Am I too late? too old?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 15, 2004
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I'm nearly 40. I'm JUST NOW starting to learn the DJ school of how to talk to women and I am having a blast. I never had this much fun when I was in my teens or twenties or thirties. I was too busy being depressed, lonely and miserable. Problem is, I'm also just now starting to see my first gray hairs. I am still attracted to chicks in their 20's - the chicks I couldn't get back when I was that age. I don't want to date women my age. They are ugly, fat, divorced, depressed, have grown kids (even grandkids) and a lot of baggage. did that once. she was even more miserable then me. never again. No thanks.

There are some hot babes in their 30's - they work out and eat right and take care of themselves (like I do) - but if they are still single at that age it's usually 'cause they are a man-bashing liberal feminist (serves 'em right)

I have no prob talking to hot babes in their 20's - But I'm new at this, still a beginner, and my game is not that good. I can usually get a phone # or email addy out of them but so far rarely can get past that. Now that they have their Weapon of Mass Rejection - the dreaded cellphone, voice mail and caller ID - it's no big deal for chicks to give out their #

so my question is:

Am I kidding myself talking to these young babes? Can I really master the DJ techniques and learn to score with the hotties, or are they just being polite, going along with my flirtations, but inside saying to themselves, "this grandpa has GOT to be kidding....."

Le Parisien

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2004
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back to Paris, missing the USA
Don't wanna be harsh, REALLY REALLY don't wanna be harsh, but make sure you wanna read this before scrolling:
Sorry man, but 40s is pretty "late" already.

If you didn't get what you always wished for so far after all these years, I can only assume that you are not the decently good-looking, in shape, very social and career-wise "successful" person.
Shout at me if I'm wrong please.:)

There are "late bloomers" who eventually get rid of their shyness, lack of social skills etc, all this "pretty late", but probably NOT this late. If your potential needs to wait 40 years to shine through, this means there probably wasn't that much potential at the first place...:rolleyes:

The "game" is NOT magic, it won't change you into a lady's man just like that, especially you have less advantages compared to during your 20s and 30s now.

Sorry if I'm harsh, flame me if it makes you feel better.:(
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Falcon Eye

Don Juan
Oct 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Le Parisien
Don't wanna be harsh, REALLY REALLY don't wanna be harsh, but make sure you wanna read this before scrolling:
Sorry man, but 40s is the pretty "late" already.

If you didn't get what you always wished for so far after all these years, I can only assume that you are not the decently good-looking, in shape, very social and career-wise "successful" person.
Shout at me if I'm wrong please.:)

There are "late bloomers" who eventually get rid of their shyness, lack of social skills etc, all this "pretty late", but probably NOT this late. If your potential needs to wait 40 years to shine through, this means there probably isn't that much potential at the first place...:rolleyes:

The "game" is NOT magic, it won't change you into a lady's man just like that, especially you have less advantages compared to during your 20s and 30s now.

Sorry if I'm harsh, flame me if it makes you feel better.:(
You weren't being harsh, but you are totally wrong. At forty, this is the best part of his life. Ogre, you are not too old, enjoy every minute of your life, work on self improvement, and work on your game. Don't put pressure on yourself, just have fun with life.

P.S. I wouldn't rule out every woman in her forties by the way; many of them are in great shape and looking for fun.

Good luck.


Don Juan
Feb 23, 2004
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Ogre Ogre Ogre....

You've got this all wrong my man, being older is an absoulte gift. Look at some of the most masculine, desired men of our time: Humphrey Bogart, Cary Grant, Gregory Peck, Paul Newman, George Clooney etc. All those guys were past 35 but they have a great sense of style and act like men. They would tell a girl if she's being a brat and make them work for his attention. Your 40 and these little girls are only twenty years old. Give em a thrill, "sophisticate" them then kick their ass out.

Chicks will definitely tease you about your age but be a man and get them back by saying their out past their bed time etc. Keep yourself in shape, dress well, walk tall, relax, don't take anyone's sh!t and you have ten years of bangin left.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2003
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Spokane, WA
Sure it can be done. You won't have the same success rate as a 20 year old guy, even if you are sean connery, because not all younger chicks are into older guys. Out of those that are, a lot will be gold diggers, so you have your work cut out for you. If you do everything right you WILL be able to bang 20 year olds, no problem.

"Age and treachery shall triumph over youth and ambition"


Master Don Juan
Jul 19, 2004
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Player_Supreme is like 43 or something. He's got mad game with girlies of all ages.

