"Am i your girlfriend now?"


Don Juan
Jul 27, 2008
Reaction score
what sup,

Since i have been in the game, everytime im messing around with a girl they always bring up exclusivity. how they want a relationship.
I usually just lie and say sure, but im still gaming other girls while im "in relationship".

I just wana know what are some ways you guys deal with it.

I have sometimes just told em i just kick it, only one of em turned into FB, everything else just faded.

so gimme ideas fellas


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2008
Reaction score
When a girl asks are we in a relationship, I usually reply with "we should go on a couple more dates."

never say yes the first time to a girl. Always leave her guessing not you.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2008
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BUMP! This isnt a bad question, cmon, someone has gotta have another idea, lets hear it! :) :crazy:


Master Don Juan
Jun 17, 2008
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falcon814 said:
what sup,

Since i have been in the game, everytime im messing around with a girl they always bring up exclusivity. how they want a relationship.
I usually just lie and say sure, but im still gaming other girls while im "in relationship".

I just wana know what are some ways you guys deal with it.

I have sometimes just told em i just kick it, only one of em turned into FB, everything else just faded.

so gimme ideas fellas
I got so used to gaming girls that I would still game while "in a relationship". Eventually I fell for one though.

Just keep gaming until you feel warm with a certain girl. The special one may be out there. You may finally meet a girl that is an exception to every negative thing you know about most women. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
why not just be more smooth and say "i'm not really looking for a girlfriend right now.... or something to the degree of "i'm not really into labels but i do enjoy spending time with you". It really depends on IF YOU want a girlfriend or not don't get trapped. At the same time if you don't care either way just bang other biitches on the side tho ur gf may get hurt if she finds out.


Don Juan
Jul 27, 2008
Reaction score
Alphamale1821 said:
why not just be more smooth and say "i'm not really looking for a girlfriend right now.... or something to the degree of "i'm not really into labels but i do enjoy spending time with you". It really depends on IF YOU want a girlfriend or not don't get trapped. At the same time if you don't care either way just bang other biitches on the side tho ur gf may get hurt if she finds out.
I havnt gotten caught but thats why i brought up this question. I dont really care about hurting a girl, but dont wanan deal with a girl finding out that im cheating on her lol.

Thats why im trying to stay away from relationships now, but these damn girls always bring it up.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
The most important thing that you are not entering into the equation is if YOU WANT an exclusive relationship in the first place.
You shouldnt decide yes or no based on what SHE wants.

If you dont want a relationship, then DONT capitulate to her just because no other female is giving you attention at the time.

Too many males simply say 'yes' to any female that gives them attention,only to find themselves depressed and unfulfilled later. They suddenly 'wake up' to find themselves in an unhappy relationship.

Grow the balls to tell her what you want.

And if she does qualify as relationship material, and you DO want her, then DO SO.

if not, then DONT.

Dont be in a relationship just because you are so desperate to secure your supply of sex, and she is the only one giving you attention you are so starved for.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
^^I don't think he's in "relationships" with these girls because he's desperate. He's merely just trying to keep a constant supply of pvssy. Also to an extent he could try to keep the girls in check by thinking they have a "boyfriend."

I'm in similar situations right now, with exceptions. One of my "girlfriends" lost my trust and won't ever be able to get it back, however I've tried to get rid of her but she won't stay away. So I simply keep her around because she has Grade A head giving skills.

I don't see anything wrong with being a "player" cos that's all it is. If a girl wants to label me as her boyfriend for the sake of it, I say go ahead. If I can keep hitting with no remorse and at the same time get other chicks until I do find the right one then so be it.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
I'm surprised not many others have similar situations to this(or just aren't being honest with themselves)

I know a lot of you swear you have fb's with no strings attached, but if a chick is really into you she'll want more. How do you handle it? And no, if women are really into you they won't just stick to being fb's unless their h0bags in which case they don't matter anyway.

Anyone else have more than one "relationship" or "girlfriend"?


Don Juan
Jul 27, 2008
Reaction score
phew. i can finally post lol. hate that post count limit ****.

GuanYu ur right on.. i don tthink Interceptor understood my post.

thats what i meant, instead of agreeing to have more than one gf, how else can u play it that you still get ass from them and still have other girls around.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
Also something I do is try to balance my time spent between women. Of course, if you're a really honest person then it won't work cos you'll have to lie to them eventually about what you're doing or why you're busy.

Example: I want to fvck Girl A tonight(and I've already planned ahead of time to see her) so I tell Girl B that I'm meeting up with some people for drinks, or I have to work late or my friend picked me up and took me to place soandso.

If you're going out, make sure never to take one of the girls somewhere they may hang out or somewhere that's too exposed. Try to have your fun and get out of there and back to your place(or hers) asap. This works very well during the week.

Holidays is another thing entirely. I haven't dealt with that yet, but am sure this year may be the first. lol


Don Juan
Jul 27, 2008
Reaction score
oh yeah.. i think im way too good at lying...

and i have both of the girls trust so they never question anything.
Yeah balancing is the key, so they dont feel like im upto something and try to investigate the matter.

true romance

Don Juan
Oct 30, 2006
Reaction score
we need some more tips on harem management...very good question

I usually answer that we should get to know each other a bit more. You can only stretch so much after a while the girls will know that you are not serious.

to strecth you just need to see them once or twice a week. If you see them too often then you will be ask to be exclusive.

Most girl want to show off to their girlfriend, family that they got a BF so for them it's a status....


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
I've run into that a few times. "where are we going with this" "am I your girlfriend?" "What are we". I didn't want a relationship with those girls so my anwsers were "we are gonna see were it goes" "not yet" and "friends".

The thing is with all of them I told them upfront that I wasn't looking for a serious relationship, and then they proceeded to try and make it into one. The challenge you see. But after they realised I was serious and not going to commit, they eventually faded away and got into relationships with other guys. They still call me, they have still popped up and wanted to hook up when their guy wasn't acting right. Some have told me that their current guy wasn't the man I was. It's all an attempt to break you down and capture you. Women come and go, no relationship lasts forever. It's life.

By haram management I assume you are asking whats the best way to string them along as long as possible before they blow out. Because if you never commit to anything more than just sex then they will eventually blow out.