Approaching is easy, going for the kiss is easy, but successfully kiss closing isn't


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Well here's my situation. I can approach girls easily and don't think of it as being hard. Usually I just go up to them and be real and mostly I get them to a level of interest where they actually give a damn about what I see. But even if I had a good convo with a chick and escalated a little and didn't even worry about going for the kiss close, girls will reject. I mean yeah overall it's either a kiss or a miss and that doesn't matter to me, but what I'm wondering is, approaching is easy, talking to girls is easy, going for the close is easy, so why is it so difficult to actually GET a successful close? I wonder.

I also majorly gotta learn isolation and how to seduce moving targets. With moving targets, it seems some of them will actually stop and give you the time of day, while others will just keep walking as you talk to them. I need to learn isolation because most of the sets I see have more than one girl and it's hard as hell to find a set with only one girl in it.

Maybe I should escalate more from the get go. Hey, I'd rather be blown out than not escalate. I think that the reason the girls reject kisses is A. Buying temperature is two low and B. Even with the escalation(Which is usually for me putting my arm around her) she still doesn't see the interaction as sexual, but friendly.

But yeah, what I'm gonna try is use higher escalation from the get go. If she blows me out, she blows me out.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Aristotle said:
This is a warning. Keep this out of my thread. And anyone else who wants to troll keep out of my thread, cause I don't want it. You want to give advice or hell even criticism, do it. But keep crap out of this out of my thread and off the forums.

Besides, I find it funny, a true troll is calling a guy who actually goes out and approaches daily a troll. Just because you stay on the computer all day don't hate on me. Welcome to the ignore list BTW.

EDIT: Don't even bother replying Aristotle. You're ignored and for good reason.


Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
Troll troll troll troll

troll troll troll

troll troll troll troll


did i get ignored? B7! BINGO!!!!

Look dude if 2+2 = 4 then you havent ignored me yet.

If 2+2=5 then you wont ignore me after

You know whats funny though! Ignore is the root of ignorant

Just like butt is the root of butthole


I do have a problem with you being black and talking to white girls. Its called quit being so ****ing racist


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
When someone wants to stop trolling the topic and actually give some advice or criticism on how I could get better, I'm waiting. I really am wasting my 10 posts limit by paying attention to these trolls. Besides, they can say whatever, but at the end of the day I'm the one who's actually going out and I'm the one who actually has the balls to approach. Haha, these trolls probably don't even have the balls to approach. And in the end, who cares, girls are girls. In the end, it doesn't matter if you have 1 or a million. There's more to life than girls.


Master Don Juan
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds, UK
well I know it's been said before, but most public kiss attempts 15 minutes after meeting someone will be rejected - politely usually. Clubs work differently tho


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
shaunuk said:
well I know it's been said before, but most public kiss attempts 15 minutes after meeting someone will be rejected - politely usually. Clubs work differently tho
I see lol. Well that probably is true... but I feel if I just tweaked my game a little I could successfully do it. After all, I have seen videos of live approaches where PUA guys meet girls they're perfect strangers with and get the kiss close right there and they're not even in the club. Then again, maybe taking it slower with a girl would be the better thing, but I do think if I tweaked my game a little(perhaps higher escalation?), that maybe it could be possible. All I know is I'll have eye contact with a chick, she'll be interested to the point that she gives a damn about what I say and do light kino and I still get rejected for the kiss.


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2008
Reaction score
ElStud said:
I see lol. Well that probably is true... but I feel if I just tweaked my game a little I could successfully do it. After all, I have seen videos of live approaches where PUA guys meet girls they're perfect strangers with and get the kiss close right there and they're not even in the club. Then again, maybe taking it slower with a girl would be the better thing, but I do think if I tweaked my game a little(perhaps higher escalation?), that maybe it could be possible. All I know is I'll have eye contact with a chick, she'll be interested to the point that she gives a damn about what I say and do light kino and I still get rejected for the kiss.
You want advice? Here.

Stop watching those videos of OTHER guys doing it, and sit down and look at your situation.

How many times have you attempted what you saw in a VIDEO and failed?

There are a bunch of reasons why you fail, i'm not going to list them but many already have.

Work on other parts of your game. Obsessing about this isn't do you any good either on the field, or on these forums.

