All Judo, Ju-Jitsu or BJJ practicians look here..


Jun 16, 2000
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Toms River,NJ United States
I know there have been many martial arts threads out there and a few of them have been started by me. However, I want some input from some of those who do practice any of the above.

I want to get back into martial arts (took TSK for one year) and grappling seems like the best form of self-defense.

While Muay Thai and Krav Maga seem bad ass and seem very effective on the street, I am not looking to seriously hurt anyone or be the "aggressor". These two martial arts seem like you can really hurt someone and seem more "offensive" than "defensive" in nature. I am looking more for a soft or "merciful" martial art where I can defend myself and Judo, JJ, BJJ seem to fit that bill. Not to mention, most fights do end up on the ground. I saw a clip on youtube the other day where a Hapkido Blackbelt's moves were totally ineffective against his BJJ sparring partner as soon as the BJJ black belt swiftly closed the distance. All Hapkido's flashy kicks and punches did not mean jack as soon as the BJJ practicioner took him down.

#1: I am NOT that athletic, is this a prerequisite?

#2: Does the sparring seem effective and give you bruises?

#3: Have you ever used it on the street?



Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
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I've been doing BJJ for about 8 months, so I'm definitely not an expert but I can answer the basic questions.

mahon83050 said:
#1: I am NOT that athletic, is this a prerequisite?
Definitely not, but it helps.

#2: Does the sparring seem effective and give you bruises?
Well there is no punching involved, which would be different from a self defense situation obviously. In real life a mugger probably isn't going to try to arm bar you, but the stuff you learn can really help you if you end up on the ground. You will learn how to get good positions and how to escape from bad positions, also the submissions can be very useful for self defense.

Where I train we put on MMA gloves and include punching sometimes (we don't actually punch each other full force, just enough so the other guy feels it) and it changes things a bit.

I got bruises when I first started, now I almost never get them anymore, your body gets used to it.

#3: Have you ever used it on the street?
No... and I hope I'm never in a situation like that. I don't want to be rolling around on the ground, especially since it would probably be on concrete, there could be broken glass, multiple assailants, weapons, etc. But again, if you do end up on the ground, and many self defense situations seem to, it can really help. But I really think everyone's first priority in a self defense situation should be to run away, very fast, if possible.


Aug 14, 2005
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I've been doing Ju jitsu for nearly 3years now.

mahon83050 said:
#1: I am NOT that athletic, is this a prerequisite?
I'm tempted to say that it isn't, but from my experience it is. But I wouldn't worry you'll get fitter as you do it, it's no major problem.

mahon83050 said:
#2: Does the sparring seem effective and give you bruises?
Depends if you want it to. If you find a good partner your size you can just adjust and go as hard as you want.
Man that sounds gay... lol

mahon83050 said:
#3: Have you ever used it on the street?
No, neither would I. To be able to use the techniques at real time in a situation on the street you'd have to be very very well trained.
After three years I'm about at the stage where I'd realistically use some of the most simple moves on the street.

mahon83050 said:
I am looking more for a soft or "merciful" martial art where I can defend myself and Judo, JJ, BJJ seem to fit that bill.
JJ is neither merciful or nice. Anyway you look at it you're going to have to beat someone up to stop them attacking you, whether this means punching them or breaking a few joints.


Jun 16, 2000
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Toms River,NJ United States
MuayThai said:
I've been doing Ju jitsu for nearly 3years now.

I'm tempted to say that it isn't, but from my experience it is. But I wouldn't worry you'll get fitter as you do it, it's no major problem.

Depends if you want it to. If you find a good partner your size you can just adjust and go as hard as you want.
Man that sounds gay... lol

No, neither would I. To be able to use the techniques at real time in a situation on the street you'd have to be very very well trained.
After three years I'm about at the stage where I'd realistically use some of the most simple moves on the street.

JJ is neither merciful or nice. Anyway you look at it you're going to have to beat someone up to stop them attacking you, whether this means punching them or breaking a few joints.

Thanks for the input. Just to confirm you take Ju-Jitsu and NOT BJJ, correct?

