Any reason NOT to ditch the cell phone?


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
St. Louis Area

Did that actually happen to you? Or are you just guessing? If I met a woman without a cell phone I wouldn't think less of her based on that alone. If anything, there are certain advantages because she can't get calls during a date.

Right now, I do have a Treo, one of the costliest phones. It hasn't impressed anybody who actually asked about it, so I'm inclined to think it doesn't matter. Unless you have a Vertu, but people who buy those are the same people buying a Rolls Royce. At that point they're spending money just because they can. I know I wouldn't buy a Vertu, even if I could afford one.

However, it doesn't address the issue of cell phone vs. not having one, which is why I made the original post. After all, an Escort vs. a Benz isn't the same issue as having a car vs. not having one.

Anyway, I don't think I'm at very high risk of being considered poor, cell phone or not. However, I'd be surprised if anyone thought I was rich (I'm not).


I agree. That's why I thought it might be a good idea to ditch it. I wonder if I'm really getting my money's worth.


I agree with that. Especially since it isn't a huge stretch to get a more expensive phone. I don't think the type of phone says a lot about the person, unless it's a very rare and expensive phone (like the Vertu).


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
St. Louis Area
backbreaker said:
first, i love that handle speakeasy

to my point: here is what most people make the mistake of. I DONT' GIVE A **** WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK.

I've had a woman throw a smart ass remark about "I don't call house phones", so I said "well then you won't be calling me.. bye".

you should never, ever, EVER do something because of the way someone will perceive you. i get piece of mind without my cell phone going off the hook all damn day. My house phone rings so much I cut the ringer off and just check the messages at night or though the day if I am home. I couldn't imagine that being my cell phone.

you do something that YOU want to do BECAUSE you want to do it

if a stupid cvnt thinks I'm "worthless" because I don't have an iphone.. and I do have a blackberry, but it's prepaid and they don't get the number, even thought the phone is right there, and I will tell them why as well... lol, who is REALLY loosing out? it sure is hell isn't me

Did a woman really say that to you? Did she even say why? I can't think of a single good reason why. But then again, I doubt her reason would've been any good.

Sometimes I wish that I could be like that, but I know that I can't deviate from the norm too much. Even so, I do push it. I'm mostly conventional, with my weirdness being under the surface. I don't volunteer information about my weirdness, but if someone asks I'll usually tell the truth.


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
Reaction score
Abbot, I just noticed that you're posting out of St. Louis. I live in Los Angeles so there's obviously a big difference in social culture here. So I'm sure that has a lot to do with our perspectives. Telling someone out here that you don't have a cell would be like saying I don't have a computer or don't have a refrigerator. In the midwest where it's more down to earth, maybe not such a big deal.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Abbott said:
Did a woman really say that to you? Did she even say why? I can't think of a single good reason why. But then again, I doubt her reason would've been any good.

Sometimes I wish that I could be like that, but I know that I can't deviate from the norm too much. Even so, I do push it. I'm mostly conventional, with my weirdness being under the surface. I don't volunteer information about my weirdness, but if someone asks I'll usually tell the truth.

man I could write a book on the crap I have seen/did/ heard.. that happened about last December.. she was trying to be cute I supposed. I wasn't

I mean i really just don't care. sometimes to a detriment.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
speakeasy said:
Think deeper dude. The cell phone is just an object. But that object says something else about you, at least in the eyes of someone who doesn't know you...
And there lies the problem. I'm at a bar with a cell phone and a chick notices me with it. The guy next to me happens to take out the same phone. With your premise, in the woman's eyes me and the other guy are perceived the same since she doesn't know either one of us and the only way she can tell something about us is by this object we are carrying. :rolleyes:

I don't know, maybe kids are easily influenced by shiny objects in a superficial type of way. Maybe young guys have nothing else to offer than what they (and practically any other guy) can buy. No wonder there are so many young guys having headaches in this forum. They're competing with guys exactly like themselves; they all have the same geeky gadgets.

