say this because I believe in you, not because I am trying to insult you.
I am more than happy to learn, why did you get divorced? You broke up with your last girlfriend because she used you as her man servant of something like that, your own words, I mean, how would you categorize that? You chose wrong or you became a puzzy and didn't stood up to her? Not trying to insult you, but typically women are reflection of their men. God knows I have a lot to learn and catch up.

I've known many men that got divorced for either of those reason or a combination, ADALT (all divorces are like that)


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
What is the life of an average red piller?
I would divide it in to 3 levels. 2 and 3 are where you don't want to be at TBH.

level 1: Mild or Purple Pilled- You are red pill aware, but you drop the red pill principles whenever pvssy calls. You might have some red pill rage flare ups during a dry spell, but you rebound at the scent of freshest pvssy. I would say this is me, a good amount of red pill content creators IMHO, and some people on this site tbh. Most of your red pill gurus are purple pilled and put up a red pill facade for views and marketing purposes.

level 2: Red Pill Soldier- At this point, the red pill starts affecting your social life and dating life because it is pretty unpopular amongst normies and women in general. You are in to doom scrolling and actively subscribed to some red pill gurus. You start to lose the ability to emotionally connect with women at this level, so your relationships tend to be short and not last past a year. This guy is definetly struggling on the inside, but he is barely holding himself together. Now, some purple pilled guys can easily be mistaken for a Red Pill Soldier, but the huge difference is that the Purple Pilled guys do not walk the walk.

Level 3: Incels & Gymcels- The Red Pill Soldier can at least get laid, but these guys struggles the most. This guy has the Red Pill Jargon integrated in to his regular vocabulary and spends his free time and money on 2 hour plus long super chats. In all honesty, this guy is a loser, but he thinks he is alpha and special for some reason.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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My orange pill keeps me away from the others I might harm. :cool:

Manure Spherian

Master Don Juan
Jun 16, 2023
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This is what I meant with how TRP could have been something more.

Everyone hates what Tinder and OLD has done to society. So what if our guys took charge, banned the industry, seized all these companies' assets, and gave some of that money out for male scholarships? Most RP men will argue against doing it because of some of principle. So OLD is allowed to wreck the place as much as it wants as the men adapt to the expectations and environment set up by women.

It's like that for everything now: work, school, social media, politics, law, etc. You can only hopefully attract or incentivize a woman enough to willingly follow you. The minute you impose real demands on her that she doesn't want to go along with (eg. "No. The executives will all be men. You can't become one.") she'll realize she has all the legal, social, and institutional power behind her and you're completely unarmed.

TRP operates on the hyper individual level. It never reached a point of ambition beyond this to formally organize and doesn't intend to. It never deposed gynocentrism's rule. It only improved the daily living conditions or reduced insecurities of the men who listened to it. Which is a positive thing, but again, it could have been more.
True on all points.

And what’s interesting is that although RP provided men with information on female psychology and behavior, it didn’t unify men to better society. It actually had men turn on each other.

I say as a group, generally speaking, RP’ers reinforce female anti-social behavior, which is pretty much feminism in action.
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Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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Hard to say exactly, but the short answer would be the leaders of TRP and adjacent spheres would become figures of authority with real decision power from the help of community support.

A lot of RP thought leaders were life coaches as well, and they were cooperative enough to organize together as business partners. This is what financed them so they could focus on writing and testing their advice in the field. They would help men find confidence directly and were aimible and understanding towards them. They were very much a "people person," took initiative, and were comfortable around strangers. So maybe they'd probably make a decent PR or political consultancy firm.

The Manosphere was always very positive towards entrepreneurship and capitalistic economics, so a type of centralized cartel financially bound that shares executives and upper managers would suit many business-orientated readers well. Something like Silicon Valley for California or the Research Triangle for North Carolina. They could leverage their economic power in deals with the state they're in, threatening to move to another state if lawmakers disregard male interests.

Some more autistic contributors of red pill theory had a healthy mindset for detail orientated pursuits. They disregarded political correctness and made observations with a realist perspective, and they didn't stop until they were satisfied with a neat conclusion. This is ideal for scientists, detectives, or lawyers.
Maybe if a Red Pill NGO was established, they would be very good at keeping tabs on its opponents and their way of thinking, like the SPLC. They could also make a pretty skilled legal firm, where if they're successful enough they could establish some prestige and one day draft laws for politicians or policies for university presidents. They could also form an organization for advancing young men into positions of influence in the justice system that mostly go about their own careers with a healthy ideology in mind (eg. this org could develop a path to being a state prosecutor or a federal judge).

Some were good at media and gathering an audience, so they could form a media cartel where they share viewers among each other. This is mostly what RP influencers already did, but I think most of them stayed on RP or social topics (some moved to politics). Video game streaming is a big industry, maybe they could have expanded into that?