Stop nitpicking the details, Get the rest of your act together before uou start saying stuff like "but I feel if I just tweaked my game a little I could successfully do it"

That's all i'm going to say, next time i won't be so polite.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
Reaction score
Aragon034 said:
You want advice? Here.

Stop watching those videos of OTHER guys doing it, and sit down and look at your situation.

How many times have you attempted what you saw in a VIDEO and failed?

There are a bunch of reasons why you fail, i'm not going to list them but many already have.

Work on other parts of your game. Obsessing about this isn't do you any good either on the field, or on these forums.

Stop nitpicking the details, Get the rest of your act together before uou start saying stuff like "but I feel if I just tweaked my game a little I could successfully do it"

That's all i'm going to say, next time i won't be so polite.
Well lol atleast crit is better than the constant trolling. But if you've read my threads you'd see I attempted TWICE and failed. And stop saying "there are a bunch of reasons I fail" as if you know them. All I know is actually talking to a girl isn't a problem with me. I can go up to them and just do rapport and get them to actually give a f*ck about what I say. I've proven to myself that the approaching and talking part is easy, as the threads title says.

But I'm still not getting the kiss though. And obsessing? Haha, I love how people on here love to accuse people of doing things. I'm hardly obsessing, I just want to know why everything else is so damned easy when it comes to women and even attempting the close is easy, but getting a sucessful close is not.

Kiss close that is, because number closing is nothing, but guess what? It doesn't mean a damned thing since girls flake. And in the end, I'm just doing this to see how kiss closing goes, so when I meet a girl I actually want to kiss I have the skillset to do. I'm even gonna try the triangular gaze and see if that helps. But yeah, the kiss is not a big deal. What's a big deal? My college major and stuff. But I'm only trying to get the kiss close to see how the whole process of getting one goes. Hell, it's not even really about the particular girl I close, but I just want to be able to successfully kiss close.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2007
Reaction score
Why are you trying to kiss close after one converation when you haven't done it at all before? It's like trying to be a 3rd degree blackbelt when you first start taking martial arts. And watching a video of a master doing a triple axle reverse roundhouse kick to the face doesn't mean you can do it also. You need a foundation of basic skills before you step up to advanced stuff. I don't see why you refuse to just number close, get her on a date, and get a kiss close that way.

Judging from the posts in the 4 threads you started about 3 min kiss closes, very few people are even trying to do this. Any of the few who is have given advice are probably just theorizing and haven't tried. So I don't see how you plan to get techniques from people who haven't tried it. Most of the people are telling you to just go on dates and kiss clsoe from there. If anybody thinks I'm wrong, please correct me. Also, why are you asking for help after only 2 attempts? I would have done at least 10-15 before asking for help.

Why are you trying to kiss close so quickly? You claim it is because girls flake. That is your real problem. You need to ask yourself, "Why do girls flake on me?" Why aren't these girls chopping at the bit if they are showing such high interest?
Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
why do you guys who have been here for a while still reply to this guy and try to give him advice? do you not realize that it is a massive waste of time?


Aug 18, 2007
Reaction score
ElStud did you ever stop to think white girls dont like you? Actually that doesnt take much thought at all.

Im gonna go out on a limb and say more than 90% of people date their own kind, im talking color not necessarily ethnicity.

Why not try your luck on a black chick, they have more ass anyways....


Master Don Juan
May 14, 2005
Reaction score
Congratulations BlueSteak & HandyAndy, now this thread will be closed.

Stop being so racist, jeez. Clearly, these girls aren't making out with him because he's creepy, not because he's black.


Aug 18, 2007
Reaction score
Flabbergasped? said:
Congratulations BlueSteak & HandyAndy, now this thread will be closed.

Stop being so racist, jeez. Clearly, these girls aren't making out with him because he's creepy, not because he's black.
dont worry hes made 4 of the same threads in the past 2 days


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
Reaction score
I feel the same way. I don't even look at in this "approach... escalate... kiss close" bull. I just go up and talk to girls and flirt. They usually show interest too. But when it comes to kiss... I get nervous.

I think the reason me and you feel this way is because that's where the feeling of rejection will ultimately set in the most.

My only advice is to think of it in less definitive terms. All the classifications and DJ Bible terms have the potential to hurt your game more than help it without the right balance.

You can apply that to a lot of situations on this board.