Anti-DJ site headed by a woman


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2003
Reaction score
Guys, check this site out here:

Then come back to this thread. I want you to form your own opinions before I tell you what I think.

Now if you read the woman's bio, she says she's 39, single, and has 3 kids. Sounds to me like she got burned by a divorce and transformed into a super-b1tch.

Now the more I read from this woman, the more I disagreed with her. Her writing style is very bullyish. She assumes that every guy reading her site is a big dipsh!t, often resorting to childish insults. She often starts off with "she is gonna" as if she knows for a fact what every female in the world will do.

She plays on the insecurities and fears that we have fought to overcome. For example, she goes into how when women make trains to the bathroom, then make fun of the guys that are hitting on them. She says that guys are to "persue" women, and if the women are interested, they'll let us know. She says "no wonder guys are reading articles to meet women" implying that we are somehow inferior to the guy with "natural" skills."

Now it sounds to me like this site is a back road to AFCness. I used to believe all the sh!t on her site back when I was an AFC, and I had 0% success with women.

The site offers a different viewpoint, and an experienced DJ might find analyzing it to be interesting, but for the rest of us, especially RAFC's, it's just bad news.

What do you guys think?


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2002
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Interesting. . . . .

I've just read the "Why" section.

Sounds like the chick has a few issues and is basically full of herself. ;)

And of course, slamming this site is utter BS.

And the reading continues. . . . .

StuartScott x 2

Senior Don Juan
Oct 4, 2002
Reaction score
WHAT THE FUKK ARE YOU SMOKING. That woman KNOWS what she's talking about. You better stop hating and start listening. Just b/c she's a woman doesn't mean she doesn't know what she's saying. About the women talking about guys in the bathrooms, that's true, I had a lady friend tell me the same thing.

She's also right about theat Ross Jeffries stuff being crap. That is some of the most useless piece of $hit ever created. I tried that SS $hit ONE TIME on a girl and I got a puzzled look & reply from her.

Granted she does talk like she's hot $hit but she gets her point across and it makes sense.

Seems to me the only reason why you're so opposed to it is b/c the info is from a woman and the fact that she sounds conceited doesn't help either.

If you want to learn about how women think, just read that site.
That site is GOLD.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Happy Valley

The problem is that her site and this site don't go hand in hand. You can believe one or the other. They aren't built on the same foundation, the points are totally different, and most importantly, she says anyone who is on this site is a chump.

Are you a chump?

I know I'm not.

-- Zero-

StuartScott x 2

Senior Don Juan
Oct 4, 2002
Reaction score
Come on now zero, put your ego aside for a second. Of course you're not a chump, the woman doesn't know you so why do you think she's talking to you?

If you just read the info (and realize that she wasn't talking to YOU when she called you a chump), you'd realize all the games, tactics, secrets, patterns aren't necessary. I've been on this site 3 years, and up until a couple of months ago (just like all the other sosuave fossils it seems) realized all that $hit wasn't necessary. I always had that idea when I would see friends of mine, who know nothing of these seduction websites get girls just by being themselves and using COMMON SENSE but it was confirmed when I read damn near everything on that site when xblitz44 posted the link. Basically it's all about if the girl is attracted to you and what you do not to fukk up the attraction, THAT'S IT (of course there's a little more to it than that but that's the general idea).


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2002
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia

I'll acknowledge that some of her stuff is good, but (like this site) not everything she says or writes is or should be taken as gospel.

At the end of the day, we're all entitled to our opinions, and we're all different.

What works, makes sense, and rings true for some won't be the case for others.

In the case of our 39 y.o. I don't believe she can quite grasp this principle.

Damn the chick has attitude though! :D


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
I posted a link to her website on a thread here the other day, after being alerted to it by xblitz44x.

I disagree that her advice is fundamentally different to this site, and you can either believe one or the other. What I've taken from her site so far:

- Women will flake out for their own reasons, don't bytch about it coz it's just how life is. You're a man, take it and move on

- Women decide very quickly whether a guy is f*ckable or not. Once that's decided, it's up to him to get her to that point without screwing it up

- Women want a confident, strong, genuine male man who is interested in them, isn't afraid of his sexuality or of taking the lead with intelligence and class

- Women badmouth guys to each other in club toilets (this is definitely true)

- When you want a woman's number, ask for it clearly and directly, with no apology, and if the situation is right, kiss her

True, her pseudo-psychic mumbo jumbo about human dynamics seem like the ramblings of a mad hermit. She is also insulting and patronising of us men in general. Her attitude that all a man needs from a woman to be satisfied with her is access to her p*ssy particularly grates with me. She has her own ego issues. But if you can put all that aside, the information she provides is good.

