All girls are sluts

3agle 3yes

Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2012
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I was just watching this video (it's about 50 mins).

Now, I haven't been to the US (and therefore haven't been to L.A. or Vegas), but his line about how most hot girls have f*cked at least 40 guys, in my experience is BS. Funny thing is, he talks like it's a fact and if you don't believe it you're some kind of 'dork'. Yet he contradicts himself when he says MOST guys are dorks, of course if most guys are dorks who are the 40 guys (he said 40 guys at least) these hot girls are ****ing and why are there so many men who want to learn game? He's also dated escorts and loved it apparently, I'm sure most of his experiences with women has been specific and I don't think he's been to other countries (or been there long enough). But even still, I'm sure the US is no different to anywhere else or am I wrong?

I get what he is saying and I'm sexual with every woman I'm attracted to, but women don't like sex the SAME WAY men do...otherwise I'd probably never have to speak to a woman to get laid again.

Don't get me wrong I have had many ONSs but I'm generally one of the few (sometimes only) guy she had one with. Girls won't just f*ck anybody...epescially when you have to do most of the leading and if that's the case (and it most certainly is) how is she going to f*ck 60+ guys? When most guys have an average of 5 sex partners in their life time?

He seems to go from one extreme (women being asexual) to the other (women ****ing tons of guys because if they don't they 're "boring").

His idea that all hot girls party hard and have orgies is laughable as well.

Does anyone from the US agree with most of what he says?


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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There is no "All X are Y"

I think the guy is pretty lame and has an ignorant black and white way of thinking. But considering he's got seminars to sell and money to make, it makes sense why he says the things he does.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
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Sorry I couldn't make it past the first minute.. his voice, the way he keeps looking at his phone, and that outrageously douchey outfit made me too depressed.

3agle 3yes

Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2012
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Jaylan said:
There is no "All X are Y"...
Was this aimed at me? Of course not all girls are sluts...This is NOT my view but Tyler from RSD.

Besides, I needed an eye-catching title and you read it, so it worked.

In2theGame said:
The problem with this is that this clip might be taken out of context, maybe he was being sarcastic, maybe he was talking from the point of view of a woman? Do you know where the full video for that clip is?

I think some of his videos are good...but after watching this one he has lost all credibility with me.

As for girls who have 40+ lays. I have disdain for girls that talk dirty during sex, also when girls attempt to suck my d*ck before I let them...basically, I have disdain for girls who make me think I 'm f*cking a prostitute.

I prefer submissive girls...most men are sadists to a degree anyway (also most women are masochists to a degree else can they enjoy getting f*cked).

The thought of girls getting wild and sweaty with other men DOESN'T disgust's the thought that she probably gave it away for free that does....


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
i seriously do not know one girl that has ****ed 40 guys. I know some pretty f'n hot girls. I mean, they are out ther.. okay I Know 1 lol. this black and white thinking is how you get guys like Ambitious player questioning everything. life isn't that hard guys.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2013
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When a girl tells you her the fvck can you be sure that's real?!? As the saying goes "whatever number a guy tells you...take 3 away from it. Whatever number a girl tells you....add 3 to it."

I would say that 40, while relatively high is not an extraordinary high number if the girl is like late 20's or 30 years old.

I would say that a common number for a senior girl in college who went out and partied quite a bit is around 15-20 by the end of college.

In my experience, girls are either virgins/slept with just a handful of guys or they are comfortable with their sexuality and have slept with 15+ guys. There is not a huge middle road. There are the girls who are deathly afraid of being labeled slvts who are either virgins, or the few guys they have fvcked are long term relationships, and on the other end, there are girls that will sleep with a guy within the first few times of meeting him.

I would go so far as to say that with our society and the massive fear of being labeled a many girls do you think tell ANYONE the ACTUAL number of guys they've fvcked?? Even their closest friends...I mean back when i had just slept with 2 or 3 girls, i was VERY ashamed to admit that. We were playing a game at a bar, and people started going around the table saying their numbers....One guy said around 20, another girl said about 16. At the time, i had only been with like 2 or 3, so naturallly i beefed my number up to like 8.

I'm not trying to defend Tyler necessarily or say he's right...All i'm saying is don't be blinded by the perceived innocence. I mean, on this forum compared to many other places, we have a very good idea of how sexual all girls are.

