Anyone else feel like they wasted time?


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2007
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Say before you knew what was the right thing and the proper diet. Just one good learning exercise or a bunch of wasted time? Just since "properly" working out in late October I have put on more power+mass than I did for a long time doing stupid exercises with a bad diet n sleep


Mar 19, 2007
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Falkland Islands, Florida
No I dont. Because its not results but the journey Im after. Sounds courney, but whatever. Just keep in mind whatever you doing is what you will be doing for the rest of your life, other wise you are REALLY wasting your time.

I get a lot of insparational crap after running at 5:30 am each morning, outside, rain or shine. Sounds crazy, but there is nothing like it. I only get off more when I race cars. You are first, nobody else is outside but cats, sprinklers spray on you and its nice, I got one spraying my a55 and I really gotten to love it. When its cold I just put the rest of addidas running suit and its fine. Women somehow notice you doing that, I bet some are up that early. You are set for the rest of the day, mahn, try it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
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I only gained strength and barely any size the first 6 months I lifted. While I learned ALOT in that time I could have made 300% as much progress if I knew how to workout and diet better. I finally met some people with a physique I wanted,asked questions about their workouts and dieting and I haven't looked back since. Live and learn!


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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I sorta burned out my nervous system for a while going to failure or close to it on every set. I thought that was what I was supposed to do. It only worked for so long even with weeks off and only going 3 days a week. Now I only push my hardest to failure or close to failure on the last set.

Since then only a handful of times have I not gotten some sort of progress each time I repeat a lift. And i'm actually eating a bit less than I was before. More progress but less food? Gasp!


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
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Yes, I feel like I wasted a lot of time when I first started working out, I only "did the machines" and never touched a free weight, because I had no idea what I was doing.

Then I wasted more time doing the Rippetoe program, sure it will make your squat, deadlift and bench press go up, but lifting a heavy weight a few times and then standing around resting for 5 minutes, 3 days a week, just doesn't translate at all into strength for my sport (BJJ/submission grappling) and I'm not trying to pack on pounds and pounds of unfunctional muscle mass.

I also wasted a lot of time (and gained a lot of fat) from eating ****, because I listened to the people who are obsessed with protein and don't care how fat they are, so I ate anything with a lot of protein in it. That's all I paid attention to. Now I know better.

Right now I'm much more into Ross Enamait's style of training.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2006
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danno1 said:
Say before you knew what was the right thing and the proper diet. Just one good learning exercise or a bunch of wasted time? Just since "properly" working out in late October I have put on more power+mass than I did for a long time doing stupid exercises with a bad diet n sleep
It's called L-E-A-R-N-I-N-G.


Master Don Juan
Jul 25, 2002
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I dont think it was ever wasted time, and never do so it that way. As said, it is a LEARNING experience. I never gained much at all the first year, but I did learn how to lift CORRECTLY, and that is huge. I learned how my body worked, what it really took to do this correctly, and still to this day keep learning. Nothing was ever wasted. If anything, it helped better me, and helped me to better others.

Its kind of like in a relationship. Some complain they wasted so much time with a girl, or cant believe the time wasted with so and so. I look at it like I gained something. Maybe it was more information about a particular type of girl, or learning how to react when you get let down like never before. You take everything you learn with you for the next round. It all made me stronger, as did the above with the lifting.

Just my .02 cents.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 1, 2007
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This is strange... it almost sounds like you are upset at yourself for improving. Very rarely do people start out doing everything correctly. There has to be some trial and error involved with learning. Some people go through many injuries and mistakes before they start to see good results. Be proud you have improved, even if it took a long time, it's worth it.


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2007
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Well I am not upset, but I was just seeing what other people felt too when they first started. It's better than some of the topics asking stupid questions about 300 abs.

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
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It's imperative that you guys between 16 and 25 start out and maximise your gains while your natural test levels are still high, after that it gets harder and harder to grow. Especially your first two years of lifting when you can expect 40-50lbs of mass IF you do everything correctly. But if you run your body into the ground with routines out of Flex and poor nutrition, you're wasting your time, yes. Learn, learn and re-learn the basic principles of growing and maximise your early potential, and build a physique you can maintain throughout your 20's, 30's and 40's without much effort.. don't be that guy who wakes up at 35, had lifted for 20 years, paid a small fortune on supplements and gym memberships, and has NOTHING to show for it.