Don't let your ego and pride blind you to the truth of what she is saying.



Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Happy Valley
Originally posted by StuartScott x 2
Come on now zero, put your ego aside for a second. Of course you're not a chump, the woman doesn't know you so why do you think she's talking to you?
I think you misunderstood what I was saying. COLLECTIVELY the believers of sosuave are considered "chumps" by SW101. Me being a member, and believer, I consider that I am part of the collective so-called "chumps."

My ego isn't rambling on about anything. Never once did I infer that anyone was making a personal attack on me.

Originally posted by StuartScott x 2
If you just read the info (and realize that she wasn't talking to YOU when she called you a chump), you'd realize all the games, tactics, secrets, patterns aren't necessary. I've been on this site 3 years, and up until a couple of months ago (just like all the other sosuave fossils it seems) realized all that $hit wasn't necessary.
So why are you still here? What do you have to gain by staying at a site where you completely disagree with the fundamentals? I am not making a personal attack, but I am genuinely curious as to what you get from sosuave. I would think that someone who's been around as long as you have would want to break away once you realized they key.

Originally posted by StuartScott x 2
I always had that idea when I would see friends of mine, who know nothing of these seduction websites get girls just by being themselves and using COMMON SENSE but it was confirmed when I read damn near everything on that site when xblitz44 posted the link. Basically it's all about if the girl is attracted to you and what you do not to fukk up the attraction, THAT'S IT (of course there's a little more to it than that but that's the general idea).
Of course attraction is important. However, if a girl is attracted to a guy, but the guy has the wit of a houseplant, where is he going with her? ****in' nowhere.

Attraction is only one piece of the puzzle. There is a lot more than just attraction. You have to not only keep the attraction, but establish a relationship of some sort. That's only the beginning.

-- Zero-

StuartScott x 2

Senior Don Juan
Oct 4, 2002
Reaction score
So why are you still here? What do you have to gain by staying at a site where you completely disagree with the fundamentals? I am not making a personal attack, but I am genuinely curious as to what you get from sosuave. I would think that someone who's been around as long as you have would want to break away once you realized they key.

When I say 3 years, I don't mean I've been on this site actively posting for 3 years, COME ON BRO. I first found this site when I was 17, read it for a couple of days, didn't come back until I was 19 and started posting, took a break (mainly b/c I had school) and didn't start posting until the whole Boot camp fiasco. I don't disagree with any fundamentals, I don't even know what the fundamentals are. What are the fundamentals, waiting 3-4 days before you call? Tell me what the fundamentals are.

I also don't understand what you mean by breaking away. Do you mean to leave the site and never come back just b/c I've found the light? How corny does that sound. I come on here and post b/c it's something to do when I'm on the internet. I only started back posting recently and before that, I mainly posted in the H & F forum and in anything else with Gambling tips. You must think I'm one of the chumps (there goes that word again) asking for advice on every little situation I have in my life. Be for real. I've asked questions to certain members in private but the last time I made a post asking for advice on some girl problems in my life had to have been OVER a year ago. Most of what I type are tips or answers to questions. Do a search.

Of course attraction is important. However, if a girl is attracted to a guy, but the guy has the wit of a houseplant, where is he going with her? ****in' nowhere.

No $hit, ya don't say. I could have sworn that I said something like if a girl is attracted to you, then all you have to do is not do anything to mess it up, if you bore the girl to death, of course that can play a part in messing up the attraction but I'll bet the girl will still give the guy a chance b/c she's attracted to him.

Attraction is only one piece of the puzzle. There is a lot more than just attraction. You have to not only keep the attraction, but establish a relationship of some sort. That's only the beginning.

Attraction is a BIG piece of the puzzle and if she's attracted to you she'll give you a chance to establish a relationship of some sort, but if she isn't then your foot isn't even in the door.

There's this girl I know who used to be a slut who fukked a lot of guys or whatever before and I asked her what the guys did to get her attention. As shallow as it sounded, all she said was "he was cute so I fukked him" she told me a story of some teen she cheated on her guy with and I said "he must have had all the game huh" she said "not really, he was just cute.........oh and he had a truck too" I asked her if he approached and she said "yes"

That answered a lot of ??'s for me. Just approach and if she's attracted to you, as long as you don't fukk it up, you can 'pull' her.
The guy didn't have game but he was 'cute' oh and he had a truck to use to get her isolated so he could fukk her, ya know since she was a slut she didn't need a lot of convincing. She said he approached also, that's a BIG part of the game too. You won't know unless you give yourself a chance.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Mar 4, 2001
Reaction score
Planet of the Apes
I spent some time reading 80% of the articles last week and found most to be very good.

