approaching at events


Senior Don Juan
Jul 12, 2012
Reaction score
i still find it hard to approach. i went to a music festival at a brewery yesterday. there were a good bit of women there, but the problem was they were all with or talking to some dude. most seemed to be there with a guy. there were a few single ones but they were in groups with their girlfriends. i was searching for a good target but couldnt find one.
ive approached my share of them now and i know how to do it one on one now. approaching a group makes me extremely uncomfortable. i didnt talk to any, just had a few beers, talked to my friend and left.
i feel like i chickened out. how do you deal with this?


Don Juan
Jul 6, 2012
Reaction score
Just have to nut up and talk to the groups man
Stop thinking of it as pickup and think of it as acquiring freinds/social value at a festival. It takes very few words to merge the line from stranger to acquaintance and you can use that to your advantage for when the guys leave.

What I do is stop thinking of it as pickup, I dont go into a group with mystery method or any of that stuff, I go into a group like i'm in elementary.
In Elementary school your not concerned with picking up chicks, you just see a group of kids playing on the playground and you go up and start playing with them, tag, soccer, whatever..
Just go up and be friends with the full group. The best thing is even if this bombs, if the guys an *******, just leave and now the girls will recognize your face and when they're alone you have something to go up and talk to them about.

When I go up to groups I only stay for a few minutes, just long enough to be a friendly face. Then later in the evening i'll walk by and give them a nod, or maybe see one of them at the bar and say hi while i'm getting a drink.
Then later in the evening Ive now become an acquaintance and I can choose a target and it wont be so radical/obvious what i'm doing. Just a friendly guy, scoping out the people there and if a girl interests me i'll have fun with her.
Best thing is if the guys shes with start to like you, you get social value in her group and your considered 'fresh meat' so it makes it 10x easier to get with them, just dont linger around the group and try out what I said. Groups arent a bad thing, and ive actually made a couple really close friends from guys ive met in groups ive opened.

"People should be more like dogs. Dogs are happy, loyal and most of all they think everyone is friendly"


Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
learn embarrassment. by that I mean learn to comfortable, and not care so much what others think. If the groups of girls laugh derisively, diffuse the situation and say "well, have a good evening!" with a smile on your face. What they think is not important in the grand scheme.