Anyone here from Russia?


Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2019
Reaction score
Are you saying Russia did not invade Ukraine?
This is just like you, to gaslight and straw man anyone who disagrees with you.

What does the housing crises have to do with Russia invading Ukraine?
The invasion of ukraine has nothing to do with the housing crisis other than being something that the corporate media can use to propagandize lemmings into looking at the war instead of the massive disaster this administration has at home. Next thing you know they'll approve another trillion dollars in debt and destroy our savings with more inflation.

Next you'll be telling us that gas prices are high because of the war instead of because the idiots in power destroyed our energy independence.


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2016
Reaction score
It's like Putin's Cuban Missle Crisis.
Cuban Missile crisis was a réaction by the Soviet due To the USA ballistic missiles in Turkey.

Since 2008,USA ballistic missiles "the missiles shield" are parked in Poland with targert Kremlin. Add that every nato nation has USA troops... The Russian are being cornered and poked. Thus the réaction.

Would should thèse countries have better options than Nato for sure. Are they angry for being "ex-soviet" definitely.

Putin being leader for 20 years, it's not good for the country due To corruption. What Will happen after his time?

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
Your both sidesism is pretty clear. And you made a point to compare Stalin and Hitler, two names most reasonable people never bring up in dialogue.
You have an amazing imagination when it comes of creating your own reality too bad you didnt show as much as critical thinking till last week when you have been eating any trash the media tried to feed us.

Oh btw how comes we had german cops measuring the distance between walking citizens last week due to " mandatory distancing" but no control at all only 2 days ago when 100k people protested against putin in Berlin, did the media provided a good explanation for such change or the virus agreed to pause his contagion to help ukraine?

Please let me know, I don't watch much tv.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
Which in no way justifies his actions or the authoritarian form of government.
I don't recall @zekko saying it did; you are starting an argument out of something nobody on this thread said. Explaining something is not tantamount to justifying it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
You have an amazing imagination when it comes of creating your own reality too bad you didnt show as much as critical thinking till last week when you have been eating any trash the media tried to feed us.

Oh btw how comes we had german cops measuring the distance between walking citizens last week due to " mandatory distancing" but no control at all only 2 days ago when 100k people protested against putin in Berlin, did the media provided a good explanation for such change or the virus agreed to pause his contagion to help ukraine?

Please let me know, I don't watch much tv.
Its because it was for a good cause.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
Disagree. Explaining is justifying.
No, it is not. If you explain to me the rationales Nazi Germany used for invading the rest of Europe, this does not mean you are saying what they did is right. History teachers explain causes for war and injustice to students every day, and students then do the same on exams, without succumbing to fascism.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
No, it is not. If you explain to me the rationales Nazi Germany used for invading the rest of Europe, this does not mean you are saying what they did is right. History teachers explain causes for war and injustice to students every day, and students then do the same on exams, without succumbing to fascism.
This is not classroom context. Trying to make us feel sorry for Russia is a justification for their invasion.


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
Average people like us don't know for certain what's actually going on yet. We all get our news from the sources we trust and process it and believe it how we think is best. But I've seen some sources I normally follow on world events saying that there is more to the story than what 95% of the average people really know. They are saying that Putin isn't invading the government or country of Ukraine itself, but rather, going after specific targets of interest within the country. Key term "DS".


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2020
Reaction score
Illinois within driving distance of St Louis, Mo
Putin is on a mass propaganda campaign
So is Ukraine. This all comes directly from the lips of a civilian man in Kiev watching it happen first hand with his own eyes. The Ukraine "Pres" is giving untrained citizens AK-74's, which they will go out and get themselves killed with so that the pictures of their dead bodies can be used for propaganda of "Russian Atrocities". He is also placing artillery in civilian areas like apartment complexes (maybe schools) so that when the Russian take them out they will take out the buildings around them,...then the pictures can be used as propaganda of "Russian Atrocities", using citizens as Human Shields. Then they are taking all men age 18-60yo and forcing them into the military against their will,...going as far as stopping city busses, going into them and pulling the men off the bus by force and putting them in the military.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
Average people like us don't know for certain what's actually going on yet. We all get our news from the sources we trust and process it and believe it how we think is best. But I've seen some sources I normally follow on world events saying that there is more to the story than what 95% of the average people really know. They are saying that Putin isn't invading the government or country of Ukraine itself, but rather, going after specific targets of interest within the country. Key term "DS".
Agree on that, we all have limited manipulated details about this situation.

I dont wanna sound a cospirationist (altought they got most things right recently) yet I find the timing of this invasion very suspicious.

After 8 years of nothing despite provocations from both sides, Putin decides to invade Ukraine exactly when the covid narrative was getting rejected from the people and inflation reached a point that demanded radical countermeasures to be dealt with.

Now all this extreme measures from the west on russian population seem like done on purpose to radicalize russian citizens against the west and to support their own government which would have not happen in case of lighter sanctions possibly directed only toward wealthy individuals.

There are simply too many things that dont come right here.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
This is not classroom context. Trying to make us feel sorry for Russia is a justification for their invasion.
Irrelevant. That was an example. We are in a forum "context" with questions and answers, and people are free to try to explain and educate and even speculate or opine.

Nothing in zekko's post said anyone should feel sorry for anybody. Your inferences are your own. You have a habit of inferring and starting straw man arguments with people who are having a civil discussion. Otherwise this thread is going really well.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2020
Reaction score
Illinois within driving distance of St Louis, Mo
It's like Putin's Cuban Missle Crisis.
Exactly. NATO wants Unkraine so that they can place medium ranged missles there,...pointed at Russia. This violates the doctrine/deterant of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction). When they are far away (like the US and Russia) the flight time is long enough that the other side has time to return fire,...both sides will die (MAD), so it is a stalemate and nobody fires. But if the missiles are in Ukraine the flight time is less than 5 minutes which is not enough time for Russia to respond, it is a death sentence for a nation of millions of people. The missiles won't kill just Putin "personally & individually", they will kill everyone. So Putin had absolutely no choice but to invade Unkraine to stop NATO from moving in,...just like Kennedy in the USA had to stop the Soviet Union when they tried to put missiles in Cuba for the same purpose.
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Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2020
Reaction score
Illinois within driving distance of St Louis, Mo
Average people like us don't know for certain what's actually going on yet. We all get our news from the sources we trust and process it and believe it how we think is best. But I've seen some sources I normally follow on world events saying that there is more to the story than what 95% of the average people really know. They are saying that Putin isn't invading the government or country of Ukraine itself, but rather, going after specific targets of interest within the country. Key term "DS".
Yes. They are being surgical about it as much as they can be. That is why the Russians back away when the resistance is heavy. They back away, and then surround. They want to "capture" Ukraine not destroy it. They also want to "capture" the Ukraine military, not destroy them, because they will need them to defend their own country after the corrupt government is deposed by the Russians. That is why they aren't leveling buildings, the electricity is still on, the water system is still clean and functioning, the internet is still working, and any other public facilities and services are still working.

The Ukrain citizens are fairly safe from the Russians as long as they keep their distance. They are more endangered by their own government trying to take all men 18-60yo "into custody" (even stopping city busses and pulling them off the buss) and forcing them into the military,...where they then can be a target of the Russians.
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Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
The Ukrain citizens are fairly safe from the Russians as long as they keep their distance. They are more endangered by their own government trying to take all men 18-60yo "into custody" (even stopping city busses and pulling them off the buss) and forcing them into the military,...where they then can be a target of the Russians.
Yes, exactly. Lets try and kill off as many of the healthy people as we can. Sounds familiar to me, dejavu, from another recent current event. Key term "NWO".