Especially the 'Ideal Archetype' idea - that women have an idea of the type of man they want and theres not a lot you can do about changing that.

Also agree with her that speed seduction is a pile of crap.

No site has ALL the answers, theres some good stuff there and some good stuff here and its which bits you use that determine your success.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Happy Valley
You're obviously taking my words far too literally. (ahem, as a side note, if DJ's can't talk and get their points across on the internet clearly to eachother, what makes you guys think that e-mailing and txting girls will work, too *cough* :) )

I haven't made any assumptions just because you've been here three years, but you called yourself one of the "fossils." I was merely going by what you said. I don't know you, and I'll never meet you, so why would I judge you? I'm not discrediting your advice, your ideas, or your motiviations for being here.

As for the fundamentals, we both obviously agree that attraction is a piece of the puzzle, therefore, I can't tell you anything you don't know. I took that too far by saying you completely disagree with the fundamentals, and I apologize for that.

Once again, I made no judgements about you, and I don't think you're one of the "OMG! I GOT A NUMBER WHEN DO I CALL? WHAT DO I SAY? HOW DO I ACT? WHAT SHOULD WE DO ON THE DATE!?" people. Look at your post count. To me, it's pretty obvious you're not.

It's a ridiculous and impossible notion to say that everything on this board is right. This board simply provides the guidelines to be a better man. That's the reason I'm here. To improve me. Not to pick up tons of women. That's sort of a side bonus. Now, when I want to do something, I no longer hesitate. I do what I want to do, because I want to do it. Nothing holds me back anymore. That's what I think the true benefit of this board is.

Also, I'm a strong believer of the fact that this board only provides the guidelines for "success." (Success being whatever it is you want to accomplish.) The true DJ's learn to adapt and improvise the "rules" set forth here.

I hope I've cleared myself up a bit...

-- Zero-

StuartScott x 2

Senior Don Juan
Oct 4, 2002
Reaction score
Also me being here for 3 years whether it be on and off of whatever, shows the validity of the site. I obviously wouldn't be here if I didn't gain anything from being here, whether it be helping someone out, seeking advice or reading a thought provoking post, you can NEVER stop learning.

BTW I edited my previous post like 6 times.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio USA
It's true, you can learn something from anything, even from a whiny, man-hating, 39 year old stuck with 3 kids, woman. It comes down to the simple fact that if you can't say anything nice, or constructive, don't say it at all, unless you want attention. *shrugs* What I've learned from these sites is simple... if we all act on .01 percent common sense, we'll be ok.

Obviously, she's a big fan of this site. Jealousy is another form of compliment. She can talk all the smack she wants, and that's all it is, smack talk. When it comes down to it, if you get to the nitty gritty, she loves d*ck just like any red blooded all American women. She's being a typical woman.... talk sh*t now, but as soon as we get her under the sheets, she's all over the jock-strap, acting all stupid.

I've met, and dealt with women like her in the past and all I got to say is, 'She sounds like she needs a d*ck in her mouth.'


..don't they know a man's game, changes, continually.

Also, I would like to suggest that if you haven't been to the site yet.. DO NOT GO THERE. Men have enough problems with women these days, we don't need another mental ingram holding us back.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2002
Reaction score
I didn't read this entire thread but I'll comment on a few points. Obviously this is the link that is in my signature. SW101 is not a competitor to this site. D9 does not try to butt heads with us over here. I'll admit she DOES come across as "know-it-all-ish" and stubborn at times, but try to be patient. Like Stu said, but your ego's aside for an afternoon and read the INFORMATION not the tone in which she delivers it.

"She says that guys are to "persue" women, and if the women are interested, they'll let us know. She says "no wonder guys are reading articles to meet women" implying that we are somehow inferior to the guy with "natural" skills."

She's not implying that at all. I took it as WE ALL have the ability to have 'natural skills'. WE put OURSELVES below the 'naturals' when we resort to making rules and trying to hypnotize chicks thinking THAT is what got them liking us. She is saying that we don't have to do that at all. And that if we understand ourself, and how attraction works, we just have to put ourselves out there and if a woman is into us, she will make it EASY. There won't be a need to 'battle' her because a woman with high interest shows no resistence. That is what she is implying.

