Are BPD chicks the "Pvssy Kryptonite" of Superman DJs?


Oct 20, 2013
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Ok. So you're a DJ, you live life on your own terms, nothing effects you, you are able to get quality chicks, you are an expert at picking your targets, you spin plates, you have a good career, you learn as much as you can on SS The DJ Bible BPD threads and so on, you have the highest rep points, you give advice to others, you don't pedestalize the pvssy and so on..

So how do so many DJs end up with BPD chicks and almost get ruined by them? Are BPD chicks the "Pvssy Kryptonite" to Super DJs and can still fly under their radar?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 17, 2012
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HumbleNinja you are an idiot and possibly a sociopath. The only thing a 44 year old virgin should be posting is field reports asking for advice.

I am ignoring everything you post from now on.


Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
Turuwal said:
HumbleNinja you are an idiot and possibly a sociopath. The only thing a 44 year old virgin should be posting is field reports asking for advice.

I am ignoring everything you post from now on.

I'll gladly be the "idiot" who can restrain himself from going for nutty chicks or dropping them as soon as red flags start popping up. Even if that means I'm "unsuccessful". No advice needed on things that should be obvious.

With so many dudes who should be able to recognize obvious red flags...How do so many end up with these chicks and practically get destroyed by them? Is it because they feed the narcissistic ego of certain dudes who are a little "too into themselves" to the point of delusion or have never been falsely "fawned" over by some chick and provide these same dudes who allegedly don't pedestalize pvzzy with "mind blowing nasty sex"?

I'd agree. Ignore me if you prefer having a diseased mind. Good day.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
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I think it's because they're fun and relatable to dudes, even if they're girlish.

Then they believe their own lies, and really get a kick out of making people react. If you remain cool, calm and collected it's no good. If you get worked up it's no good.

They just keep on *****ing and *****ing until one day you tell them what's going on and the relationship is ruined.

TBH I've met guys with the same type of personality disorder. I met a guy once and told him: "dude you seem to want other people to submit themselves to you", figuring a man-to-man conversation could clear things up. But no, it almost ended in a fight.

These people function on emotions, there is no rationale in them. They might be rationale for 10 minutes a week or so, when their emotional pendulum has lost momentum for a little while. But they are always scheming. They have no honor. They have no integrity, no dignity, no conscience. It's all about gains for them. Sociopaths, psychopaths, whatever you want to classify them as. They can have friends, they can know how to manipulate people into giving them things, then when people cut ties, they will try to break you down to 6ft under. It's really a trauma to spend too much time with them. Problem is that they are simply fun to be around when you're getting to know them - before you find out that they have no soul, lol.

Best thing you can do is just fux with people who really have proven to you that they will give without wanting anything in return. Deal with selfless people! I bet tons of the members here have ego issues. That's where all this sociopathy and psychopathy stems from. Peoples egoes. They see themselves in a certain way, don't want to be seen in a different way. They believe their own lies, or don't care what they do to others because they equate their egoes not to virtue, but to resources. Nothing you tell them will make them feel bad. They love to be hated, I've heard some people say. The only thing that can make them feel bad is a personal loss to them, and if you inflict that on them they will do whatever they can to break you down.

And all the time you have to remain non-reactive, because any reaction will just be gas to the fire.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
From what I read, narcissists are attracted to BPDs. But I don't think that applies to me because I am way better than all of that :)


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
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Turuwal said:
44 year old virgin should be posting is field reports asking for advice.
Is he not asking for advice? Is he bringing up a valid point for the good of the forum? Who knows.
Either way, why the defensive reaction?

PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
Why did you purposely confuse cause and effect?
But this is a good answer, Humble seems to be a little confused, and not so Humble these days.

All I know is whenever the Ninja man is around, as entertaining as it may be, this place turns into a Zoo.


Oct 20, 2013
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Bible_Belt said:
From what I read, narcissists are attracted to BPDs. But I don't think that applies to me because I am way better than all of that :)
Nyuck Nyuck Nyuck! lol.

I wouldn't be surprised in the least if what you read was true.

I know chicks who'll gas a dudes head up bang him like crazy and then go psycho on him and blame it all on the dude.

Then again I don't feel sorry for those types of dudes as any one with any street smarts knows to take peoples words with a grain of salt while smiling and nodding, etc. acting like it's normal conversation and not getting hooked by some porno style sloot or her constant false fawning over you.

