African American women are by far harder to game other black guys post..


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
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Please no flaming its just my opinions read and leave your opinions as well.

I'm a black male born in a black area. I have nothing but black friends and sarge around nothing but black females. And I just have to say this.. black women (the ones from the "hoood") are just less naieve than caucassion women. I'm sorry its just the truth.

Part of the problem: I think black men are more typically alpha. We are raised to be tougher and are put in situations that require us to be more alpha.

This does not apply to all black men mostly ones raised around other black people.

When I go places and try to talk to white women I get way better results with less effort.. why? I dunno really. Maybe its the myth? (Which isn't true) but I tend to think that we are more aggressive.

Just a short rant I moreso posted this to see if anyone else noticed this.
Any white don juans who like chocolate want to add there 2 centns?
Any black don juans who like vanilla (soloman) want to contribute please do.


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2008
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Black girls are much more in your face and banter more, call you out for **** more. On the other hand they usually are pretty straightforward with how they feel.


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
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intrextrovert said:
Black girls are much more in your face and banter more, call you out for **** more. On the other hand they usually are pretty straightforward with how they feel.
Yeah and when dealing with them you have to be extra aggressive..


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2009
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I like gaming non-hood black chicks. I'm not attracted to hood chicks anyway.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2007
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I dont know about the so called "hood chicks" but i went to a highschool with mostly African Americans and i find it much easier to talk to black girls. I dont think its easier to game white girls than black girls.... no way
Feb 5, 2009
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i do agree that blacks are more aggressive because the way there culture raised them
they are lucky
im actually really jealous that they got such a masculine upbringing


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2006
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im white, and i actually lost my virginity to a 33yr old single black mom from the _hood_ with her preteen daughter in the same room..compared to other girls ive had sex with it took pretty much an equal amount of work (the other girls have been mostly white and some asian)

so i dont know if i agree with you.....maybe i was jsut in the right place at the right time? i kind of also think girls are attracted to guys not their same race

EA Gold

Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2009
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It doesn't matter what color you are that makes dating easier or harder. I guarantee you, if I emulate a black males character and clothing Id have as much success as well even though I'm a Pacific Islander.

The culture influenced by the mainstream media is determining what people are suppose to desire. From the 70's, 80's, 90's and today. Hip-hop and Televised professional sports have significant numbers of black males.

Most people would say that being in 1 of the 2 industries would imply power and social standing which then the media broadcasts this message to millions.

What if 95% of NBA players or hip-hop singers were Asian or Mexicans, this thread would be talking about how easy it is for Asians or Mexicans to game white girls.


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2009
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I think the OP isn't trying to say that white girls are easier ecertera. What he is getting at is that in a situation that people that are from the hood are raised in they have a bit more pressure. So to adapt to it they need to be stronger and grow up faster.

I'm black and i've mostly lived on military bases so I've always been around a good mix of race (I like it better with a grip of races rather than just one) I've only went to a all minority school for 1 year. But my parents are from the hood and naturally the rest of my family is from the hood too(since they didn't join the military). So there has been times where I would stay with family four months at a time and get quite a culture shock.

What ive noticed is that little stuff like frame control and bringing value is comes natural for people who grow up like that. So while we read up on stuff online about it, it's natural for them. Biggest fear there is to show weakness (so stuff like walking with your chest out and talking louder basically all alpha stuff is natural and common in the hood. You won't see to many people walking around with their tail tucked between their legs, you can't walk around showing people you are afraid or you'll be attacked), while out here we are more free to be ourselves. So you are constantly battling for frame control because if you don't have a skill like that you won't survive.

What i'm saying is real, it isn't to glorify a hard upbringing but if you really went to the hood you would be suprised that everyone peacocks,frame controls, tries to bring more value than amogs and has alpha body language (nobody walks around looking like wuss, they can't survive doing that).

In june im going to visit family again out there, and i'm a little afraid because of how dangerous it is, being a new black guy kinda puts a target on your back, **** is scary for real.

So basically in the suburbs weak body language, tone and frame control means you can't get girls, in the hood it means you get robbed killed. So alphaness is taught by their parents and or learned the hard way!