Are you looking for love or just a fvck?

There are plenty of younger women who would love to fvck an older guy just to say that they have, or for the experience.

Lots of guys (just like the negative french guy above) and many many many women (the older ones especialy...hehe) will tell you to give up on younger women, but fvck those haters/bashers/goal killers.

Haters have no right to tell you what you have the ability to with women as long as what you're doing is legal.

You know what you want and you go get it.

I suggest finding a guy who is about your age that is a player. Go out to the bars with him, watch what he does online or however he gets his bytches.

He can show you how he does it and you can try to mimic him. In my experience, having a good real-life mentor show you sh!t will just make your goal with women easier to obtain.

This is a great place to come to learn how to pick up women and/or get/give supplemental tips to amplify one's game.




Master Don Juan
Jul 19, 2004
Reaction score
Yea, and maybe you're 16 and posting in the wrong forum too.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Anyone that feels that someone can be too old to become a DJ is probably too young to know any better.

Le Parisien

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2004
Reaction score
back to Paris, missing the USA
Originally posted by Francisco d'Anconia
Anyone that feels that someone can be too old to become a DJ is probably too young to know any better.
I think my words are a little misunderstood here, I'm NOT saying that it's late to become a DJ, I'm just saying that it's probably too late to get the HOT 20s girls that he's been craving for.

If he couldn't do it in his 20s or 30s, no magic is gonna make it happen just like that with a finger snap when he's hitting his 40s.
The DJ stuff is always useful, but only when the targets are "reasonable" regarding what you've got

As some one said earlier, you might find chicks who will fvck once or twice just so that they will "have the experience", but if he's looking for a LTR with a good looking girl in her 20s...:rolleyes:
It's not impossible, just like it's not impossible for me to become a billionnaire...;)


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2003
Reaction score
Wine Country, Ca
Rub some dye in your hair (they have it for guys too you know! ;) shine your shoes, put on your best Bogart smirk and GO OUT! FLIRT! TEASE! DAZZLE! But what ever you do don't sit there and sigh that you're too old and you "just can't do it".

The only ones who are too old or too late are those who have given up. The quiters and the whiners who sit in at home watching TV 364 nights in a row and can't understand why women aren't banging their door down.

Fortune favors the bold!
It's easier to get forgiveness than permission!
Faint hearts never won fair ladies!

The pitch has been thrown....are you swinging?

Austin Allegro

Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
London, UK
40 is prime age for being a DJ I'd say.

I know two guys who are in their late forties. They are not amazingly good looking but are in good shape, dress well (smartly but not trying to look too fashionabl) and have greying/balding hair, but they STILL manage to get quality women in their late 20s early 30s, because they project charm, sophistication and won't put up with BS.

Conversely, I know a guy who is 42 and looks like something out of a Ralph Lauren advert, who owns a huge house with land and a swimming pool, and he DOESN'T get chicks. When I asked one of the women who turned him down (an extremely hot 28 year old) she said 'he just lets you walk all over him'.

Think on!

Bungo Pony

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2001
Reaction score
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Everytime I hear someone say "I'm too old", I want to slap them. This is a cop-out. I've heard people say "I'm too old to play music" or "I'm too old to get hot women". You're not too old if you're not on your death bed! Embrace the energy you have, embrace the things you've learned here, and go have some fun! You won't feel old.

You're at a great age! You've probably got yourself a decent job, a decent place to live, and a decent vehicle. You've got your life cut out for you. You've made a success of yourself. Women are attracted to men who have their 5hit together. Just keep yourself number one in your life, and the women will come. You've been successful this far in your life, why can't you be successful at dating young, hot women as well? There's no reason not to!

Go out and have some fun.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
truth is, every one wishes they found out aobut sosuave earlyer because the only reason people have looked for it is because they where desprate. I am 16, much younger then most of you, this forum was not around when most of you where my age, i do not know if the site was but i suspect it wasnt either. you may wish you found out earyler about this even i would, a 14 year old here said the same so truth is its not you, every one wishes they new this stuff earlyer.


