Advice for when she plays hard to get.


New Member
Mar 11, 2013
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I met this girl in college right before our winter break, she's been sending me super sexual texts all break, we got back to school Monday, and when I see her at parties she's super flirty but kind of runs off very quickly. She drunk texted at 2 am trying to meet up but she didn't respond when I texted her saying I was down. I texted her the next day telling her shes being a tease and tried to arrange a date but she didn't respond, but shes been like drunk texting me all weekend and Ive been pretty unresponsive because I'm sort of annoyed and don't want to get too invested. On the other hand, I'm definitely intrigued and want to figure out what her deal is. I know she recently got out of a long relationship and is sort of just entering the dating scene again if that effects anything. She might just be looking for a booty call, on the other hand, whenever I see her she like role plays about marriage and mentioned she like told her parents about me. I'm just super confused to be honest.

TLDR: How do you hook/close girls who seem super into you but give you mixed signals?

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
Sounds like an attention wh0re.

Its hard to know exactly what her deal is but one thing I know for sure is SHE is in control and you ARE NOT. :)

So that's the first problem.

Her behavior is most likely testing (sh!t testing) to see what kind of man you are. Women act up to see what response they will get. Your response determines what kind of man you are and what label she will place on you:

- Friend
- Alpha
- Beta faggot
- Creep

Every time a man compromises his terms to adjust to a woman's behavior he is demonstrating low value beta behavior. This is how women figure you out.

If you want to be in the "alpha f*cks" category to get fast submission and easy sex.. you simply need to be the BOSS. But more importantly.. never submit, chase or "go along" with anything you don't agree with or believe in just for the sake of p*ssy. Doing so shows desperation.

If her behavior is unacceptable to you.. tell her. Then let her react however she wants. This is what DJ's do. :up:


New Member
Mar 11, 2013
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Thanks for the advice! She didn't respond when I called her out on playing hard to get. How do I regain control of the situation? And at what point do I stop pursuing and cut my losses and move on?

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
69waystodie said:
Thanks for the advice! She didn't respond when I called her out on playing hard to get. How do I regain control of the situation? And at what point do I stop pursuing and cut my losses and move on?
You re-gain control by refusing to deal with women who care LESS about the relationship than you do. You must always care LESS than her!

You need to decided what is "acceptable behavior" for a woman you are pursuing/trying to f*ck. If a woman goes outside of what's acceptable you need to inform her. Once you inform her, its her choice. Either she submits to your desires or gets NEXTED. Simple as that. A woman who isn't trying to make you happy is a woman who should be avoided.

Your next move is to invite her to meet you at a place and time YOU decide. If she doesn't respond, move on. The woman should be willing to work and invest. If she isn't.. you are just playing yourself by chasing after her.

Also.. you need to spin plates.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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Most guys could solve most of their problems by avoiding these cvnts.

The moment she does something like not respond to a text regarding a hook up, you need to next her IMMEDIATELY.

Sure, I know you're thinking "man she's my only plate right now". but having no plates is better than having ones that suck the blood out of you. If you don't believe me, just ask a guy in a sexless marriage.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
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You just gotta stop playing along. Shut her down and let her play alone and spin her own wheels. The more you play along, the more she wins the upper hand and gains control of you. Shut your phone off after bed, don't buy into the Facebook stupidity, and if she refuses to meet you for a date you Next her. It's really quite simple. Don't waste your time with stupid girls, man.


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2014
Reaction score
PlayHer Man said:
Sounds like an attention wh0re.

Its hard to know exactly what her deal is but one thing I know for sure is SHE is in control and you ARE NOT. :)

So that's the first problem.

Her behavior is most likely testing (sh!t testing) to see what kind of man you are. Women act up to see what response they will get. Your response determines what kind of man you are and what label she will place on you:

- Friend
- Alpha
- Beta faggot
- Creep

Every time a man compromises his terms to adjust to a woman's behavior he is demonstrating low value beta behavior. This is how women figure you out.

If you want to be in the "alpha f*cks" category to get fast submission and easy sex.. you simply need to be the BOSS. But more importantly.. never submit, chase or "go along" with anything you don't agree with or believe in just for the sake of p*ssy. Doing so shows desperation.