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2008
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What Youngbreezy said, and he isn't exaggerating much at all. As a white kid I sometimes wish I could have some more of the upbringing of the less fortunate to toughen me up a bit and improve myself. I genuinely wish everyone had to grow up at least a year poor, and learn to depend on themeslves and show some god damn street smarts. I like to hang around semi-ghetto kids though, they are a lot more fun much of the time and i get along with them real easy for the most part.


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2008
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What Youngbreezy said, and he isn't exaggerating much at all. As a white kid I sometimes wish I could have some more of the upbringing of the less fortunate to toughen me up a bit and improve myself. I genuinely wish everyone had to grow up at least a year poor, and learn to depend on themeslves and show some god damn street smarts. I like to hang around semi-ghetto kids though, they are a lot more fun much of the time and i get along with them real easy for the most part.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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To the white guys who keep saying it doesn't matter, you are wrong. It does. Most black women (of value, or good looks) hold black men to a higher standard then they do white men. But then the reverse is true for black men as well.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Growing up in the hood does help toughen you but its mainly EGO or FALSE SENSE SELF...Places like this dictate specific identities as to "WHO YOU ARE" and people play the role...

It's no different approaching these girls, you just might have chicks who lack FEMALE POLARITY. (Which is a complete turnoff for me) Coming from a guy who lives in what used to be labeled the worst neighborhood in NY. I find it no different and actually easier because I do NOTHING and they want me. (It's common all over but it's more OBVIOUS)

I STANDOUT, I don't accept the reality or frames that is set in the environment. I walk through my own world, interacting through my own frames. It's so easy to spot me, I standout so much externally and internally...

EVERYTIME I take the bus and train I'm getting eyed in the whole "Who Is This Guy" type of look. Last saturday going to the train, from 10ft away this girl just LOOKED at me on the street as I walked by her. I like social pressure so I would sometimes just stand in the middle of a group of guys 6-14 an they wouldn't JOKE in the way that I'm used to hearing. It's almost like they respect me BEING ME. One guy I basically inspired to go express his personality through his clothing...The funniest was going on the train and having 8 gangmembers just LOOKING an I sit right between them as if nothing is wrong because there wasn't **** to worry about in MY WORLD. There talking gang **** and 5mins later they go in the next cart and beat up some guys.

Overall it might just be super easy cause it's ME, but I've realized most of these guys have a weak frame. I had an incident where it basically debunked there frame...The mere fact of me coming off with that "This guys is interesting" vibe, I get opened. A female cop (Blonde) opened me while with her two male cop partners. Two black chicks on the train during rush hour are directly in my face looking so I say HI an she's giggling, they wanted to know where I was headed, and the friend was hyped that her friend opened me.

I got so many experiences on this there isn't no difference, just easy because of how I am. I've got #closed just for standing around self-amusing. Just gain that full transformation, know who you are, know what you value in wome...Live and express through your own thoughts and identity.

That in itself will ooze dominance...


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2009
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No girls are harder to get than others, you just have to not react to their frame. ITs the same way with every girl.


Ego isn't always a weak frame, its a matter of rather you can believe and can get other people to believe in it. Most people have a problem with believing in their own ego, these people have weak frames.

A person like me who doesn't have an ego can assert my frame because I have alot less to assert. Nobody can deny that you are you. But you have an ego of being a hardass you have to proove that you are a hard ass and have people accept it.

This is the advantage of not having an ego, but saying that the majority has weak frames because they have egos is a vast overstatement. Because almost every person outside of the pick up culture has an ego, and even most of the people in the pick up culture has an ego. So not having an ego is rare, but I people from these places are very adept at enforcing their ego amongst regular people (non pua's).

I would be careful, because you sound like your putting your life on the line a bit. All it takes is one time for you to a mistake in your entire life and it could be cut short.


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2009
Reaction score
Solomon said:
Care to elaborate....
"Harder" implies work. Not reacting is actually less work than reacting. So if someone is giving you more energy/aggression/**** test/ego ectera they are litterally easier to game (for the few non reactive players but not for the reactors), because you act and react alot less. You are litterally expending less energy. This goes for any race, there are going to be girls in each race that are more aggressive/**** testing than others. There are aggressive/**** testing girls from the hood and non aggressive, the same with the suburbs.