Stroke the dudes ego..especially if he thinks he's more than he is. Sex him up like crazy..then go berserk on him and cut that thinly veiled "big ego" to pieces.

I see those dudes as chvmps just ripe for the pickings. Not surprised in the least if narcissists are the ones who are attracted to them. I know a few dudes like that IRL..Oddly enough they always wound up with some nutty chick. But at least the got laid. "Success!"


Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2013
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BPD women are like a bent coin that keeps falling through the vending machine into the slot at the bottom, that bent coin is getting pawned off the next time something is bought. They circulate lots and the circulate fast, far more and faster than normal women. So it's no wonder men encounter them more in dating pools. It really is that simple. That said, lots of men cry wolf about BPDs when they get their heart broken. Have dated who knows how many women in life and only two real BPDs. In my case, they just happened to be back to back, so got a good snort of it from those two. But just like lots of face-saving rationalizing methods such as women blaming the "bad ole player/PUA" whenever they get drunk and fall on a random c-ck, lots of men use " them nutty BPDs" as a crutch or catch-all for their own mistakes and poor choices.

Johnny Alias

Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2013
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This seems like a very valid post to me. Why all the attacks?

BPD and other cluster bs do pop up in dating pools regularly as has already been mentioned. These women chew through men like bubble gum or are rejected fairly quickly as their craziness rises to the top quickly. They're also often good looking. Yes I know there are those that aren't knockouts, but if you think about it the hot chicks are those that were more likely to be sexually abused and/or given everything in life like spoiled brat princesses. These are the ones that turn attention into a game because they can get any man at any time.

A true DJ makes them fight for it. Is a challenge. However when the DJ finally breaks down and pledges eternal love and obedience it's an instant turn off for many of them and the devaluation process begins. Not only can she gets whatever she wants from you she can step on your balls and you ask for seconds.

I think the prevalence of cluster bs is much higher than people think among attractive women. Granted, some chicks are just whack and don't fit all the criteria, but even if SOME manifest then extreme caution needs to be exercised.

Are they our kryptonite? Definitely. The Idealization and Love Bomb phases are like crack to many of us who deep down are insecure about ourselves despite the brave and confident face we put out in public. Everyone wants to be loved for who they are, both the good and the bad. In that honeymoon stage you are worshipped. Literally feeding that insecure ego. A part of you might know something is not quite right, but man this is some good crack!

Then the rug is pulled out from under you. She rages on you, demands things, insults you, abuses you, cheats on you.

It's hard to go from godhood to being a piece of crap on the bottom of a shoe... Oftentimes we have no idea what happened because it doesn't seem rational...

Cluster Bs are personality disorders that see the world differently. Everything is black and white. You are only human even if a DJ. Eventually enough transgressions or weaknesses pile up in the mind of the cluster b and BOOM! You are devalued. It's over. It will never be the same.


Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
Johnny Alias said:
This seems like a very valid post to me. Why all the attacks?

BPD and other cluster bs do pop up in dating pools regularly as has already been mentioned. These women chew through men like bubble gum or are rejected fairly quickly as their craziness rises to the top quickly. They're also often good looking. Yes I know there are those that aren't knockouts, but if you think about it the hot chicks are those that were more likely to be sexually abused and/or given everything in life like spoiled brat princesses. These are the ones that turn attention into a game because they can get any man at any time.

A true DJ makes them fight for it. Is a challenge. However when the DJ finally breaks down and pledges eternal love and obedience it's an instant turn off for many of them and the devaluation process begins. Not only can she gets whatever she wants from you she can step on your balls and you ask for seconds.

I think the prevalence of cluster bs is much higher than people think among attractive women. Granted, some chicks are just whack and don't fit all the criteria, but even if SOME manifest then extreme caution needs to be exercised.

Are they our kryptonite? Definitely. The Idealization and Love Bomb phases are like crack to many of us who deep down are insecure about ourselves despite the brave and confident face we put out in public. Everyone wants to be loved for who they are, both the good and the bad. In that honeymoon stage you are worshipped. Literally feeding that insecure ego. A part of you might know something is not quite right, but man this is some good crack!

Then the rug is pulled out from under you. She rages on you, demands things, insults you, abuses you, cheats on you.

It's hard to go from godhood to being a piece of crap on the bottom of a shoe... Oftentimes we have no idea what happened because it doesn't seem rational...