I would rather take JJ than BJJ myself, but it seems JJ places are harder to find.
Nov 8, 2005
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***** palace
I'm brown belt Judo, actually took it in Japan and I'm also blue in Aikido. I would really recommend Judo since it teaches you both take downs, throws and submission skills. If you want to improve your striking take Muai Thai, Karate or Brazilian Kick Boxing. Ju-Jistu is another good one to learn, especially for improving ground game. If you go to a good gym and work hard, you'll get your black belt in 3-5 years.


Jun 16, 2000
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Toms River,NJ United States
PeterNorthisawesome said:
I'm brown belt Judo, actually took it in Japan and I'm also blue in Aikido. I would really recommend Judo since it teaches you both take downs, throws and submission skills. If you want to improve your striking take Muai Thai, Karate or Brazilian Kick Boxing. Ju-Jistu is another good one to learn, especially for improving ground game. If you go to a good gym and work hard, you'll get your black belt in 3-5 years.

The only thing that concerns me about Judo is that some websites say "Judo is a sport first and foremost." Self-defense and a good workout are my main priority.
Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
***** palace
mahon83050 said:
The only thing that concerns me about Judo is that some websites say "Judo is a sport first and foremost." Self-defense and a good workout are my main priority.
All martial art is self-defense if you use it right. If you want to learn a martial art that is pure defense and self-defence then take AIKIDO. It teaches how you avoid punches, kicks and take downs. It even teaches you how to disarm ppl with knives and guns.

I still think you should learn Judo since it's both defence and offense and to protect yourself you sometimes need to be the aggresor.


Jun 16, 2000
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Toms River,NJ United States
PeterNorthisawesome said:
All martial art is self-defense if you use it right. If you want to learn a martial art that is pure defense and self-defence then take AIKIDO. It teaches how you avoid punches, kicks and take downs. It even teaches you how to disarm ppl with knives and guns.

I still think you should learn Judo since it's both defence and offense and to protect yourself you sometimes need to be the aggresor.
I have my own opinions about Aikido. I have read it is not that practical and for it to really work in the street, you have to be some expert.

Do your Judo classes teach you how to punch?


Aug 14, 2005
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mahon83050 said:
Thanks for the input. Just to confirm you take Ju-Jitsu and NOT BJJ, correct?

I would rather take JJ than BJJ myself, but it seems JJ places are harder to find.
Yeah I do JJ, and I'm a blue belt.

I don't know about the differences between JJ and BJJ.


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
Reaction score
If your looking to take something for self defense. Brazilian jiu-jitsu and muy thai rule. Muy thai wil improve your striking skills and your clinching skills. Bjj will improve your ground game and your clinching skills.

A streetfight is divided into 3 segments.

1. Stand up.
2. The clinch.
3. Ground fight.

Wrestling is the best for takedowns. But if you do BJJ or Muy thai when fighting a guy on the street unless he is a divison 1 wrestler he is going down. Muythai and BJJ practictioners have a strong clinch which usually means being good at takedowns and takedown defense compared to the guy your going to fight on the street.


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
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Jayer said:
what about good old fashioned boxing?

Boxing is pretty good but I prefer muythai. Reason being is its very easy to break your hands in a street fight. Muythai has elbows and knees in its arsenal and the elbow is one of the strongest and sharpest bones in the body. If you hit someone with a hard elbow shot you will split his head open. The elbow is also a harder bone to break than the hand. The bones in the hand tend to be fragile. This is the weakness of using boxing on the street.


Jun 16, 2000
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Toms River,NJ United States
Well, I think I've ruled out Judo since a few Judo websites state "it is a sport first and foremost and if you are looking strictly for self-defense look elsewhere."

I think I have narrowed it down to Krav Maga, BJJ or JJ.


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
Reaction score
I'd go with BJJ. My instructor says the BJJ ground game is far more advanced than the JJ ground game. Also, they had a Krav Maga class visit my gym a couple of months ago and I was there working out, I watched it for a couple of minutes and I wasn't impressed.


Jun 16, 2000
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Toms River,NJ United States
Kerpal said:
I'd go with BJJ. My instructor says the BJJ ground game is far more advanced than the JJ ground game. Also, they had a Krav Maga class visit my gym a couple of months ago and I was there working out, I watched it for a couple of minutes and I wasn't impressed.
Well, yeah. I think the primary difference between BJJ and JJ is that BJJ is 3/5 ground fighting and JJ is more stand up fighting.