These are late 20th + 21st century means of gaining influence and power. Stuff like "run for Congress" or "write to your representatives" is too old fashioned and outdated. I believe there was a case where one of the mods of theredpill subreddit had a minor role in the New Hampshure government. Tthe media almost destroyed him via smearing, but he held on a while longer. Then NGO pressure groups finished him off and he resigned. You want to be the pressure group, not the politician.

Not sure if MRA counts as RP, but MRA activiism usually fell short. I'm thinking of the Canadaian who opened a men's shelter in a house he purchased (he couldn't establish it anywhere else) and feminists wrecked his project so badly that he hanged himself in the garage of the building the day after it shut down. I think MRAs are ilequipped to reach their goals because they tend to focus on arguments persuading decision makers instead of becoming the decision makers themselves. Not sure what their strengths are since they usually lose. The order is always 1. become the ones in charge, then 2. enact your will and solve problems. The MRAs had it backwards.

It could be like this for the next generation of men, if we make it for them. Conversing in niche online spaces about getting laid is small potatoes.
This was a more thoughtful response than I expected.

The Manosphere was always very positive towards entrepreneurship and capitalistic economics, so a type of centralized cartel financially bound that shares executives and upper managers would suit many business-orientated readers well. Something like Silicon Valley for California or the Research Triangle for North Carolina. They could leverage their economic power in deals with the state they're in, threatening to move to another state if lawmakers disregard male interests.
I think they have a lot less economic power than you think, but I guess I'm not all that informed on who has what. None of them struck me as super wealthy tbh.

I see your point, but I guess I disagree that TRP ever could have been more than it is. I think any attempt at becoming a movement, or anything beyond a praxeology was doomed to make it fail. MRA groups fail regularly because they take a feminine approach to solving men's problems (nag about it until someone does something). It doesn't work, because men do not have biologically evolved protectorism over men like we do with women.

It would be awesome if TRP was able to do more than it has, but the reality of it is, that it will only ever be effective as a toolbox for managing intersexual relations in modern times. Something that will change as culture and intersexual relations change as well.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Nobody's the bad guy, in this sense there is no wrong way. Everyone's got to do what's best for him. We look at those guys as living lives of quiet desperation, but we don't know. They might be saying the same thing about single men. At some point it becomes a form of rationalization when it's not really necessary. Only the individual knows for sure if he's being true to himself. So I just worry about me.
Agree with this. Do what is best for you, without having to look down on other people to make you feel better about yourself.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
I'm 34, have moderate success for my age, have improved my physique in the last 2 years after having low T, have no kids. Now for the post, I look at my contemporaries, pretty much all married, and some stuck in a marriage, most of them have had kids out of wedlock, have multiple baby mommas etc, fat unattractive, low paying job. Maybe they didn't know any better, but those same guys were the "bad boys" in my school, the ones who were sneaking alcohol and drugs in the school bus, the ones that every girl was after.

Of course they are some with good marriages but until when? I see all of them chanting "happy wife, happy life" with their wives getting fat as fck, I mean, its fvcking crazy a guy, who has put in the work, making himself a good catch, just to have a fat unattractive wife who doesn't even wanna put make up on. And of course nobody should unplug anyone, they should be ready and do it for them.

Maybe crashing and burn made find the red pill and it was definitely for the better, cause I look at my past self and I wanna die of cringe, wouldn't go back to that person. Now, have you ever asked yourself like a Cypher moment in Matrix and wanted to spit the red pill back, "Am I wrong? I mean I see all these men living their life of quite desperation but they seem happy"
I don't consider myself RP anymore, why? the definition has completely changed in the last 10 years. Just go on youtube, tik tok the whole space has turned into a joke to bring women on podcast and have incels rage. I think the OG's who have been here will agree with me that a lot of stuff you see now being coined as "RP" is nothing but fluff and a money grab, and having met some of these RP content creators most of them don't live what they preach

Regarding your OP I seldom talk to my married friends, I have no idea how they are, all my single friends who are 30+ single no kids, are doing good, so there's that


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I think the OG's who have been here will agree with me that a lot of stuff you see now being coined as "RP" is nothing but fluff and a money grab
I've thought that from the beginning. But there IS some wisdom and truth hidden in the basic message, if you can be selective enough to dig it out.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2018
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I’m Red/Black myself. Though, left to my own devices, I’d likely revert to my pre-divorce Blue. Thats why I’m here on this site. Keeps me based.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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It sounds like the happy marriage is the exception, not the rule.
Probably true, but when it comes to being successful, aren't most things the exception rather than the rule? It probably goes along with the 80/20 rule.

Money & Muscle

Master Don Juan
May 22, 2023
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Probably true, but when it comes to being successful, aren't most things the exception rather than the rule? It probably goes along with the 80/20 rule.
Sure, but even if you don't hit the target with being successful - you're probably better off than not.

I cannot say the same thing when it comes to marriage.