And while as you say "the average guy has 5 sex partners in his life time"...i would say that 5 might only be the average just because the majority of guys probably only sleep with but a few girls in their life. The guys that are truly alpha and get laid a lot...might sleep with closer to 50 or 100 girls. I've heard the "80/20" rule mentioned before. The top 20% of guys sleep with 80% of the girls. Meaning, that college football quarterback is going to bang dozens of girls, while the other 80-90% of guys in college might "get lucky" just 3 or 4 times.

Once you factor the college hookup culture into it.... I mean i dont think it's unusual for many girls to go on a "rampage" their freshmen year and sleep with 5-10 guys.

It's not outrageous to say (in college), that out of the dozens of weekend nights a girl goes out and parties in a year....she might go home with 5 guys that year. Multiply that by 4 or 5 years of college plus whoever she sleeps with during the summers, high school, and after graduation.....and you're quickly approaching that 40.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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^Lmao...even the sluttiest men and women I know havent reached 40 partners, let alone 30. I swear...dudes get too caught up with unrealistic partner counts. Many people dont even cross 15 or 20 partners in their lifetime.

Lol @ average guy has 5 partners in his lifetime. Most guys I meet have more partners than that and they still arent alpha. So people have a distorted view of what everyones partner count is. The 80/20 bullsh!it is incorrect as well. I know dudes far from "alpha" with partner counts over ten. And I saw plenty of different kinds of dudes get laid in college.

People need to stop thinking most women go after the same kind of guy. Its just incorrect.
3agle 3yes said:
Was this aimed at me? Of course not all girls are sluts...This is NOT my view but Tyler from RSD.

Besides, I needed an eye-catching title and you read it, so it worked.
It was a response to the lame title and video. Why so defensive?

The problem with this is that this clip might be taken out of context, maybe he was being sarcastic, maybe he was talking from the point of view of a woman? Do you know where the full video for that clip is?

I think some of his videos are good...but after watching this one he has lost all credibility with me.
Its really not. The guy is an arrogant scam artist with a feminine voice and no sense of style.

As for girls who have 40+ lays. I have disdain for girls that talk dirty during sex, also when girls attempt to suck my d*ck before I let them...basically, I have disdain for girls who make me think I 'm f*cking a prostitute.
We all have our preferences. I like dirty talk to a degree. Dirty talk doesnt make me or plenty of guys think we are screwing a prostitute. For us called enjoying sex and getting into the moment.

And lmao...most guys love assertive women willing to give good head. I swear some of you young guys here are too funny.

I prefer submissive girls...most men are sadists to a degree anyway (also most women are masochists to a degree else can they enjoy getting f*cked).
A man who likes submissive women isnt a sadist. Look up what that means. And a woman who enjoys being submissive isnt a masochist. You need a dictionary my friend. Women can enjoy getting screwed because it feels good. S&M is about mixing pain and humiliation with sex. Most men and women arent into that.

I like when a chick is submissive, but I also like a chick who knows how to take charge and who really meshes with me in bed.
The thought of girls getting wild and sweaty with other men DOESN'T disgust's the thought that she probably gave it away for free that does....
Isnt most sex free? Guys dont pay women for sex. And even if I end up in a relationship...I still see myself as getting sex for free because I was likely getting it before the commitment, and can freely leave the commitment whenever I want.

Chicks have gotten wild and sweaty with men prior to meeting you. Get used to that reality....and get used to the reality that most chicks have had at least one FWB where the guy didnt have to put in much work before having sex. Sometimes two people meet, decide they click, are attracted to one another, and ignore all the bs and just enjoy one another physically.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 17, 2012
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Since I stopped being judgemental a few months ago I have heard the true counts of three girls who had no reason to lie to me. One was 30+, one was 50+ and one was 80+.

Hot girls attend orgies. How do I know this? Take one goddamned guess.

Your assertion that girls don't like sex is an AFC fallacy. What you mean is that girls don't like having sex with YOU. Luckily this is easily fixed once you stop being so judgemental.

Also the MEDIAN guy has had sex with five women. This is different to the AVERAGE. There are most likely a small number of guys who are skewing the results.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2013
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Jaylan said:
^Lmao...even the sluttiest men and women I know havent reached 40 partners, let alone 30. I swear...dudes get too caught up with unrealistic partner counts. Many people dont even cross 15 or 20 partners in their lifetime
All i'm saying man...of the "sluttiest men and women" you many of them A) Have actually told you how many people they've slept with? and B) Told the truth about it?

