Am I An Enabler - Or the Hot Intern Conundrum


Don Juan
Aug 4, 2016
Reaction score
I have been dating a woman since February. We get along great, but there's no long-term there, we've both said we want to keep it casual and we haven't called each other BF/GF. So really, we're just dating, which is great. She may have an issue with me dating with other people, (she's asked if was sleeping with other women and I said "no" because that wasn't a lie), but if we're not an item, so what?

However, there are other women in my orbit I would like to date as well. One of them is the proverbial hot 21-year old intern.

The intern has a boyfriend. I think she might want to monkey branch, which I don't care for at all, but I've missed out on hot girls before because I thought I was taking the high road...but am I? If she's just casually dating a guy (not engaged) and is just waiting for a BBD. I've heard some advice online say you shouldn't enable women to act this way, but if she and her BF are headed for splitville anyway, am I in the wrong?

And yes, the "do unto others" advice does hold sway with me, as it has happened to me before. However, my counter would be - It happens to everyone. Hypergamy makes it so. Thoughts?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 23, 2012
Reaction score
I'll suggest that many girls with BFs tend to be more flirty than those that are single (in my experience). Especially the hot ones. I believe it's because they have something safe at home, so they'll reach out and have more fun, getting that high off of the flirtation. I'd take it as a compliment.

I'd consider the situation with the girl you're dating, that you're probably considered 'in a relationship'. Would vary depending on how frequent you guys spend time with each other... if it's a couple times to a few times a month, maybe not so much a formal relationship. If it's more often, then I'd think about it, even if you haven't titled each other BF/GF. It helps that you are established as 'casual', but something to consider.

Overall, I would say - go for it. I wouldn't expect anything per say about the intern girl. I'll suggest she may be attention seeking.