I'll stick with approaching women I believe are interesting and allow them to get to know be by my character. Besides, I still don't see the purpose of bringing a phone to a loud danceclub.


Master Don Juan
Jun 4, 2006
Reaction score
^^^purpose of the phone isn't to talk on it at the club, it's so you can have her punch her number in and not have to run up to the bartender asking to borrow a pen because the pen in your pocket just rant out of ink, as I've seen a friend have to do once. Meanwhile the girl is standing there waiting while he's trying to push is way through everyone ordering a drink to ask the bartender for a pen. So much smoother to just whip out the phone and have the girl punch her number in. But to each his own.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
Reaction score
Francisco d'Anconia said:
And there lies the problem. I'm at a bar with a cell phone and a chick notices me with it. The guy next to me happens to take out the same phone. With your premise, in the woman's eyes me and the other guy are perceived the same since she doesn't know either one of us and the only way she can tell something about us is by this object we are carrying. :rolleyes:

I don't know, maybe kids are easily influenced by shiny objects in a superficial type of way. Maybe young guys have nothing else to offer than what they (and practically any other guy) can buy. No wonder there are so many young guys having headaches in this forum. They're competing with guys exactly like themselves; they all have the same geeky gadgets.

I'll stick with approaching women I believe are interesting and allow them to get to know be by my character. Besides, I still don't see the purpose of bringing a phone to a loud danceclub.
I'm with you on this. I mean, isn't relying on a phone to prove yourself socially or to show how hip and trendy you are because you carry a wango tango piece of plastic the antithesis of this forum?

backbreaker said:
you should never, ever, EVER do something because of the way someone will perceive you.
Well said.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
speakeasy said:
^^^purpose of the phone isn't to talk on it at the club, it's so you can have her punch her number in and not have to run up to the bartender asking to borrow a pen because the pen in your pocket just rant out of ink, as I've seen a friend have to do once. Meanwhile the girl is standing there waiting while he's trying to push is way through everyone ordering a drink to ask the bartender for a pen. So much smoother to just whip out the phone and have the girl punch her number in. But to each his own.
Yep, that's worth $50 a month. BTW, I make her hunt down a pen to give me her number. Plus it shows her that I'm not collecting numbers from anything wearing a skirt.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
go to family dollar.. get a small note paid and a pen... $1.50 and it will last you half a year


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score

cell phones rock for taking pics of a chic sucking your d proof.

walking around with a pen in your pocket......hope it never leaks, writing a name on a napkin blows and is so UNPROFESSIONAL it just screams LOSER.

I wont even answer the rolodex thingy.........WHO STILL USES A ROLODEX.

scenario-a chic says to meet you inside the bar..........its crowded she TEXT'S YOU HER EXACT LOCATION.

you are on a DATE with a chic........another chic calls, so instead of answering her you text her instead and no ones the wiser.

Late night booty calls cell phone rules, its raining and you dont want to get you use your cell to say you are outiside waiting instead of riniging her door bell in the rain, I could go on and on here.

YES you can survive without a cell..but a cell phone DOES IN FACT work in your, pictures, video's, the list goes on =.


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2005
Reaction score
Didnt read the entire set of post but In a way its nice to get away from a phone for a while. If you are having a hard time with women or just stressed in your life in general, just leave it home and go do stuff. Its nice not to worry about anyone calling or wanting to call someone.

I however now have 2 lines (ATM going back to one shortly) becasue I got on the Sprint Sero plan which is 1250 min and unlimited data and text for $50 a month. A lot better than the $50 a month for 300min, text, and unlimited data i had before.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2006
Reaction score
No reason not to ditch the cell phone really, I often go places without a cell phone. Just carry a pad of paper if u gotta take down numbers. I know people who do that anyway. I'm gonna start doing it too.

I know someone who does all sorts of things, you wouldn't even know if you just met him once. He never had a cell phone until just recently. It wasn't really that hard to get a hold of him if you knew him well. And if he wasn't at one of the landlines, you knew he was probably doing something important and/or on the move.