How many people you've slept with is not exactly a common topic of least not where i'm from...and I go to a school that is a huge party school. And when it does come up (especially in a public setting), the guys are going to bump up their numbers and the girls are going to either refuse to tell or decrease their number significantly. It's nearly impossible to know with any accuracy the average number for being the cynical person i am, i tend to assume the worst.

I have MANY friends that are girls. I couldn't tell you the number of people that ANY of them have been with. Part of this is that I neither ask nor care. Same with guys. I have no idea how many girls ANY of my closest friends have been with. I wouldn't believe both my guy friends and girl friends if they told me anyway.

And keep in mind the type of girls that people like Tyler (and most PUA's) are going after. Regardless of the Don Juan ideal of "quality women", most guys just want to get fvcking laid. And the girls they go after likely have a very high number of sexual partners. Sure, the guys on this forum will preach "oh, you need to make sure she's quality...if she's slept with dozens of girls, she's poor quality, just next her". Maybe i'm the exception on this board (although im sure i'm not)...but if i go out and meet a girl....i dont immediately start screening her for a relationship. I escalate as quickly and as physically as I can and push for the fvcking lay man. I just want to get it in. Sure, i'd love to date a high quality girl...but until i meet her i'm going to continue to try to get laid.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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gravityeyelids said:
All i'm saying man...of the "sluttiest men and women" you many of them A) Have actually told you how many people they've slept with? and B) Told the truth about it?
We know men have lower standards and are willing to sleep around more than women. We also know that men will lie and increase their partner count. Now if the sluttiest men I know havent given me partner counts over 40...what makes you think that men and women with partner counts over 40 is something common?

I have two good friends Ive known for with a partner count of around 5, another in the 30s, and Im in the middle ground amongst. I know for a fact these numbers are correct as Ive known these dudes since we were teens. They have no reason to lie, and I have seen them in action with women, so I know what numbers they are capable of and would allow themselves to get.

Im sure the same thing happens in chick circles, despite this idea that people are never honest about their number, and that middle ground chicks dont exist. I know chicks from all ends of the spectrum.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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I've been to Vegas multiple times. At Marquee they have a Cabana which you can get for $4000 and people always get it. If you're making good money, you think it's not that big of a deal because you want to have an epic time in Vegas.
I heard that Lebron James spent $250,000 at that club in one night.

40 guys is not that much. Hot girls are getting approached thousands of times cumulatively if they go out all the time. Not to mention that girls will literally THROW THEMSELVES at a hot guy. And you don't think the guy is going to hit that if they have the opportunity?

Let's take for example a hot girl who comes to LA to do "acting". The moment she gets off the plane at LAX, she is getting approached by guys who want her to come to parties. So a girl who lives in LA or Vegas will probably have sex with 3-5 guys a week if she's going out. You do the math.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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skinnyguy said:
I've been to Vegas multiple times. At Marquee they have a Cabana which you can get for $4000 and people always get it. If you're making good money, you think it's not that big of a deal because you want to have an epic time in Vegas.
I heard that Lebron James spent $250,000 at that club in one night.

40 guys is not that much. Hot girls are getting approached thousands of times cumulatively if they go out all the time. Not to mention that girls will literally THROW THEMSELVES at a hot guy. And you don't think the guy is going to hit that if they have the opportunity?

Let's take for example a hot girl who comes to LA to do "acting". The moment she gets off the plane at LAX, she is getting approached by guys who want her to come to parties. So a girl who lives in LA or Vegas will probably have sex with 3-5 guys a week if she's going out. You do the math.
Many assumptions here. This is all assuming;

1) ...that an attractive person has no morals. Just because someone is attractive, does not mean they will accept even piece of tail thrown at them. I have a buddy whos a natural bodybuilder. Girls fling themselves at him in clubs, try to get to know him on the beach, and drool over him at the gym. Yet hes been faithfully seeing the same girl for 2 years and have a number under 5. Homeboy looks like a fitness model and has so many options, but is loyal as hell.

2) ...that an attractive person will constantly party several nights a week for an extended length of time. Ive known some attractive people in my day...and everyone has down time. Life isnt like what you see on tv, even with people that live in party capitals.

3) ...that an attractive person will seek out a new conquest every time they go out. Depending on who the person is, they may want someone new, or they will hit up someone they previously met and enjoy their time again. Or better yet...they might actually be dating someone.

