Anyone else in their 30's and up NOT attracted to women their age or 1-2 years younge

Francis Underwood

New Member
May 12, 2013
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Victory Unlimited said:
I've found that it's not so much a woman's age that attracts me or not. It's how attractive SHE is to me physically, how open she is to me emotionally, and how compatible she is with me personality-wise that's important to me.

I've met SOME women my age that are great and I've met some women half-my-age-plus-seven that I wouldn't touch while wearing a Tony Stark-designed, reinforced suit of miracle-metal, body armor.

So my answer to whether or not I"d date a woman my age (or very close to my age) is:

It depends...
I think this nails it on the head. There are just entirely too many types of women in the world to have any sort dogmatic age range to adhere to, with the thought that anyone outside that range won't do. Yes, as men, we're hard wired to be attracted to roughly the 18-29 crowd, but we've all seen women in their 30's and 40's we'd like to bang.

There's a girl in my office who is 25, with kind of a cute face, but who's body shows she hasn't said no to McDonald's and Taco Bell since she was 3. She do me in a heartbeat, as she's all but made clear, but her body is so gross I wouldn't touch her with Hitler's penis. On the other hand, there's a 37 year old HB 7 - who was probably a HB8/9 15 years ago, but age is now setting in - who I wouldn't hesitate to bang.

Best to keep an open mind.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
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South Dakota
The ones that DO look good at my age usually end up thinking they are "special" and it's easier to date younger....But thin women are so rare here, hard to find one I'd date anyway


Nov 4, 2010
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sodbuster said:
The ones that DO look good at my age usually end up thinking they are "special" and it's easier to date younger....But thin women are so rare here, hard to find one I'd date anyway
to be fair, they know they are somewhat unique for their age group. they are rare though, but, usually lousy attitudes

Down Low

Master Don Juan
Feb 21, 2012
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backbreaker said:
42 [is] a legit hb8.

i say that to say can you imagine when she was in her late teens
On a scale from 0.000 to 9.999 . . . . she was an HB 16.

Think about it. Age 42 minus age 16 [full flower of beauty] = 26 . . . divide by about 6 [years per decrease of one HB point] means even if she was a perfect 10 as a 16-year-old, she's about a HB 5 now. Thus, you overrate her by at least 3 HB points. Since virtually no 16-year-olds are perfect tens, she probably wasn't, so it's a dead-lock cinch you overrate her in other ways too. I mean, she rubs you with her hands. That's pretty damn biasing.

God damn that was a stupid thing to post. A woman at the absolute end of her femininity is supposed to beat out virtually all nubile young girls in unadorned sexual attractiveness? Do you really believe that?

Jack, you're a short, late 20-ish man who aren't fully mature yet, are an alcoholic, have such disorderly thought that you never met a logical fallacy you didn't like, admit you're a used-car salesman and by extension admit you just as likely are selling sh1t and bluffing your way through discussions here, associate with a dizzying array of lowlifes, frequent a traditional den of iniquity (the horse-race track) and wife up one of its denizens, are black in a white man's world which leaves you playing black (always on the defensive, always proving yourself), yet endlessly try to edumacate the whiteys with the tired old black-on-blonde liberal consciousness-raising Jack Johnson crap that only exposes your own lack of self-respect, as much as admit that you're happy you benefit from the current white-men-are-the-overpopulation agitation, failed in business amid loud complaints from your customers, yet brag to high heaven about how you got your sh1t together and you're so goddamned much better than all the other men because they don't.

Look, kid, you're half my age. You have a hell of a lot of growing up to do. Stop playing the rebellious prepubescent and pay attention when men are talking.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
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SL2012 said:
Am I being unrealistic or abnormal that I am not attracted to women 34+?

Why should us Mid 30's men go for women in our age range, when we can possibly get one 8-10 years younger.

Anyone else feel the same?
Yep. I renounced old women back in the day.

Edit: Seems like The Chateau feels the same.

I only go for young, unspoiled ones now. Mold them to my liking. But, it only works if you're The Prize though...

If you ain't The Prize, unfortunately your options will be quite limited.
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The Shoe

Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
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I tend not to like women in the 20s although I date a lot of them. Not enough to talk about as there are few shared experiences. They like me because I am worldly wise. I think it is like a dancer looking for a partner with equal or better dancing skills to challenge them. I tend to favor women in their 30's. I am 46.


Don Juan
May 12, 2013
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Can't say I really have a preference as I've dated the full range of ages. It really comes down to personality and how she treats me.

With that being said, women 35+ usually seem to have some kind of baggage and bitterness, and are usually quite fixed in their ways. Women below 25 are just too immature and have no sense of self. Sweet spot is definitely 25-35.