If her behavior is unacceptable to you.. tell her. Then let her react however she wants. This is what DJ's do. :up:
hey playerman, i love your posts and think you are the master but i don't know how to apply this to myself? what does spinning plates mean btw?
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PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
triplekaioken said:
hey playerman, i love your posts and think you are the master but i don't know how to apply this to myself? what does spinning plates mean btw?

for example i had this convo with girl from POF:

me: would you say you're open to meeting? or do we have to talk more?

her: unsure, im quite a indecisive person

m: i'm quite a decisive person

h: i figured that

m: lol im guna make the decision. meet me tomorrow?

h: tomorrow? i suppose it would be a matter of when and where. as i do
have work tomorrow and some evening plans

m: midday in -location-

h: i'll likely be at work til 3

m: wanna meet after 3? like 330 or 4?

h: the issue there is i'm gross after work haha frequently covered in dust......

m: have a shower then lol

h: no **** sherlock, just thinking timing, i'll finish work in -location- at about 3ish, probs get home about 4, assuming traffic is ok, and then shower plus getting out to -location- would be closer to 5ish

m: what time are your evening plans

h: after dinner, and dinner is usually 530 or 6ish, maybe 630

m: we can meet for an hour and half or so.... that's all you really need for a first meeting

h: ok so...where are we meeting in -location-

m: meet me at train station? i think it's -location- or -location- station...

m: or a coffee shop near those stations

h: there's nothing near -location- station but -location- station has more around it. sorry but i feel a migraine coming on so im going to bed before it gets worse. talk to you tomorrow.

m: ok cool
Spinning plates means spreading your attention among several woman instead of just focusing on one. It also means being willing to f*ck any woman you find attractive.. even if you already have a woman.

Men (real men) are not meant to be the property of any single woman.

Regarding your POF message... you are giving her too many choices and options. You need to say:

"Let meet here at this time and this place." PERIOD

If she isn't available then don't offer an alternative. Just say something like: "that's too bad".

Another reason to spin plates.

Also.. online dating is STRICTLY for low value men. Think about it. There are no quality women online. ZERO.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
4north1side2 said:
Nice argument you provided. :crackup:

How about backing up your "wrong" with some useful information for everyone?

If you know something I don't.. please share it with us. :up:


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2012
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There are quality women to be found online, but it's like searching for the Loch Ness monster or Bigfoot or something.

99.999% of them will either be fat or so bat$hit crazy or insecure that you really don't want to deal with them. Past 35 or 40 you also get the divorced landwhales with 3 kids who think their $hit doesn't stink because they get 100 messages a day from random guys and they think that puts them in a position to demand things from you, like a relatuonship or excusivity from the get go.

IMO the ONLY reason you should be dating online is if you are into one specific thing...I'm into a particular subset of B.D.S.M. and don't live in a major city so I pretty much have to go online for that. I have, indeed, met some quality attractive women online but they have been very very few and far between. And those are always so far away its impossible to have an actual relationship. Landwhales and crazies are the norm. If I didn't have a need to find other kinksters discreetly I would NEVER deal with it. The vast majority of women online are a complete waste of time. Time you could be putting towards improving yourself and a million other more constructive things. It's so bad, I even neglect my kink mist of the time because online dating is such a ridiculous circle jerk most of the time.

So, yeah, while I have found PHM's blanket generalization to be untrue factually, his point is absolutely correct in any real practical sense. If you absolutely must online date or just want to cover your bases, put serious limits on the time and effort you put into it and never take it that seriously.

Bottom line, you need to get over any approach anxiety you have and go out and get in tje real game. Online can be nice to have available, but if you use it as a crutch you are only holding yourself back.


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2014
Reaction score
PlayHer Man said:
Spinning plates means spreading your attention among several woman instead of just focusing on one. It also means being willing to f*ck any woman you find attractive.. even if you already have a woman.

Men (real men) are not meant to be the property of any single woman.

Regarding your POF message... you are giving her too many choices and options. You need to say:

"Let meet here at this time and this place." PERIOD

If she isn't available then don't offer an alternative. Just say something like: "that's too bad".

Another reason to spin plates.

Also.. online dating is STRICTLY for low value men. Think about it. There are no quality women online. ZERO.

ok cool
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