These are all possibilities here and grey areas exist too. Too many of you here are black and white about all this and make a lot of assumptions about people based solely on their attractiveness. Sure some people skank it up and party constantly but that isnt the majority of people out there.

Anyways, from what Ive seen...there are sluts and prudes and in between. And these people can be regular looking folks, ugly folks, or good looking folks. Thats the last I have to contribute to this thread though. These partner count discussion are played out and end up going in circles.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
skinnyguy said:
I've been to Vegas multiple times. At Marquee they have a Cabana which you can get for $4000 and people always get it. If you're making good money, you think it's not that big of a deal because you want to have an epic time in Vegas.
I heard that Lebron James spent $250,000 at that club in one night.

40 guys is not that much. Hot girls are getting approached thousands of times cumulatively if they go out all the time. Not to mention that girls will literally THROW THEMSELVES at a hot guy. And you don't think the guy is going to hit that if they have the opportunity?

Let's take for example a hot girl who comes to LA to do "acting". The moment she gets off the plane at LAX, she is getting approached by guys who want her to come to parties. So a girl who lives in LA or Vegas will probably have sex with 3-5 guys a week if she's going out. You do the math.
you're speaking from hypothetical. I'm speaking from real life knowing women, that live in LA, who are good looking and I don't know anyone that is remotely close to 40. I know 2 people in my entire life that have crossed 40 lays

1. my old best friend Brad who is 6'2 and chizzeld and probably hit that before he was out of college

2. my dad

i will take it a step further. I bet money if you followed 100 "Hot guys" and 100 "hot girls" the hot guys number will be 3x more than the hot girls number

this is what you and your hypothesis do not understand about "hot women"

yes they get thrown at a lot and yes women like sex.. women will have more sex than the avg hot man will but she will have it with ONE Guy. women don't go to clubs looking to cruise and have ONS. it happens, but they don't look for it. When I go to the club, that's like, my primary objective lol. My entire purpose is to have sex, get a bacon egg and cheese on rasin from the waffle house after leaving the club, and to get as many numbers as I can so that I can have more sex.

women get hit on a lot but women are a lot picker than men are. the woman that brought me to this site, drop dead georgous. 9 by pretty much anyone's standards. got hit on so much that it was stupid and her entire life she's slept with no more than 5 men. me, her husband, her old school teacher who she dated, her first, and a cop she had a thing for. girl was a horn toad, a freak, but was not cruising the streets looking for hot guys. she'd just call and ask you to come over or just come over your house.

getting dolled up, going to the clubs, going ot bars, that takes effort and if you are really hot, that's too much work. really hot females go to the clubs for the lolz, they already have guys to get sex from.

even the sluttiest of my wife's friends, who is by all measures, a *****, her number is probably closer to 25. and **** that's HIGH. she has a lot of sex but she has it with the same men over and over again. I have a cousin with 3 kids, and we joke with her ****ing the entire armed forces since she's in the military and her number is not close to 40. she goes from one guy to the next.

do you nkow how much sex you have to have to **** 40 women.

I'm one of the most successful guys on this site by pretty much any standard you want o use and my number is probably between 25-30. 5 of that was before I Got out of high school, a few here and there and then in a period of plate spinning where I was going on dates 3-4 nights a week for 3 years, i probably added an additional 20-25 new women and THAT'S A LOT. think about it. 25 ****ing plates in 3 years. not even plates. that's just the plates i actually ****ed.

do you know hard it is to **** 40 people lol? you are either a porn star or you you are into gangbangs.

even if you COULD **** 40 people there is a point of diminishing returns where you get tired of it all. Even the sluttist of sluts is not going to **** 30 guys and not wonder would it would be like to settle down. rather or not she is wifey material is not the point if she's hot enough to **** 30 guys she's hot enough to have someone want to marry her and she will try to be a housewife and stop ****ing guys every week.

it's almost logistically impossible.

men and women get horny but it's a different horny. when I get horny, honestly, i don't particular care wha ti have sex with. Have legs, cute feet is preferable lol, i'd like a blow job thrown in but I mean, when I was single I really did not give a damn.

women, when they get horny it's because a particular guy makes them horny. when she gets horny she doesn't go the club to look for men she calls the guy who makes her hot. sometimes it might be a guy in the club that makes her hot, but women aren't taking home men like men take home women.