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by check_mate_kid_uk
truth is, every one wishes they found out aobut sosuave earlyer because the only reason people have looked for it is because they where desprate. I am 16, much younger then most of you, this forum was not around when most of you where my age, i do not know if the site was but i suspect it wasnt either. you may wish you found out earyler about this even i would, a 14 year old here said the same so truth is its not you, every one wishes they new this stuff earlyer.
Well said! :)


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
wow ultra man, i just read your signiture

"Don't walk in like you own the place...walk in like you don't care who owns the place"

i like it, its inspiring, it allows you to find a mid point between confidence and arrogance because what will people think if you act like you own the place

jonny football hero

Master Don Juan
Jun 1, 2003
Reaction score
!Robin Hood country, Uk!
Originally posted by check_mate_kid_uk
truth is, every one wishes they found out aobut sosuave earlyer because the only reason people have looked for it is because they where desprate. I am 16, much younger then most of you, this forum was not around when most of you where my age, i do not know if the site was but i suspect it wasnt either. you may wish you found out earyler about this even i would, a 14 year old here said the same so truth is its not you, every one wishes they new this stuff earlyer.
Hey i found this when i was 14, i didn't want it earlier. Too busy playing with my toys.

Wait, why am i posting in here? Mature man, jonny! mature man!

As for my 2 cents ogre. Although it is Cliche, you are only as old as you feel, if you can get numbers of 20/30 year olds, i dont see the problem, go for it. your game will improve. Yeah sure most 40 year olds have settled down, doesn't mean you have to!

Good hunting man!


Master Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
Never too old

First off, never listen to a 24-year old's advice. You said flame away, start burning man.

You're never too old. I just figured out this DJ stuff, too, and I'm around your age Ogre. I dated a lot before, but I was a living, breathing, walking AFC, thinking I'm not worthy. Where did I learn that? Oh, 12 years of public school sh-t and a society which trashes men to no end did a pretty good number on me.

The day I discoverd was the day of enlightenment for me. It was the first (and still the only) source of information I found where it told men how to be men.

So enjoy life when you can, live it up. I read a GREAT article (wish I could find it) in Men's Health or Esquire on a 48-year old who was engaged to a 21-year old. (OK, Chewey Eric, I'm giving you props here ... you were right on many aspects.) While I think Player Supreme is correct in that it's best to marry close to your age, if you're just having fun with women, do whatever you want at whatever age bracket you chose. The article I'm refering to talked about how this guy never apologized for his age and who he was, never trashed his ex-wife, never compared his new gal to his ex-wife or vice versa, and was proud of who he is and proud of his girlfriend.

I think the essence of being a DJ is not only not feeling sorry for yourself but also not apologizing for who you are, if you've been married or not been married, divorced, not divorced, with kids, or not. The whole key for me is no longer letting our twisted AFC/corrupt/sick society dictate what I'm doing. I'm done with that.

* One of my good friends is a 60-year old head college football coach. He's been married twice, has two grown children and is now dating a hottie several years younger. I love hanging around him. He's fun, likes to go out and have a good time now and then, can converse with anyone, intelligent, great sense of humor. I feel like I'm hanging around a 30-year old because he's decided to live life to the fullest and not act old.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by Le Parisien
I think my words are a little misunderstood here, I'm NOT saying that it's late to become a DJ, I'm just saying that it's probably too late to get the HOT 20s girls that he's been craving for.
Oh, my mistake. There's probably a lot of truth there. But lets not forget that there are tons of 30+,40+ HBs out there. Some are even carrying their good looks beyond 50 without surgery by just taking care of themselves.

So yeah, the teenie-bopppers may be harder to get, but there's still a lot of fine experienced fillies out there who are holding their own!

white sox bill

Senior Don Juan
Sep 23, 2002
Reaction score
I'm 44, I've passivley (not passionatly) got 3 women, ages 26,28 and 29 who, once I recover from minor surgery, will almost certainly bone me. Not to mention a couple of women in their 30's who I have at my disposal. But the ones in thier 30's are also the bitter ones, who are becoming man-haters.

Unlike you though, I had almost unlimited pu**y when in my 20's and 30's. Now, I admit, I go thru more dry spells, and my carrer takes first dibbs, but if I'm pu$$yless, its because I've got other things going on.

Get in shape!! If not, start lifting weights, do CV exercise, and eat with a concern for muscle. I've been competing in bodybuilding since the 80's, and women LOVE a muscular man. If your going to be competing w/guys in their 20's, you gotta look good. Workout w/weights, trust me. (if you don't already)

Bottom line: Your never too old to date younger women. Just don't try to be too "hip" or act like your 24. If they wanted a 24 yr old, they would be with them. They want someone who acts more mature. Come back for moral support!