AF's Approach Log


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
I have finally come to a point where my body is compelled to cold approach, something i havent done for years. I have had enough of being humiliated by OLD, and i want to feel taking my agency as a man back from it. The primary goal of this approach log is not to find a woman. It's for my future mental health's sake, to create a state of contented reminiscence over what i did do, instead of in 10 years feeling regret, guilt and anger over what i didnt even try to do.

Approach One

I passed two girls sitting on a city waterfront bench, one looked like my type, so i said "hey can i sit here?" and they said "of course" and we started talking a bit. They were 19 year old 2nd generation syrians. Neither of them really showed IOIs, especially not the one i wanted. Then a third girl came along intermittently, who was more "spirited" to talk to. I definitely overstayed my welcome with the two girls, even though i didnt attempt to talk to them all the time, not because they necessarily wanted to get rid of me but because it became a dead end after a while. I was considering escalating, but didnt bother to try due to the absence of interest. Chatted a little with a guy who passed by. It was already a late sunday, after this approach i went home... the last thing i did was to pass by the 3rd girl again further down, and tell her "hey B... good luck with love ;)".

But the most interesting was when all 3 looked at their phone to talk about a guy who was "very good looking" and it was obvious they wanted him, i asked to see him..... and he looked like just a normal (presumably syrian) guy with a beard, like a "car mechanic" meme. I almost couldnt believe it, but that one was a "black pill defuser". He didnt look bad, just not some way a black piller would say stands out as good. I dont know how tall he was either, but presumably he would be shorter than me (im 6'2).

No need to overstay your welcome; from my disparate experience i believe girls know very quickly whether they want you, and they will behave accordingly to help you and make it easy for you if they do, or vice versa if not. I want to try more direct game that gets to the junction point quickly, i really dont believe in platonic "talk" with women per se. What girls consider hot seems weirdly idiosyncratic, and now i want to know whether i even am anyone's type. I will keep approaching, and chatting with the guy who passed by made me feel i should approach anyone i feel like just to practice talking to them, making an impression, and then ending it somehow - not at all necessarily just approaching women i want to hit on.
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Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2018
Reaction score
I was really excited to read your story and see that you'd pulled the trigger and started your journey. You've done the hardest part which is to start up from nothing. Now you just have to keep the momentum up and if you do that without taking any breaks for any reason, it will continue getting easier and easier.

I agree that your goal now should be talking to anyone and everyone. I wouldn't put the pressure of direct approaches on yourself just yet - it makes it easier at first if you go into each interaction telling yourself you aren't going to even try to get a number - just have an interaction and then leave. Once you get that down, you can go direct. But there are no rules.