let me put it another way. my wife, to be 36 even, is pretty f'n hot. works out everyday still, still wears a size 4... i've said this before if we got a divorce and had a "who can get more sex contest" she'd slaughter me, and I'm a catch. it would not be close if her goal was to set out to have as much sex as she possibly could.

however, i've slept with about 5x more people than she has and she's 6 years older. she's had much more sex than i have, just with less people.

on avg i've probably had sex with each girl I've had sex with 3 times. on avg. some once. some 10 times. a few more than that. but on avg 3 times seems about right. Whereas a woman might **** the same guy for a year rather she's dating him or not. the girls I really really clicked with, my wife obviously, the girl that brought me to this site, i had a LOT of sex with. i was one of those guys for those girls. one girl in particular i probably had sex with at least, no exaggeration,50 times in a one month span.

so the real question you need to be asking is who is worse.. the guy who has sex with 10 girls 3 times or the girl who has sex with 2 guys 40 times each.

please, get out in the field.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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backbreaker said:
you're speaking from hypothetical. I'm speaking from real life knowing women, that live in LA, who are good looking and I don't know anyone that is remotely close to 40. I know 2 people in my entire life that have crossed 40 lays

1. my old best friend Brad who is 6'2 and chizzeld and probably hit that before he was out of college

2. my dad

i will take it a step further. I bet money if you followed 100 "Hot guys" and 100 "hot girls" the hot guys number will be 3x more than the hot girls number

this is what you and your hypothesis do not understand about "hot women"

yes they get thrown at a lot and yes women like sex.. women will have more sex than the avg hot man will but she will have it with ONE Guy. women don't go to clubs looking to cruise and have ONS. it happens, but they don't look for it. When I go to the club, that's like, my primary objective lol. My entire purpose is to have sex, get a bacon egg and cheese on rasin from the waffle house after leaving the club, and to get as many numbers as I can so that I can have more sex.

women get hit on a lot but women are a lot picker than men are. the woman that brought me to this site, drop dead georgous. 9 by pretty much anyone's standards. got hit on so much that it was stupid and her entire life she's slept with no more than 5 men. me, her husband, her old school teacher who she dated, her first, and a cop she had a thing for. girl was a horn toad, a freak, but was not cruising the streets looking for hot guys. she'd just call and ask you to come over or just come over your house.

getting dolled up, going to the clubs, going ot bars, that takes effort and if you are really hot, that's too much work. really hot females go to the clubs for the lolz, they already have guys to get sex from.

even the sluttiest of my wife's friends, who is by all measures, a *****, her number is probably closer to 25. and **** that's HIGH. she has a lot of sex but she has it with the same men over and over again. I have a cousin with 3 kids, and we joke with her ****ing the entire armed forces since she's in the military and her number is not close to 40. she goes from one guy to the next.

do you nkow how much sex you have to have to **** 40 women.

I'm one of the most successful guys on this site by pretty much any standard you want o use and my number is probably between 25-30. 5 of that was before I Got out of high school, a few here and there and then in a period of plate spinning where I was going on dates 3-4 nights a week for 3 years, i probably added an additional 20-25 new women and THAT'S A LOT. think about it. 25 ****ing plates in 3 years. not even plates. that's just the plates i actually ****ed.

do you know hard it is to **** 40 people lol? you are either a porn star or you you are into gangbangs.

even if you COULD **** 40 people there is a point of diminishing returns where you get tired of it all. Even the sluttist of sluts is not going to **** 30 guys and not wonder would it would be like to settle down. rather or not she is wifey material is not the point if she's hot enough to **** 30 guys she's hot enough to have someone want to marry her and she will try to be a housewife and stop ****ing guys every week.

it's almost logistically impossible.

men and women get horny but it's a different horny. when I get horny, honestly, i don't particular care wha ti have sex with. Have legs, cute feet is preferable lol, i'd like a blow job thrown in but I mean, when I was single I really did not give a damn.

women, when they get horny it's because a particular guy makes them horny. when she gets horny she doesn't go the club to look for men she calls the guy who makes her hot. sometimes it might be a guy in the club that makes her hot, but women aren't taking home men like men take home women.

please, get out in the field.

BB I'm really surprised you believe this.

Your wife's slut friend told you 25 and you believed her? LOL

Let's take for example a 25 year old girl who has been having sex since she was 16. 5 guys a year, that's 45 guys. 5 guys a year? That's nothing dude! So yes, it makes sense what the RSD guy is saying.