So the real question is do you react or not react! If you are a reactor than aggressive girls will be harder if you are a non reactor then they are not. (most puas are reactive, so yeah it will be harder for most but not all)

Why is non reaction so important?

Example: If someone treats you like a kid and you react replying im not a kid (showing that her frame is legitemate; anything important is reality especially since its important enough to deal with NOW.) or taking orders as if you are either way you are invested (emotionally) in the frame thus you are inside her frame. Therefore she is higher than you are because the frame is you are a child and she is the adult.

The olny way to escape this is not reacting (not investing) in any frame that you don't want to be apart of. Use your investments as a reward system.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2004
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Black women aren't harder to game than any other women. If any woman likes you she's going to make it easy for you to get with her. I wanted to f-ck the sh-t out of some of my older sister's (black) friends when I was younger, but alas, I was too young (I looked much younger than I was) and sort of put it out of my mind.

When I got older, some of them made it clear that they were down and I didn't run game on a single one of them, not even a little bit. They may give you the impression that they're harder to game, but they aren't, not as an ethnic group anyway.

That's one thing you can rely on when dealing with women, doesn't matter what the ethnicity, they are all the same, just come in different "flavors".

Also, I've never acted hard or anything around these women, but the men they had in their lives could be described as "thug" like. You would think this is a contradiction, and it does seem that way, but what can I say, it's the honest truth. I've always been sort of quiet and nerdy (you know, video games, reading, that sort of thing) although I did used to sell weed back in the day, maybe that's what did it!!!!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
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I don't think black women are harder to game. I think there is a certain element that may or may not increase your chances though depending on what kind of guy you are.

It's not just black women either. For example, it'd be harder for a thugged out black dude, asian, hispanic, etc to get with a stuck up, preppy, abercrombie wearing white girl. Just like it'd be hard for a dude, like omg type white boy surfer to get with a black revolutionary type chick or one from the hood.

So yeah, how you roll does make a difference. Don't give me this crap about race, lifestyle etc doesn't matter because it does.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Youngbreezy makes alot of good points...

In a nutshell I was just trying to say that if your AUTHENTIC people will generally get sucked into your frame and everything cease to exist, because it almost feels like they no longer have to live up to this EGO. I have a cousin who really plays the whole "I'm a gangsta" role and when he meets me he always loves it because he can drop it. He comes up to me acting like a super positive person, you can see he's much happier just by the content of the conversation that we have.

I see this alot when I am hanging with people because the only thing that exists in my mind is my reality and what I accept into my reality. An if you approach chicks anywhere, regardless then you can really have some success. The few that dislike it are easily screened out because they don't meet your standards.

It's not harder to get a specific type of girl, samething works...BEING YOU

What makes it hard in your mind is based on what you can HANDLE...
- Some guys can't handle aggressive chicks who hold the illusion of a strong frame.
- Some guys can't handle girls who are very shy and have dumb rules
- Some guys can't handle girls who show no reactions
- Some guys can't handle girls who are so called ATTENTION *****S

At the end of the day it will always come back to YOU and how you are. For me personally I can't handle shy/uptight women because I don't like chicks who are like that and instantly want to screen them out. But give me a chick who is a girlie girl, who can ****tease you and sit there just giving you a blank stare or yelling at you. Those chicks I can handle because of how I am...


Master Don Juan
Jan 26, 2009
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GuanYu said:
I don't think black women are harder to game. I think there is a certain element that may or may not increase your chances though depending on what kind of guy you are.

It's not just black women either. For example, it'd be harder for a thugged out black dude, asian, hispanic, etc to get with a stuck up, preppy, abercrombie wearing white girl. Just like it'd be hard for a dude, like omg type white boy surfer to get with a black revolutionary type chick or one from the hood.

So yeah, how you roll does make a difference. Don't give me this crap about race, lifestyle etc doesn't matter because it does.
So your saying whatever your "niche" is that's who you should game? Wrong. I'm not only a black guy I'm an intimidating black guy and when I say that I don't mean in a trying to be tough way. I'm tall darkskin and big.. and when dressed like the average black guy where I'm from look scary.. but I've got ioi's from preppy white chicks..

The point is with black girls.. or really not even black any girl raised in hoods with dominate males..
1. There going to see straight through fake confidence
2. Nothing canned will work
Its direct statements of intention or nothing