Cluster Bs are personality disorders that see the world differently. Everything is black and white. You are only human even if a DJ. Eventually enough transgressions or weaknesses pile up in the mind of the cluster b and BOOM! You are devalued. It's over. It will never be the same.

^^^This^^^is what I'm talking about.

It's taking the "grandiose Ego" and stroking it, providing dudes who claim they don't pedestalize the pvzzy with nasty mind blowing sex then destroying them.

Those dudes are marks to chicks who know when dudes are faking the funk and it's easy work for them to get over on them.

It's like the athlete who's been told he's the best all his life and starts to believe his own hype. Get's a "trophy" of an inner circle etc. who fawns over him and kisses his azz while riding his popularity and tells him whatever it is they think he wants to hear while doing things for him but only really for their own agenda.

The dude is the mark. Soon as he "fails" and or slips his athletes circle is gone.

A dude like me? I've waaay long ago been onto "game" like that. Too much "azz kissing" and "compliments" is suspect to me, as well as offers for wild sex. I don't buy my own "hype" to the point where I'm believeing I'm all that truly to the other person. I take peoples words with a grain of salt. Because a LOT of people men and women will talk out of and blow smoke up your azz because they think it's what you WANT and NEED to hear.

The dude who isn't truly self confident and relies on that constant affirmation,beauty, sex etc. is a MARK a chump etc. just ripe for the pickings.

When you deal with enough women and people in general you have to be truly confident on your own, self aware, and not paranoid but suspect of those who seem a little "too" overly into you. To the point where though it may be true you have to wonder how many others they've done that too and it's not normal for someone to constantly be up your azz and blowing smoke up it with "compliments and offers for etc. the best sex you've ever had".

A lot of people will tell you or I we're the "best" etc. be fun and so on. doesn't mean they won't and haven't done the same thing to others.

You simply have to take peoples words with a grain of salt and not start believing your own hype nor needing some reinforcement because she's the hottest you've ever had all the while deluding yourself that there may not be some other motive going on.

Johnny Alias

Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2013
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That's exactly right. You are not the first and you won't be the last to attain godhood. They might actually mean it... But only in that moment!!! The future and past are foreign concepts to them. Gratification in the NOW is what they are. If you slip and fail then you're done. You're a broken toy.

Carry that salt with you at all times. Don't take the words of a woman who says you're the best she's ever had seriously... Especially if you banged on the first meeting. You're merely the best right NOW.

Don't expect a reciprocal LTR. It's not going to happen.

It's hard for us when this happens. I know it was devastating to me. I lived with my last one. All would seem fine for the most part unless she was pms'ing or wasted then I would get ripped apart for any perceived slights or failings. Tore my ego down to the ground. Truly. I had to end it with her because she was destroying me. The worst was when I thought a previous argument that had been resolved months ago was brought up, "I thought we already sorted this out!"

She would just keep any transgression on my part as ammunition for later. Nothing was forgiven. Nothing was water under the bridge. Rational discourse with these women is impossible as they often live in conflict, drama, and anything exciting to make them feel alive.

Still, it's hard to let it go. You imagined white picket fences and 1.5 kids and a fairy tale ending. Instead you got lies, substance abuse, infidelity, and all the time you put into making them happy didn't mean a DAMNED thing. You're now a horrible lover, liar, abuser, and manipulator in their eyes... and you can be sure they are telling their new man how they wish they hadn't wasted months or years with such a worthless loser.

That also hits upon your ego. If it doesn't you're a better man than me.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Lol, lots of them are online too, and all I can say is Ninja's opening message is still getting me laid like a mother all this time later...

Luckily I just try and f*ck the life out of these chicks a few times and as soon as they start giving me the "I hope I don't scare you away with this, but I really, really like you" talk after she just swallowed four loads and licked it after you pulled it out of her a**, I go ghost and have them blowing me up for a week with texts...

Oh well, someone has to punish these ho's...funny cause when we are discussing nicknames, I let them know I'm "The Punisher", and they are like why do you call yourself that, to which I tell them, you'll find out later, lmao!!

My man at work tells me I'm gonna be watching the news one day and see one of these woman committed suicide behind that, lol...he said that's dirty as hell to go ghost after railing them that way....I've let him read some of these desperate ass texts from the hot chicks and its pretty funny when the shoe is on the other foot is all I can say...

F these ho' the * hard as possible til they beg you to stop, lol
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Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
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Humble ninja is right. They are the kryptonite. You know you need to leave but you can't. It's a fvcked up situation