Any basketball players in here? Let's talk legs...


Senior Don Juan
May 21, 2009
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So about a year ago I realized that while my upper body and arms were decent-looking, I really needed to incorporate some serious leg work to maximize my body.

Here at college I like to play a lot of recreational basketball to help me stay in shape on non-lifting days. One of my goals last year was to be able to touch the rim of the standard height hoop (this was at a time where I could barely grab the net). Being a 5'11," 200lb white dude, I certainly had some work cut out for me.

When I started seriously doing squats, lunges, leg press, and calf raises, my vertical exploded! Not even 5 months later I was just messing around and decided to try to touch the rim, and was shocked when I was able to latch on and hang from it with relative ease.

Now my goal is to be able to dunk a basketball. I can do it with smaller items, but I really want to just get that final push and really shock people when I show them some serious ups!

Any of you guys that like to play basketball know any other good leg workouts I should be incorporating into my routine? I know there is a whole plyometrics aspect of this stuff that can help, but I don't have a lot of knowledge about advanced moves like that. I'm more looking for weight room tips.

I can squat upwards of 275lbs for 8-10 reps, although I haven't exactly tried to max out to one or two reps to test how much higher I can go. I do sets of lunges with 55lb dumbbells - 3 sets with 9 reps each leg. Also I mix in calf raises and leg press. What am I missing?


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
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When squatting, lower the reps to 5, this will ensure you get more strength gains. Also you MUST deadlift. It will increase your vertical.

Power cleans will be good too, as it is an explosive jumping movement.

I'd drop leg press if I were you as it will only detract from your squat and it's a useless exercise.


Master Don Juan
Aug 13, 2005
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I travel
Actually machines work really well for taller guys if they can fit into them. If your gonna deadlift i'd deadlift out of a rack to compensate for the height difference until you get really good at the movement.

There are NO useless exercises, any exercise that works one muscle, a few muscles or alot of muscles has its purpose. Leverages are also a big isue to take into account.

The real question is are your combination of exercises useful for your purpose.

good leg exercises for Basketball players:

glute ham raise
leg curls
leg press
plate loaded squat machine
Front Squats
wide squatting (powerlifting stance)
Deep Squatting
box jumping (stepping down gently)
If you have a girl friend or buddy...Donkey calf raises
seated calf raise
hip exercises like this
and this
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Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
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Start training your vertical and jumping. Hold some light dumbbells or a weight plate and practice your vertical.

Use some sort of progression(higher boxes, heavier weights, more reps, etc)


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2009
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Quiksilver said:
Start training your vertical and jumping. Hold some light dumbbells or a weight plate and practice your vertical.

Use some sort of progression(higher boxes, heavier weights, more reps, etc)
Yes this is a great method for dunking. I had to do this for basketball practice. A medicine ball will also be a great alternative. I remember dunking my first time in grade 12. Was around 6'2 and 195 pounds. Now it is not that exciting lol and people really expect you to dunk anyway at that height.