The good looking women have access to good looking men. Just look at sorority girls. You don't think they are getting railed by multiple jock frat guys on a weekly basis?

Sure, they are picky, but when a good looking guy approaches them they WILL have sex with him unless his game is terrible. And there are a lot of guys like that approaching them.


Master Don Juan
Jun 3, 2013
Reaction score
Yeah they're all s1uts.... every last one lol.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
skinnyguy said:
BB I'm really surprised you believe this.

Your wife's slut friend told you 25 and you believed her? LOL

Let's take for example a 25 year old girl who has been having sex since she was 16. 5 guys a year, that's 45 guys. 5 guys a year? That's nothing dude! So yes, it makes sense what the RSD guy is saying.

The good looking women have access to good looking men. Just look at sorority girls. You don't think they are getting railed by multiple jock frat guys on a weekly basis?

Sure, they are picky, but when a good looking guy approaches them they WILL have sex with him unless his game is terrible. And there are a lot of guys like that approaching them.
Arent you one of the guys on the forum who always brings up the topic of not doing well with women in college? Or how you never got the opportunity?

As someone who partied at college and visited different universities, I can tell you that while people sleep around, its definitely not people screwing multiple folks on a weekly basis. Youre basing your entire position on assumptions based on attractiveness level. Just cause a guy is attractive and has charisma does not mean every freaking attractive chick is gonna sleep with him. Go make friends with attractive dudes and they will tell you its not as easy as you make it.

Anyways most college kids into casual sex will hook up with someone and have a ONS, or they have steady flings for some time before moving on to the next one. They dont have sex with 2 or 3 people a week, and then switch it up each week. Get real dude. Its annoying how some of you dont speak from experience. You really think most women in their 20s average 5 partners a year? Many attractive women arent single long enough for that to happen.

And btw, some men and women are honest about their partner count and dont care about people judging them for it. So while that girl maybe lied about 25 partners, if a woman really wanted to lie and create a false image of herself, she definitely wouldnt give a number higher than 20. So while Im always skeptical of the number of partners a man or woman tells me, Ill be trusting of the answer if they are someone Ive known to be an honest person.


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
Yeah, I know at least 5 girls that are 40+ and still in their 20's. If you practice non judgmentalism(real or trickery) they will tell you.

Give a woman the impression that you've been with a lot of women and that you're turned on by deviant acts by women - and you too shall begin to get a glimpse of the truth.


As far as the video...

I didn't see much wrong with the video. I only watched 10 minutes of it because I have better things to do than listen to a guy talk about things I already know.

The lover/provider frame is a real thing, and women will treat you based on how they see you fit into it. The girl that made you wait 4 dates, probably has had more than one ONS in her life. It just means she sees you as boyfriend material and is acting accordingly.


As far as the average # of partners a woman has had being 40....

First, the # means nothing. It's pulled out of thin air, and is only a (very liberal) estimate.

I think the point is just that attractive women have been with far more guys than the average guy believes (see: guys who haven't been with many women).

This is especially true when they've been single for a long time + were party girls in college (plenty of women aren't) + still go out and party a lot (or are still in college). This type of girl I'm describing: happens to be the kind of girls that Tyler and company probably run into the most. So his estimate is not a surprise. It also doesn't surprise me when some guys think it's closer to 5-10. It's all about your own personal experiences when it comes to things like this (which is why it's flawed.)


As far as guys in here believing women's #s.....


All you can do is estimate....

And that number means nothing; other than you are a fool who needs more experience if you believe it...

The only # you can ever know the absolute truth to is your own. And my absolute truth is - I have no idea what my # is.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2009
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I have found out the numbers of two female friends that are objectively "hot". One is half asian with an amazing a$$ and gets hit on ALL the time by male models and top tier guys.

We've been friends about 6 years and a few months ago when we were on a road trip we brought up partner count. This girl has no fear of being labeled a slvt, she does who and what she wants.

She told me that her number was somewhere in the high 30's, and she's 23 years old. She said my other friend was in the 50's.

These are probably the most openly "slvtty" girls I know. Not bad people by any means, they just find a new d!ck easily because they are very hot.

I personally have slept with 33 so I just simply don't care what a girl's number is. If it's higher than 30 and she's at my age, I know she's not LTR worthy. Like my friends. They're cool, but whoever wifes them up has no idea how many times they've been double-teamed. Otherwise, who gives a fvck? I'm sleeping around (and being safe) so they can do the same.