New Member
Oct 28, 2013
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I can't really say I'm exclusively attracted to younger women. The age will probably dictate what I want with the lady.
I do have a friend though that constantly hits on 18y/o-20y/o. I asked him why he only hits on girls this age and he responded with this, 'Picture this. If I get to marry, say a 20y/o. I'm 30 now and by the time I'm 40, she'd still be w/in her prime years. By the time I'm 50, she'd starting her cougar years. And by the time I'm 60, she'll be a full blown cougar.' then he proceeds to laugh hard.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
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at the same time I consider this a blessing and at the same time I don't, so I'm kinda on the fence about this


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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LiveFreeX said:
my wife is 24, petite asian who looks like she is 16.
Wow, she's aging fast. Most asians in their 20's look like they're 12 :D


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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tryst type said:
I must agree with this. Always been more into older. They're more refined, less games, and generally sexier
I don't understand this at all. How can wrinkles, crow's feet and other inescapable signs of aging be considered "sexy"? All else being equal (i.e. comparing a 25-year-old HB9 with a 35-year-old HB9), younger is always more attractive. It's like comparing a freshly opened can of Coke with one that has been left sitting of your desk for half a day.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
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Bokanovsky said:
I don't understand this at all. How can wrinkles, crow's feet and other inescapable signs of aging be considered "sexy"? All else being equal (i.e. comparing a 25-year-old HB9 with a 35-year-old HB9), younger is always more attractive. It's like comparing a freshly opened can of Coke with one that has been left sitting of your desk for half a day.
some women take good care of themselves, Christie Brinkley is an example of a woman who was still quite hot into her 40's and early 50's, and Sandra Bullock is almost 50 but I still think she is hot


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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JaegerPilot217 said:
some women take good care of themselves, Christie Brinkley is an example of a woman who was still quite hot into her 40's and early 50's, and Sandra Bullock is almost 50 but I still think she is hot
First of all, models and movie stars are not good examples because the way they look on TV and in magazines is not how they are in real life. Second, no woman over 30, no matter how good her genes are, can look as good as she did 10 years ago. It's just not possible. She may look better than some other woman ten years her junior but not better than her former, younger self (assuming she did not lose a ton of weight).


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
I think i have figured out how to put this into words what i am trying to say

I think the manosphere confuses appreciation with desperation.

I'm not saying there aren't some CC riders who are 35 and desperate. But you're avg 20 year old chick is too young to understand just how difficult real life is.

you: yeah, I go to the gym 5 days a week, I have a 710 credit score, I don't have any kids / any ex wives, I have my own place and it's a very nice place on the great part of town, I drive a nice car, I have my **** together

Hot22YOchick: wow that's great. yeah I live with 2 roomates, I don't hhave a job, i spounge money off my parents still, and i am off and on going to college. but i'm hot. guys think i'm hot and my hotness trumps all your **** lol.

I remember when i was single and i was talking to this chick who was in her early 20's and we went on a few dates and she kinda just flaked on me. I wasn't all that into her but still. we had a mutual friend and she basically told her that she thought she could do better than me. this ***** thinks she's on my level rotfl. because she's 21 years old and has perky tits.

she got hit on so much she figured she'd get someone better than me eventaully. it's a numbers game. I can't even get mad at her for having that thought process. Though I'd like to see how that worked out.

How can wrinkles, crow's feet and other inescapable signs of aging be considered "sexy"?
seriously wendy the 40 year old woman i spoke about, might very well have the prettiest feet i've ever seen in my life. they are a thing of beauty lol. the're perfect. my wife has very pretty feet but her foot game isn't on wendy's level lol. that's why she's always walking around in 6 inch heels and she always finds a reason to take her shoes off all the time and she walks around barefoot .

with that said, i can't take people who speak in generalizations seriously.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
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backbreaker said:
I think i have figured out how to put this into words what i am trying to say

I think the manosphere confuses appreciation with desperation.

I'm not saying there aren't some CC riders who are 35 and desperate. But you're avg 20 year old chick is too young to understand just how difficult real life is.

you: yeah, I go to the gym 5 days a week, I have a 710 credit score, I don't have any kids / any ex wives, I have my own place and it's a very nice place on the great part of town, I drive a nice car, I have my **** together

Hot22YOchick: wow that's great. yeah I live with 2 roomates, I don't hhave a job, i spounge money off my parents still, and i am off and on going to college. but i'm hot. guys think i'm hot and my hotness trumps all your **** lol.

I remember when i was single and i was talking to this chick who was in her early 20's and we went on a few dates and she kinda just flaked on me. I wasn't all that into her but still. we had a mutual friend and she basically told her that she thought she could do better than me. this ***** thinks she's on my level rotfl. because she's 21 years old and has perky tits.

she got hit on so much she figured she'd get someone better than me eventaully. it's a numbers game. I can't even get mad at her for having that thought process. Though I'd like to see how that worked out.

seriously wendy the 40 year old woman i spoke about, might very well have the prettiest feet i've ever seen in my life. they are a thing of beauty lol. the're perfect. my wife has very pretty feet but her foot game isn't on wendy's level lol. that's why she's always walking around in 6 inch heels and she always finds a reason to take her shoes off all the time and she walks around barefoot .

with that said, i can't take people who speak in generalizations seriously.
If only women retained their youth longer


Don Juan
Oct 28, 2013
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Rochester, NY
Some my age are cute but I like late 20's, they just look so much better and don't have kids(most of them)


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
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Yeah, kinda was implying that I wish women retained their youth just as long as men did