" The site offers a different viewpoint, and an experienced DJ might find analyzing it to be interesting, but for the rest of us, especially RAFC's, it's just bad news."

It's not different. It's not even in the same catagory. Her site explains the psychological reasons WHY we are attracted, and people are attracted to us. She explains the dynamic to every relationship that we have and it's purpose. We, on THIS site, have no grasp of why people are attracted, or how attraction works AT ALL. We just came here and listened to the popular beliefs, never questioning whether they had any truth to them at all. So then we devised rules and strategies that SEEMED to work (again without knowledge of the working of attraction itself) as a lazy "way to the pvssy". ALL that she is doing is explaining attraction (and then showing because of that, why SS doesn't work). If people understand themselves and why they feel a certain way, they can understand why women feel a certain way and can stop wasting their time and money ($600 for Mystery's Workshop).

"I've met, and dealt with women like her in the past and all I got to say is, 'She sounds like she needs a d*ck in her mouth.'" -InLawsHateMe

You should stop reading her material as if it's a personal attack and try to comprehend the information. Go to her site, to the top of the page and read "Sexual Dynamics"...REALLY try to understand it (because it's not an easy read). I think once you comprehend that type of information you'll see that this is the one girl that you want WITHOUT a dyck in her mouth so that she can keep giving more and more information.

" Also, I would like to suggest that if you haven't been to the site yet.. DO NOT GO THERE. Men have enough problems with women these days, we don't need another mental ingram holding us back." -InLawsHateMe

I disagree. I think EVERYBODY should go there. I think it could be vital to their development. It was to mine. You said that her material is a "mental ingram"....I think it's the opposite. It has opened my mind to all sorts of things. If you really learn it, you can see why it's ok to break away from the rules and do whatever you want. You see why it's ok to be free and forget rules and patterns and anchors and that silly shyt. When you read it, first clear your mind. Try to let go of everything you've learned before just for those few minutes/hours. Then...after you've read it in completely and thought about it, you can return to any belief you wish. I'm tellin you, you guys are being ignorant to some of the coolest information for guys like us.



Master Don Juan
May 28, 2002
Reaction score
I know some of you guys follow her site and advice, but I think this woman has serious mental issues and should not be raising three kids by herself.

She posted quite a bit on here as "destini" a while back. One of her posts is bumped to the top in the "Tips forum" right now. I've never seen such useless drival and irrational thought in my life. If you want to read the whole post you'll see things like three kids from three different fathers, contacted astraly by a spirit named Crete, breaking up marriages just to prove that she can, etc. etc.

I'm sorry, but she is just a "nut-job." Move on to something else you guys.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 6, 2003
Reaction score
Went there, read most of it, it was really long and scattered brained read, my question is what's her point??? I couldn't find it, maybe it's just cos the webpage layout was so disorganised.

Can we have this boiled down to some useful piece of information? She seems to ramble on a lot. I was lost in the giant slaps of pyscho-babble.

Near the bottom I remember reading something bout approaching girls in clubs and not opening your mouth, err, yeahhhhh, that really works;)

I'm open to hearing something interesting, but for Pete's sake whatever she's saying she could write it in one paragraph on neatly arranged page. You know this ain't meant to be rocket science!;)

I'm guessing it all just says, be confident, approach girls, well thanks knew that anyway;)


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2002
Reaction score
I agree Duke. That site is bogus.


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2003
Reaction score
I think somebody forgot to mention that after all that bull, she thinks guys could get girls with some retarded t-shirts. She said all that to sell a t-shirt! What the f***! No DJ should have that s*** on! Most women wouldn't find those remarks funny, they would find it repulsive. I guess if you want an old b**** on the verge of being blind, she might think it's trendy.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio USA
I'm sure it's an entertaining read but, I'll pass. Not because I'm bias, it's just because, I've read it, heard it, seen it, done it, way before. I don't need a fresher course in Man-Hating 101. Again, it's one woman's point of view. If I want a true woman's point of view, I'll ask my Mom. :) ...ya can't go wrong there.

X, I read your stuff all the time, and you truly mean good, no doubt. This, I don't have to read unless I want a headache.

Bottomline is, don't try to fix something that ain't broke. This site works fine for me, I get all the info I ever need as far as how to handle women is concerned. I don't need another site, but thanks. :)

Before you guys decide to go there, please remember that old saying.....


Do you want some woman with 3 kids, from 3 different fathers, who obviously hasn't been with a man in a long time, to tell you what women want? ....what's next, how to cook and clean, and iron her clothes right? C'mon... ya got to draw the line somewhere.