Am I just a bit naieve?


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2007
Reaction score
a house
So I have been listening to alot of Tom Leykis, like his stuff, but he can be a bit mean spirited at times. And he's talking about women/dating/sex, and about how men just want hot women dumb enough to sleep with them, and it got me thinking, maybe that's my problem. I have always wanted to just meet a nice girl and have a family someday, call me irrational, but I am certain that's what I want, I know about the cheating,the lying,the manipulation, the golddiggers, how they only go after "avvssholes with money", "regular" guys don't get a shot, etc.

But even after all that, I just want something honest with no lies and b.s. They had also interviewed a guy who talks about lying to get laid, saying he's a doctor,lawyer,etc, and of course,the chicks fall for it. I don't want to become that. It also got me thinking about my own intelligence.

They also said something about how back in the 50's, much more simpler times, they would take the young man aside and say be a man, but stopped cause it's not p.c. I don't ever remember being young and having either of my parents say that to me.


Senior Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
I hope I'm right in saying this, but I would guess that the majority of the guys on these boards are on here for the same reason as you, to eventually meet that one girl to settle down with. Unfortunately, or maybe it is fortunate, in order to meet that girl you have to go through a number of other girls and maybe some one night stands here and there.
The guys that lie to get laid don't have their inner game going for them, otherwise their own life would be interesting enough to attract women.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2007
Reaction score
a house
That's what has been getting me down since well, forever. This feeling of inadaquecy, not being interesting enough, having an exciting life, by all means, things have always been pretty regular for me. Whether that's say my own environment or perception, I don't know. My routine is usually,work,home,have been going out more a bit lately,but I have this constant emptiness,like things are not complete and I need something to fill it.