And so it continues . . How frustrating . .Please help . .


Don Juan
Jul 25, 2006
Reaction score

Greetings once again worthy followers of the DJ forum . . .:wave: . . .

. . . .As this is following from my previous thread, so let's keep it short and sweet . .:cheer: . . . . This girl, I am having quite considerable difficulty in isolating...:( . .When ever she has an escape root available she's quite happy to to kiss , laugh , tickle, hold hands , tell me she loves me, even going as far as letting me give her a love bite . .:crackup:

. . . . . . . But when I ask her to have coffee , hang out et.c, it's always along the lines of "may be tomorrow", or "I have to go" . . .Furthermore, if I ignore her for a bit or walk past without exchange salutations, she would get quite worried and seems to have a tendency to ape me . .Meaning . . If she spots me in a bad/questionable mood, she would not approach me . . .And one other thing, she would very rarely take the initiative (which is fair I suppose) . . .

. . .Truth is , she seems quite sincere , and I genuinely do not discount the possibility that she may genuinely be busy, but just feel like I have to wrestle her for controll . . .:woo:

. . .So as the song goes "something tells me I'm in to something good", but why o why worthy followers does it have to be so difficult . . .:trouble:

. . . . . . .Thing is , she's quite beautiful and surely has a fine tuned network of henchmen . .I feel if I keep asking her out and geting a skid pan, if I persist - I feel I may only end up looking desperate...:eek: , but at the same time , i feel that giving up may be a cheap defeat...:yes: . . . .

. . . .At the same time, having got so far, I feel I've reached a fork in the road, and something needs to be done assertively and quickly . .I already texted her and told her I wn't take no for an answer . .:yes:

. . . . . . . So worthy followers . .Over to you . .:rockon: Any advise/suggestions . . . I'm quite a highly strung and emotional/impulsive person and often don't know my north from my south, so its hard to make the correct decision when yr in the thick of things. . .Is there really any need to take prejudicial action, or is it good things to those who wait . .

. . Many thanks again for any support . . .


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
I'm suprised no one has told you the reason this girl doesn't like you is because you think WRX's are fast cars....:crackup: LOL

Anyways learning when to cut your losses is a hard skill to acquire. Most guys who don't meet enough girls on a regular basis, tend to get fixated on the flavor of the moment when she comes around. The real problem here is your not a challenge!!!!! She knows you have incredibly high interest, while you cling to hope that she might be interested as well.

Well, sorry to burst your persistent bubble, but she's not buying what your selling!!! There are definitely cases where being persistent pays off, but simply put this isn't one of them. This girl has about as much interest in you as a dead corpse. When you hung out with her last month, there was some potential there, but its obviously died since then.

The best move you can make is to go meet more girls and move on. Girls like guys who have value, who have goals, who are individuals of their own world!!
You have created a rather needy, clingy, "I'll swim through the ocean for you" attitude and its not attractive. If your ever in a situation where you have to really really really REALLY do all of the work just to get her to say she "might" hang out with you, then you've already lost.

Girls definitely play head games, but if you DOMINATE the situation, while taking control, you'll be amazed at how they're always available to see you.

Lesson of the day: When a girl likes a guy, she initiates contact, calls him back at the first chance she gets, puts up little/if any resistent to physical contact and most importantly, she makes it OBVIOUS that she's interested.

Now look back at this thread and your first one and tell me what you think is going on here.



Don Juan
Jul 25, 2006
Reaction score

Pimp-sicle . . .

. . .Thanks for the advise . . . .Listen . .As far as I can see, I cann not in essence say that u r wrong . . .But , perhaps this is more complicated than it seems . . .Who knows . .Who cares either . . .

. . .In any event , if I choose to cut my losses short . .What does that mean . . Ignoring her, not \saying hello, being an ars*hole . . .Where is the need for such draconian actions come from . . ????:confused: Especilly as I am almost unable to avoid her on a daily basis . .Moreover, after hooking up with her this afternoon, I spent near the whole afternoon, cuddling her and kissing her and the sorts . . . .

. . . . . .. In essence, as I said, I agree with what u, but on this occasion I willl let the situation roll out . . .Let's see what happens . . . I am not tangled, my options are open, so no harm done . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . .Thanks v.m for yr contribution . . .:)

N.B . . .Yes . .My WRX is quite quick, and most girls are scared of it, to the point that they are afraid to get in to it . . .

. . .Have a good day . .

Road Demon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 1, 2004
Reaction score
NYC Metro Area
May I ask how old she is? That may be a factor as she perhaps is inexperienced?

Don't be an A-hole. Back off a bit. Be a bit of challenge, smile and be cool with her, but don't devote all your attention to her. Continue with the kino and esclate the interation. Play it cool, and be patient.

Am I correct that you guys hooked up a bit. Sounds like she is interested...just be patient.

Talk to other women.

Most girls thought World Rally Blue was 'pretty color'...thats the response I get, but they always ask about the big wing and pink


Don Juan
Jul 25, 2006
Reaction score
What's up Road Demon .

. . . .Good question . . .

. She's late 20's divorced and with children . . .Also quite beautiful, and beyond doubt has a network of henchmen . . .Indeed, I feel there may be some interest . .Nonetheless . . I must tread v.carefully I feel-because if she spots any weakness in my armour or undue agression, she will walk all over me . .Getting pissed with her will mean admitting defeat imho . .I have no grounds or legitimate reason forgetting pissed with her anyway . . .Agreed???Agreed!!

. . .So yes . .I'l keep it cool, and keep it rolling . . . :up:

. . . . . .N.B . .My WRX is not an STi, so no pink badges . . .But the bonnet scoop seems to scare them off . .Which is nice . :D . .Once inside the car they seem either to scream at me or simply for dear life . . . Spoilers . .I have a tame butterfly rear spoiler . .